Big Attack Declared Beaten
-* Weather Forecast Guide for Readers Rain, with moderate temperature to- Page. night. Tomorrow clear, cold, windy. Page. Amusements B-10 Obituary .A-IO Temperatures today—Highest, 43, at Comics ..B-8-9 Radio .B-9 5 a.m.; lowest, 29, at 3 a.m.; 38, at 1 p.m. Editorials .A-6 Society .B-3 Edlt’l Articles A-7 .A-12 yesterday—Highest, 59, at 5:20 p.m.; Sports lowest, 29, at 7:10 a.m. Finance .A-ll Real Estate — .B-2-3 Lost and Found A-3 Church News...A-10 Closing N. Y. Markets—Sales, Page A-ll. An _ Associated Press Newspaper 92d YEAR. No. 36,466. WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1944—TWENTY-TWO PAGES. *** IMSSS. THREE CENTS. S&*™ ■ U. S. Heavy Bombers Raid Berlin : i OPA, Vinson For First Time, Germans Ask Cut in D. C. Report; Transit Fares Attack Declared Beaten Off Request Early Hearing Big PUC and !777-7-.-■ =1- By Right To Intervene 'Whole Air Force Vichyite Testifies Allies Smash Americans The Office of Price Adminis- Up There Today/ Giraud Called Fight tration and the economic stabi- lization director today called on Flyer Declares Him to Africa the Public Utilities Commission 3 Small Attacks to set an date for Way Inland in early public Ex-Minister Asserts hearings on reduction of BULLETIN. Capital Transit fares and at the same LONDON (/P).—United States He Helped Prevent time asked the right to inter- Army headquarters an- On Beachhead Nazi Occupation , Admiralties vene in the proceedings. nounced that American today By the Associated Press.
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