Talent 8 Marking Period Planning Sheet
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812E, 817C Marking Period Planning Sheet
Octob Novem Decem Total er ber ber Periods 2012 2012 2012 812E 8 7 6 21 817C 10 8 6 24 MP 1 Period 1: CW: Set up digital notebook How and where to save your work o Computer your 5-digits (\\210qrm211\homes)(U:) – example: 67800(\\210qrm211\homes)(U:) Period 2: Early Bird Special Smart notebook Internet usage Schoolwires [ms210q.schoolwires.net] Edmodo [edmodo.com] o 812E code 07scsn o 817C code 6hmqad Engrade [engrade.com] Periods 3 &4: Digital Citizenship Plagiarism Watch a video Periods 5, 6, & 7 Microsoft Word 2010 Tabs Page orientation, page size, margins Set default font Set default spacing Wordart/clipart Copy, cut and paste (shortcut too) Table Column Header/footer Bullets/numbering Page border
Project: Get to know your classmates Periods 8, 9 & 10 You are a freelance reporter and to keep money coming in you need to interview three very interesting and different people. You will interview three classmates ask them the following questions and produce a report. All the information you need is below. Q1: What is your date of birth? Q2: Name three High School you will apply to. 812E, 817C Marking Period Planning Sheet Q3: If you could be any animal, which animal would you choose and why? Q4: Choose one word that describes you. Q5: In one paragraph, if you could change one thing in your class what would it be?
You will use an index card for each student you interview. 1st period: . Interview . Copy notes into onenote 2nd period: . Set up o Header: name and class with ## - Mrs. Dixon 87600 o Footer: 9” right corner - word_project o Margin: stretch to full page o Page borders . Type in information o Q1 – month, date, & year o Q2 – bullet form, close to the left line o Q3 – image or clipart o Q4 – wordart o Q5 – create three column with wordart heading (the student’s name), one student per column 3rd period: . Insert images/clipart RUBRIC Q1: 3 points per student = 15 Q2: 3 points per student = 15 Q3: 2 points per student = 10 Q4: 2 points per student = 10 Q5: 5 points per student = 25 Subtotal = 75 Header/footer/margin = 15 Align neatly = 10 Subtotal =25 Project total = 100
Open Access – Students are allowed to come to the lab to finish work. They must first inform Mrs. Dixon and attain a pass to come to the lab room 211 during that period. Room is limited, first come first serve. 812E period 4 Monday & Tuesday 817 c period 7 Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
I understand that I am responsible for all work assigned by Mrs. Dixon and my grade will be affected if any assignments are incomplete.
X______class ______