A Multi-Objective Ab-Initio Model for Protein Folding Prediction at an Atomic Conformation Level
NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF COLOMBIA A Multi-objective Ab-initio Model for Protein Folding Prediction at an Atomic Conformation Level by David Camilo Becerra Romero A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Msc. System Engineering and Computation in the Engineering Computer Science February 2010 Declaration of Authorship The following articles were published during my period of research in the master program. A Novel Ab-Initio Genetic Based Approach for Protein Folding Prediction, In Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO'07) (London, UK, July 7 - 11, 2007), pages 393-400, ACM Press. A Novel Method for Protein Folding Prediction Based on Genetic Algorithms and Hashing, In Proceedings of the II Computation Colombian Congress (2CCC) (Bogot´a,Colombia, April 18 - 20, 2007). A Model for Resource Assignment to Transit Routes in Bogota Transportation Sys- tem Transmilenio, In Proceedings of the III Computation Colombian Congress (3CCC) (Medell´ın,Colombia, April 23 - 25, 2008). An Association Rule Based Model For Information Extraction From Protein Sequence Data, In Proceedings of the III Computation Colombian Congress (3CCC) (Medelln, Colombia, April 23 - 25, 2008). Un Modelo de Asignacion de Recursos a Rutas en el Sistema de Transporte Masivo Trans- milenio, Avances en Sistemas e Inform´atica. Special Volume Vol. 5 Number. 2, June 2008, ISBN 1657-7663. An Association Rule Based Model For Information Extraction From Protein Sequence Data, Avances en Sistemas e Inform´atica.Special Volume Vol. 5 Number. 2, June 2008, ISBN 1657-7663. An Artificial Network Topology Based on Association Rules for Protein Secondary Struc- ture Prediction (Best paper award), III Biotechnology Colombian Congress (Bogot´a, Colombia, July 29 August 01, 2008).
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