Schema CDISC_Lab_Base_07aug2003.xsd

schema location: C:\kzzz\ibm\life sciences\standards\CDISC\lab model\latest XML\07aug03\CDISC_Lab_Base_07aug2003.xsd

Elements Accession BaseBattery BaseResult BaseSpecimen BaseTest CentralLab Confidential GTP Investigator LabTest LOINCTestCode NumericResult PerformingLab Race ReceiverTest ResultReferenceRange ResultUnits ScreenID Sex SingleResult Site SpareSubjectID SpecimenCollection SpecimenComment SpecimenMaterial SpecimenTransport Study Subject SubjectAtCollection SubjectID TestLevelComment TextResult ToxicityGrade TransactionType TransmissionSource Visit

element Accession diagram

children CentralLab BaseSpecimen TransactionType

used by element Visit

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string LastActiveDateT xsd:dateTime ime source element BaseBattery diagram

children BaseTest TransactionType

used by element BaseSpecimen

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required Name xsd:string source element BaseResult diagram

children ToxicityGrade SingleResult TransactionType

used by element BaseTest

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ReportedResult xsd:string Status AlertFlag xsd:string DeltaFlag xsd:string ExclusionFlag xsd:string BlindingFlag xsd:string ReportedDateTi xsd:dateTime me source element BaseSpecimen diagram

children SpecimenCollection SpecimenTransport SpecimenComment SpecimenMaterial SubjectAtCollection BaseBattery TransactionType

used by element Accession

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string source element BaseTest diagram

children PerformingLab LabTest ReceiverTest LOINCTestCode TestLevelComment BaseResult TransactionType

used by element BaseBattery

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Status xsd:string required TestingDateTim xsd:dateTime e TestType xsd:string source element CentralLab diagram

used by element Accession

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required Name xsd:string source element Confidential diagram

used by element Subject

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Initials xsd:string Birthdate xsd:date source element GTP diagram

children TransmissionSource Study TransactionType

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ModelVersion xsd:string required docu Expe ment cted ation forma t is ##-#- ##, wher e # repre sents a digit. Exam ple: 01-2- 07 CreationDateTi xsd:dateTime required me source Expected format is ##-#-##, where # represents a digit. Example: 01-2-07 element Investigator diagram

children Subject TransactionType used by element Site

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string Name xsd:string source element LabTest diagram

used by element BaseTest

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required Name xsd:string AdditionalDescri xsd:string ption source element LOINCTestCode diagram

used by element BaseTest

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Value xsd:string required CodeListID xsd:string source element NumericResult diagram

used by element SingleResult

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Value xsd:double required Precision xsd:string required source element PerformingLab diagram

used by element BaseTest

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required Name xsd:string source element Race diagram

used by element Subject

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Value xsd:string required CodeListID xsd:string source element ReceiverTest diagram

used by element BaseTest

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required Name xsd:string source element ResultReferenceRange diagram

used by element SingleResult

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ReferenceRang xsd:string eLow ReferenceRang xsd:string eHigh source element ResultUnits diagram

used by element SingleResult

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Value xsd:string required CodeListID xsd:string source element ScreenID diagram

type restriction of xsd:string

used by elements Subject Subject

facets maxLength 20

source element Sex diagram

used by element Subject

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Value xsd:string required CodeListID xsd:string source element SingleResult diagram

children TextResult NumericResult ResultReferenceRange ResultUnits TransactionType

used by element BaseResult

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ResultClass xsd:string required ResultType xsd:string required source element Site diagram

children Investigator TransactionType

used by element Study

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required source element SpareSubjectID diagram

type restriction of xsd:string

used by element Subject

facets maxLength 20

source element SpecimenCollection diagram

used by element BaseSpecimen

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ActualCollection xsd:dateTime required DateTime PlannedCollecti xsd:string docu Expe onTimeElapsed ment cted ation forma t is DDD- HH- MM, wher e DDD repre sents days [000- 999], HH repre sents hours [00- 23] and MM repre sents minut es [00- 69]. PlannedCollecti xsd:string onTimeElapsed Description CollectionEndDa xsd:dateTime teTime source Expected format is DDD-HH-MM, where DDD represents days [000-999], HH represents hours [00-23] and MM represents minutes [00-69]. element SpecimenComment diagram

used by element BaseSpecimen

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Source xsd:string Text xsd:string required source element SpecimenMaterial diagram

used by element BaseSpecimen

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required Name xsd:string CodeListID xsd:string source element SpecimenTransport diagram

used by element BaseSpecimen

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ReceivedDateTi xsd:dateTime me SpecimenCondit xsd:string ion source element Study diagram

children Site TransactionType

used by element GTP

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required Name xsd:string TransmissionTy xsd:string required pe source element Subject diagram

children ScreenID SubjectID SpareSubjectID Sex Race Confidential Visit TransactionType

used by element Investigator

source element SubjectAtCollection diagram

used by element BaseSpecimen

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation AgeAtCollection xsd:double AgeUnits xsd:string required FastingStatus xsd:string source element SubjectID diagram

type restriction of xsd:string

used by elements Subject Subject

facets maxLength 20

source element TestLevelComment diagram

type restriction of xsd:string

used by element BaseTest

facets maxLength 2048

source element TextResult diagram

used by element SingleResult

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Value xsd:string required CodeListID xsd:string source element ToxicityGrade diagram

used by element BaseResult

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation Value xsd:string required CodeListID xsd:string source element TransactionType diagram

type restriction of xsd:string

used by elements Accession BaseBattery BaseResult BaseSpecimen BaseTest GTP Investigator SingleResult Site Study Subject Visit facets maxLength 10 enumeration M enumeration I enumeration R enumeration U source element TransmissionSource diagram

used by element GTP

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required Name xsd:string source element Visit diagram children Accession TransactionType

used by element Subject

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation ID xsd:string required Name xsd:string Type xsd:string required TypeModifier xsd:string source

XML Schema documentation generated with XMLSPY Schema Editor