God Calls Us to Delight in Christ and to Share His Hope s1

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God Calls Us to Delight in Christ and to Share His Hope s1

welcome to DINGWALL & STRATHPEFFER free church God calls us to delight in Christ and to share His Hope. www.deep-river.co.uk Sunday – 20th September 2009 “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” 1 John 4:16 Led by God, we join together in joyful and reverent worship, seeking unity and maturity in Christ, preparing every believer to share and show God’s Hope as revealed in His Word.

Welcome! We meet together for worship today in Dingwall at 11 am and 6 pm conducted by our minister Angus MacRae. We welcome all our visitors. There is a short gathering for prayer in the large hall tonight at 5.45 pm. Sunday School and Faith Finders meet during morning service. A crèche is also available. Tea is served in the entrance hall after morning service.

EVENTS THIS WEEK Christianity Explored continues this Monday (21st) in Strathpeffer Community Centre from 7.30 pm to 9 pm. It is a discussion-based course exploring who Jesus is and why he came, based on the teaching of Mark’s gospel. The course runs for four weeks this month, and resumes on 9th November for a further four weeks. Don’t worry if you missed the introductory talks, as you are still very welcome. No one who attends will be asked to speak or pray. For more information please see Angus MacRae or James Ross, send us an email, or collect a booking form. Invitation cards are also available in the foyer. Please consider bringing a friend. A Prayer Group, supporting Christianity Explored, meets at Langabhat, Kinnairdie Avenue (864123) on Monday from 2 to 3 pm. Anyone who can come is welcome. United Prayer Meeting: There is no regular meeting this Wednesday. Instead a United Prayer Service will be held in Dingwall Free Church (main building) this Thursday 24th September at 7.30 pm. We will be joined by friends from Castle Street and from Balaka Church, Malawi. Tea will be served. Road to Recovery: A support group is available for folk living with addiction. Anyone including carers and family members will be made welcome at the meeting held this week in Dingwall Free Church Hall on Thursday from 7.30 pm. COMING EVENTS Soup and a Stroll: To mark the Harvest Season, all are welcome to meet in the hall for a simple soup and roll lunch following morning worship on Sunday 27th September. On this occasion we are not asking folk to bring along a plate of food. The aim is to have a simple meal and to give the cost of a more elaborate meal to mission work. We invite you to bring along tinned goods for the Blythswood Harvest Appeal, which can be placed on tables at the front of the church next Sunday. We have been asked to collect Tinned Tomatoes, Tinned Ham, UHT Whole Milk, and Sugar for this appeal. There will also be an offering box for cash donations. This will be divided between the running costs of the Blythswood Christmas Shoe-box appeal and Mission Work in the Philippines. If the weather is favourable, there will also be a chance to go for a walk after lunch. Autumn / Winter Home Groups: A study guide is now available for use in Home Fellowship Groups. The next Home Group night is on Wednesday 7th October. Men’s Group: There will be a Curry Night at the Dingwall Tandoori on Saturday 14th November from 7 pm. HTC Public Lecture: Wednesday 23rd September, 3pm, Conference Room, Highland Theological College. 2009 SCOTTISH NORTHERN CONVENTION – ALL AT CASTLE STREET CHURCH The convention starts with a Youth Event (Deal or No Deal) this Saturday 26th September from 7.30 to 9.30 in the hall at Castle Street Church. There is an after church rally next Sunday (27th) at 8 pm with Jonathan Prime. From Monday 28th to Thursday 1st October the daily pattern is: Prayer Meeting at 10.00 am, Bible Reading at 11.00 am (with Jonathan Prime), and Evening Meeting at 7.30 pm (with Ted Donnelly). On Wednesday there is a Christian Leaders Meeting at 1.00pm, held at HTC, with Ted Donnelly. On Thursday there is a Mission Lunch at 12.30 pm. The Free Church is providing stewards on Wednesday (including communion servers). The Free Church is also asked to provide and serve the teas on the Thursday, which is always a busy night. Joan Lees would love to have your help with baking, and serving teas.

YOUTH & CHILDREN’S EVENTS Mini Marvels, for parents and toddlers, meets in the hall each Tuesday at 10 am. There are flyers and invitations if you wish to pass these on to a friend.

Champion's Challenge is the new Friday Night Club for children in P1-P7, running from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. Please speak to James or Vickie to find out what is on offer or to get involved. Invitations and registration forms are available in the foyer (registration forms are also on our website) so if you have family members or neighbours who you would like to invite, please take them and pass them on.

The Big Free Rally (Jesus: X-man and Transformer) is at Culloden Academy on 3rd October from 10 am to 3 pm. (Cost £4). Book your spot by calling 01463 790977 or emailing [email protected] and bring a packed lunch!

FOR PRAYER Hamish and Cora MacKenzie are very grateful for support and prayer after his accident. Hamish managed to attend the Christianity Explored group last week.

Pray for the Sunday School team and for our youth workers James and Vickie Ross.

Pray for the new youth ventures, The Gap and Champion’s Challenge, and for the Christianity Explored course and the Road to Recovery group meeting this week.

John de la Haye is preaching at Gairloch and Kinlochewe today. This week he is looking forward to attending the Annual Conference for Fire and Rescue Service Chaplains, at the Fire Service College, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire (22-24th).

The Thai cell group is proving encouraging and leading to fresh opportunities. Please pray for Sandra MacDonald and her contacts. Sandra’s old church at Watsing has recently experienced some growth and blessing.

Remember Teck Wah and Shu Huae in Malaysia. His dissertation is “on track”.

Please remember some of our missionary partners, including the Wilson and Ross families in South Africa; the Nakahashis in Kinomoto, Japan; Neil & Rachel Rae, and children Ben and Lucie, in Calapan, the Philippines. Their new address is: Rae, c/o OMF Bonbon, 5200 Calapan, Oriental Mindoro, PHILIPPINES. (Email: [email protected] or [email protected]). Give thanks that Ben is settling well in school and picking up some Tagalog language. We also remember Robert and Karen MacNaughton and Caitriana Nicolson, and Clive and Ruth Bailey.

OMF: The local prayer group meet on the second Friday of the month at 10.30 am at Christine Craig’s home, 8 Gladstone Avenue, Dingwall (Tel: 864511).

SERVING ONE ANOTHER Welcome Team: Peter MacIntosh, Norman MacKenzie, Donnie MacRae, and Rhoda MacDonald. Crèche team: Christine MacAskill and Joan Tripp. (Next week: Kathleen Sutherland & Jessie MacIntosh). See Murdo Mackay to arrange Child Protection disclosure. Teas - September: Maureen, Lynn and Karen. Minibus Driver: Driver throughout September – Jonathan Warde (863636). Nursing Homes: Fodderty, 27th – A. Mackay. To Contact the Minister – Rev Angus MacRae: Free Church Manse, Firth View, Dingwall.  01349 862183. (Email: [email protected]). CD / Tape Orders:  Sina (01349 865998) or Fred (01349 864297) Youth Work Contacts: James & Vickie Ross:  01349 866546. 13 Tulloch Square, Dingwall. ([email protected]). Disabled Access is via a ramp and internal lift at the back door of the church. Website: Sermons and newsletters are available at www.deep-river.co.uk.

RESPONSE SLIP Please give this form to one of the welcome team or leave in the offering plate.

I would like someone from the church to visit me.  The person below is in hospital (give ward if known).  I would like to join a small group.  I would like information about giving to the church.  I would like information about the Christian faith.  Please note my change of address. 

Name ......

Address ......


Telephone ...... Email ......

Morning Psalms Evening Psalms 100:1-5* (p. 131) 89:1-6 (p. 344) 91 (Tim Dudley-Smith) 36:5-10* (p. 44) 30:10-12* (p. 35) 23:1-6* (p. 28) 113:1-9* (p. 151) Hearing Aid Users – please set your ear-piece to the “T” setting.

Call to Worship (Hebrews 13:12-15)

MINISTER: Jesus suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. PEOPLE: Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore. MINISTER: For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come. ALL: Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that confess his name.

PSALM 91 (Version by Tim Dudley Smith) Safe in the shadow of the Lord, His holy angels keep my feet Beneath His hand and power, Secure from every stone; I trust in Him, I trust in Him, I trust in Him, I trust in Him, My fortress and my tower. And unafraid go on.

My hope is set on God alone, Strong in the everlasting Name, Though Satan spreads his snare, And in my Father’s care, I trust in Him, I trust in Him, I trust in Him, I trust in Him, To keep me in His care. Who hears and answers prayer.

From fears and phantoms of the night, Safe in the shadow of the Lord, From foes about my way, Possessed by love divine, I trust in Him, I trust in Him, I trust in Him, I trust in Him, By darkness as by day. And meet His love with mine.

Song Words © Timothy Dudley-Smith & Praise Trust - reproduced by licence - CCLI: 1203197. Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church is a Designated Scottish Charity: SC011143

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