Cte Curriculum 2-Year Review Checklist
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CTE program review is required every two years (Ed Code §78016), below is a list of documentation needed for the review process:
q Launch copies of your existing programs in CurricUnet; make your modifications, upload all files to “Attached Files” in CurricUnet, get approvals for Tech Review and Curriculum Committee
q Complete the Curriculum Inventory Fields Form
q Submit a Narrative describing the Program Goals and Objectives (PLOs and SLOs), and Program Requirements in a table format as outlined in the Narrative Template Form
q Labor Market Information (LMI) & Analysis. In addition to Burning Glass/EMSI you can also use this website: http://www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/cgi/dataanalysis/areaselection.asp? tablename=occprj for labor for Los Angeles and Ventura County, see example.
q Advisory Board Committee Minutes, listing attendees, or provide scan of sign in sheet with attendees
CTE Review Process & Guidelines, PCAH, 5 th Edition Moorpark College 9/29/2014, CEL 1 CTE SUPPORTING DOCUMENATION FOR STATE SUBMISSION The following Supporting Documentation guidelines can be found in the Appendix of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH), 5th Edition which can be viewed by visiting: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/AA/ProgramCourseApproval/Handbook_5thEd_BOGapproved.pdf
All CTE Certificate of Achievement and/or Degrees require the following supporting documentation to be submitted to the State, and uploaded to “Attached Files” in CurricUnet, upon review:
1. Narrative - describing the Program Goals and Objectives and Program Requirements, including the table format with course sequence.
2. Labor Market Information (LMI) & Analysis – Current labor market information and analysis, or other comparable information must show that jobs are available for program completers within the local service area of the individual college and/or that job enhancement or promotion justifies the proposed curriculum. Visit http://www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/cgi/dataanalysis/areaselection.asp?tablename=occprj
3. Advisory Committee Recommendations including (1) a list of advisory committee members, (2) minutes of committee meetings highlighting the action to approve the proposed program, and (3) a description of how program design aligns with committee recommendations.
CTE Review Process & Guidelines, PCAH, 5 th Edition Moorpark College 9/29/2014, CEL 2 CTE CURRICULUM INVENTORY PROPOSAL FIELDS FORM FOR STATE SUBMISSION The following information will be submitted to the State for approval. Please complete this form to the best of your ability to comply with submission guidelines, as found in the Appendix of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH), 5th Edition which can be viewed by visiting: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/AA/ProgramCourseApproval/Handbook_5thEd_BOGapproved.pdf
Program Awarded ☐ COA ☐ AS ☐ AA ☐ AA-T ☐ AS-T
Program Title Click here to enter text.
Program Goal Choose one of the Following (AA-T/AS-T must be a “Transfer”)
Effective Date Select Semester Select Year Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Minimum) Click here to enter text. Units for Degree Major or Area of Emphasis (Maximum) Click here to enter text.
Annual Completers Click here to enter text. (Number of students estimated to receive degree/COA each year after the program is fully established.)
Net Annual Labor Demand (CTE only) Click here to enter text. (Estimated number of annual job openings, minus the annual number of program completers of other programs within the counties in the college service areas.)
Faculty Workload Click here to enter text. (Provide the number of full-time equivalent faculty that will be dedicated to teaching the courses in this program. For example, one and a quarter full-time equivalent faculty would be entered as 1.25.)
Program Review Date Click here to enter text. (First scheduled review of this program after it has been locally approved. As required by Education Code and Title 5, CTE programs required to be reviewed at least once every two years.)
Gainful Employment ☐ Yes ☐ No
100% Distance Education ☐ Yes ☐ No (Credit Program offered as 100% DE for all courses)
CTE Review Process & Guidelines, PCAH, 5 th Edition Moorpark College 9/29/2014, CEL 3 Justification Click here to enter text. (Rationale for revising the program, i.e. CTE 2 Year Review)
CTE NARRATIVE TEMPLATE FOR STATE SUBMISSION The following Narrative guidelines can be found in the Appendix of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH), 5th Edition which can be viewed by visiting: http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/AA/ProgramCourseApproval/Handbook_5thEd_BOGapproved.pdf
Item 1. Program Goals and Objectives Identify the goals and objectives of the program. The stated goals and objectives of the program must be consistent with the mission of the community college. Often, colleges will include the program level Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) in this section that identify the program’s goals and objectives. If the certificate and/or program goal selected is “Career Technical Education (CTE),” then the statement must include the main competencies students will have achieved that are required for a specific occupation. The statement must, at a minimum, clearly indicate the specific occupation(s) or field(s) the program will prepare students to enter and the basic occupational competencies students will acquire. A program must address a valid transfer, occupational, basic skills, civic education, or lifelong learning purpose.
Item 2. Program Requirements The program requirements must be consistent with the catalog description. The number of units, specific course requirements, and the sequence of the courses must be complete given the program objectives. Same as CurricUnet Program Description.
Course Sequence
A sample table format (with program requirements and course sequence combined) is shown below:
Certificate of Achievement: Administration of Justice
Unit Requirements Dept. # Name s Sequence Required Core (6 ADMJ 50 Introduction to Justice 3 Yr. 1/2, Fall units) ADMJ 60 Criminal Law 3 Yr. 1, Spring Four Electives (12 ADMJ 40 Juvenile Justice Procedures 3 Yr. 1/2, Fall units) ADMJ 55 Introduction to Correctional 3 Yr. 1, Spring ADMJ 61 Science 3 Yr. 2, Summer ADMJ 63 Evidence 3 Yr. 2, Criminal Investigation Fall/Spring REQUIRED CORE UNITS: 6 Units
CTE Review Process & Guidelines, PCAH, 5 th Edition Moorpark College 9/29/2014, CEL 4 TOTAL UNITS: 12 Units
CTE Review Process & Guidelines, PCAH, 5 th Edition Moorpark College 9/29/2014, CEL 5