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1. School Name MAVUA DISTRICT SCHOOL 2. Registration Number 1712 3. Level ED 6D 4. Controlling Authority Committee 5.1 District Nadroga/Navosa 5.2 Division Western 5.3 Category Urban Rural  Rural/remote 5.4 Address P.O Box 266, Sigatoka.

Part B: SCHOOL OVERVIEW School Mission – Holistic development of a child to become a better citizen School Vision – To promote and facilitate the children with all fundamental skills and attitudes to enable them to encounter all challengers. Schools Uniqueness  Location - It is about 22 kms from Sigatoka Town and is situated on the East bank of Sigatoka River along the Kavanagasau Road. The school is in the village of Raiwaqa in the province of Nadroga/Navosa.  Staff - Consist of 4 teachers including 1 Kindergarten teacher.  Infrastructure - Concrete building plus 1 wooden block.  Students - Total of 95 Primary and Kindergarten children from Mavua village, Raiwaqa village and nearby settlement.  Community – main stakeholders of the School. Part C: SCHOOL DATA 1.0 School Profile 2.0 No. of Families 2010: 44 2011: 50 2012: 52 3.0 Student Information 3.1 School Roll 2010 Boys: 35 Girls: 37 Total: 72 2011 Boys: 40 Girls: 31 Total: 71 2012 Boys: 48 Girls: 35 Total: 83 3.2 No. of Streams 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 3.3 Student attendance 2010 78% 2011 80% 2012 3.4 Teacher: Pupil Ratio 2010 1: 18 2011 1:18 2012 1 :21 4.0 Teacher’s Information 4.1 No. of Teachers 2010 Male: 2 Female: 2 Total: 4 2011 Male: 2 Female: 2 Total: 4 2012 Male: 2 Female: 2 Total: 4 4.2 Qualification 2010 Certificate: 4 Diploma: Degree/Masters: 2011 Certificate: 4 Diploma: Degree/Masters: 2012 Certificate: 4 Diploma: Degree/Masters: 5.0 Student’s Flow Data 5.1 Progression Rate: Class 2: 100% Class 5: 100% Class 8: 100% 2010 2011 Class 2: 100% Class 5: 100% Class 8: 100% 2012 Class 2: 100% Class 5: 100 % Class 8: 100% 5.2 Retention Rate Class 5: nil Class 8: nil Transition to Form 3: 100% 2011 2012 Class 5: nil Class 8: nil Transition to Form 3: 100% 5.3 Dropout Rate 2010: nil 2011: nil 2012: nil 6.0 Students’ Achievement 6.1 % Above National Numeracy 2010: 10% 2011: 20% Average in LANA Literacy 2010: 10% 2011: 20% 7.0 School Finance 7.1 Tuition Fee 2010: $1,690 2011: $1,874.00 2012: $2,422.77 7.3 School Fundraising 2010: $6,000. 2011: $9,000.00 2012: $10,000 (target)


Focus Ares Focus Area – Component – MoE Outcome Statement [FA] ACP Alignment 1.1 Curriculum and Instruction – Curriculum and instruction focuses on the quality of teaching and learning processes, Improve students’ class participation to ensure an effective and inclusive approach to lesson planning, preparation, through quality lesson preparation and lesson delivery and assessment of teaching classroom teaching. for effective learning. 1.2 Student Achievement – Continuous monitoring of students’ Improve students’ achievement in academic achievement and progress in academic through continuous monitoring, 1. Students other major areas of student learning and and Learning development by employing a range of assessment and evaluation. standard assessment practices and evaluation tools. 1.3 Good Citizenship – Good citizenship focuses on programmes Students to be able to make their own and activities that support development and decisions and to take responsibility for well being students, observance or appropriate behaviour, appreciation of their their own lives and contribute positively to national identity and social cohesion that their community. will reinforce the platform for change, peace and progress. 2. Leadership 2.1 Policy and Planning - Set school policies to enhance and Setting direction and goals for the school achievement of school goals. and putting in the place necessary Management mechanisms and strategies to achieve the intended outcomes through the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review of plans, policies and procedures that will support the achievement of school goals. 2.2 Staff Management – Effective management of staff development Continuous up-skilling of staff for the and performance to maintain standards and effective delivery of quality education to professionalism in the effective delivery of quality education to the students. the students. 2.3 Finance Management – Effective management of school finances, Proper recording of school finance in in compliance with relevant finance policy requirements, to support the delivery of correlate to the MoE requirements. quality education in school.

2.4 School Administration - Effective management of school operations Updating of all school records and files. through improved timeliness and effectiveness of systems, procedures and processes in the school.

3.1 Community Involvement - Promote and strengthen active parents, Increase parents’ involvement to assist the community and stakeholder participation in the achievement of school goals for its achievement of school goals for its students. students.

3. Communit y and 3.2 Communication – Partnershi Establish and maintain a consistent and Strengthen network and build good p appropriate method of information dissemination with the school community and partners in partnership with all stakeholders education.

4. 4.1 Physical Environment - Learning The maintenance of a school physical Upgrading of school infrastructure to be environment that is conducive to learning and Environme conducive to learning and OHS ensures the security, health and safety of all staff, nt students and school community. compliance.  Classrooms, Teachers quarters and Dinning room  Wash facilities  Walkways  School office  Playground  School fence, Proper Drainage 4.2 Classroom Management – Establish and maintain a classroom environment To create a friendly and conducive learning that supports students’ learning and development environment in each classrooms.

4.3 School Safety Programmes – Awareness programme on Distaster Promote and facilitate programmes and activities Management Plan, EIE, and OHS. to strengthen and enhance security and safety of all staff, students, and school community. Part E: OUTCOME AND OBJECTIVES

Focus Ares Focus Area – Component Outcome Statement Objectives [FA] – MoE ACP Alignment

1. Students 1.1 Curriculum and and Learning  To improve timelines and quality of lesson Instruction – Improve students’ class Curriculum and instruction preparation focuses on the quality of participation through quality  To improve effectiveness of teaching and teaching and learning lesson preparation and classroom learning process processes, to ensure an teaching.  To evaluate effectiveness of lesson delivery effective and inclusive approach to lesson planning, preparation, lesson delivery and assessment of teaching for effective learning.

1.2 Student Achievement – Improve students’ achievement in  To complete all required assessment for each Continuous monitoring of academic through continuous class students’ academic  achievement and progress in monitoring, assessment and Proper recording of assessment other major areas of student evaluation.  Timely dissemination of results to help in the learning and development by improvement of students’ achievement employing a range of standard assessment practices and evaluation tools. 1.3 Good Citizenship – Students to be able to make their  To improve students understanding on Moral Good citizenship focuses on programmes and activities that own decisions and to take Value support development and well responsibility for their own lives  Students to develop positive attitude and being students, observance or and contribute positively to their tolerance. appropriate behaviour, community.  Students to appreciate their own culture and appreciation of their national identity and social cohesion understand other culture that will reinforce the platform for change, peace and progress. Focus Area – Focus Ares [FA] Component – MoE ACP Outcome Statement Objectives Alignment 2.1 Policy and Set school policies to enhance  To effectively implement all school policies in Planning - achievement of school goals. making decision Setting direction and goals  To make amendments of school policies when for the school and putting in the place necessary the need arise. mechanisms and strategies  All stakeholders to be well informed on all to achieve the intended school policies. outcomes through the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review of plans, policies and procedures that will support the achievement of school goals. 2.2 Staff Management – Continuous up-skilling of staff for  Continuous Professional Development on Effective management of the effective delivery of quality teachers. staff development and  performance to maintain education to the students. Inhouse Professional Development. 2. Leadership standards and  To improve teachers ability to implement and professionalism in the teaching skills and strategies learnt from PDs. Management effective delivery of quality education to the students. 2.3 Finance  To be able to prepare school budget. Management – Proper recording of school  Proper acquittals of funds Effective management of finance in correlate to the MoE  Proper auditing of financial records school finances, in compliance with relevant requirements. finance policy requirements, to support the delivery of quality education in school. 2.4 School Administration - Updating of all school records  Timely submission of all records. Effective management of and files.  Completion of Agreed Action according to timeline. school operations through improved timeliness and effectiveness of systems, procedures and processes in the school. Focus Area – Focus Ares [FA] Component – MoE ACP Outcome Statement Objectives Alignment 3.1 Community Involvement - Increase parents’ involvement to  To strengthen community support and ownership Promote and strengthen assist the achievement of school in the delivery of Education active parents, community goals for its students.  and stakeholder To increase parental support in student learning participation in the achievement of school goals for its students. 3. Community and Partnership Strengthen network and build  To continue updating parents on activities 3.2 Communication – good partnership with all conducted in the school. Establish and maintain a consistent and appropriate stakeholders  To establish an efficient communication network. method of information  To improve relationship with donors agencies. dissemination with the school community and partners in education. Focus Area – Focus Ares [FA] Component – MoE ACP Outcome Statement Objectives Alignment

Upgrading of school 4.1 Physical  To renovate all school buildings and wash facilities. Environment - infrastructure to be conducive to  New facilities to cater for the growing needs. The maintenance of a learning and OHS compliance.  Improve the image of the school school physical  Classrooms, Teachers quarters  Improve the standard of the school playground, environment that is and Dinning room walkways, and drainage system. conducive to learning and ensures the security, health  Wash facilities and safety of all staff,  Walkways students and school  School office community.  Playground  School fence, Proper Drainage

4. Learning 4.2 Classroom To create a friendly and  Replacing and purchasing of new chairs, teacher’s Environment Management – Establish and maintain a conducive learning environment table and teacher’s chairs. classroom environment that in each classrooms.  Repairing of damaged floors and louver blades. supports students’ learning and development

4.3 School Safety Awareness programme on  School to have DMP and EEP in place. Programmes – Distaster Management Plan, EIE,  EIE to be conducted. Promote and facilitate and OHS.  Conduct disaster drills regularly. programmes and activities to strengthen and enhance security and safety of all staff, students, and school community. Part F: STRATEGIES, ACITIVTY AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS


Component 1.1 Curriculum and Instruction

Outcome Improve students’ class participation through quality lesson preparation and classroom teaching. Statement 1

Priorities  Literacy and Numeracy

MoE Sub-output: 3.4 Annual Performance Targets Strategies and Evaluation Task Objective Activities Cost ($) Indicator 201 201 timeline Tools Manager 1 2 Improve students’ Proportion of students Students to be well  DEAR $400.00  Reflective HT performance in with improved Literacy 20% 30% facilitated with  Remed Journal Class teachers Literacy and Skills Literacy skills. ial Program  Continuous Numeracy  Extra Assessment Curricular . Proportion of students Students to be well Activities $400.00  Reflective HT with improved 20% 30% facilitated with Journal Class teachers Numeracy Skills Numeracy skills.  Continuous Assessment . Component 1.2 Student Achievement

Outcome Improve students’ achievement in academic through continuous monitoring, assessment and evaluation. Statement 1 Priorities Internal and External Assessment

MoE Sub-output: Annual Performance Targets Strategies and Evaluation Task Objective Activities Cost ($) Indicator 201 201 timeline Tools Manager 1 2 To complete all Completion of CBA and 20% 40% 5 CBA to be CBA HT required CATS required. completed per term CAT $400 CBA files 2 CATS for Class 8 Class assessment for to be completed Learning Teachers each class Record Examination HT Completion of Mid Year 50% 70% Questions to be $200 File and Annual Examination aligned with Exam Class Blueprint Exam Teachers Analysis Component 1.3 Good Citizenship

Outcome Students to be able to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own lives and contribute positively to Statement 1 their community.  Character Building Priorities

MoE Sub-output: Annual Performance Strategies Evaluation Task Objective Targets Activities Cost ($) Indicator and timeline Tools Manager 2011 2012 To develop positive Plan activities related Weekly Weekly Whole school  Role play $300.00 Monitoring and HT attitude and to the week’s moral participating in  Speech Evaluation file Class tolerance through theme the weekly  Illustration Teachers Moral Value and programme  Reflection Culture lessons. Focus Area 2: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT

Component 2.1 Policy and Planning

Outcome Set school policies to enhance achievement of school goals Statement 1  School Policies Priorities

MoE Sub-output: Annual Strategies Performance Evaluation Task Objective Targets and Activities Cost ($) Indicator Tools Manager 2011 2012 timeline To effectively Designing all school Term 1 Term 1 Provide  School policy $30.00 Policy file HT implement all policies that align Wk 4 Wk 4 reference to  Homework school policies in with MoE. facilitate Policy Bill Board Class making decision teachers in the  Enrolment Teachers designing of Policy Policies  OHS policy Management  Child Protection Stakeholders Policy

Component 2.2 Staff Management

Outcome Continuous up-skilling of staff for the effective delivery of quality education to the students. Statement 1  Professional Development Priorities

MoE Sub-output: Annual Performance Strategies Evaluation Task Objective Targets Activities Cost ($) Indicator and timeline Tools Manager 2011 2012 Continuous Number of hours of 20hrs 20hrs Facilitate Teacher skill $500.00 PDU HT Professional PDs per teacher professional audit registration & All teachers Development on development School based evaluation teachers. Professional development Component 2.3 Finance and Management

Outcome Proper recording of school finance in correlate to the MoE requirements. Statement 1 Priorities  Finances

MoE Sub-output: Annual Performance Targets Strategies and Evaluation Task Objective Activities Cost ($) Indicator 201 201 timeline Tools Manager 1 2 To have a proper Prepare a realistic Dec Dec To completed at the  School $200.00 Budget HT Financial records Budget and proper 31st 31st end of each school Budget report Management managing and auditing year.  Acquittals of  Acquittals of funds Funds Form  Proper  Payment Auditing of Voucher Financial records.

Component 2.4 School Administration

Outcome Updating of all school records and files. Statement 1 Priorities  MoE records

MoE Sub-output: Annual Performance Targets Strategies and Evaluation Task Objective Activities Cost ($) Indicator 201 timeline Tools Manager 2011 2 Timely submission Proportion of all records As As Completed  SIMS $100.00 Submission HT of all records. submitted on time dated date records to be  MAR record book All teachers  ER 5 submitted  ACR


Component 3.1 Community Involvement

Outcome Increase parents’ involvement to assist the achievement of school goals for its students. Statement 1  Stakeholders Priorities

MoE Sub-output: Objective Performance Annual Strategies and Activities Cost ($) Evaluation Task Indicator Targets timeline Tools Manager 201 201 1 2 To increase parental No. of CAPS programs 2 per 2 per Continuous organized CAPS $300.00 Outreach HT and community conducted term term programs and report All teachers support in student activities to coincide Management learning with PTI

Component 3.2 Communication

Outcome Strengthen network and build good partnership with all stakeholders Statement 1  Communication Network Priorities

MoE Sub- output: Objective Performance Annual Targets Strategies Activities Cost ($) Evaluation Task Indicator 2011 2012 and timeline Tools Manager To establish an Distribution of News Monthly Monthly Communication News Letter $100.00 News letter file efficient Letter to be improved HT communication ET network. All teachers Management


Component 4.1 Physical Environment

Outcome Upgrading of school infrastructure to be conducive to learning and OHS compliance. Statement 1 Priorities Infrastructure

MoE Sub-output: Annual Targets Strategies Performance Evaluation Task Objective and Activities Cost ($) Indicator 2011 2012 Tools Manager timeline New facilities to Building of a new Planning and Construction Continuous Planning, $24,000 Acquittal file HT cater for the Kindergarten and fundraising begins Assessment, Costing and PEO growing needs. new wash facilities Planning, Building Management Costing and Building.

Component 4.2 Classroom Management

Outcome To create a friendly and conducive learning environment in each classrooms. Statement 1

Priorities  Learning Environment

MoE Sub-output: Annual Performance Targets Strategies and Evaluation Task Objective Activities Cost ($) Indicator 201 201 timeline Tools Manager 1 2 Repairing of Missing louver blades 20% 50% Continuous Planning, $700.00 Acquittal file HT damaged floors and to be replaced and Assessment, Costing, Management damaged floors to be louver blades. Planning, Costing Purchasing fixed. and Purchasing. and repairing

Component 4.3 School Safety Programme

Outcome Awareness programme on Disaster Management Plan, EIE, and OHS. Statement 1 Priorities  EIE Policies  DMP  EEP  OHS  Resources

MoE Sub-output: Annual Strategies Performance Evaluation Task Objective Targets and Activities Cost ($) Indicator Tools Manager 2011 2012 timeline To have DMP and No. of awareness 10% 30% Planning and Demonstration $500.00 SIP report HT EEP in place and programme to be demonstration conducting Disaster conducted. to be done Presentation OHS Drills regularly. Coordinator



Focus Area 1: STUDENT & LEARNING Component 1.1 Curriculum and Instruction Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Component 1.2 Student Achievement Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Component 1.3 Good Citizenship Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Focus Area 2: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT

Component 2.1 Policy and Planning Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Component 2.2 Staff Management Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Component 2.3 Finance Management Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Component 2.4 School Administration Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Focus Area 3: COMMUNITY AND PARTNERSHIP

Component 3.1 Community Involvement Outcome Statement Priorities

Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Component 3.2 Communication Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Focus Area 4: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT

Component 4.1 Physical Environment Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Component 4.2 Classroom Management Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target Component 4.3 School Safety Programmes Outcome Statement


Objective Performance 2012 Evaluation Progress Issues and Actions to Address Measure Target Tool against Constraints Issues/Constraints Target

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