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Campbell High School

Campbell High School Patricia Aguilar Foreign Language Department Spanish III

Welcome to your modern language class! This course is designed to increase your proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish.

The instruction will include a variety of activities, use of the computer lab and simulate an immersion experience (instruction will be conducted primarily in Spanish). Additionally, the class will be differentiated to meet student needs by using a range of input, processes and products determined by individual readiness and graded accordingly.

Materials All textbooks and workbooks will be provided. Students are required to bring paper, writing utensil, dry erase marker and eraser and all assignments to class. A Spanish-English dictionary would be very helpful. Many supplementary materials will also be utilized.

Academic Cheating is considered a serious matter. For this course, cheating is Integrity defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts: copying answers from another student at home or at school when independent work is expected, plagiarism, use of an online/computer based translation program or native speaker.

Expectations Respect for the both the other students and teacher is essential for a positive learning environment. Additionally, appropriate behavior as outlined in the Student Handbook is expected for a successful educational experience. Food, drinks, candy and gum are prohibited. Cell phones are prohibited and will be taken up if seen in class including the use of text messaging.

Internet Use By signing this form you and your student are agreeing to use the Internet in an ethical and moral way both at school in the computer lab/media center and on homework assignments. Disciplinary action will be taken if objectionable material is utilized or if there is any kind of misuse of the equipment/software provided by Campbell High School. Please indicate on the other side of this document if there is not Internet access at home.

Late work No late work is accepted without an excused absence. Projects turned in late (only 2 days) will be worth 50% of the original value.

Additional Assistance is available afternoon at 3:30 by appointment only and all Help/Make up make up tests/quizzes and assignments will be completed at this time. assignments Grading 40% Daily grades (homework, class activities, participation) procedures 40% Test/Project/Quiz grades 20% Final exam To: Parents/Guardians: From: Patricia Aguilar Re: New semester information

Please read both sides of this handout as it contains vital information to the Spanish class this semester and will assist in a successful learning experience.

The school sends home report cards every six weeks. However, you have access to grades online at any time to find out grades on individual assignments in addition to the homework and test average.

To contact me you may email me from the Campbell website or send a note directly to my school email address: [email protected] or send a letter with your child to school to be hand delivered to me.

There will be times when I will need to get in touch with you as well, if you would be so kind as to provide the following information, it would be most helpful.

Parent/Guardian’s name(s): ______Your child’s name: ______Daytime phone: ______Evening phone: ______Email address: ______In what order should I make contact: mother first /father second____, Father first /mother second______

Please list below any questions or comments that I may address at this time or information that I should know about your student. ______

I appreciate your support and look forward to meeting you at Open House and a productive semester. Please sign below if you have read, understood and discussed with your child the syllabus, materials, academic integrity policy, expectations, Internet use, late work, additional help options and the grading procedure.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Campbell High School Foreign Language/ESOL Department Fall Semester 2006

COURSE TITLE: German 2 TEACHER: Margaret McKenzie EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE #: 678-842-6850, ext. 458 CHS WEBSITE: HREF="" MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor CHS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOALS: This year Campbell has two school goals. WRITING: Students will use active strategies to improve writing across the curriculum. COMMUNICATION: The school will foster effective communication networks with all stakeholders. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Level II language course focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that the students have successfully completed a Level I course and are at a Novice-Mid level of proficiency. In order to view entire curriculum, go to HREF="" MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

. GRADING POLICY: Daily Grades 30% Current Events……………… ……………………………….10% Tests and Projects 35% Quizzes 10% Final Exam 15% TEXTBOOK: Komm Mit! ($52.95) In addition to the text, the students will receive a workbook. The students are permitted to write in these workbooks, but if lost the workbook will need to be replaced at a cost of $13.35. MATERIALS NEEDED: a three ring binder

ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP POLICY: Because of the emphasis on oral and listening skills, student attendance is extremely important. A student who is present and actively participates is more likely to be successful; however, if a student is absent, he/she has five school days to make up assigned work. After five days, a zero will be given for the missed work. Quite often work that has been missed in class can only be made up with the teacher before or after school. It is the student's responsibility to schedule a time within the five school days in order to make up the work. LATE WORK POLICY: Late work is only accepted with a valid excused admit slip. No other late work will be accepted. TARDY POLICY: The school tardy policy is as follows: First Offense—Verbal Warning Second Offense—Mandatory Parent Contact Third Offense—Mandatory 30 Minute Detention & Parent Notification Fourth Offense—Administrative Referral for Saturday School **A tardy of more than 10 minutes will be considered a class cut and will constitute an Administrative Referral. HALL PASSES: Instructional time is of primary importance. Therefore, a hall pass will only be written on an emergency basis. As per school policy, a hall pass may only be written in a student’s school agenda. EXTRA HELP: The instructor is available by appointment almost every day before and after school. Thursday mornings are teacher meetings and teachers are unavailable. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Cheating is considered a serious matter. The parents of a student who has been involved in cheating will be notified and the student will receive a grade of zero for the test or assignment, and a grade of U in conduct. For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts: Copying anyone’s answers to questions, exercises, study guides, class work, or homework assignments. Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as his or her own, i.e., plagiarism. Looking onto another student’s paper during a test or quiz. Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission. Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected. Use of an online/computer-based translation program.

TECHNOLOGY: An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world. The integration of technology is an important tool in accessing authentic information in the target language and in providing students the opportunity to interact with native speakers. Therefore, access to a computer is often required during and after class. Students will often have the opportunity to work in the Language Lab or with departmental laptops. Violation of Lab rules will result in disciplinary action or loss of points on the assigned task. A student absence on a Lab assignment will require the student to schedule a make-up Lab day after school within 5 days of the absence. NOTEBOOK: Students are expected to maintain a three-ring binder for German work. These student notebooks are evaluated every six weeks by means of an unannounced, ten question, timed sampling quiz. In order to complete this quiz, students must keep all daily assignments, warm ups, homework, notes, grade sheets and quizzes. HOMEWORK: Homework is assigned EVERY day. Most of the time, homework is graded only for completion. A stamp is placed in the respective square for each day’s assignment on a weekly grade sheet. These grade sheets will be handed out on Friday and collected on the following Friday. Homework must be turned in to the Homework Folder when the bell rings. Homework will be checked and returned as students complete the warm up assignment. Students attempting to complete the homework assignment after the bell has rung will not receive the points for the homework. Students who lose a participation sheet will lose the points for that day or week. PROJECTS: Projects are an integral part of the high school curriculum because they prepare the student for the academic rigor of university. There will be several projects assigned in this class. The projects will always be assigned far in advance and no late projects will be accepted! Projects often require that a student have access to a computer. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule computer time with the instructor or with the Media Center. TESTS: Tests will always be announced in advance. The school has designated test days for subjects. The Test Days for Foreign Language are Tuesdays and Thursdays. The instructor will always adhere to this schedule unless there is 100% agreement by the students and myself to move a test to another day. Tests will often be completed on the computer. REPORT CARDS: Report cards will be given to students on September 29th, November 13th and January 12 th. Parents may access grades anytime online though I-Parent. A code is required for access, if you do not have your code, contact the school. FINAL EXAM: The final exam for this class will be held on December 20th or 21st. This exam is cumulative and will test the student in reading, writing, speaking, listening and culture.


TEACHER: McKenzie COURSE: German 2

PLEASE CHECK IN THE BOXES TO THE LEFT THAT APPLY: I have read the class syllabus and curriculum. I understand the academic integrity policy and the grading policy. I am willing to be contacted by email. (Please, indicate email address below.) My child has access to the Internet at home. I have access to the Internet and will access the I-Cue parent feature to check on my child's progress. I understand that teachers will make every effort to post grades within two weeks upon receipt of student work. However, posting of grades for major papers and projects may take longer than two weeks.

(Print) Student Name

Student Signature

(Print) Parent/Guardian Name

Parent/Guardian Signature (H) (W) (Cell) Parent/Guardian telephone numbers

(Parent/Guardian e-mail—optional but encouraged)

******Your child will be expected to keep this copy of the syllabus and curriculum in the notebook. Would you like a copy of this information emailed to you? Yes No


Please feel free to contact the teacher if you have any additional questions or concerns. Margaret McKenzie Campbell High School 678-842-6850 ext. 458 [email protected]

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