2016 AP Language and Composition/ Sandvick

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2016 AP Language and Composition/ Sandvick

2016 AP Language and Composition/ Sandvick

Tone Words List #2

Dispassionate: Not influenced by strong emotion, and so able to be rational and impartial; cool; unbiased.

Dogmatic: asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated

Ecstatic: Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement; rapturous.

Edifying: Providing moral or intellectual instruction; instructive.

Effervescent: Vivacious and enthusiastic; bubbly; sparkling.

Effusive: Expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner; demonstrative; expansive.

Elegiac (el-i- jahy - uh k): Having a mournful quality; doleful; expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past.

Equanimous (ih-kwan-uh-muh s): Of an even, composed frame of mind; of a steady temper; not easily elated or depressed.

Equivocal: Open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous; Uncertain or questionable in nature; Non-committal.

Erudite: characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly

Esoteric: understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite

Facetious (fuh-see-shuh s): Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant; not meant to be taken seriously or literally.

Fanatical: Possessed with or motivated by excessive, irrational zeal; Obsessively concerned with something.

Frenetic: Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way; Wild and rabid.

Frenzied: Wildly excited or uncontrolled; frantic and furious.

Glum: Looking or feeling dejected; morose; gloomy and sulky.

Haughty: Arrogantly superior and disdainful; lofty and prideful.

Impartial: not partial or biased; fair; just.

Impertinent: Exceeding the limits of propriety or good manners; improperly forward or bold; brash; rude. 2016 AP Language and Composition/ Sandvick

Incendiary: Tending to inflame or stir up divisiveness and controversy; inflammatory.

Insolent: Showing a rude or arrogant lack of respect; saucy; pert.

Introspective: Reflective; inward looking; given to self-examination.

Irenic (ahy-ren-ik): Promoting peace; conciliatory.

Irked: Irritated; annoyed.

Jocular: Fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful; comic.

Jovial: Cheerful and friendly; joyful; merry.

Judicious: Having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense.

Laconic: Using very few words; Brief; short and succinct.

Lachrymose (lak-ruh-mohs): Tearful or given to weeping; inducing tears.

Leery: Cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions; distrustful.

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