Traffic Management Layout Diagrams

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Traffic Management Layout Diagrams

TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN Traffic Management Plan Reference For Office Use Only

Contractor Client Organisation ______

Contract RCA Consent Reference ______Name/Number

Road Name(s) Road Level (LV, 1, 2, 3) Speed Limit From RP

Western Bay of Level LV, Various Location Plenty District Area Level 1, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 To RP and 100 km/h and Level 2 Various

Description of Undertake inspections – day/night activity. Activity

Work Programme Various from ______to ______Proposed/ Restricted Work No restrictions to work hours proposed Hours

Traffic Details Peak Hour Flow AADT Varies (Main Route) Varies

Active: For all levels of road: if the following criteria cannot be met a mobile, semi static or static TTM closure (not covered by this TMP) will be used. 1 Inspections on Foot 1.1 Level LV

Proposed Traffic As per appended Diagrams TMP 1 and 2: Management  Inspector will be either STMS qualified or TC qualified and briefed by a qualified Method STMS.  TC (or STMS) to be on site at all times.  Vehicle to have roof mounted flashing beacon(s) operating.  The inspection activity will take place downstream of the vehicle.

 Where the inspection is on the live lane a lookout person will be used (in addition to the inspector) to warn the inspector of oncoming traffic (Ref D7.2(d) of COPTTM). The lookout will have continuous and instantaneous communication with the inspector (eg. Two way radio, car horn, hand held air horn) and will be positioned such that they are able to view oncoming traffic approaching the inspector from no less than CSD away from the inspector. That is, while the lookout may only have (for example) 50 m sight distance to oncoming traffic, provided they are positioned in a safe location at least 250 m upstream of the inspector, CSD has effectively been

1 provided, in a 100 km/h speed limit area. The lookout will not enter into the live lane. If CSD cannot be achieved, a mobile, semi static or static TTM closure (not covered by this TMP) will be used.  The inspection activity will take place downstream of the vehicle. 1.3 Level 2 Roads As for Level 1 roads, except that:

 All inspections will be carried out from a safe position outside the edge line of the road (that is, on the shoulder of the road).  At least one person on site will have STMS 2/3 NP qualification (as a minimum).

2 Mobile Inspections: Level LV, 1 and 2 Roads Mobile inspections (which are inspection activities carried out from a moving vehicle) can be carried out within the live lane of a Level LV, 1, or 2 road, provided the vehicle travels at the same speed as the surrounding traffic and does not obstruct traffic flows. The following criteria apply:  A rear mounted TW 27 sign is required.  Roof mounted flashing beacon(s) will be fitted to the inspection vehicle, however, the beacon(s) will not be operated when the inspection vehicle is travelling at the same speed as the surrounding traffic.  Preferably a two person operation. Mobile inspections can be carried out within the live lane of a Level LV, 1, or 2 road with the inspection vehicle travelling at a speed slower than the surrounding traffic provided the following criteria are met:  The vehicle is fitted with a rear mounted TW 27 sign and roof mounted operating flashing beacon(s).  The inspection is undertaken by two people (1 driver and 1 inspector).  Other traffic flows are not obstructed. To achieve this, the inspection vehicle will pull onto the shoulder of the road and allow other traffic to pass the inspection vehicle without the other traffic needing to cross the centre line to achieve this.  Slow mobile inspections in the live lane will only be carried out when traffic volumes are low enough such that the preceding criteria can be met.

When a mobile inspection is not within the live lane the following criteria will apply:  The vehicle is fitted with a rear mounted TW27 sign and operating flashing beacon(s).  The inspection is undertaken by two people, as a preference.  The inspection vehicle is to be positioned as far left as possible (in shoulder or berm) and not encroach onto the live lane. In all cases for mobile inspections:  On Level LV and 1 roads, at least one person on site will be qualified to at least TC level and briefed by a qualified STMS. Alternatively at least one person on site will be qualified to STMS level.  On Level 2 roads at least one person will be a qualified STMS 2/3 NP (as a minimum). Mobile inspections will be carried out from an inspection vehicle that complies with the requirements of D1.3 of COPTTM.

2 Unattended:

Not Applicable Night:

As for daytime inspections

Proposed Speed Restrictions No speed restrictions will be used for inspection activities.

Positive Traffic Management As described in this document and on the attached diagrams (Refer: TMP 1 and 2). Measures

The inspection activity will cease if the public or Opus staff are deemed to be at risk. Contingency Plans Personnel undertaking inspections will move to avoid traffic, and will not expect traffic to move or slow down for the inspection activity. Public Not applicable Notification

Inspection vehicle will have one or two roof mounted yellow/amber flashing beacons, which will be activated during inspection activities (except as noted otherwise). Where only one flashing beacon is used, it will be either centrally mounted, or on the driver’s Personal Safety side. The inspection vehicle will have a rear mounted TW 27 sign (except as noted otherwise for Level LV roads).

At all times when outside of the inspection vehicle, while undertaking inspection activities, personnel will wear high visibility garments which comply with COPTTM. The person responsible for the site (TC or STMS as appropriate) will continuously monitor the site to ensure traffic control remains effective and safe. Improvements (that comply with COPTTM and are not contrary to this approved TMP) will be made as required. On-Site Due to the limited amount of equipment involved and the close proximity of the Monitoring inspector(s) to the inspection vehicle, formal documentation of monitoring will not be required.

The STMS briefing of TC personnel will be documented and a copy of this documentation will be appended to this traffic management plan. Other Information (eg. delay calcs, EED issues, temporary speed issues, etc)

Layout Diagrams Refer to attached diagrams TMP 1 and 2

EED Applicable? Y/N Attached Y/N

Name (STMS) Phone (24 hours) Traffic Controllers As per appended list As per appended list

3 Contractor/Applicant Date TMP prepared accurately to ______represent site First Name / Last Name / Qualification conditions and submitted by Cert No: ______

Engineer Date Requires Amendment Cert No:

This TMP is Approved on the Following Basis

1. To the best of the approving Engineer’s judgment this TMP conforms to the requirements of Transit New Zealand’s Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management. 2. This plan is approved on the basis that the activity, the location and the road environment have been correctly represented by the applicant. Any inaccuracy in the portrayal of this information is the responsibility of the applicant. The STMS for the activity is reminded that it is the STMS’s duty to “Postpone, cancel or modify operations due to the adverse traffic, weather or other conditions that affect the safety of this site” (reference A4.5).

Approving Engineer:......

(Name and Certificate Number)



TMC: ...... Date: ......

Acceptance by TMC Cert No: ......


The following TMP layout diagrams will be complied with while carrying out inspections. TMP 1 will be used whenever team members leave the vehicle and are inspecting from off the live lane. TMP 2 will be used for Level 1 roads, if inspector needs to go onto the carriageway (for example, to take photographs or measurements). TMP 2, without the lookout, is generally adequate for Level LV roads (subject to the criteria described in the TMP being fully complied with). TMP 1 Inspections not on Carriageway (for Level LV, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 roads)

• One or two flashing beacons on vehicle. If one, must be on driver’s side • Park clear of carriageway • TW-27 (Road Inspection) sign required on vehicle (sign is optional for Level LV roads only) • Person on site who is responsible for the Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) to be at least TC qualified (Level LV and Level 1 roads only) and briefed by a qualified STMS. Otherwise, person responsible for TTM will be an appropriately qualified STMS. The TC will maintain appropriate communications with the STMS, who will be contactable. Person qualified to minimum of STMS 2/3 NP to be on site at all times when road is Level 2, or Level 3.




R P 10m Minimum



C A Roll-Ahead






TMP 2 (for Level LV and Level 1 roads only) Inspections on the live lane (less than 5 minutes): • Extra care will be exercised and a lookout person will be used. The lookout (who may not be required for some situations on Level LV roads), will have instantaneous and continuous communication with the inspector and will be positioned such that they (the lookout) effectively provide CSD warning for the inspector. A lookout is always required for Level 1 roads. The person on site who is responsible for TTM must be STMS or TC qualified. • Requirements as for TMP 1 except: o Lookout person to warn of approaching traffic o Leave road if vehicle approaches

I Inspector Lookout has visibility to CSD N


R upstream of Inspector P









N 10m Minimum Roll-Ahead

5 Addendum to Traffic Management Plan: Staff covered by this document:

Name Transit ID No Qualification Held Expiry Date Contact Phone No

6 Addendum to Traffic Management Plan: Statement regarding STMS briefing of TC personnel.

My name is ______and I certify that on ___/___/200__, I gave a verbal briefing to the traffic controllers (TCs) listed below regarding the use of this Traffic Management Plan.

In accordance with Section A4 of the Transit New Zealand Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management I certify that I am the STMS responsible for sites under the control of the TCs as listed below.

TC Name Transit ID No Qualification Held Expiry Date Contact Phone No

STMS Certification:

(Name and Certificate Number)

(Signature) (Date)


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