Loose Leaf Graph Paper (At Least 50 Sheets)

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Loose Leaf Graph Paper (At Least 50 Sheets)

Class Expectations IB Physics Dr. Williams

Welcome to IB Physics. Physics is a study of how the world works. The role of physics is to develop a systematic understanding of the fundamental laws that govern physical, chemical, and biological processes. This course is designed to instruct students in foundational physics concepts, to prepare students to exist in an increasingly technological society, to develop students’ analytical, problem solving, and laboratory skills and to integrate math, science and technology.

Materials: Loose leaf graph paper (at least 50 sheets) Three Ring Binder Scientific Calculator (Graphing Calculator Strongly Recommended) Pencil Paper Eraser IB Lab Fee - $50

All materials should be brought to class daily, including the student textbook. Loose leaf graph paper is required for graphing. Graded work, bell ringers, lecture notes, handouts, and other class materials should be kept in a three-ring binder. A scientific calculator is required, however a graphing calculator is highly recommended. Students should do all calculations in pencil, and should bring a pencil, paper and good eraser to class every day.

Homework: Students will be assigned short homework assignments daily which are due at the beginning of the following class. Homework will be graded at least weekly at the teacher’s discretion.

Grading: Students will be given a test after each unit. On the date of the unit test, students will turn in note cards with definitions of all vocabulary for that unit and labeled relevant equations. In addition all homework for that unit will be turned in. Note cards and homework will be saved for students to review for the IB exam. Bell ringers will be graded through these assessments. Students will use note cards, tests, bell ringers, labs, and homework to study for the IB exam. Although labs will be performed in groups, students will prepare individual lab write ups. Lab write-ups must be typed and submitted electronically by the deadline given or printed and handed in to me. Students may also be asked to complete projects which require time spent outside of class.

The course grade will be calculated based on the following percentages: Nine Weeks: Unit Tests – 50% Labs / Projects – 25% Classwork - 10% Notecards and Equations - 5% Homework – 10% Semester: 1st Nine Weeks – 40% 2nd Nine Weeks – 40% Semester Exam – 20%

Homework problems requiring mathematical solutions will be given a grade 0-4. 1- Student did not attempt the problem 2- Student put pencil to paper 3- Student tried to solve the problem, but did not fully understand the concepts involved. 4- Student solved the problem, but made a calculation error or simple mistake, resulting in an incorrect answer. 5- Student solved the problem correctly and showed all work.

Correct answers without including work will be given a score of 1.

Makeup Work and Late Work: Late homework and labs will be accepted up to 5 school days late with a penalty of 5% for each day that it is late. Makeup work from an excused absence must be turned in within 5 days of a student’s return in order to receive credit. Students are responsible for any work, bell-ringers, and notes given during an absence. If students cannot obtain bell ringers or notes from a fellow student, they will be provided by the instructor upon request. If a quiz or lab is missed due to an absence, students must make arrangements with the instructor to make these up. Failure to do so after five days will result in a zero grade for assignments missed during an absence. Students are expected to participate in quizzes on announced dates, regardless of prior absences, except in situations involving long-term illnesses.

Makeup work is the responsibility of the student.

Labs: Labs will be a regular part of this course, and all students are expected to participate in an active and appropriate manner. Proper behavior in the lab is of utmost importance, and improper behavior will not be tolerated. Students are responsible for all safety rules listed in Flinn Scientific’s Student Safety Contract. Failure to follow these rules, or any additional rules or instructions given by the instructor during the lab can result in a zero lab grade or an ejection from the lab if circumstances warrant.

Textbook: Oxford IB Physics 2014 Edition

Scope and Sequence: Year 1: Topic 1 – Measurements and Uncertainties Topic 2 – Mechanics Topic 3 – Thermal Physics Topic 4 – Oscillations and Waves

Year 2: Topic 5 – Electricity and Magnetism Topic 6 – Circular Motion and Gravitation Topic 7 – Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Physics Topic 8 – Energy Sources Classroom Policies: All students will show respect for fellow students, the instructor, and the property of fellow students, the instructor, and the school. A “bell-ringer” assignment will be given every day posted on the board or screen.

Students are expected to be fully prepared for class and working individually on the bell-ringer.

Homework is due at the beginning of class.

Horseplay and harassment in any form will not be tolerated.

Active student participation is expected.

In the classroom, backpacks and other items should be kept under the desk and clear of the aisle.

No food, candy, gum, or drink (except plain water) is allowed in the classroom. (Exceptions will be made for students with medical conditions.)

Water containers should be put away and sealed during any lab activities. Closed toe shoes must be worn in the lab at all times.

Cell phones should be stored in backpacks and should not be used unless specifically advised to do so by the teacher. Unauthorized cell phone usage will receive a single warning. Upon additional unauthorized usage, the cell phone will be taken up and held until the end of class. Repeated violations of the cell phone policy will result in further disciplinary procedures as outlined below.

Disciplinary Procedures: Step 1 – Warning Step 2 – Student Behavior Contract Step 3 – Parent Contact Step 4 – Disciplinary Referral

My contact information is listed below. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Email will receive the timeliest response.

Dr. Marcie Williams Ooltewah High School Email: [email protected] Phone: 423-238-5221 x2294 Student Information:

Student Name ______


Parent Information:

Cell Phone ______


I have read the syllabus and understand the class expectations for Honors Physics, and by signing below I agree to follow all class expectations and policies. I understand that failure to do so will result in behavioral and academic consequences. I also recognize that these policies are subject to change, and that I will be informed of any changes throughout the year.

Student signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/guardian signature: ______Date: ______IB Physics 2016 – 2018

Important Parent/Student/Teacher Communication Information:

Parents and Students are encouraged to use the Remind app to communicate with me and to receive important class announcements such as quiz, homework, and due date reminders.

Please visit the following link to sign up for this service: remind.com/join/bbfh4 Or text @bbfh4 to 81010 to sign up for text messages from Remind.

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