The November Meeting at Brandeis Was Very Well Attended s1

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The November Meeting at Brandeis Was Very Well Attended s1

Northeastern Section of the ACS Monthly Board Meeting Tufts University, Medford MA May 10th, 2012

Members and guests in Attendance: M. Chen, C. Costello, J. Driscoll, M. Filosa, N. Green, P. Gordon, J. Larese, D. Lewis, J. Li, R. Lichter, M. Mahaney, P. Meltzer, D. Phillips, J. Phillips, J. Piper, M. Schwartz, M. Shultz, M. Singer, S. Su and R. Tanner,

The meeting was called to order at 4:00pm with R. Tanner as the Chair.

The minutes from April 2012 were approved as presented.

Chair: R. Tanner  There will be a Long Range Planning meeting of the Board on Thursday, June 14, 2012. The meeting will take place at the Holiday Inn in Woburn. At 4:30 PM Jennifer Maclachlan will be giving a session using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more effective communication. Bring your laptop if you so choose. At 5:30 PM there will be a light buffet dinner. During our dinner, Heidi will give a slide photo presentation of the Student Exchange trip to Rostock in March 2012. The Board Meeting will start at 6:00 PM. The Executive Committee will suggest an agenda to begin the discussion. Send in your suggestions as well, to the Chair, for agenda considerations.  The Executive Committee met on April 26, 2012. A copy of the minutes of the meeting is available by sending an email request to the Secretary, Michael Singer. Three issues were discussed: (a) the vacant Chair of the Speakers’ Bureau; (b*) Canvassing Committee for the Esselen Award; (c*) Long Range Planning Considerations.  (b*) Canvassing Committee for the Esselen Award o Arthur Obermayer, a past Chair of the Esselen Award, has suggested a Canvassing Committee (Search Committee) for soliciting names as possible nominees for the Esselen Award. He feels that we need a broader approach and wider search, one that more resembles the National ACS structure for national awards. This, of course, could extend to all of the NESACS national awards. A Committee of the Chairs for the 2011 and 2010 awards (Esselen, Richards, Norris, and ACS Fellows) is being considered to discuss this issue. Dorothy Phillips, the Chair of the Award Committee, would coordinate the discussions.  (c*) Long Range Planning Considerations o The minutes of the Long Range Planning meetings of June 13, 2002; June 22, 2004; and June 8, 2006 were reviewed at the beginning of the discussion. Four topics were discussed for our June 2012 meeting: (1) funding by soliciting funds for specific local endowments; (2) succession planning; (3) sponsoring a NERM; and (4) increasing member participation using standard marketing strategies.

May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 1 of 12 o The Section Handbook needs to be updated. Review the section in the Handbook that applies to your activities, and send the updating to Anna Singer. The updates should be sent to Anna by the June 14 th meeting. If no updating is required, so indicate this to Anna. The Handbook is published by the Board of Publications and is on the NESACS website.  For Councilors and Alternate Councilors, let Anna Singer know if you are available to attend the ACS meeting in Philadelphia at the end of August, if you have not already answered the email request.

Chair Elect: L. Shao  Confirmed Madeleine Jacobs as the speaker for October’s meeting. The title of her speech is “Innovation, Chemistry, and Jobs: Is Entrepreneurship in Your Future?”  Arranged long range planning meeting at Holliday Inn Select, Woburn, MA on June 14th, 4:00~9:00pm.

Secretary: M. Singer  No written report

Treasurer: J. Piper  See Treasurer’s report appended at the end of this report.  Recommend to keep the local section dues at $22.00 for 2013. o Recommendation accepted by voice vote.  Contracts have been received for Nucleus Business Manager and Advertising Manager.  The Treasurer’s Report for Mar 2012 was approved as presented.

Archivist: T. Frigo  No written report

Trustees: P. Meltzer  See Trustee’s report appended at the end of this report.  The report was discussed in some detail.

Councilors: Councilor reporting  No written report

Standing Committees Budget Committee: J. Piper  No written report

Awards: D. Phillips  ACS Fellows Nominations o NESACS submitted four nominations for ACS Fellows on April 23, 2012.  New topic: Canvassing for nominees for NESACS Awards

May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 2 of 12 o Dialogue concerning increasing the number of nominees for NESACS awards by exploring current practices and recommending new ones for canvassing has been initiated; Esselen, Richards and Norris awards as well as ACS Fellows nominations are included. The plan is to bring this topic to the long-range planning meeting in June and back to the Board in the fall of 2012 for action, if necessary.  Second Call for nominees for the Henry A. Hill Award o Henry A. Hill was Chairman of our Section in 1963. He was very active in the national ACS. He was Director of the ACS in 1971-1975 and was elected in the fall of 1975 to serve as President-Elect in 1976 and became President in 1977. o Award Criteria: o The Henry A. Hill Award for Outstanding Service to the Northeastern Section is awarded annually to a member, to a former member, or in memory of a deceased member or former member of the Section who has made outstanding contributions to the Section's programs and activities. It shall be awarded annually at a regular meeting of the Northeastern Section unless otherwise specified by the Board of Directors. The award is frequently presented at the October meeting. Previous recipients are listed on the NESACS website. o Please send nominations with a statement of support to Dorothy J. Phillips at [email protected]. The statement should give contact information for the nominee, service and contributions to NESACS with the dates of these programs and activities. o Deadline for submission is June 15, 2012. This notice will be posted on the NESACS website with submission to the Section administrative office.

Local Arrangements: M. Burgess  No written report

Chemical Education: M. Schwartz  No written report

Chemical Education: S. Lantos  This year was a banner year for the high school examinations. We had more students register than ever, 163. Of those, 141 students from 31 schools across the section actually sat for this year's Ashdown Exam at Simmons College on Saturday March 31. Of these students, 25 top scorers qualified to take the nationally administered US National Chemistry Olympiad on Saturday April 21 also held at Simmons College. Once again, I'm pleased to report that we have a returning student, Ruifan Pei of Acton-Boxboro Regional High School (Teacher David Baumritter), amongst nearly 1000 students nationwide to take the USNCO in the top 20 across the US, qualifying him to again attend the two week US National Olympiad Study Camp at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. Of these top 20 students, 4 will be selected to represent the US at the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) held this year in Washington DC in mid-July. This is the first

May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 3 of 12 time the IChO will be held in the US since 1995 and we look forward to strong work from our Chemistry Olympians on home turf!

Board of Publications: M. Mahaney  Michael Signer has agreed to be the 2012 Board representative to the Arno Heyn Award Committee. Mary Mahaney will be the 2012 committee Chair.

Nucleus Editor: M. Filosa  Nucleus is on budget thru the April issue.  Good content continues to come in.  The Website is ready to roll out the new formatting. o Concern was raised by the Treasurer that the funding for the Website redesign has not been approved by the Board. A source of the funds needs to be identified.

Web Report: M. Levine  No written report

Constitution & By-laws: C. Costello  No written report

Membership: M. Chen  No written report

Nominations: P. Gordon  Motion: To appoint Doris Lewis and Christine Jaworek-Lopes as the NESACS Board representatives to the 2013 nominating committee.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Professional Relations: M. Chorghade  No written report

Public Relations: J. Driscoll  ACS National Chem. Historic Landmark

o Still working with the Chemical historic Landmark Commission- Proposed Ed Land/ Polaroid and at committee meeting on May 1, 2012 got very positive feedback to proceed

 SE MASTEM Program (NESACS and NESACS members from other companies)other on May 24- -Have 4 schools from Cape- (Sandwich, Barnstable, Provincetown & Upper Cape Regional High,)Companies/Organizations, PID Analyzers, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Nova Biomedical, Cape Cod Science Café, NESACS, Smithers Pharma ( )

May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 4 of 12  Cambridge Science Festival-chemistry Demonstrations- 15 NESACS volunteers plus Dr. Alvin Collins ACS HQ) on April. 21, 2012; had 10 tables and several hundred people

 ( cambridge.html )

 Chemistry of Food @ Cambridge Science Festival (April 23)- 129 people registered / Posted in BB Patch & Arts Boston (Wicked Local Camb) – about 80 people showed up at event- Sara Reich, ACS Food specialist flew in from Budapest to give the lecture. ( at.html )

 NH Science Café- found a group in Concord, NH that has 10 monthly programs/yr. Started in 2012. Would like to work with us. ( science.html )

 Worked with NSYCC to provide a entrepreneurial workshop for Career day on April 14.; fifty seven people registered ( chemists.html )

 Went to the Sparkle training in Washington, DC on the Weekend of April 27, 2012 ( )

o At the training I met Madeline Jacobs and she has agreed to be a speaker at the upcoming local small business workshop.

 Working with Southeastern MA (Cape Cod and the Islands) on a Stem Expo to be held in June.

 Need NESACS people to participate in the other regional state STEM committees (Boston, Northeast, and Metrowest)

 A Boston area group is looking for local area science chapters and organizations to participate on a Massachusetts Council on STEM Professional Societies.

o Could NESACS form a STEM committee to support local section STEM activities? The committee would need to set a clear mandate and focus.

o Can we get someone from the organizing group to address the Section at an upcoming meeting?

May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 5 of 12 Special Committees Continuing Education: VACANT  No written report

Fundraising: VACANT  No written report

Government Affairs: D. Lewis  The GAC is meeting on Friday May 11 at 11:30 at Legal Sea Foods Kendall Square. Agenda items include the October symposium on small business and innovation and reports on recent area STEM meetings. RSVP to Doris Lewis  Act4Chemistry has sent out an e-mail blast regarding NSF funding.

Esselen Award: H. Mayne  No written report

IYC +1: M. Hoffman  No written report

Medicinal Chemistry Group: R. Rajur  The September 2012 medicinal chemistry meeting will be held at Crown Plaza Hotel in Woburn, MA. The symposium title is “Globalization of Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry Strategies, Innovations, and Future Trends”. This is half day symposium which starts at 1.00 pm.

National Chemistry Week: C. Jaworek-Lopes  Our Section held an Earth Day event on April 22, 2012 at the MoS-Boston. Approximately 75 volunteers from Beyond Benign, Emmanuel College, Gordon College, Malden High School, Northeastern University, Salem State University, and Simmons College participated in this event. Each institution brought a hands-on activity to share with visitors. The Museum had 6300 visitors that day and it is estimated that 2000 individuals participated in our activities.  Our Section also participated in the CCED Illustrated Poem contest. We had 50 entries from a number of schools. The winners for the NESACS were: o 3rd -5th grade: Audrey McCarthy (3rd grade) . School: Hellenic American Academy; mentor: Mrs. Fahey o 9th-12th grade: Joytika Bhargo (10th grade) . School: Somerville High School; mentor: Susan Schmidt o Each student will receive a gift certificate to and the mentors will receive a gift certificate to

Norris Award: J. Jasinski  No written report

NERM: M. Hoffman  No written report

May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 6 of 12 Project Seed: C. Schnitzer  No written report

Richard’s Award: P. Mabrouk  No written report

Speakers’ Bureau: VACANT  No written report

Summerthing: D. Lewis  A thank you letter from the Wilmington Boy Scouts was received in appreciation of receiving some of the section Summerthing Red Sox tickets.  Need to think of ways to reconnect with the H.S. chemistry teachers that were clear supporters of Summerthing Red Sox games in the past.

Women’s Chemist Committee: P. Mabrouk  No written report

YCC: H. Teng  On April 28th the 14th Annual Student Chemistry Research Conference was held at Northeastern University, sponsored by the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Northeastern University. Graduate students, undergraduate students, professionals and professors gathered for a day long event to share their work. This event featured 41 student poster and 10 oral research presentations.  The following awards were presented  Oral Presentation Awards o Outstanding Oral Presentation Award (sponsored by Strem Chemicals): o Nicholas DeLateur - Northeastern University "Investigating Single Layer Versus Multi-Layer Active Sites with Alkaline Phosphatase" o Excellent Oral Presentation Award (sponsored by The Conditas Group): o Chris Theile - Boston College "Synthesis of Ring Expanded Cyclo-deoxyuridine and Deoxyadenosine"  Poster Presentation Awards o Excellent Poster Presentation by a Graduate Student Award (sponsored by Strem Chemicals): o Colin J. Murphy, Tufts University o "Elucidating the rotation of a single surface bound molecule with a view of developing a synthetic molecular motor" o Excellent Poster Presentation by an Undergraduate Student Award (sponsored by The Conditas Group): o Shoshana Bachman, Wellesley College

May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 7 of 12 o "Stereospecific electrophilic addition of amidoaldehydes to oxazoles using Lewis acid catalysts" o Graduate Women in Science Award (sponsored by GWC, Alpha Omega Chapter) Excellent Poster Presentation by a Female Presenter: o Anna Levina - MIT o "Palladium-Catalyzed β-Hydride Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Bromides and Tosylates Leading to Terminal Alkenes"  Phyllis A. Brauner Memorial Book Award o Allen Shih – Harvard University o “Supercharged Protein as a Vehicle for Therapeutic Protein Delivery“

YCC / GDCh 2012 exchange: M. Strem / H. Teng  No written report

BAGIM: K. Mattes  The second 2012 Comp Together-BAGIM meeting was held at the Harvard Faculty Club in Cambridge, MA and was sponsored by the Chemical Computing Group ( ). Meeting announcements were made on the BAGIM Website ( , the NESACS Website ( and the Computer in Chemistry CompTogether website (  Nineteen (19) accepted the invitation. Nineteen attended the dinner (19) and twenty-one (21) attendees attended the presentation representing nine (9) companies and one university (Boston College). Total cost for the evening was paid for by CCG. Income and BAGIM subsidy for the dinner was $760.00.

Old Business  None

New Business  None

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Michael Singer Secretary - NESACS

May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 8 of 12 May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 9 of 12 May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 10 of 12 May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 11 of 12 Trustees Detailed Report (P. Meltzer) Change in Total Month Total Value Deposits/Withdrawals Value NET of Market Value Investment Portfolio % NET YTD Deposits/Withdrawals YTD Cash Mutual Funds Fixed Income Equities Dec-10 $2,702,470 $0 Jan-11 $2,684,135 ($34,252) $2,668,218 $15,917 3.0 9.2 16.1 71.7 Feb-11 $2,721,585 ($34,252) $2,668,218 $53,367 3.8 9.8 16.2 70.2 Mar-11 $2,736,427 ($34,252) $2,668,218 $68,209 5.7 9.4 16 68.9 Apr-11 $2,806,074 ($42,040) $2,660,430 $145,644 7.9 9.5 16.5 66.1 May-11 $2,781,135 ($57,974) $2,644,496 $136,639 16.9 9.5 17 56.6 Jun-11 $2,726,548 ($102,476) $2,599,994 $126,554 7.2 9.6 18 65.2 Jul-11 $2,672,872 ($110,248) $2,592,222 $80,650 7.3 9.6 18.4 64.7 Aug-11 $2,627,327 ($110,248) $2,592,222 $35,105 8.3 9.6 20.4 61.7 Sep-11 $2,489,450 ($110,248) $2,592,222 ($102,772) 15.2 9.1 20.4 55.3 Oct-11 $2,626,196 ($125,193) $2,577,278 $48,918 10.9 9.2 19.9 60.0 Nov-11 $2,607,804 ($125,224) $2,577,246 $30,558 8.0 9.2 23.6 59.2 Dec-11 $2,610,221 ($125,224) $2,577,246 $32,975 19.7 9.6 24.7 46.0 Jan-12 $2,694,552 ($7,297) $2,602,924 $91,628 10 9.2 23.4 57.4 Feb-12 $2,725,893 ($22,413) $2,587,808 $138,085 8.7 9.4 22.5 59.4 Mar-12 $2,732,762 ($22,413) $2,587,808 $144,954 11.9 10 22.6 55.5 Apr-12 $2,725,893 ($22,413) $2,587,808 $138,085

12/31/2011 3/31/2012 YTD Summary Total Investments $2,610,221 $2,694,552 Total Deposits & Expenses ($125,224) ($7,297) Market Gain(Loss) $32,975 $144,954 YTD Gain (Loss) ($92,249) $137,657 YTD Loss (Market + Exp/Dep) -3.4% 5.1%

May 2012 NESACS Board Meeting Minutes 12 of 12

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