UNK Staff Senate Monthly Meeting Minutes Nebraskan Student Union, Sandhills Room March 17th, 2015 10:30 a.m.

Present Name Administrative/Managerial Professional: Scott Benson – Vice President Diana Jones Chelsea Swarm Aaron Estes – Secretary Office: Holly Peterson - President Stacy Darveau Carissa Sanny Service: Christopher Wilson Wilma Heinowski Kevin Hunt

Absent: Administrative/Managerial Professional: Megan Fryda Ex-Officio: Mary Chinnock Petroski

I. Call to Order – 10:30 a.m.

II. Roll call was taken by Secretary Estes

III. Adoption of Agenda – Motion: Sanny, 2nd: Heinowski, unanimous approval

IV. Guest Speaker: Bryce Abbey @ 11:15 updating the campus on the bicycle program  The Zagster bike share program is open to anyone with a UNK email address  With a $20 annual membership, people can check out a bike for 2 hours at a time for an unlimited number of times throughout the year. $2 per hour for every hour over 2.  Need to increase memberships from 80 to 3,000 in order to break even financially.

V. February minutes approval – approved via email

VI. Treasurer’s Report (Megan)  No report, Treasurer was unable to attend

VII. Correspondence (Aaron)  Received a ‘thank you’ note from the NU Foundation for Staff Senate’s donation to the Staff Dependents Scholarship Fund. VIII. Committee Reports and Updates (Scott) a. Professional Development  Work Life Balance – Bryce is working on this.  ASSIST – Attended FISH Friday’s; reallocated funds from Professional Growth to t-shirts for participants  Setting up a meeting to meet with Leadership UNK Board to collaborate on ideas to present to Chancellor regarding additional professional development opportunities for staff.  Budget proposal is ready

b. Employee Recognition  Administrative Professionals Day – April 14, 2016 April Showers Bring May Flowers

o Implementing Online Payments

 Reserved room for 2017

c. Communications  New employee recognition

 Please provide Amanda with web page feedback if you have it.

 Preparing for Elections

d. Policy  No update

IX. Current Business a. Staff Dependent Scholarship  Kickoff for the campaign will be on March 28th  Kyle Means created a video and a flyer for promotion

b. Committee Budgets  Senate will consider allocating some general funds to the Senate in the future, rather than allocating all of the funds to the committees. This money could be used for general purchases, such as a table cloth  Will vote on committee budget proposals next month

c. Storm Hockey Game Debriefing  $755 donated to the scholarship fund  Might start ticket sales after Christmas next year

d. Spring Athletic Event  Will work with Athletics to have a faculty/staff night at the baseball game on Tuesday, April 19 against Fort Hays  Faculty/staff will get in for free and Senate can do a split the pot as a scholarship fundraiser

e. Service Ideas  Members of the Senate will assist with delivering lunches to groups of first year students, faculty and staff during an orientation program that takes place the Saturday before the start of the fall semester

X. Future Business  No new future business

XI. Announcements a. Faculty, Staff and Student Senate Pot Luck  Wilma thanked Holly for her work on the pot luck  Faculty Senate indicated an interest in doing it again next year  Approximately 24 people attended

b. Equity, Access and Diversity Advisory Group  Conducting a diversity audit on campus  The group will be proposing a variety of ideas to address issues on campus

XII. Adjournment – Motion: Wilson, 2nd: Swarm, unanimous approval

Next meeting: Tuesday, April 19th, 2015 10:30 a.m. Sandhills Room, Nebraskan Student Union