The Building Control Act
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APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AS CORETRADE PERSONNEL This application form is for the registration of Construction Tradesman and Construction Trade Foreman.
Application may be made by mail to: Building and Construction Authority c/o BCA Academy 200, Braddell Road, Singapore 579700 (Re: CoreTrade Registration)
Registration can also be submitted through drop-in boxes at BCA Academy, Enrolment Unit. Registration form MUST BE accompanied by following documents : 1) All parts of Registration form and Annex A 2) Section 1 of Acknowledgement Notice in Annex B 3) Photocopy of NRIC (for Singaporean) 4) Photocopy of valid work permit / employment pass (for non-Singaporean) 5) 2 copies of recent passport size photographs (Please write name on reverse side of photographs) 6) Photocopy of academic, technical or trade qualification from BCA, valid crane operation license or other approved training institutes.
Applicants must ensure that all information provided in this application is true and accurate. They must produce the original copies of above documents for verification when required. The authority reserves the right to reject or cancel any application if information provided is found to be false and inaccurate.
Registration Criteria All applicants should possess the following relevant trade qualification: i) Trade Diploma; or ii) Skills Evaluation Certificate / Skills Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge); iii) Valid crane operation license issued by the Ministry of Manpower (for tower, crawler and mobile crane operation); iv) Certificate of Successful Completion (Other construction plant operation); or v) Other supervisory, technical, trade or academic qualification
Working experience is another important criteria that an applicant must have to qualify for registration. BCA reserves the right to consider each application on a case-to-case basis.
Please note that an applicant without the relevant trade skill certificate will be required to undergo a prescribed skills assessment (Tradesman) or skills assessment and written test (Trade foreman). All applicant who register as Trade Foreman must undergo a bridging course unless they possess a relevant Trade Diploma.
Registration Types Trade Foreman Tradesman a. Electrical Works a. Construction Plant Operation b. Plumbing & Piping b. Electrical Works Works c. Plumbing & Piping Works c. Reinforced Concrete d. Tiling & Stone Laying Works d. Structural Steel Works
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This form is to be duly completed by the individual making the application to be registered as Core Trade Personnel. It will take you approximately 5 minutes to complete this form
Registration Types (Please one)
Tradesman Trade Foreman
Please note that a trade foreman will also be automatically registered as a tradesman in the same trade if applicable. There is no need to make 2 separate applications
Trade Type (Please on trade to be registered)
Tradesman Trade Foreman Electrical Works Electrical Works Plumbing & Piping Works Plumbing & Piping Works Tiling & Stone Laying Tiling & Stone Laying Construction Plant Operation Waterproofing Works State plant type: Structural Steel Works Reinforced Concrete Works
Personal Particulars Full name in block letters (as in NRIC or work permit)
Nationality (please ) Singaporean Malaysian Paste One Photograph Others (please state): Here
Permit Type (for foreigner only) Staple another S Pass Employment Pass Work Permit photograph (of good Others (please state): resolution) on top left hand corner of this form
Age Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Sex (please ) Male Female NRIC No (for Singaporean) Work Permit No (for foreigner) Expiry Date of Permit (dd/mm/yy)
Passport No (for foreigner): Fin Number (for foreigner):
0c0a95bc7cc2bf6523f8f77fd07d7bbe.doc Page 2 of 6 Mailing Address (in Singapore) Residential Address (If different from mailing address)
Singapore ( ) Name of Employer: Contact Person:
Contact Number Email Address: Resident: Office: Mobile:
Employment Status (Please in appropriate boxes)
Q1 Are you current employed? Yes No Q2 If Yes to Q1, are you currently working in the construction industry? Yes No Q3 If Yes to Q2, what is the name of your current employer? Please write name of employer:
Academic / Technical Certificate Attained (Please and fill in trade/discipline and country awarded in appropriate column and attached a copy of certificate)
Qualification Trade / Discipline Country No trade or skills qualification NA NA Skills Evaluation Certificate (other trades) NA Skills Evaluation Certificate (relevant trade) NA Valid Crane Operation Licence (Tower, Crawler, Mobile) NA Certificate of Successful Completion (Plant Operation) NA Overseas academic qualification Overseas technical trade skills certificate Local academic or supervisory certificate NA Local technical certificate (NTC, Nitec, etc) NA Local Licensed plumber / electrician NA
Related Working Experiences (Please in appropriate boxes and attached Annex A on details of working experiences)
8 years or more 2 to less than 4 years 6 to less than 8 years Less than 2 years 4 to less than 6 years No working experiences
I declare that all information stated in this application is true and accurate. I understand the authority reserves all rights to reject or disqualify my application for registration if my application do not meet the authority’s requirement or if any of these information is found to be false or inaccurate.
Signature of Applicant Date For official use
0c0a95bc7cc2bf6523f8f77fd07d7bbe.doc Page 3 of 6 Eligible for Direct Registration Yes No Skills Assessment Required (for Tradesman) Yes No Date Passed: Skills Assessment & Written Test Required (for Trade Foreman) Yes No Date Passed: Bridging Course Required Yes No Date Enrolled:
Registration Officer’s Name: Remarks Signature
Details of Relevant Working Experience Please provide details of previous and current relevant working experiences (attached additional sheet is space provided is insufficient)
Company 1 (Name of Company):
From (mm-yy) To (mm-yy) Experience (in years & months)
Occupation Brief description of work nature
Company 2 (Name of Company):
From (mm-yy) To (mm-yy) Experience (in years & months)
Occupation Brief description of work nature
Company 3 (Name of Company):
From (mm-yy) To (mm-yy) Experience (in years & months)
Occupation Brief description of work nature
Company 4 (Name of Company):
From (mm-yy) To (mm-yy) Experience (in years & months)
Occupation Brief description of work nature
0c0a95bc7cc2bf6523f8f77fd07d7bbe.doc Page 4 of 6 Declaration
I declare that my working experiences mentioned in Annex A are true and accurate. I understand the authority reserves all rights to reject or disqualify my application for core trade registration if my registration does not meet the requirement or if any of these information is found to be false or inaccurate.
Signature of Applicant Date
For official use
Approve Not approve Signature / Date
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NOTICE ANNEX B Section 1 (Please complete this section of the acknowledgement notice)
Name of Applicant : NRIC / Passport Nos : Work Permit Nos: Name of Company : Mailing Address : S( )
Registration Type (please in appropriate box)
Tradesman Trade Foreman Electrical Works Structural Steel Works Reinforced Concrete Works (please select) Plumbing & Piping Works Electrical Works Timber Formwork Tiling & Stone Laying Plumbing & Piping Works Steel Reinforcement Works Construction Plant Operation Tiling & Stone Laying Please indicate Plant Type: Waterproofing Works
Section 2 (for official use only) (This section is to be completed by BCA authorized officer only)
Dear Sir, We acknowledge the receipt of your application for above Core Trade registration.
The applicant has met the criteria for above registration. You will be receiving a separate notification letter to collect the registration pass.
The applicant does not meet our criteria for registration. Enclosed are the registration documents you have submitted.
We are returning the incomplete registration form. Please ensure that all supporting documents are submitted (ie photograph, photo copy of valid work permit, employment pass, certificates. etc)
The applicant must enroll and pass a relevant Skills Assessment (for Tradesman) *($267.50 for plant operation conducted at BCA Academy) 0c0a95bc7cc2bf6523f8f77fd07d7bbe.doc Page 5 of 6 *($1,926.00 for max 6 candidates, for plant operation conducted outside BCA Academy) *($171.20 for other trades) Please enroll for this skills assessment audit at BCA Academy, Enrolment Unit together with this acknowledgment notice.
The applicant must enroll and pass a relevant Skills Assessment (for Trade Foreman) *($171.20) Please enroll for above at BCA Academy, Enrolment Unit together with this acknowledgment notice. Upon passing, the applicant must enroll for a separate prescribed Bridging Course.
The applicant must attend a prescribed Bridging Course. Please enroll for this course at BCA Academy, Enrolment Unit together with this acknowledgment notice.
For clarification, please call our registration officer at Tel: 62489-952 / 953.
(*Fee shown includes 7% GST) for Deputy Director Manpower Planning Department Building and Construction Authority
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