GISD Board of Trustees GISD Administrative Staff

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GISD Board of Trustees GISD Administrative Staff

Table of Contents

The purpose of this handbook is to provide information that will help with questions and pave the way for a successful year. Not all district policies and procedures are included. Those that have been are summarized. Suggestions for additions and improvements to this handbook are welcome and can be sent to the Public Information Office at the Central Office.

This handbook is neither a contract nor a substitute for the official district policy manual. It is not intended to alter the at-will status of employees in any way. Rather, it is a guide to and a brief explanation of district policies. District policies and procedures can change at any time. For more information, employees may refer to any policy codes that are associated with handbook topics, confer with their supervisor, or call the appropriate district office. Policy manuals are located in each building and are available for employee review during normal working hours.

GISD Board of Trustees GISD Administrative Staff

I. Employment Policies Application and Selection Personnel File Job Description Probationary Period Contracts Alcohol and Drug Testing

II. Salaries and Benefits Payroll Deduction Flexible Benefits Plan Direct Deposit Pay for Extra Duties Insurance Worker's Compensation Insurance Unemployment Compensation Insurance Teacher Retirement System of Texas Northeast Texas Teachers Federal Credit Union Annuities and Deferred Compensation

III. Absence and Leave Reporting Absence Leave Policy Sick Leave Bank Disability and Personal Leave Jury Duty Military Leave Family Leave Act

IV. Employee Information Substitute Teachers Evaluation Resignation Procedure

1 Retirement Non-School Employment Inservice/Workdays Transfers Filling Vacancies Purchasing Reporting Suspected Child Abuse Asbestos Management Plan Tobacco Use Travel Intern Residents/Student Teachers Service Awards Management Relations District Committees Reporting to Parents Name and address changes Building Hours Personnel Records Crisis Management Plan Reports to Commissioner Identification Badges Appraisal Calendar Administering Medication Nondiscrimination Notice

V. Appendixes Pay Date Schedule, Insurance Rates Employment Policies Local Electronic Communications Systems Guidelines Local Staff Dress Code, adopted August 2008 DAA Equal Employment Opportunity DC Employment Practices DCB Term Contract Employment DEA Salaries, Wages and Stipends DEC Leaves and Absences DFB series Termination of Term Contracts DFD Hearings for Hearing Examiner DFE Resignation DGBA Employee Complaints DH Employee Standards of Conduct DIA Employee Welfare: Freedom from Harassment DI Employee Welfare DK Assignment and Schedules DNA Performance Appraisal DNB & DFAC Return to Probationary Status GRA Relations with Government Entities

2 Board of Trustees

Charles Sivley, President District 7: Term Expires 2012

Anne Haynes, Vice President District 1: Term Expires 2013

Trena Stafford, Secretary District 2: Term Expires 2011

Dr. Kim Butcher District 3: Term Expires 2011

Randy Wineinger District 4: Term Expires 2011

Leah Tillotson District 5: Term Expires 2012

Slack Brown District 6: Term expires 2013

The Board of Trustees meets regularly on the third Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Wesley Martin Operations Center, 4004 Moulton Street. Special meetings are called when necessary. All meetings are open to the public and are subject to provisions of Texas law. Agendas are provided for visitors at the media table near the front of the Board Room. Time is set aside at the beginning of each meeting to recognize visitors who would like to address the Board and are not on the agenda. Trustees request that those persons wishing to address the board fill out a card stating their name, address and any group they represent.

3 Administration Greenville Independent School District Administration Building 3504 King Street P. O. Box 1022 Greenville, Texas 75403-1022 903/457-2500 FAX: 903/457-2504

Don Jefferies Superintendent

Carl Key Deputy Superintendent

Bruce Shores Assistant Superintendent

Ralph Sanders Executive Director of Human Resources

David Carter Executive Director of Finance

Randy Stuart Executive Director of Technology

Anna Griffiths Executive Director of Special Education

Kelli Tharp Director of Community Services

Barbara Price Executive Director for Federal Programs/Student Services

Jim Olenski Director of Maintenance/Custodial

Laura Carter Director of Transportation

Cathy Garner Director - ELA/R & Soc. Studies, District Homeless Liaison

Rachael Driggers Director – Math & Science K – 12, District Textbook Coordinator

Vicky Peterson Bilingual/ESL Coordinator

4 Employment Policies

Application and Selection Applicants for employment are required to fill out a job application online at the district's online Job Center. Information contained in the application will be verified.

The Greenville Independent School District seeks highly qualified staff for its certified and non-certified positions, based on relative academic or technical preparation, proper certification, experience, recommendations and references, evaluations, suitability for the position and the needs of the district. These criteria are not rank-ordered and may be considered in whole or in part when making such decisions.

The Superintendent has sole authority to make recommendations to the board regarding selection of contractual personnel, and the board delegates to the Superintendent final authority to hire the following contractual personnel: classroom teachers, librarians and nurses.

The Board retains final authority for selection and employment of certified administrators, principals, counselors and other certified contractual personnel.

The Board retains final authority for the selection and employment of non-certified administrators and other non-certified professionals whose contracts are not governed by provisions of Education Code. The Superintendent retains the final authority to hire all non-contractual personnel on an at- will basis.

Personnel File All employees should have on file in the personnel office a completed application, transcript of all college work, professional certificate, birth certificate, service records of all prior service, Texas Teacher Retirement form, Withholding Tax form (W-4), signed contract and I-9 form.

It is imperative that the employee file is completed before the first pay period or the employee's paycheck may be held. An employee or their representative (designated in writing) may examine the personnel file upon request during normal working hours at the administration office.

Job Description The district maintains a job description for each position. These job descriptions establish required knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for each position and the acceptable levels of education, experience and training for each.

Probationary Period One-year probationary contracts are required for teachers and other certified professionals employed by a district for the first time.

The probationary contract may be renewed each year for up to four years, with one exception: it may not exceed one year for teachers employed by public schools for five of the eight years preceding their employment. To non-renew a probationary contract employee, the board must give him or her 45 days notice before the last day of instruction.

Decisions not to renew probationary contracts are final and cannot be appealed.

5 School districts can return term-contract teachers to probationary contract status with the written consent of the teacher in lieu of discharge, termination or non-renewal. Non-contractual employees are appointed for a 30-day probationary period, during which time performance is evaluated.

After this period, probationary status can be removed or the employee can be dismissed.

Contracts Contracts for administrative personnel may be for a term not to exceed two years. Contracts for all non- administrative professional personnel may be for a term not to exceed one year. In all cases, the district reserves the right to contract with an employee for a longer or shorter period of time as it deems appropriate.

Contracts for administrative personnel are usually considered at the regular February/March Board meeting. Contracts for non-administrative personnel are usually considered in March/April. The deadline for acceptance of a contract shall be stated in the contract.

The offer of employment is void unless the contract is signed and returned on or before the specified date.

Alcohol and Drug Testing The purpose of alcohol and drug testing is to ensure safety and prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the misuse of alcohol and drugs by drivers of commercial motor vehicles. Any employee who is required to have a commercial driver's license (CDL) is subject to drug and alcohol testing.

This includes all drivers who operate a motor vehicle designed to transport 16 or more people, counting the driver, drivers of large vehicles; or drivers of vehicles used in the transportation of hazardous materials.

Teachers, coaches or other employees who primarily perform duties other than driving are subject to testing requirements when they are driving.

The District reserves the right to conduct searches when it has reasonable cause to believe that a search will uncover evidence of work-related misconduct. The district may search the employee, the employee’s personal items, work areas, lockers and private vehicles parked on district premises or worksites used in district business.

Equal Employment Opportunity The Greenville Independent School District does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, military status, or on any other basis prohibited by law. Employment decisions will be made on the basis of each applicant’s job qualifications, experience, and abilities.

Employees with questions or concerns about discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or military status should contact the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent, the district’s Title IX coordinator. Employees with questions or concerns about discrimination on the basis of a disability should contact the Director of Federal Programs.

6 Salaries and Benefits

Payroll Deductions The District withholds income tax, the employee share of their Retirement contribution, FICA deduction (1.45%) for employees hired after 3/31/86 and Social Security for employees not eligible for TRS from employee’s salary or wage.

Employees may have deductions made for the employee portion of health insurance, dental insurance, annuity programs, disability insurance, cancer insurance, credit union eposits or debits, United Way donations, life insurance, YMCA and professional organizations.

Flexible Benefits All employees of the District are eligible to participate in a Flexible Benefits (“Cafeteria Plan”) Program designed to offer employees a variety of fringe benefits to select in a manner that best fits their personal needs.

A major benefit is an employee’s ability to pay for plan benefits on a pre-tax basis rather than with after- tax dollars. The premiums that an employee pays for medical, dental, life and cancer insurance are included.

A more detailed description of the plan is available from the Personnel Office.

Direct Deposit Employees may have paychecks deposited directly into checking or savings accounts at Banks, Savings and Loans, Credit Unions or any member of the automated clearing institution. On payday, instead of receiving a paycheck, the employee will have their paycheck deposited into the designated bank account.

To enroll in Direct Deposit, employees must complete an authorization form and return it to the Payroll Department along with a voided check. The information is needed to ensure the deposit of the check into the proper account. Processing will take one pay cycle for pre-notification.

Any employee changing banks will need to supply the Payroll Department with a new authorization form and a voided check from the new bank. Anyone wishing to cancel Direct Deposit can do so by notifying the Payroll Department in writing at least 15 working days before payday. Upon separation of employment, the last paycheck will not be direct deposited, but will be an actual check.

Employees may participate at anytime in the future. The Payroll Department, at 408-4418 can answer questions.

Pay for Extra Duties Professional personnel who are assigned duties not within the area of their contracted regular or co- curricular duties may be paid for such services upon approval of the Superintendent.

7 Insurance Life, medical, and dental insurance are available to all full-time employees and those working more that 20 hours per week. Bus drivers who work 15 hours are also eligible. The District and State of Texas contribute monthly toward the life and health insurance program.

Coverage for terminated employees shall be stopped at the end of the month in which the termination occurs. Employees requesting a leave of absence in accordance with Board Policy shall be given the option of continuing their coverage at their own expense by prepaying the cost of the insurance.

Retiring employees may continue coverage with the District or may opt to receive coverage from the Texas Retirement System’s plan for retirees. To provide income to eligible employees during extended disability, long-term disability insurance is available.

Workers’ Compensation insurance The district, in accordance with state law, provides workers’ compensation benefits to employees who suffer a work-related illness or are injured on the job. Benefits help pay for medical treatment and make up for part of the income lost while recovering. Specific benefits are prescribed by law depending on the circumstances of each case.

All work-related accidents or injuries should be reported immediately to a Supervisor, the supervisor’s designee and the Human Resources Office.

Employees who are unable to work due to a work-related injury will be notified of their rights and responsibilities under the Texas Labor Code.

Unemployment compensation insurance Employees who have been laid off or terminated through no fault of their own may be eligible for unemployment compensation benefits under the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act.

Employees are not eligible to collect unemployment benefits during regularly scheduled breaks in the school year or the summer months if they have employment contracts or reasonable assurance of returning to service.

Employees with questions about unemployment benefits should contact the Texas Workforce Commission or the Unemployment Office.

Teacher Retirement All personnel employed on a regular basis for at least one-half time of the normal work schedule are members of the Texas Teacher Retirement System (TRS).

Substitutes not receiving TRS service retirement benefits who work at least 90 days a year are also eligible for TRS membership and to purchase a year of creditable service.

TRS provides members with an annual statement of their account showing all deposits and the total account balance for the year ending Aug. 31, as well as an estimate of their retirement benefits.

Employees who plan to retire under TRS should notify the Personnel Office as soon as possible. Information on the application procedures for TRS benefits is available at the Central Office, 3504 King.

8 Credit Union Many services are available to all employees through the Northeast Texas Teachers Federal Credit Union. Employees may become members by filling out a membership card, paying a $1 filing fee and making a deposit of at least $50 in their share account within six months.

If interested, call 1-800-634-2923.

Deferred Compensation Tax sheltered annuities and deferred compensation are programs where the deduction is made from the employee’s pay prior to withholding tax being taken.

9 Absence and Leave

Reporting Absences When absent from duty, employees should call their principal or supervisor as soon as possible. Upon return, the employee fills out and signs a Daily Absence Report Form.

Leave Policy All full-time employees earn leave at the rate of one-half day for each eighteen days of employment from the state. No more than five days of state leave may be earned yearly.

State leave is cumulative, has no limit and is used after local leave is spent. Local leave also accumulates from year to year with a maximum accumulation of 45 days. If all leave is used, the employee is docked at the full daily rate of pay.

Leave is advanced to all professionals and paraprofessional employees at the start of the new contract. If the employee uses all days of leave and resigns prior to the end of the contract, days not earned will be deducted from the last check.

Leave can be used for absences due to illness of the employee or member of the immediate family, a family emergency or death in the employee’s family. An employee may be absent for up to five working days in the case of death of an immediate family member. This leave is charged to state leave and/or local sick leave.

An employee absent for personal illness for more than six consecutive workdays shall submit a doctor’s certification of the illness and the employee’s fitness to return to work. For an illness with the employee’s immediate family, for which leave of more than six consecutive working days is requested, a certificate of the illness is required from a licensed practitioner.

In addition to all state and local leave days, a district employee physically assaulted during the performance of regular day is entitled, by employee request, to the number of days necessary to recuperate from all physical injuries sustained. This period will not exceed two years from the date of injury.

Discretionary personal leave may not be taken for more than five consecutive days.

Sick Leave Bank The purpose of the Sick Leave Bank is to provide additional sick leave days to members of the bank in the event of an unexpected catastrophic illness or injury. Days may be requested from the sick bank only after the member has exhausted all accumulated state and local sick leave days.

In addition, the member must lose six (6) days of compensation from the district.

All Full-time 10, 11 and 12-month personnel are eligible for membership.

“Full time employees” shall be defined as those employees who are classified as full-time by the District. Teachers and paraprofessionals working at least 50 percent of the normal school day shall also be eligible for membership. Bus drivers are eligible for Sick Leave Bank membership.

10 Disability and Personal Leave Certified full-time employees may request a leave of absence for temporary disability. He or she must submit a physician’s statement confirming the employee’s inability to work, the date upon which the employee has requested the leave begin and the probable date of the employee’s return to work.

The employee shall notify the Superintendent of a desire to return to active duty at least 30 days before the expected date of return. The notice should include a physician’s statement indicating the employee’s physical fitness to return to regular duties. The maximum length of temporary disability leave for certified full-time employees is 180 calendar days.

Any employee taking personal leave must receive prior approval from their supervisor. Personal leave cannot be used immediately preceding or following a school holiday nor on the first or last day of grading period.

Jury Duty An employee shall be granted leave with pay and without loss of accumulated leave for jury duty. The employee must present documentation of the service and is allowed to retain compensation for this service.

Military Leave An employee who is a member of the state military forces or a military reserve is entitled to a leave of absence of up to 15 days per calendar year without loss of time, efficiency rating, vacation time or salary for days in which he or she is engaged in authorized training.

A full-time employee who leaves his position to enter active military duty will be restored to employment if he leaves military service under honorable conditions within five years of the date of entry, is still physically and mentally qualified to hold a position and applies in a timely manner for reinstatement.

Family Leave Act The policy provides for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in certain circumstances.

* Please reference DEC Local for more information about leaves and absences. 11 Employee Information

Substitute Teachers Anyone wishing to substitute teach should complete a GISD application form and provide a transcript of college work which shows 30 college credits. The district will also provide specialized training.

A substitute teacher shall be subject to all duties of a regular classroom teacher.

Evaluation Evaluation of employees is a continuous process that utilizes approved performance criteria and instruments for objectively gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence regarding both the strengths and limitations demonstrated by personnel in assigned positions.

Employees are evaluated in accordance with regulations from the Texas Education Agency and state mandates.

Resignation Procedure Contractual employees should submit written resignations 45 days before the first day of instruction. The resignation will then be given administrative consideration and appropriate action will be taken.

Retirement The same notice requirements for resignation apply in case of retirement. Retiring employees should contact the Human Resources Office at least four months in advance of retirement to follow procedures that ensure maximum retirement benefits.

Non-School Employment An employee may accept employment outside school duties so long as such employment does not reduce his/her effectiveness. The immediate supervisor or principal will determine whether such work does not conflict with the proper discharge of duties in the public interest.

Inservice/Workdays The District will provide the appropriate number of days for inservice and workdays. Specific topics and additional training opportunities are found in the Annual Inservice Plan available on each campus.

Transfers A teacher may make a written request to the Executive Director of Human Resources for a transfer within the District. Transfers may be to a different building or from one grade or subject field to another in the same or different building.

Requests which are denied must be submitted again in a new year if the teacher wishes the request to be reconsidered. The Superintendent will approve/disapprove transfers.

12 Filling Vacancies Recommendations for employment are based on qualifications, experience, aptitude and other considerations.

District personnel are encouraged to apply for open positions for which they are qualified and have interest. Job vacancies are listed on Greenville ISD's internet website at

Purchasing The Business Office shall make all purchase commitments on a properly drawn and issued purchase order. Requisition for a purchase order is submitted to the employee’s immediate supervisor who in turn will submit it to the district’s Business Office.

After the purchase order has been processed, a receiving copy (pink) will be sent to the person making the requisition. Upon receipt of the requested materials, the pink copy should be signed and returned to the Business Office, thus assuring payment for only the items received.

All purchases must be made from budgeted funds as approved by the Board of Trustees during the budget process. The Business Office will check availability of funds before the purchase order is issued.

Reporting suspected child abuse All employees are required by state law to immediately report any suspected child abuse or neglect to Child Protective Services (2920 Lee Street, 903/455-7636). Teachers and other professional staff are required to file a report with a law enforcement agency or Child Protective Services within 48 hours of the event that led to the suspicion.

Under state law, any person reporting or assisting in the investigation of reported child abuse or neglect is immune from liability unless the report is made in bad faith or with malicious intent.

Employees who suspect that a student has been or may be abused or neglected should report their concerns to the campus principal.

Asbestos Management Plan The district is committed to providing a safe environment for employees. An accredited management planner has developed an asbestos management plan for each piece of district property.

A copy of the district's management plan is kept in each building's office and is available for inspection during normal business hours.

Tobacco use Smoking or using tobacco products is prohibited by law on all district-owned property. This includes all buildings, playground areas, parking facilities and facilities used for athletics and other activities. Drivers of district-owned vehicles are prohibited from smoking while inside the vehicle.

Notices stating that smoking is prohibited by law and punishable by a fine are displayed in prominent places in all school buildings.

13 Travel Employees shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred while performing duties related to their jobs, when such expenditures are at the request of the employee’s immediate supervisor.

Employee must submit travel requests three weeks prior to the proposed travel date to his or her immediate supervisor or principal. Registration fees and lodging will be paid directly to the organization or hotel upon approval of a check request.

Receipts must accompany all reimbursement requests. Reimbursement will be made to individuals for travel expenses approved in District policy.

Residents/Student Teachers Greenville ISD, in cooperation with Texas A&M University-Commerce and the Center for Professional Development and Technology, assigns interns and residents through the field-based teacher education program.

Interns and residents spend one year in the classroom with identified mentor teachers in order to fulfill certification requirements through the university and TEA.

Service Awards Service awards are given to employees after five years of service. Additional awards are made at each five-year interval.

Reporting to Parents Student report cards, grades 1-12, are now maintained on Greenville ISD’s electronic gradebook from Skyward. Skyward is an Internet based gradebook program which automates almost all gradebook tasks for teachers and administrators. It also has provisions for parent access.

Parents or guardians will be able to access and review their student’s grades, and other performance related information, through Greenville ISD’s web site,

Applications for parent or guardian accounts can be secured at the Wesley Martin Operations Center technology department located at 4004 Moulton Street.

Name and address changes It is important that employment records be kept up to date. Employees should notify the Human Resources Office if there are any changes or corrections to their name, home address, home telephone number, marital status, emergency contact or beneficiary.

Forms to process a change in personal information can be obtained from the Human Resources Office. Official documentation must accompany a name change request.

14 Personnel Records Most district records, including personnel records, are public information and must be released upon request. A limited amount of personal information may be withheld.

Employees may choose not to allow public access to or have the following information included in a staff directory by submitting a written request to the Human Resources Office: Address, Phone Number, Social Security Number and any information that reveals whether they have family members.

Crisis Management Plan Greenville ISD has developed a Crisis Management Plan to enable staff members to know the proper steps to take during a crisis situation. The plan was created by a cross-section of district staffers, including principals, Central Office administrators, counselors and other support staff

The plan covers a variety of emergency situations. Accidents, fires or explosions, death, hostage situations, and kidnapping are just a few of the situations addressed in the plan which is intended for use as a practical outline of what to do in the event of an emergency.

The Crisis Management Plan can do nothing to prevent or predict a crisis. If used properly, it may help the district manage the situation and bring about a swift resolution. A copy of the plan is available for review at each school or through the Public Information Office.

Reports to the commissioner The dismissal or resignation of a certified employee will be reported to the Texas Commissioner of Education if there is reasonable evidence that the employee's conduct involves the following:

*Any form of sexual or physical abuse of a minor or any other illegal conduct with a minor. *The possession, transfer, sale or distribution of a controlled substance. *The illegal transfer, appropriation or expenditure of school property or funds. *An attempt by fraudulent or unauthorized means to obtain or alter any certificate or permit that would entitle the individual to a professional position or to receive additional compensation associated with a position. *Committing a crime on school property or at a school-sponsored event.

Identification Badges Photo identification badges are to be worn by staff members at all campuses while on duty. Badges should be worn on the outermost layer of clothing and in such a way that the badge will remain in plain view at all times.

Appraisal Calendar Observations may begin the fourth week of school and will not occur the day before or the day after a holiday. Observations (scored or walk-through) must be completed by the last instructional day of the fifth six weeks. Summative conferences must be held 15 days before the last day of instruction.


Administering medication Only authorized employees may administer medication to students. A student who is required to take medicine during the school day must bring a written request from his/her parent. The medicine must be in the original, properly labeled container.

Contact the principal or school nurse for the procedures that must be followed when administering medication to students.

Nondiscrimination Title VII. Civil Rights Act of 1964; Executive Orders 11246 and 11375; Title IX, 1973 Education Amendments; Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as Amended; 1974 Amendments to the Wage-Hour Law Expanding the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; and Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1972 as Amended in 1974.

It is the policy of GISD to comply fully with the nondiscrimination provisions of all federal and state laws and regulations by assuring that no person shall be excluded from consideration for recruitment, selection, appointment, training, promotion, retention, or any other personnel action, or be denied any benefits or participation in any programs or activities which it operates on the grounds of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, handicap, age, or veteran status (except where age, sex, or handicap constitute a bona fide occupational qualification necessary to proper and efficient administration).

The Greenville Independent School District makes positive efforts to employ and advance in employment all protected groups. The Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Coordinator for the Greenville Independent School District is Karen Vickery. Title IX Coordinator is Rick Lynch. Inquiries should be directed to their attention at P.O. Box 1022, Greenville, Texas, 75403-1022.

16 Pay Schedule 2010 - 2011

September 13, 2010 (Monday) September 27, 2010 (Monday)

October 13, 2010 (Wednesday) October 27, 2010 (Wednesday)

November 12, 2010 (Friday) November 19, 2010 (Friday)

December 10, 2010 (Friday) December 17, 2010 (Friday)

January 13, 2011 (Thursday) January 27, 2011 (Thursday)

February 11, 2011 (Friday) February 25, 2011 (Friday)

March 11, 2011 (Friday) March 25, 2011 (Friday)

April 13, 2011 (Wednesday) April 27, 2011 (Wednesday)

May 13, 2011 (Friday) May 27, 2011 (Friday)

June 13, 2011 (Monday) June 27, 2011(Monday)

July 13, 2011 (Wednesday) July 27, 2011 (Wednesday)

August 12, 2011 (Friday) August 26, 2011 (Friday)

17 Insurance Rates

Coverage Category Total Cost Employee Cost Per Check

ACTIVE CARE 1 Employee Only $297.00 $7.66 $3.83 Employee and Spouse $677.00 $387.66 $193.83 Employee and Child(ren) $474.00 $184.66 $92.33 Employee and Family $746.00 $456.66 $228.33

ACTIVE CARE 1-HD Employee Only $0 $0.00 $0.00 Employee and Spouse $642.00 $352.66 $176.33 Employee and Child(ren) $409.00 $119.66 $59.83 Employee and Family $840.00 $550.66 $275.33

ACTIVE CARE 2 Employee Only $396.00 $106.66 $53.33 Employee and Spouse $901.00 $611.66 $305.83 Employee and Child(ren) $630.00 $340.66 $170.33 Employee and Family $991.00 $701.66 $350.83

ACTIVE CARE 3 Employee Only $533.00 $243.66 $121.83 Employee and Spouse $1,213.00 $923.66 $461.83 Employee and Child(ren) $850.00 $560.66 $280.33 Employee and Family $1,334.00 $1,044.66 $522.33

***** The employee costs are based on the District paying $289.34 *****

Ameritas Dental Employee Rates Employee Only $30.40 Employee/Child $66.16 Employee/Spouse $60.80 Employee/Family $96.56

Ameritas Vision Employee Rates Employee Only $8.96 Employee/1 Dependent $17.92 Employee/2 or More Dependents $25.20

18 District Policies and Administrative Regulations Electronic Communications System Philosophy and Purpose The District provides an electronic communications network and Internet access to electronic mail, voice mail, databases, libraries, museums, and other information sources for the following limited purposes:

1.Promote educational excellence in its schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. 2.Improve learning and reach the District's instructional goals. 3.Achieve effective and efficient administration at the District and campus levels. 4.Comply with the Texas Education Agency's guidelines for technology in schools.

Any use of the District's information and communication systems and resources by authorized users must be in furtherance of these limited purposes and conform to the District's expectations for legal, efficient, and ethical use.

Internet Safety and Limitations on Site Access Recognizing that the Internet can give access to sites containing information that is obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors or that would be otherwise inappropriate for distribution to students, unsuitable for use in the approved curriculum, or irrelevant to accomplishing the District's stated purposes for operating an Internet-accessible network, the District has installed technology protection measures to filter, screen, analyze, and block site content in an effort to make it more difficult for students or staff to gain access to such material through the District's network.

The Technology Director or designated campus administrators may disable technology protection measures during use by an adult to allow access to otherwise prohibited or blocked sites or information for bona fide research or other acceptable purposes under this policy. Nonetheless, the District makes no representation that it can control access to all Internet sites.

Network users are responsible for their actions in accessing available resources and will be held accountable for sending or receiving information that is inconsistent with the requirements for acceptable and unacceptable use of the communication network and Internet.

Authorized Users The District permits individuals in the following categories to become authorized users of its computer network and/or have access to the Internet, subject to administrative regulations developed by the Technology Director and approved by the Superintendent.

1. Campus administrators and campus administrative support employees. 2. Central office administrators (department or division directors) and their administrative support employees. 3. Instructional personnel 4. Instructional support and student services personnel, i.e., librarians, counselors, and school nurses. 5. Students in grades 7-12. Students in grades K-6 may have access through class accounts and regulations for those accounts.

19 To become an authorized user, a person must complete an application, sign the User Agreement, and return both forms to the Technology Director or designee. Minor students applying for a user account must also return a signed Parent Agreement.

General Requirements for Network and Internet Use Student and employee use of the District's communications network and access to the Internet must be in accordance with this policy. Each authorized user is responsible for all activities, transmissions, or actions that occur under that account identifier. No account sharing or password sharing will be permitted, without first obtaining written authorization from the District Technology Director or designee.

Employees and students shall not take District computers off-campus, without first obtaining written authorization from the District's Technology Director or designee. Any user who identifies a security problem with the network must immediately notify the District Technology Director and may not communicate the problem to any other person.

Monitoring Use Use of a personal communications network account through the District's system is voluntary and constitutes a privilege provided by the District, not a right. All network usage, including voice mail and email, is subject to monitoring, examination, and investigation by the system administrators without prior notice or the specific consent of the user. The Technology Director may establish standards and limits on email format, including the use of graphics and other attachments. By signing the User Agreement, each authorized user acknowledges the possibility of such monitoring and consents to it.

Professional employees overseeing student instructional use of the District's communications network or access to the Internet will be vigilant in determining that students are using the District's system only in compliance with this policy to enhance student safety and security, particularly when students are using electronic mail, chat rooms authorized under this policy, and other forms of direct electronic communication.

Suspending or Revoking Privileges Access to the communications network, the Internet, or both may be suspended or revoked and user IDs deleted if a student or employee is determined to have violated this policy or the User Agreement each user signs as a condition for obtaining access to the District's communications network and/or the Internet. Any user identified as a security risk or who has a history of violations with other communications systems will be denied access to the network. A user whose access has been suspended or revoked may request a conference with the principal and Technology Director to discuss the basis for that action and have an opportunity to respond. A decision by the Technology Director to suspend or revoke system privileges may be appealed to the Superintendent or the Board. System privileges are revoked during any appeal.

20 Acceptable Use Any use described below is deemed "acceptable" and consistent with the User Agreement and this policy. Occasional personal use is acceptable during non-instructional or break/lunch periods. Personal use will be monitored. The final decision regarding whether any given use of the network or Internet is acceptable lies with the Superintendent or designee, in consultation with the Technology Director.

1. Supports instructional purposes and goals. 2. Furthers the District's educational and administrative purposes, goals, and objectives. 3. Furthers research related to education and instruction. 4. Does not violate the student code of conduct or employee standards of conduct. 5. Is consistent with network rules established by the Technology Director.

Users may use internet radio or video for academic purposes, but such use may be disconnected without notice if it affects the performance of the District's communications network.

Unacceptable Use Any of the following uses is deemed "unacceptable" and a violation of the User Agreement and this policy. The final decision regarding whether any given use of the network or Internet is unacceptable lies with the Superintendent or designee, in consultation with the Technology Director.

1. Unauthorized use of copyrighted material, including violating District software licensing agreements and sharing of copyrighted audio files. (See EFE) 2. Posting or distribution of threatening, racist, harassing, excessively violent, sexually explicit, or obscene material. 3. Personal or political use to advocate for or against a candidate, office-holder, political party, or political position. Research or electronic communications regarding political issues or candidates shall not be a violation when the activity is to fulfill an assignment for class credit. 4. Participating in chat rooms, Internet games, or multi-user games, other than those sponsored and overseen by the District. 5. Tampering, i.e., accessing, reading, deleting, copying, or modifying, with the electronic mail of other users, regardless of where the message is displayed or stored. 6. "Hacking," i.e., attempting unauthorized access to any computer whether within the district's network or outside it. 7. Any use that would be unlawful under state or federal law. 8. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution of personal identification information regarding students or employees. 9. Forgery of electronic mail messages or transmission of unsolicited junk e-mail chain messages. 10. Use that violates the student code of conduct or employee standards of conduct. 11. Use related to commercial activities or for commercial gain by a student or employee. 12. Advertisement for purchase or sale of a service or product. 13. Employees or students connecting their personal computers to the District's computer network, without first obtaining the prior written authorization from the District's Technology Director or designee. 14. All software and hardware downloads, and/or installations without prior written approval from the District's Technology Director or designee.

21 Serious Violations If the principal determines that a student's or employee's use of the system violates the student code of conduct or employee standards of conduct and that disciplinary action other than or in addition to suspension or revocation of system privileges is warranted, those disciplinary actions will be in accordance with the applicable policies.

System or Other User Interference Users must not attempt to exceed, evade, or change established resource quotas, i.e., allocations of local hard drive storage space or network time. The District quotas are designed to ensure all users have a fair opportunity to access resources. Vandalism and mischief are prohibited. Vandalism includes any attempt to harm or destroy another user's data on the network or on any network connected to the District's network and any deliberate creation or propagation of a computer virus(es). Mischief includes any interference with another user's work, such as attempts to delete, examine, copy, or modify data, files, fields, or any other element of another user's information.

Disclaimer The District makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, for its communications network facilities and bears no liability for users' copyright violations; users' inappropriate or tortious use of the communications network system or resources; any damages incurred by users, including loss of data resulting from the action or inaction of any District employee or a user's errors or omissions; and phone charges, credit card charges, or any other charges incurred by users without prior District authorization and according to established purchasing procedures. The District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy, age- appropriateness, or quality of information obtained through its communications network facilities.

Intellectual Property Rights Students retain the copyright and all other intellectual property rights to works of any kind they create using the District's electronic information resources and system, including those created in fulfillment of course requirements or through participation in extracurricular activities. The District is the copyright owner of any work created or developed by an employee within the scope of his or her employment, regardless of whether the work is prepared at school using school equipment or out of school using personally owned or other equipment.

Personal Use of Electronic Media

Electronic media includes all forms of social media, such as text messaging, instant messaging, electronic mail (e-mail), Web logs (blogs), electronic forums (chat rooms), video-sharing Web sites (e.g., YouTube), websites, editorial comments posted on the Internet, and social network sites (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn). Electronic media also includes all forms of telecommunication such as landlines, cell phones, and Web-based applications.

As role models for the district’s students, employees are responsible for their public conduct even when they are not acting as district employees. Employees will be held to the same professional standards in their public use of electronic media as they are for any other public conduct. If an employee’s use of electronic media interferes with the employee’s ability to effectively perform his or her job duties, the employee is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. If an employee wishes to use a social network site or similar media for personal purposes, the employee is responsible for the content on the employee’s personal page, including content added by the employee, the employee’s friends, or members of the public who can access the employee’s page, and for Web links on the employee’s page. The employee is also responsible for maintaining privacy settings appropriate to the content. An employee who uses electronic media for personal purposes shall observe the following:  The employee may not set up or update the employee’s personal social network page(s) using the district’s computers, network, or equipment.  The employee may not use a personal website for professional use with students.  The employee shall not use the district’s logo or other copyrighted material of the district without express, written consent.  The employee continues to be subject to applicable state and federal laws, local policies, administrative regulations, and the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators, even when communicating regarding personal and private matters, regardless of whether the employee is using private or public equipment, on or off campus. These restrictions include: o Confidentiality of student records. [See Policy FL] o Confidentiality of health or personnel information concerning colleagues, unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law. [See Policy DH (EXHIBIT)] o Confidentiality of district records, including educator evaluations and private e-mail addresses. [See Policy GBA] o Copyright law [See Policy EFE] o Prohibition against harming others by knowingly making false statements about a colleague or the school system. [See Policy DH (EXHIBIT)]

See Use of Electronic Media with Students, below, for regulations on employee communication with students through electronic media.

Use of Electronic Media with Students

A certified or licensed employee, or any other employee designated in writing by the superintendent or a campus principal, may communicate through electronic media with students who are currently enrolled in the district. The employee must comply with the provisions outlined below. All other employees are prohibited from communicating with students who are enrolled in the district through electronic media. An employee is not subject to these provisions to the extent the employee has a social or family relationship with a student. For example, an employee may have a relationship with a niece or nephew, a student who is the child of an adult friend, a student who is a friend of the employee’s child, or a member or participant in the same civic, social, recreational, or religious organization.

The following definitions apply for the use of electronic media with students:  Electronic media includes all forms of social media, such as text messaging, instant messaging, electronic mail (e-mail), Web logs (blogs), electronic forums (chat rooms), video-sharing Web sites (e.g., YouTube), websites, editorial comments posted on the Internet, and social network sites (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn). Electronic media also includes all forms of telecommunication such as landlines, cell phones, and Web-based applications.  Communicate means to convey information and includes a one-way communication as well as a dialogue between two or more people. A public communication by an employee that is not targeted at students (e.g., a posting on the employee’s personal social network page or a blog) is not a communication: however, the employee may be subject to district regulations on personal electronic communications. See Personal Use of Electronic Media, above. Unsolicited contact from a student through electronic means is not a communication.  Certified or licensed employee means a person employed in a position requiring SBEC certification or a professional license, and whose job duties may require the employee to communicate electronically with students. The term includes classroom teachers, counselors, principals, librarians, paraprofessionals, nurses, educational diagnosticians, licensed therapists, and athletic trainers.

An employee who uses electronic media to communicate with students shall observe the following:  The employee may use any form of electronic media except text messaging. Only a teacher, trainer, or other employee who has an extracurricular duty may use text messaging, and then only to communicate with students who participate in the extracurricular activity over which the employee has responsibility.  The employee shall limit communications to matters within the scope of the employee’s professional responsibilities (e.g., for classroom teachers, matters relating to class work, homework, and tests; for an employee with an extracurricular duty, matters relating to the extracurricular activity.  The employee is prohibited from knowingly communicating with students through a personal social network page; the employee must create a separate social network page (“professional page”) for the purpose of communicating with students. The employee must enable administration and parents to access the employee’s professional page.  The employee shall not communicate directly with any student between the hours of ___9____ p.m. and ___6_____ a.m. An employee may, however, make public posts to a social network site, blog, or similar application at any time.  The employee does not have a right to privacy with respect to communications with students and parents.  The employee continues to be subject to applicable state and federal laws, local policies, administrative regulations, and the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators, including: o Compliance with the Public Information Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), including retention and confidentiality of student records. [See Policies CPC and FL] o Copyright law [Policy EFE]  Prohibitions against soliciting or engaging in sexual conduct or a romantic relationship with a student. [See Policy DF]  Upon request from administration, an employee will provide the phone number(s), social network site(s), or other information regarding the method(s) of electronic media the employee uses to communicate with any one or more currently-enrolled students.  Upon written request from a parent or student, the employee shall discontinue communicating with the student through e-mail, text messaging, instant messaging, or any other form of one-to- one communication.

An employee may request an exception from one or more of the limitations above by submitting a written request to his or her immediate supervisor.


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