Village of South Bloomfield Council Meeting
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![Village of South Bloomfield Council Meeting](
Village of South Bloomfield Council Meeting Minutes July 21, 2015
Council members present: Matt Pettibone, Mayor, Jill Roese, Tom Ramsay, Debbie Jones, Tyann Mowrey and Doug Burke
Excused: Donna Schaffer
Residents: Ray & Gina Cobb, James McNeal, Connie Worthington, Fern Bozman, Jewell Roese, Albert Roese and Kelly Neal.
Meeting called to Order at 7:00 pm. by Matt Pettibone, Mayor with the Pledge to the flag in Mayor’s office.
Flag Dedication to Former Mayor Albert Roese for his many years of Public Service
Mayor present Mr. Albert Roese with a plaque for all his years service and dedicated the flag on the wall to Mr. Roese. Speech was given by the Mayor, Chief of Police and Pickaway Retired Sherriff Dwight Ratcliff.
Approval of Minutes July 7, 2015 Council Meeting:
Motion was made by Tom Ramsay to suspend reading of minutes, Tyann seconded the motion. Matt called for vote: Doug yes Jill yes and Debbie yes, the motion carried. Matt asked for any corrections or additions? Tom made motion to approve July 7, 2015 minutes, and motion second by Doug. Matt called for a vote: Tyann yes, Debbie yes and Jill yes, motion carried.
John Serio mentioned that there is a conflict with August 25th Council Meeting being on same day as BPA meeting, and suggested to move BPA meeting up to 5 pm on that date..
2015-13 Ordinance for Payment of Funds Advanced from Water to Sewer 2011 (Third Reading)
Finance Committee makes a recommendation for Ordinance to create a payment plan for repayment of Water Advancement of Funds to cover Sewer Debt Service Payment of $175,000. Annual payments of $8,750 will be paid over next 20 years starting January 31, 2016.
Jill Roese made a motion to approve Ordinance 2015-13 for the third reading, motion second by Debbie. Matt called for vote: Tyann yes, Doug yes, and Tom yes, motion carried. Ordinance 2015-16 Appropriations for Law Enforcement Trust Fund (Second reading)
Jill made a motion to approve Ordinance 2015-16 for the second reading, motion second by Debbie. Matt called for vote: Tyann yes, Doug yes, and Tom yes, motion carried.
Jill made a motion to suspend third reading and approve Ordinance 2015-16 as an emergency, motion second by Debbie. Matt called for vote: Tyann yes, Doug yes, and Tom yes, motion carried.
Ordinance 2015-17 Zoning Clerk Appeal (Second reading)
Tom made a motion to approve Ordinance 2015-17 for the second reading, motion second by Tyann. Matt called for vote: Jill yes, Doug yes, and Debbie yes, motion carried.
IT Contract Review and Approval
Mayor Pettibone had distributed copies of the Contract with White Noise to provide hardware and software support for the Village for a period of one year starting June 1, 2015 – June 1, 2016 at a rate of $75 per hour plus $30 travel and parts provided.
Tom Ramsay made a motion to approve White Noise Contract for IT Services, motion second by Jill Roese. Matt called for vote: Tyann yes, Doug yes, and Debbie yes, motion carried.
Ordinance 2015-18 to Amend Wastewater Rates (First Reading.
Tom Ramsay made a motion to approve Ordinance 2015-18 for the first reading, motion second by Tyann Mowery. Matt called for vote: Jill yes, Doug yes, and Debbie yes, motion carried.
Tom made a motion to suspend second and third reading and approve Ordinance 2015- 18 as an emergency, motion second by Jill. Matt called for vote: Tyann yes, Doug yes, and Debbie yes, motion carried.
Ordinance 2015-19 to Amend The Formula for Distributing Funds from Water and Sewer. (First Reading)
Jill made a motion to table Ordinance 2015-19, since there is some confusion on which Ordinance it is repealing and send back to Ordinance, Tom second the motion. Matt called for vote: Debbie yes, Doug yes, and Tyann yes, motion carried. Mayor Updates:
1. Dollar General Starting Demolition’s and Utility lines being moved. 2. Mayor Pettibone attending meeting CEDA (Community Economic Development Association) along with Mayor Wise, County Commissioners, Harrison Twp Trustees and Ashville Administrator. Economic Agreement that address any new annexations guidelines for the area, cost sharing, utilities, and possibly a joint utility district. 3. Radio’s for Police have been order and coming in on July 30th 4. New copier due in next week.
Standard Reports submitted
1. Bills need reviewed and approved 2. Appropriation Status 3. Revenue Status 4. Fund Ledger
Motion to pay bills:
Motion to pay bills by Doug and Debbie second, Matt called for a vote: Tyann yes, Tom yes and Jill yes, motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn
Debbie made motion to adjourn and Tom Ramsay Second, Matt called for a vote: Tyann yes, Doug yes and Jill yes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm
Next Meeting:
August 10, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
August 25, 2015 @ 7:00 pm Submitted by: ______Approved by: ______Iris L. Darst, CFO Matt Pettibone, Mayor OPEN COMMITTEE ITEMS HUMAN RESOURCE CMT: Members- Doug Burke (c), Jill Roese, Kelly Neal (Remove Kelly and add Donna) Controlled Substance Policy Nepotism Policy Ethics Review Job Descriptions Review Org/Flow Chart Review
TECHNOLOGY CMT: Members- Tom Ramsay (c), Doug Burke, Debbie Jones (Remove Doug and add Donna)
BUILDINGs, GROUNDS, STREET, SAFETY CMT: Members- Debbie Jones(c), Doug Burke, Jill Roese • Litter Pickup Program • Liability Insurance review and quote • 2016 Solid Waste Bid Draft • Multi Use Path Bid Draft
FINANCE CMT: Members- Doug Burke (c), Jill Roese, Debbie Jones NO OPEN ITEMS
ORDINANCE CMT: Members- Tom Ramsay(c), Jill Roese, OPEN (Add Donna to Open) 2015-17 Planning and Zoning Pay
PARKS CMT: Members- Doug Burke (c), Jill Roese, Debbie Jones NO OPEN ITEMS
PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Members-Woody Blanton (c) Daniel Hugget, Dan Dalton, Jill Roese, Matt Pettibone Valero Request
RECORDS RETENTION COMMISSION: Members: Iris Darst (c), Rob Rishel, Matt Pettibone, Tom Ramsay, Kelly Neal, Jenifer Petrie • Records Request Form Review • Records Request Policy
BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Members- Dan Gwinn (c), John Serio, Donna Schaffer (Remove Donna) Water CPI Adjustment (Iris Darst Develop Increase table) Water Tower Maintenance Fee (Iris Darst Develop Increase table)