An Archetype Is a Repeated Image That Comes Through the Ages from Human Experience As A
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Archetypes Cheat Sheet How to identify an archetype: A shared idea with all humanity An inherited part of the human being that connects us all A constant and universal idea Though it may differ from place to place, the concept is worldwide
Character Archetypes Archetype Description Example Hero Usually arises from a lowly birth to King Arthur, Harry Potter, Superman become a leader/king after facing many trials
Young Person from the Provinces Taken from home and returns with a new Simba, Dorothy, Alice in Wonderland prospective
Initiates Innocents who train for a quest Luke Skywalker, Aragon, Arthur
Mentors Teachers or counselors for the Initiates Yoda, Gandalf, Merlin
Benevolent Guide Usually an older person who gives the Merlin, Fairy Godmother, Obiwankanobi hero/heroine wise counsel
Shaman Protector of rituals and traditions Rafiki
Companions Loyal to hero/heroine at all cost Sam, Pippin, Merry, Robin Hood’s merry men, Robin Loyal Retainer A true and loyal friend Albert, Zazu, Sebastian Friendly Beast/Animal Helps the hero/heroine Chewbacca, Toto, Lassie Mother Figure Nurtures and cares for the hero/heroine Calpurnia
Trickster A wise fool, rascal or troublemaker Jar Jar Binks, Bart Simpson
Devil Figure Purely evil Sauran, Scar Evil Figure with Ultimately a Good Heart Redeems himself by the end of the story Darth Vader, Scrooge
Scapegoat Sacrificed animal/human who takes on the Tom Robinson sins and punishment for others
Outcast Banished; not accepted in society Frankenstein’s monster, X-men
Star-crossed Lovers Fate is against them Romeo and Juliet, Guinevere and Lancelot
Temptress Beautiful woman who brings destruction Cat Woman, Calypso to the hero
Platonic Ideal The woman on a pedestal who inspires the Lois Lane, Helen of Troy hero, but with whom he has no romantic relationship
Moore 2012 Adapted from Cy-Fair Archetypes Cheat Sheet Creatures Monsters that threaten the hero Cyclops, vampires, Davy Jones, Ursula
Situational Archetypes Archetype Description Example The Quest A quest describes a search for someone or Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost something of great power or importance Ark, The Lion King A quest is never easily accomplished and often includes near impossible challenges
The Task The Hero must perform some nearly Arthur (pulling sword from stone), Luke superhuman deed Skywalker must destroy the Death Star This is done to save the kingdom, win the girl, or find himself
The Initiation An initiation symbolizes a rite of passage. Huckleberry Finn, The Hobbits in LOTR An adolescent comes into his/her maturity with new awareness and problems along with new hope for the community.
The Journey Sends the hero on a search for some truth The Odyssey, The Fellowship of the Ring or information Forces the hero to discover many unpleasant truths At his lowest point, the hero will return to the world of the living
The Fall Shows a descent from a higher to lower Adam and Eve, Lancelot and Guinevere, state of being Paradise Lost Represents a loss of innocence Usually comes with some type of expulsion as a result of disobedience
Death and Rebirth The most common of all situational Evening/Winter & Morning/Spring archetypes Parallels the cycle of nature with the cycle of life Morning or Spring = Birth or Youth Evening or Winter = Old Age or Death
Nature v. Mechanistic World Nature represents purity and good Walden, The Terminator, Brave New Technology represents evil and corruption World, Fahrenheit 451 Inventions destroy nature Good v. Evil Battle between two primal forces Satan v. God in Paradise Lost, any western Traditionally, Good will triumph over evil or cartoon Can be found in almost any movie, book, or television show (protagonist vs. antagonist)
The Unhealable Wound Either physical or psychological damage Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader), that cannot be repaired Lancelot’s madness Indicates a loss of innocence Drive the sufferer to extremes
The Ritual Mark a rite of passage Baptism, weddings, funerals, coronations Show character’s role in society Explain a person’s role in the world
Moore 2012 Adapted from Cy-Fair Archetypes Cheat Sheet
Symbolic Archetypes Archetype Description Example Light v. Darkness Light suggests hope, renewal, or The battle of light and darkness will enlightenment stretch beyond actual light and dark. The Darkness implies mystery, ignorance, or good (light) and bad (dark) can be seen despair through a story’s characters and their actions
Water v. Desert Water appears as a symbol of fertility and Water brings about hope for new life and birth spirituality. Water may symbolize a spiritual birth or A desert might bring about loss of life, the beginning of something faith, or hope. A Desert typically represents a loss of life, hope, or faith
Heaven v. Hell Places not easily accessible by man are Typically Heaven is also associated with regarded as the dwelling places of either light and nature. the gods or demons Hell is often associated with fire, demons, The skies, clouds, or mountains house the evil, and the unknown places of earth. gods Canyons, caves, and the inner earth play home to the evil forces of the world.
The Magic Weapon A symbol of the hero’s extraordinary Odysseus’s bow, Author’s sword, Bilbo’s quality ring No other can use it to its full potential Traditionally given by a mentor
Innate Wisdom v. Educated Stupidity Some characters are more experienced and Though they work as a team, Alfred is in turn have a mystique wisdom wise with experience while Bruce Wayne Other characters are educated, powerful, is a college graduate who has a knack for and often times…stupid. flying by the seat of his pants despite his The wise one is usually an assistant while butler’s advice. the stupid-smarty is a leader
Haven v. Wilderness Places of safety contrast with the unknown The Bat Cave threatening forces of the wilderness Heroes often must return to a safe haven in order to regain health or supplies
Supernatural Intervention God or gods intervene in a given situation The Odyssey The gods will often favor the hero but occasionally they do not. This is seen throughout Greek Mythology as well as most practiced religions
Fire v. Ice Typically, fire represents knowledge, Fire and Ice constantly battle for life…or light, life, fertility and (re)birth death. Ice will usually represent a deserted place, ignorance, sterility, and death
Moore 2012 Adapted from Cy-Fair