Candidate Information Package s1

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Candidate Information Package s1


Prepared By: Human Resources Group, Perth May 2008

1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction...... 3 Position Information...... 3 Indicative Timetable for the Selection Process...... 3 Eligibility...... 4 Citizenship...... 4 Security and Police Records Checks...... 4 Security Documentation...... 4 Criminal History & Conduct...... 5 Mitigating factors...... 5 Health Assessment...... 5 Privacy...... 5 Redundancy...... 6 Alcohol & Other Substances...... 6 Illegal Substances...... 6 Smoking...... 6 Selection Process...... 7 Referees...... 7 Anticipated Timeline...... 7 Position Details...... 7 Application Guidelines...... 8 How to Apply...... 8 Responding to the Selection Criteria...... 8 Short listing...... 9 Interviews / Assessment...... 9 Other Selection Techniques...... 9 Reference Checks...... 9 Feedback to Candidates...... 9 Lodging your Application...... 10 Employment Conditions...... 11 General...... 11 Remuneration...... 11 Planned Absences...... 11 Outside Employment...... 11 Probation...... 11 Superannuation...... 12 Uniform...... 12 Drivers Licence...... 12 Rotation...... 12 Hours of Duty...... 12 Information on the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)...... 12 Behaviour and Conduct in the Workplace...... 13 APS Code of Conduct...... 13 APS Values...... 14 Attachments...... 15 Band 1 Level 3 Questions...... 15 DUTY STATEMENT...... 16

2 SELECTION CRITERIA...... 17 A Day in the Life of a Level 3 Import Clearance Quarantine Inspector...... 18

INTRODUCTION Please read this information carefully before preparing and submitting an application.

This package is provided to assist you with the AQIS recruitment and selection process. In this package you will find information about eligibility, details of the selection process, and information on how to prepare your application. You are encouraged to read this information carefully in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for candidates. You should assess yourself against the selection criteria before deciding to apply for the position and prepare an application according to the guidelines in this information kit.

AQIS is committed to best practice selection and advancement principles, processes and decisions that are consistent with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and APS Values, and are based on:

. open and transparent processes which ensure fairness and equity in decisions; . selection based on merit taking into account the skills, attributes, knowledge and qualifications required for the job and the benefits of a diverse workforce; . streamlined and efficient processes; . a balance between operational needs of the workplace and career development opportunities for employees; and . advancement linked to demonstrated performance.


Information about the vacancies is enclosed. The duty statement describes the role and duties of the position and the selection criteria lists the skills, knowledge and attributes that the successful candidate should possess. A job description outlining a typical day is also attached.


Advertisement in Gazette 8th May 2008 Advertisement on the Internet 8th May 2008 Advertisement in West Australian 10th May 2008 Newspaper Closing dates for applications COB Friday 23rd May 2008 Interview and Assessment process Selection Advisory Committee Position Offered Quarantine Inspector Expected Start Date July 2008


Citizenship APS employees are required to be Australian citizens. Under Departmental policy, the Secretary may approve your engagement provided that you have permanent resident status and are actively seeking Australian citizenship (refer for further information on becoming an Australian Citizen). Your engagement may be terminated if citizenship has not been attained within a reasonable time. If you are not an Australian Citizen, or have lodged an application for Citizenship, please indicate this on the Application Cover Sheet and within the body of your application.

Security and Police Records Checks All AQIS employees must hold (at least) PROTECTED security classification. For positions located in airport and wharves, you will also be required to undergo an assessment for an airport (ASIC) and marine (MSIC) security clearances in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Regulations. The vacancy advertisement will outline the security classification required.

Applicants should note that in some instances, security clearance processes will commence at short listing. Applicants are strongly encouraged to start sourcing the availability of these documents on application.

Security Documentation Applicants are required to provide a range of documentation to verify citizenship status and identity. Security clearances are required to determine an individual’s suitability to safeguard classified security information. In order to make this determination a security background investigation is conducted. The information collected must be sufficient to allow an affirmative or negative determination of a person's eligibility for access to classified information and suitability for employment.

Personal documentation must be sufficient to cover all periods of your life and address any significant life changes such as marriage, divorce or name changes via deed poll or other means.

To obtain a PROTECTED security classification clearance subjects must supply ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED COPIES of the following documents:

 Full birth certificate  Marriage certificate  Decree nisi or decree absolute  Deed poll  Australian Government employment history  General employment history  Citizenship  Discharge certificate

4  Address check  Police check

Criminal History & Conduct A history of criminal conduct, irrespective of whether the clearance subject was formally charged with, or punished may be of significant security concern where: . the offences involve dishonesty or deception; . the offences involve misappropriation of resources, or misuse of positions of trust; . the clearance subject would endeavour to ensure that the details of the activity remain concealed from family, friends or work colleagues; . the offences indicate a serious or habitual disregard for the law; or . the offences are indicative of some other basis for concern. A history or pattern of criminal activity may create doubt about the clearance subject’s judgement, reliability and trustworthiness. Such behaviour may indicate the clearance subject’s lack of respect for rules, the law and social expectation.

Mitigating factors The Crimes Act 1914 protects clearance subjects from having previous minor criminal convictions held against them long after the offence has been dealt with, provided they have not since re-offended. These are called ‘spent convictions’. A spent conviction is a conviction for an offence that satisfies all of the following conditions:

. it is 10 years since the date of the conviction (or 5 years from child offenders); . the clearance subject was not sentenced to imprisonment or was not sentenced to imprisonment for more than 30 months. . the clearance subject has not re-offended during the 10 year waiting period (5 year for child offenders); and . an exclusion does not apply (a full list of exclusions is available from the Office of the Privacy Commission).

Health Assessment New APS employees must undergo a medical examination through Health Services Australia or another nominated medical practitioner, to assess whether their health and physical fitness is of an appropriate standard to undertake the duties of the position applied for. Where, after receiving a report from the Commonwealth Medical Officer/medical practitioner, the delegate is not satisfied with your standard of health or physical fitness, he or she may elect not to proceed with offer of employment or terminate your engagement.

Privacy The Privacy Act places obligations on Australian Government agencies (and their employees) in relation to collecting and handling personal information. The information provided in the selection processes and forms will not be used without your prior consent for any purpose other than in relation to your assessment for engagement as an APS employee.

5 Redundancy Candidates will not be engaged if they have received a redundancy benefit from an Australian Public Service (APS) Agency or a non-APS Commonwealth employer within 12 months of the proposed date of their engagement with the Department. Candidates who have received a redundancy benefit are eligible for the positions, but cannot be engaged as an ongoing employee until 12 months has expired since receipt of the redundancy benefit.

Alcohol & Other Substances AQIS is committed to maintaining an alcohol free environment for its employees in compliance with the OH&S (CE) Act 1991, the ACT Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) Act 1977 and associated Regulations. Improper and/or inappropriate use of alcohol and other substances can serious injury the health of employees, impair the workplace performance and endanger the safety and wellbeing of fellow employees and members of the general public.

In line with AQIS’s Drug and Alcohol Guideline, AQIS employees and contractors must not, through the consumption of alcohol or other substances (whether legal or illegal) render themselves unfit or incapable of performing their duties.

Illegal Substances AQIS adopts a zero tolerance policy toward the use of illegal drugs. This position covers the unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, distribution, dispensing, sale or manufacture of controlled substances (drugs, drug paraphernalia, look-alikes, or marijuana) in all AQIS premises and workplaces not owned or operated by AQIS. The violation of these requirements may result in the imposition of disciplinary procedures as defined in AQIS’s Drug & Alcohol Guideline, up to and including, dismissal and referral for prosecution.

Smoking AQIS is required by Occupational Health and Safety legislation to provide employees with a healthy and safe working environment

Smoking is banned:

. in all areas of buildings or parts of buildings occupied by AQIS – including offices, basements, stairwells, toilets and balconies; . in vehicles, vessels or aircraft under the control or hired by AQIS; and . at all social functions held on AQIS premises.

This ban applies at all times, not just in working hours and covers all workplaces in central office, the regions and overseas.

6 SELECTION PROCESS DUFF Recruitment will undertake the recruitment process and assessment of potential applicants on behalf of AQIS. The project Manager is Kerri Duff.

The selection process may include: short-listing, interview, including possible use of selection exercises and reference checks. Panels operate in accordance with departmental recruitment and selection guidelines and consist of at least two members.

Referees Your application should include names and contact details of two referees (one of whom is your current supervisor). If you are unable to provide your current supervisor as a referee as this may prejudice your continuing employment, you should discuss this with the vacancy contact officer.

No written referee reports are required at the time of lodging your application.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to make suitable arrangements with their nominated referees prior to lodgement of their application.

Anticipated Timeline

Advertising in the Public Service Gazette on the 8th May 2008. Advertising in The West Australian newspaper on the 10th May 2008.

Closing date for applications is COB 5pm Friday 23rd May 2008. Commencement date (approx) July 2008.

Weeks 1 - 2 Applications received, assessed and short listed. Weeks 3 - 4 Assessment centre at DUFF Recruitment. Week 5 Group Assessment conducted at AQIS. Weeks 6 - 8 Australian Police Clearance, Medicals, Final interview, Job Offers.

Position Details

Information about the vacancies is enclosed. The duty statement describes the role and the duties of the position and the selection criteria lists the skills, knowledge and attributes that the successful candidate should possess. A description of a “Typical day in the life of an Import Clearance Quarantine officer is attached” Please see attachments 1, 2, 3 & 4


How to Apply

You will need to obtain and read the candidate information package. The package highlights the application process. Applicants are encouraged to apply online. Before you proceed to the website, you will need to ensure you have an up to date CV and your responses to the selection criteria questions ready. The website is click on the AQIS job reference and complete the application as requested.

Responding to the Selection Criteria

Your responses against the Selection Criteria are an important part of your application. It allows you the opportunity to communicate to the Selection Advisory Committee that you have the abilities, experience, performance and personal qualities that would make them feel confident that you should be short-listed for the position.

Your application should not specifically address each of the selection criteria; you need only specifically answer each of the selection criteria questions on Attachment 1

If your application does not address each of the selection criteria questions, you reduce your chance of being “short listed” for interview/assessment. Responses to the selection criteria questions must be concise (no more than two hundred words per question). Wherever possible give specific example, do not simply state that you meet the selection criteria.

The wording of the selection criteria indicates the required level of knowledge, skills and abilities needed for the advertised duties. Examples include:

 demonstrated or proven ability means that you should have successfully performed the activity or used the skill in the past/actual experience rather than just having potential;  general ability or general knowledge implies that you have the potential to acquire the skill or knowledge – if you have not had direct experience with the aspects of work required in the position you could demonstrate your ability by comparing it to similar or equivalent responsibilities, tasks or relevant study undertaken;  thorough, sound or high level gives an indication that advanced skill or knowledge is required.

All selection criteria are weighted equally, unless otherwise noted on the Selection Documentation, and applications will be assessed on all of the criteria.

8 Short listing The selection committee establishes the process for short-listing candidates. All applications received are then examined and evaluated by the Selection Advisory Committee.

Your application will be read and assessed against the selection criteria. After this assessment, one of the following decisions will be made regarding each candidate:

. The candidate will be short-listed and invited to attend an interview and other related assessments; . The candidate will not be short listed for further consideration. In this case you will be notified in writing. . Decisions may be based on application and referee reports only.

Interviews / Assessment As a candidate you will be regarded as being available for interview and/or assessment from the date applications close. If you are going to be unavailable for any length of time, the period must be stated on your application.

Where travel is difficult to arrange or the costs are excessive, some initial assessments may be conducted via telephone. Candidates will be required to attend group exercises in person where possible.

Other Selection Techniques Where appropriate, other selection techniques may be used in the selection process. You may be asked to provide examples of previous work, attend assessment centres, and undertake appropriate tests or structured group and/or individual exercises.

Reference Checks Reference checks will be undertaken, at least, in relation to the preferred candidate(s). They will be obtained from referees with first hand knowledge of performance relevant to the selection criteria, preferably supervisors. You should provide the names and contact details of two nominated referees on your application form.

Selection panels will use referee checks to verify the claims of the preferred candidate(s) in relation to achievements, qualifications, employment history and other significant matters. Unless specified, personal references are not required as part of the application.

9 Feedback to Candidates Post selection feedback will be available to all internal candidates at the conclusion of the exercise. Feedback for external candidates will be provided on request. Feedback is based upon an assessment of the candidate’s suitability in relation to each of the selection criteria.

Candidates will be notified in writing of the Delegate’s decision. Promotions, engagements and reassignments will be notified in the Australian Public Service Gazette.

LODGING YOUR APPLICATION The Project Manager is Kerri Duff at DUFF Recruitment, who will undertake the recruitment process of potential applicants on behalf of AQIS.

Please proceed to the website and click on the AQIS job reference to complete the application as requested.

Closing date is 5pm Friday, 23rd May 2008

No late applications will be accepted.

No faxed copies will be accepted.

An acknowledgement will be sent on receipt of your electronic application only.


General Employment conditions are determined by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry 2006 - 2009 Collective Agreement. You should also be aware that the provisions of the Public Service Act 1999 apply.

The Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Collective Agreement is available on the website at:

Remuneration The remuneration package and terms and conditions for all AQIS positions are governed by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2006-2009 Collective Agreement. Where an individual commences employment with AQIS, salary will normally be payable at the minimum pay point of the relevant work level.

In addition payment of allowances or penalties (as per the DAFF Collective Agreement 2006 - 2009) will be made as and when appropriate.

Planned Absences AQIS requires you to advise us before you seek to be engaged of any period in the coming twelve months for which you have already pre-booked an activity that will mean you will not be available for duty. AQIS appreciates that you may have commitments that you made before you considered applying for an AQIS position. However please be advised that AQIS reserves the right not to accept to engage you if the pre-booked absences cover a period of greater than 4 weeks, particularly in the first six months, from the proposed date of commencement in this offer.

Outside Employment If you intend to continue with any form of employment other than the AQIS engagement, you are required to notify AQIS before the first day of your commencement.

Probation On commencement of employment with AQIS, you will be employed on probation for a period of 6 months from your commencement date, or other period as specified. The length of the probation period will be determined on the basis of the duties to be performed, and will be specified in your written offer of engagement. During your probation period, your conduct (including attendance, general behaviour, relations with other employees etc) and work performance will be assessed. If your conduct or work performance is considered unsatisfactory your employment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period.

Your engagement is on probation for a period of six months from your date of commencement with AQIS. If, during this probationary period, you are granted a combined total of leave of two weeks or more for maternity, personal illness / injury or

11 recreation purposes, the probationary period will be six months plus an additional period which equates to the period of the leave taken.

12 Engagement on probation enables your conduct and work performance to be assessed to determine your suitability for ongoing engagement. If your conduct or work performance at any time during the probation period is considered unsatisfactory your employment may be terminated upon AQIS giving one week's notice or payment in lieu.

To support you in achieving the expected standards, ongoing informal feedback will be provided by your supervisors and formal feedback appraisal sessions are scheduled to occur at the mid-point and end-point of the probation period.

Superannuation Superannuation arrangements will be made in line with requirements for Australian Government employees. Further information is contained on the website and on the Superannuation Fact Sheet on the DAFF website

Uniform Candidates must be prepared to perform duties in an official uniform supplied by AQIS.

Drivers Licence All candidates must hold a valid drivers licence in their State or Territory of residence. It is a requirement that all employees who may be required to drive on AQIS business have a current licence for the vehicle they are to operate.

Rotation It is national AQIS policy that operational staff are rotated through various work areas, with the length of rotation increasing with increasing work levels.

Hours of Duty Successful applicants may be required to work outside the normal span of hours and on occasion overtime will be required to meet operational needs.

Information on the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Information on the roles and responsibilities of DAFF is contained on the website


All Commonwealth employees must comply with the requirements of the Public Service Act 1999, including the APS Values and APS Code of Conduct (see overleaf). The Values and the Code of Conduct specify the type of behaviour and conduct expected. Proven breaches of the Values or Code of Conduct may result in formal action being taken in accordance with the Department’s procedures. Sanctions that may apply for a proven breach of the APS Code of Conduct range from a reprimand through to termination of employment. APS Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct requires that an employee must . behave honestly and with integrity in the course of APS employment; . act with care and diligence in the course of APS employment; . when acting in the course of APS employment, treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and without harassment; . when acting in the course of APS employment, comply with all applicable Australian laws; . comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in the employee’s Agency who has authority to give the direction; . maintain appropriate confidentiality about dealings that the employee has with any Minister or Minister’s member of staff; . disclose, and take responsible steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with APS employment; . use Commonwealth resources in a proper manner; . not provide false or misleading information in response to a request for information that is made for official purposes in connection with the employee’s APS employment; . not make improper use of:  inside information  the employee’s duties, status power or authority, in order to gain or seek to gain a benefit or advantage for the employee or for any other person; . at all times behave in a way that upholds the APS Values and the integrity and good reputation of the APS; . while on duty overseas, at all times behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of Australia; and . except in the course of his or her duties as an APS Employee or with Agency Head’s express authority, not give or disclose, directly or indirectly, any information about public business or anything of which the employee has official knowledge.

14 APS Values

The Australian Public Service:

. is apolitical, performing its functions in an impartial and professional manner; . is a public service in which employment decisions are based on merit; . provides a workplace that is free from discrimination and recognises and utilises the diversity of the Australian community it serves; . has the highest ethical standards; . is openly accountable for its actions, within the framework of Ministerial responsibility to the Government, the Parliament and the Australian public; . is responsive to the Government in providing frank, honest, comprehensive, accurate and timely advice in implementing the Government’s policies and programs; . delivers services fairly, effectively, impartially and courteously to the Australian public and is sensitive to the diversity of the Australian public; . has leadership of the highest quality; . establishes workplace relations that value communication, consultation, co-operation and input from employees on matters that affect their workplace; . provides a fair, flexible, safe and rewarding workplace; . focuses on achieving results and managing performance; . promotes equity in employment; . provides a reasonable opportunity to all eligible members of the community to apply for APS employment; . is a career-based service to enhance the effectiveness and cohesion of Australia’s democratic system of government; and . provides a fair system of review of decisions taken in respect of APS employees.

Agency Heads are bound by the Code of Conduct in the same way as APS employees and have an additional duty to promote the APS Values.

15 Attachment 1 ATTACHMENTS Band 1 Level 3 Questions

No more than 200 words for each question

1. Please describe the role of AQIS in the community, in particular with reference to importing goods into Australia.

2. AQIS is working to maintain Australia’s quarantine integrity through appropriate border protection arrangements. Please describe in you own words the strategies employed by AQIS in border protection.

3. Please describe the 4 main quarantine treatment options.

4. These roles are located in the Import Clearance Program and are situated in many work locations around the CBD. As part of a small team you will deal with people from many different cultural backgrounds. What factors will you need to consider when delivering Quarantine services?

5. Describe a specific example of a time when you had to deal with a complaint from a client. What was the issue? What steps did you take? What was the result?

6. This position requires you to undertake a range of tasks and duties with different safety considerations. What are the Occupational Health & Safety considerations you will need to factor in when working in the Fremantle wharf environment.

16 Attachment 2



Title: Quarantine Inspector (Fulltime) Classification: DAFF Band 1 Work Level 3 Pos No: Various Salary: $45 314 - $47 667 Division: AQIS Branch: Quarantine and Plant Programs Section: Import Clearance Program Location: Perth, Western Australia Immediate Supervisor: DAFF Band 2, Level 5 Pos No: Various Highest Subordinate: DAFF Band 1, Level 2 Date: May 2008

DUTIES 1. Under general supervision and direction perform a wide range of the quarantine inspection functions within a defined work program to achieve and maintain quarantine integrity that may include:

 Undertaking the screening of documents and inspection of imports to determine the quarantine status of imported goods.  Comply with legislation and relevant processes in the assessment of quarantine risk and order goods for treatment, destruction or re-export.  Undertake the inspection of shipping containers and the removal of quarantine risk material from shipping containers.  Undertake the inspection clearance and surveillance of the handling and disposal of quarantine waste.  Perform a wide range inspections at AQIS and Quarantine Approved Premises including; Tailgate Inspections on Containers, Air Freight Containers, Personal Effects, Imported Foods and targeted inspections for exotic pests such as the Giant African Snail (GAS).  Issue, as appropriate, formal AQIS documentation to importers/brokers, transport operators.  Provide technical and administrative support within the Import Clearance program.

2. Positively interact with all relevant stakeholders and communicate key issues and incidents to team members and managers.

3. Contribute to and participate in team meetings. Assist others in achieving team goals and contribute to the development of new employees. Participate in performance management.

4. Work effectively and safely in accordance with APS Values and Code of Conduct within a team environment to achieve operational requirements.

Duty representing highest function: 1 Most time consuming duty: 1



Title: Quarantine Inspector (Fulltime) Classification: DAFF Band 1 Work Level 3 Pos No: Various Salary: $45 314 - $47 667 Division: AQIS Branch: Quarantine and Plant Programs Section: Import Clearance Program Location: Perth, Western Australia

Immediate Supervisor: DAFF Band 2, Level 5 Pos No: Various Highest Subordinate: DAFF Band 1, Level 2

Date: May 2008

QUALIFICATIONS A significant aspect of these positions involves the application of technical knowledge and expertise. Tertiary qualifications in the area of agriculture, horticulture, animal health, entomology, or other quarantine related fields would be an advantage.

IMPORTANT 1. A knowledge and understanding and demonstrated capacity to undertake inspection functions within a defined work program to meet business goals and client service obligations.

2. Demonstrated capacity to undertake (to the required standard and within specified timeframes) ‘on the job’ and formal training provided by AQIS covering the full range of inspection functions within a defined work program.

3. Well developed interpersonal, oral and written communication skills, coupled with strong client focus and team participative skills including the giving and receiving of work instructions and associated training and supervision.

4. Ability to use appropriate computer applications, including word processing and spreadsheets and the ability to quickly acquire AQIS specific applications relevant to the work program.

5. An understanding of and demonstrated commitment to Workplace Diversity, Participative Management, Occupational Health and Safety principles and practices and Australian Public Service (APS) Values and Code of Conduct.


Applicants are required to meet the following conditions of employment:  Successful applicants must possess Australian Citizenship.  Successful applicants must be medically cleared to perform the core duties of the position.  Successful applicants must pass all necessary security clearances.  Successful applicants will be required to wear an official uniform at work.  Successful applicants may be required to work outside the normal span of hours.  Successful applicants must have a current driver’s licence.

18 Attachment 4 A Day in the Life of a Level 3 Import Clearance Quarantine Inspector

05:30 – Get up and get ready for work at 7am.

07:00 – Straight into work inspecting fresh flowers in the Regional Office. Mothers Day is coming up and there are 5 consignments a morning coming in for inspection. It normally takes about 2 hours for this and I have to remember my gloves and to stay away from the rose thorns. Just manage to get in a quick cuppa before getting off to the next job.

09:30 – Off to a Personal Effects bond store for 3.5 hours of inspecting. It’s cold and windy in here in winter and hot like an oven in summer. It takes a bit of work being an inspector - you have to be curious to check in areas that aren’t obvious and be thorough while you’re at it. You also have to know a lot of technical information as well. We are looking for tiny insects, seeds, soil, and other plant material and they may be hidden anywhere.

The conditions aren’t too bad, but it can be monotonous work and I spend 50% of my time inspecting consignments in bond stores. I also inspect fresh produce such as capsicums, asparagus, baby corn, soy bean meal, fertiliser, rice, and fish meal. I generally work alone and unsupervised.

Quite often I have to request the assistance of the bond store staff to move items for inspection for me. I am mindful of their workloads and conflicting priorities – this sometimes requires careful negotiation with all parties.

13:00 – 13:30 Time to stop for lunch sitting in the car in Kewdale. Most times we just have to get lunch on the run without going back to the base office – being flexible helps!

13:45 – 15:00 Booked to do a re-inspection on a used mining machine. It’s critical that I look in every nook and cranny, behind every removable panel, in the air-cleaner, under the electrics on the dash and inside every hollow tube underneath to make sure there is no quarantine risk material (QRM).

This is the 5th time an officer has been back to inspect this machine. The agent is keen to have the machinery released – talk about putting the pressure on. I know my job is to ensure the machine is “clean as new”. After 45 minutes of getting wet from the flushing of the cavities with a cleaner I find another area still packed with QRM and stop the inspection. The agent is not happy but he knows what the quarantine requirements for importation.

14:45 – 15:00 I head back to the office and finish my paperwork. I check my bookings for tomorrow … a full day at 3 bond stores in 7 hours.

As a Level 3 Inspector in Import Clearance Program I can expect to undertake these duties for at least a year and I may be required to rotate into various other positions including:

 In the AIMS area as an officer handling electronic clearances which involves sitting behind a computer all day on the telephone to clients providing quarantine advice.  In the Fremantle Port doing inspections which involve tailgate and container inspections, new vehicles, heavy machinery and personal effects.


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