Westmoreland County Sportsmen S League

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Westmoreland County Sportsmen S League

Westmoreland County Sportsmen’s League Meeting Minutes May 1, 2008 Westmoreland County Courthouse 7:30 PM

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance and Conservation Pledge completed 2. Roll Call of Officers and Board of Directors completed. See attached. Board meeting minutes also read.

3. Correspondence/Guests:  Gary Toward sent a thank you for the gift certificate to the Pittsburgh Cultural District.  Trout Unlimited’s newsletter featured a nice article on Conservation School.

4. Financial Report  Accepted as read by Archie Bossart.

5. Game Commission Report

 Bob Schlemmer reported positive hunting feedback at a youth day that he attended. John Kozubal reported that the youth who attended the trapper’s banquet also reported doing well during spring gobbler. The Loyalhanna area appeared to have more hunting activity than the Murrysville/Penn Township areas.

6. Fish Commission Jim Vatter  A fact sheet on a potential early opener season in Western PA was circulated. There is a public comment period starting April 19 and effective for 60 days thereafter. Comments can be submitted in writing to: Executive Director, Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, PO Box 67000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000 OR electronically by completing the form at www.fishandboat.com/regcomments. Electronic comments will not be accepted in any other way.  Jacob’s Creek and Indian Creek were stocked last week.  A stolen boat was found capsized on the Loyalhanna. Police and PBFC are investigating. Please contact the State Police or PFBC with any information.  The outside temperature may be warming up, but the water temp is still approximately 53 degrees – dangerous if you fall in. Please remember to wear your PFD and be smart and safe when boating or fishing. 7. Reports of standing Committees 7.1 FAIRS  No new updates. We need a committee chair for Fairs. Please see Doug.


0430f0647485d75dffd9bb967c3e6c21.doc Page 1 of 11  Picnic Ticket is available. Please see John or Doug. Please turn in the money/stubs by the end of May.

7.3 Conservation School – Archie Bossart  Wendy Kozubal will be the cook.  Applications are available.

7.4 Banquet – Nick  2008 Banquet set for September 13, 2008.  Paul Foster award applications are included in the meeting notes. The nominees can be anyone from the community. Please submit by July’s meeting.

7.5 Game – Walt Poole and Fish – Ed Patterson  2008 Fishing Derbies set: The April 20th derby at Mammoth was a success, including a last minute derby-winning catch – a 23-1/2 inch trout! See you at the next derbies: Northmoreland: May 25 Twin Lakes: June 15

7.6 Membership Committee  Still missing Keystone Rod and Gun annual dues.

7.7 Political Committee – Debbie Wirth  See attached

8. New Business  No new business

9. Unfinished Business/Dates to Remember  Women in the Outdoors events – May 17 at Trafford and May 24 at Greensburg.

0430f0647485d75dffd9bb967c3e6c21.doc Page 2 of 11 ATTENDANCE ROSTER

Name Club/Affiliation Doug Wilson Rostraver Dave Wilson Rostraver Elmer Slezak Sportsman’s Assoc. of Greensburg John Kozubal Trafford RW Schlemmer SLAM/PGC Archie Bossart Trauger & Little Sewickley Jim Vatter PFBC Sam Rugh Sportsman’s Association of Greensburg Tom Satryan Crowfoot Rod and Gun Club Claude Dranzik Old Crabtree Steve Sproull PGC Tom Qualters PFBC Russ Mason Trout Unlimited & Lloydsville Sportsmen Heidi Kozubal Trauger Debbie Wirth Irwin Sportsmen Club Nick Fecko Crowfoot Rod and Gun Club

As always, any updates, corrections, suggestions can be sent to me at: [email protected] or telephone 724-527-3715 or at 18 Landis Avenue, Jeannette, PA 15644. Also, any time-sensitive updates that cannot wait until the next meeting can be distributed to all members with e-mail on the e-mail distribution list. I can send postings and other information as needed. Just let me know if you have anything you would like distributed.

0430f0647485d75dffd9bb967c3e6c21.doc Page 3 of 11 Paul Foster Memorial Award

This award is open to anyone from the community and the recipient does not have to be a member of the Westmoreland County Sportsmen’s League.

Award Criteria:

1. Someone who has worked to improve the environment and promote conservation;

2. Someone who has been involved with youth; and

3. Someone with strong community involvement.

Potential names must be submitted by the July general meeting of the Westmoreland County Sportsmen’s League. At least two of the following – President, Vice President and 2nd Vice President will determine the recipient.

The award will be given on the night of the Westmoreland County Sportsmen’s League banquet.

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Name of Nominee:


Why this Nominee Deserves the Award: ______

(use back of form if necessary)

Your Name: Contact Phone Number: Date:

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Judging being done by a representative from Westmoreland County Sportsmen’s League, Fish Commission, Game Commission and the Westmoreland County Conservation District.

Deadline for 2008 Entries is the August 7 WCSL General Assembly Meeting.

CONSERVATION CLUB OF THE YEAR Write an essay of what your club has done this year. Some of the guidelines are:

 Conservation of Water Resources.  Conservation of Soil Resources.  Conservation of Forest Resources.  Conservation of Fish and Wildlife.  Conservation of National Heritages.  Improvement of Hunter/Fisherman images.  Development of Public Recreational Area and others.

If you need more space you may write on the back of this paper stating what number or numbers you are referring to.

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Judging being done by a representative from Westmoreland County Sportsmen’s League, Fish Commission, Game Commission and the Westmoreland County Conservation District.

Deadline for 2008 Entries is the August 7 WCSL General Assembly Meeting.

CLUB OF THE YEAR Write an essay of what your club has done this year. Some of the guidelines are:

 What did you do for the benefit of your members?  Improvement of hunting grounds and area to hunt.  Shooting facilities-new improvements within the past year.  Conservation school sponsor.  Stocking of wildlife and fish.  Participation in WCSL activities.  NRA club membership.  Public relations.  Junior membership programs (youth education programs).  Hunter Safety education and safe boating programs.

If you need more space you may write on the back of this paper stating what number or numbers you are referring to.

0430f0647485d75dffd9bb967c3e6c21.doc Page 7 of 11 Political Report APRIL This is indirectly related to Sportsmen: Senator Jeffrey Piccola (r-Dauphin) said he is introducing legislation to ban gifts, hospitality, travel, and lodging from registered lobbyists to members of the General Assembly, their staff, the governor, and the executive branch. The bill would amend PA lobbying law by banning free meals and other forms of gifts. The plan will include some exceptions, including Capitol receptions for all legislators as long as there is no sit-down dinner.

Rep Jaret Gibbons (D-Lawrence) said he has introduced legislation that would give people registered as independent the opportunity to vote in primary elections. HB 2482 would permit independent voters to file an affidavit or provisional party registration with the county election district no later then 30 days before each primary. This would allow the voter to commit to a party for primary purposes only and his/her registration would never officially change.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter signed five new gun-control laws last week that defy the state legislature and legal precedent. The five laws are: 1. limit handgun purchases to one a month 2. require lost or stolen firearms to be reported to police within 24 hours. 3. prohibit individuals under protection-from-abuse orders from possessing guns if ordered by the court. 4. allow removal of firearms from “persons posing a risk of imminent personal injury” to themselves or others. 5. outlaw the possession and sale of certain assault weapons. Nutter said he would begin to enforce the laws immediately, with the exception of the one-gun-a- month requirement, which takes effect in six months. The city has tried and failed for three decades to challenge the state law that reserves gun regulation to the state legislature. National Rifle Association spokesman John Hohenwarter said he expected the organization to sue "within a short time frame.” On 4/18 the NRA won a restraining order against philadelphia in the first round of the latest battle over Pa’s firearm preemption law, the NRA was handed a victory over the city of philadelphia, as a philadelphia county court granted NRA’s motion for a temporary restraining order against the city’s newest gun control regulations. A hearing in the permanent injunction is schedule for 4/28. Please contact Mayor Nutter by contacting the "Mayor's Action Center" at (215) 686-3000 or (215) 686- 2250 or you can email him at [email protected], and let him know that these attacks on your rights are not only outrageous but illegal. Please also contact the members of the city council and let them know that you oppose these attacks on your rights! To contact the members of the city council please click here. PENNSYLVANIA COURT FINDS FOR FIREARMS RETAILERS OVER PHILADELPHIA On April 17, a decision made by a Philadelphia judge this morning prohibiting the enforcement of a series of gun-control laws passed in violation of the state law by Philadelphia city council. A hearing on the permanent injunction is scheduled for April 28.

Lower Chichester Township (Delware Co) to Discuss Illegal Firearm Registration! On Monday, April 21, the Board of Commissioners of the Lower Chichester Township will hold a public meeting to discuss a proposed ordinance that would require that all parties involved in the sale or lease of any property to disclose on an "application" whether there are or presumably will be any firearms, handguns, rifles, shotguns, ammunition, and gunpowder present prior to the sale or lease of any

0430f0647485d75dffd9bb967c3e6c21.doc Page 8 of 11 property. The "application" would then be required to be sent to law enforcement where the report would includes the type and number of firearms, and the type and amount of any ammunition or gunpowder. Any violation of the ordinance would be subject to a penalty. This ordinance is in direct violation of Pennsylvania's state preemption law, and a violation of your right to privacy. Please make plans to attend this meeting and have your voice heard! For location and time details please click here.

Hunting Under Discussion in the Management Plan for Erie National Wildlife Refuge: Staff of the Erie NWR, an 8,800-acre refuge 35 miles south of Lake Erie in northwestern PA, is launching the first stage in the process of developing a 15-year management plan for the refuge. The first stage is to obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to consider. The public is invited to comment until April 30, 2008. It is important for the refuge staff to hear from hunters because the refuge is open to waterfowl, big game, small game, and turkey hunting. We want to ensure that those hunting opportunities are included and enhanced in the new management plan. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. Include "Erie NWR CCP/EA" in the subject line. Information about public meetings to be held can be found at http://www.fws.gov/northeast/erie. You may also call Thomas Roster, Project Leader, at (585) 948- 5445.

SB 1172 PA emergency powers legislation sponsored by State Senator Robert Robbins, passed out of the House of Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee. This legislation now heads to the House floor for a possible vote. SB 1172 would protect our Second Amendment rights by prohibiting any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport and carry of firearms during a state of emergency

The House of Representatives passed a bill that would strengthen the penalty for possessing a firearm with an altered serial number. Under the bill HB 1845, possessing an altered gun would be classified as a second-degree felony (currently it is a first-degree misdemeanor). Also, conviction of false statements made in connection with the transfer or sale of a firearm would result in a third- degree felony. The bill also would establish a state stolen firearms database and expand the statute of limitations for the crime to five years.

ON Conservation Resolution #4; Club name – Nescopeck H&R Club the resolution was brought forth the so that the PFSC terminate their affiliation with NWF, based on they refused to open their financial records. According to Congressman Tim Murphy office, no non-profit organization has to open their financial records to the general public, nor do they have to open their Board of Directors meetings to the general public.

0430f0647485d75dffd9bb967c3e6c21.doc Page 9 of 11 Recent House Action: This week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly in favor of an NRA-ILA-backed amendment to H.R. 2016, the "National Landscape Conservation System Act." The amendment will preserve hunting and fishing on public lands for the benefit of current and future generations, and protect sportsmen's access for hunting, fishing and recreational shooting on certain public lands. The amendment was adopted by a 416-5 vote.

Stop BATFE Abuses -- Urge Your Congressman To Cosponsor H.R. 4900: Continuing concern about the treatment of firearm dealers by BATFE has caused members of the U.S. House of Representatives--with NRA-ILA's full support--to push for new and improved reform legislation. That push has taken the form of H.R. 4900 -- the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act."

The House State government committee approved a bill to change the state constitution so that the end of the two-year legislative session would fall before the November general election, eliminating “lame-duck” sessions. The bill, HB 1652, would mandate that the general assembly could not convene from election day in November through November 30 in any even-numbered year.

The house environmental resources and energy committee approved a bill that would update the state’s mine-safety law. The bill SB949, was amended to require mines to have at least two intake outlets to the surface from every coal seam being mined and restrict mine access when a potentially dangerous condition becomes apparent. In addition, the amendment would broaden definitions to put more miners and mine employees under the state’s mine safety law and tighten regulations regarding transportation for exiting mines and certification requirements for mine foremen, examiners and electricians.

Governor Paterson of NY announces 100 new jobs for the Mohawk Valley at the Remington Arms Ilion Facility. Remington Arms will add 100 new manufacturing jobs as part of a major renovation of their ilion firearms plant and custom shop.

Tentative agreement in Congress on Farm Bill… Congressional negotiators said Friday (4/25) they had reached a tentative agreement on a five-year farm bill. The New York Times reports. The legislation is crucial in helping to sustain America’s rural economy and improve fish and wildlife habitats.

The U.S Postal service is trying to keep people from shipping replica or inert munitions through the mail. They have no authority in the law, since Congress has kep for itself the power to decide what can and cannot be shipped. But the Post Office is trying to say that replica or inert munitions are hazardous.


West Virginia to bring hunter education into schools. Gov Joe Manchin III signed into law Senate Bill 9, which directs the state Board of Education to develop a hunter education program for use in the state’s public schools.

0430f0647485d75dffd9bb967c3e6c21.doc Page 10 of 11 Nickelodeon has contacted Gun Owners of America and offered us a wonderful opportunity to get out the pro-gun message to young people.

Obama’s costly, dangerous and altogether bad bill S 2433 which could come up in the Senate any day, is called the GLOBAL POVERTY ACT. It would commit US taxpayers to spend 0.7 % of our GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT on foreign handouts. CALL YOUR SENATOR TODAY AND SAY NO!

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