Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club

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Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club

Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club

Minutes of the General Committee – 21st August 2014

Present Malcolm Mackenzie (MM), Tristan Southall (TS), Bob Rowe (BR), John Leiper (JL), Judith Bullivant (JB), Ian Taylor (IT), Alexander J Mackenzie (AJM), Colin McAndrew (CM), Alaisdair Mackenzie (AM), Ian Hay (IH), Morag Mackenzie (MM), Alison French (AF) Apologies Gus Loudon, Islay Macrae, Fionnlagh Byrne, Dave McGhie,

1. Previous Minutes: Minutes of the meeting of 12th June 2014 were adopted: - proposed by CM and seconded by AM 2. Matters arising:

3. Updates from sub-committees: a. Boatshed & General Maintenance JL reported that the water heater is fixed. b. Club Nights JB reported that the sub-committee had not met but nothing to report. Some concern that parents may be reluctant to crew in safety boat, following incident (see later in minutes). c. Handicap Not met. d. Racing and Sailing AJM reported that R&S had met before regatta. AM raised some concerns about Yacht race on Sunday and stated that some Portree boats unable to attend. AJM suggested from a social aspect revert to Saturday to enable participants to go to Commodores party. BR suggested that priority is sailing, not social. By contrast, MM stated he prefered Sunday, as does IH particularly as it enables small boat sailors to join in the yacht race. CM suggested that administratively it would easier to do yacht race on a separate day to long distance race. A show of hands showed preference for Sunday. R&S to discuss. e. Safety Boat IT reported that float switch was fitted, but then stopped working. Bilge pump is now manually operated.


PSBSC General Committee Minute 21st August 2014 f. Social and Fund Raising MM reported that social events had been a success. MM reported that Classic Malts probably wont come again next year. See financial update (later in minute) for details of profit / loss. g. Training JL reported that we have now run a junior stage 1, 2 and 3 this year. There are currently 6 assistant instructors (juniors) being trained. A First Aid course is scheduled for September. MA raised a query in relation to the cost of a late season Adult Level 1 course, which cost £80, including membership. Committee agreed that in this case, and for the 3 individuals concerned, their membership payment could cover them for the 2015 season. MA to provide name to membership secretary and let individuals concerned know. JL also reported that Power Boat RYA level II instruction is now underway and 1 new driver has been trained and another is in training. AJM pointed out there is a chronic lack of safety boat skippers. BR recommended that we need to carefully consider crew competencies for the safety boat. TS is doing RYA Senior Instructor & RYA Safety Boat in September and October. 4. Review Incident 17th August MM reported on incident in the Soarsa race. Separate incident reports have been produced by the Skipper and the OoD (these are appended to these minutes, with junior names redacted). AM recorded thanks to TS, seconded by IH. CM pointed out that both reports were good, demonstrating the vital importance of proper procedures. JL reported that the parents of the individual involved were satisfied with how the incident was handled. IH suggested that for Junior races the OoD should require reefs if advisable. CM highlighted that social network should not be used to discuss or influence the OoD decision although AJM stated that he had not felt any pressure to run race. JL stated that he thought it was the correct decision to run the race as the wind had reduced since he commented earlier in the day. JB reported that there are big physical differences between the oldest and the youngest of the junior sailors. BR highlighted concern about boats being on the water before the safety boat. It was also reiterated (as already stated in the SOPs) that there should be one person on the safety boat dressed and prepared to go in the water. Other possible recommendations:  2 safety boats for junior races

 Briefing by OoD at 2pm for junior races.

 Duplicate of yellow box. Agreed Safety Boat sub-committee to arrange.

 If OoD recommend reefs, 2 involuntary (non-dry) capsize and you retire

 AJM suggested the need for some safety boat crew training in the off season, for club night parents and others. It was agreed that R&S and Training sub-committees to review and recommend. TS asked whether there should be a communication to members. Some mixed views on this but it was agreed that brief mention should be made in the monthly e-mail, reassuring members, thanking those involved and indicating that a full review of the incident will occur. 5. Bart’s Bash


PSBSC General Committee Minute 21st August 2014 AJM reported that PSBSC have signed up to a global race to raise money and promote sailing and hopefully get into the Guinness Book of Records. There is the potential to invite other local clubs to participate, but that this may require some adjustment to the course. This could potentially include any Local Boats still in the water. CM highlighted the importance of advertising the event. It was agreed that this would also cover the 4th race of the St Kilda series. 6. Health & Safety TS reported that the club’s Operating Policies and Standard Operating Procedures had now been updated. These are available on the website and the club notice board. 7. Financial Update IT reported that there is currently over £9,000 in bank. The Open Day made a loss of £26, the private wedding event realized a profit of £352, the Classic Malts event returned a profit of £130 (including donations) and the Regatta dance & concert returned a profit around £1,000. Engraving: MM reported that we already have plenty of volunteers, so it will be hard to find a single volunteer to take responsibility for all cup engraving therefore this year the system had been changed to individual winners arranging for their cup to be engraved. It was acknowledged that this year the instruction had gone out to members rather late but that in future year if instruction goes out in good time it should be OK. IT highlighted the need to consider security of cups. Decision: individual winners to arrange engraving and deliver to Jane Mackenzie on 2 nd week of regatta. IT mentioned that a valuation of cups was now overdue to update the details with the insurance company. IT also highlighted that there remain many unsold PSBSC jackets in the boat shed roof. 8. Register of Members Interests None declared. 9. AOCB

 AM proposed changes to the constitution. Suggesting 21 day notice of AGM and 14 days for members to submit any matters. In addition it was suggested that rule changes requiring 2/3 majority are ‘constitution rules’ not ‘racing’ rules. These were agreed and will be put to the AGM for ratification. It was also agreed not to amend the clause which specifies the date of the AGM.  CM reminded that all committee stand down and AGM and those wishing to be re-elected should seek nomination.  TS suggested that in the future it may be helpful to the efficient running of the club if the Commodore could be responsible for strategic oversight of the club needs and potentially (if elected) serve a longer term. CM highlighted that many Golf clubs have a President and Captain with different roles and perhaps a new position could be created for Club Chair. AM to circulate proposal for committee consideration prior to possible AGM ratification. This would reduce the number of general committee members by one and gain a ‘President’ or some such, overseeing the management of the club.  CM: reminded that the 6th September is RNLI maritime day. No plans to do an official PSBSC


PSBSC General Committee Minute 21st August 2014 presence this year, although it was noted this had been successful in the past.  JB: read some suggestions from IM as the outgoing social secretary. These were i) make clear that memberships can be sold at the line; ii) scrap social membership iii) make dance tickets available to non-members. AJM reported that dance was very quiet and there was perhaps need for a review of entry requirements. BR reminded that all racers must be members. No committee decision was reached on any of these points. 10. Date of next meeting. 7 days before AGM. Mid week. w/c 22nd. Doodle poll.


PSBSC General Committee Minute 21st August 2014 Appendix: Incident Report Saorsa Junior race 15.00 hours 17/8/14 Course: Street, Dall, Home x 2 Wind: SW-W veering NW. 10 knots gusting 25-30. Weather: Rain squalls and overcast OoD: Alexander Mackenzie Safety Boat 1: Terry Kitching & Amanda Tickle Safety Boat 2: Tristan Southall & Musky reid

OoD Report The PSBSC had a youth race scheduled with me rota'd on as Officer of the Day (OoD). At around 10.30 am I checked the sailing club facebook page to see what conversation there was about the race. (A junior) had asked if the race was on. I messaged that I would take a look at the conditions and go from there. Having looked at the weather conditions in the inner harbour in Plockton I thought that the race could go ahead as long as it was run within the inner harbour; conditions further out past the main pier and Sgeir Budhie being unsuitable. When I next looked on facebook the youths who were going to be racing all seemed very keen. I spent the morning and the early afternoon looking at weather conditions in the harbour and planned a course within the inner harbour. I also consulted with other senior members of the club who agreed that a race within the inner harbour could be achieved. I had run youth races in similar conditions and as the youth racers have all got considerable experience, having sailed for years and it being the end of the season, I decided that the conditions were reasonable for the race to continue. We had 1 rescue boat planned for 5 boats. We also had 1 rescue boat on standby with skipper and parents standing by to crew. A club RYA instructor also took out another boat with crew. Before the start of the race we had 3 rescue boats on the water. I had decided to let the boats go out, see how they were handling conditons and make a decision on whether to carry on with the race based on this. As the boats seemed to be coping well and enjoying themselves I decided to carry on with the race. There was discussion about reefing among the juniors and their parents at the pontoon however given their experience I didn't make reefing compulsory. I believe only 1 boat was reefed during the race. The race went ahead and all boats were coping with the conditions. On the 2nd lap of the course (the junior involved in the later incident) capsized and was in the water for possibly 2 minutes while sorting the boat before re-righting and carrying on. Shortly after this the first boat finished the race. (The junior involved in the incident) then rounded the last bouy and was heading for the finish line but capsized again. The boat turned turtle and the daggar board appeared to slip down inside the boat. From the shore I couldn't see the sailor where I would normally have expected to swimming alongside the boat. The rescue boat was alongside within 10 – 15 seconds. From the shore I saw Tristan Southall dive off the rescue boat into the water. My view was obstructed but from Radio communication I learned that they had taken (the junior) out from under the boat and into the rescue boat. I was informed 5

PSBSC General Committee Minute 21st August 2014 that (the Junior) was initially conscious but almost immediately appeared to faint. Tristan immediately called me on the VHF to get an ambulance which I did. Meanwhile 2 club first aiders were at the scence with the parents of the junior. I remained on the line to ascertain that the other boats were safely ashore. The other rescue boat attended the other boats as they made there way into shore. Once I received confirmation that all the boats were ashore I went to the pier and within 5 minutes the ambulance had arrived.

Safety Boat Report • I had offered to be on standby in case the OoD decided a 2nd safety boat was required. This was requested prior to the race commencing. I was out on the water prior to the race starting in Pete Davies’ Red Pioneer Multi (50hp), joined by Musky Reid as crew. ‘Sheepdog’ was the other safety boat. • The race passed off mostly without incident. (The junior involved in the later incident) capsized and took a while re-righting the boat, but we were in close proximity and (the junior) seemed happy and carried on racing. • After the first boats had crossed the finish line, (the same junior) had a rapid capsize. We were on the scene very quickly, whilst the Topper was still lying horizontally afloat. As we were rounding the boat to ensure a clear view of (the sailor), the boat went fully ‘turtle’ (inverted). It was then immediately obvious that (the junior) was not at the surface. • At this point I cut the engine, told Musky I was going in and jumped in next to the boat. • Underwater I could see (the junior) under the upturned hull. Although there is an air pocket under the upturned hull, I’m not sure whether or not (the junior) was ‘head up’ and breathing from the air pocket. • I would estimate that I pulled (the junior) out from the upturned hull within 20-30 seconds of the hull being inverted, and within a minute of the capsize (although others would probably be able to estimate this time better). • I pulled (the junior) out easily from under the upturned hull (no entanglement) and Musky pulled (the junior) aboard the safety boat. (The junior) reached up and helped pull them self in and rubbed their head (i.e. was conscious at this point). • Musky then helped me back into the safety boat. • At this point (the junior) was conscious but very dazed. And I radioed the OoD to say it would be prudent to call an ambulance. • (The junior) then slipped out of consciousness. At this point I put (the junior) into the recovery position and checked circulation and breathing whilst Musky drove the boat into the main pontoon. We immediately confirmed over the radio that an ambulance was definitely required and it was confirmed that it was on its way. We also requested a first aider meet us at the pontoon (I am a first aider, but wanted support). • At the pontoon the (parents of the junior sailor) met us and (the father) came aboard the boat to keep talking to (their child). I spoke through my first aid thoughts with them and Kally Leiper (another first aider).


PSBSC General Committee Minute 21st August 2014 • We removed the buoyancy aid and opened the back to the wetsuit to ease breathing. • (The junior) remained breathing, although this was very shallow, and with a pulse at all times. Theresa brought down blankets from her house to help keep her warm. • Once the ambulance arrived, we briefed the crew (including warning of a possible head injury, although nothing was obvious).  Other comments • It is not entirely clear why (the junior) was unable to get out from under the boat? Was she dazed by a bang on the head, or hypothermic, or tired after previous capsizes, or had there been a faint?  Possible lesson’s learned: • Should we always have 2 safety boats out for junior races? If this is rota’d then the OoD would have discretion to allow one to stand down in light conditions / few entrants. • Should we impose a rule where juniors should retire after 2 involuntary capsizes? • I suggest that OoDs for junior races should give a briefing at 2pm before the race. This could cover whether to reef (still up to the competitors), any special race marks. • Review the Safety Boat Standard Operating Procedures – this should emphasise the importance of being able to see the sailors in the water and manoeuvring to get an unobstructed view. If sailors are not visible and appear to be trapped, then the safety boat crew should enter the water, with a sharp knife available (in case of entanglement). Safety boat skipper should also brief the crew before the race on basic operation of the controls and radio, in case called upon to do either. • It was good to be wearing a bouyancy aid, not a lifejacket. Had I been wearing a self-inflating lifejacket this would have been more hindrance than help. • Consider how safety boat crews can obtain more training in actual rescue situations.


PSBSC General Committee Minute 21st August 2014

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