Year 5 / 6 Long Term Plan
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Year Reception Long Term Plan 2015/2016 Year Autumn Spring Summer Reception Toys Space Winter Traditional Tales -Fantasy Pattern Starting School, Light and dark -Real Life (Growing/Living) Autumn Superhero’s – (People Who Help Us) Key texts -Toys in space - Light and Dark non- -The Mitten -Goldilocks -Make up own story Mad About Minibeasts - A Pocketful of kisses fiction. -Winter non-fiction -Three Pigs -People who help us -Stomp Chomp Big Roars -Little red Hen - Owl Babies -Jack and the non-fiction -Dear Zoo -Autumn non-fiction - Owl who was afraid beanstalk -Pattern non-fiction -The Dot of the dark. -Little Red Riding -Giraffe’s Can’t Dance -Winnie’s Amazing - Aliens Love Hood -Elmer Pumpkin Underpants. -Lion Hunt -On The Way Home -Q-Pootle 5 Trips/visitors -Welly Walks around - Planetarium. -Explorer -Mincinglake -Police -Museum our environment - Cinema/theatre. -Nurse -Wildlife Trust -Tour of the school - Diwali visitor. -Dentist -Zoo lab - Mincinglake. -Fire - Fire-fighter visit. -Caretaker -Celebration dress up day Communication Possible activities and Possible activities and Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities and and Language resources resources and resources and resources and resources resources Carpet rules- -Describing different -Listening centre- - Reporting a -Describing eggs and Snack bar chatterbox feelings in the dark. stories - Police superhero incident. footprints questions -Describing -Topic boards- posing report/interview on Being interviewed and -Facts Introduce talking tables Sounds/shapes/colours questions Goldilocks – invite asking questions as the -News report of finding an Phase 1 and 2 listening that fireworks make -Talking tables Rich/Ed in to take interviewer. egg games -Introduce the role descriptions from - Story telling of own -Topic board posing Recall- posing play children. superhero story questions questions - Talk for Writing to - Role play castle, -Introduce role play area Retelling events- things retell traditional dungeon, superhero -Snap with animals that happened in the tales/story maps. house. -Asking questions about holidays and over the - Role play Giants - Talking tables – animals weekend. castle, 3 Little Pigs stethoscope, tools and -Anticipate what each Introduce ‘Star House, Grandma’s equipment used by animal will be- grumpy, Learner’ and the cottage. People Who Help Us. fierce etc... golden box- children - Talking -Visitors in – People Who-Telling animal jokes- speaking in front of Tables/Chatterbox at Help Us e.g. dentist, doctor,humour peers snack time with PCSO’s, caretaker – Mr -Dear Zoo animal questions. Lancaster. collecting game - Drama – hot seating. -People Who Help Us at -Introduce the golden box. Children to pretend to school welly walk – office-Talking tables- different be different characters. staff, cooks, mealtime animals. -Describing tastes – assistants. Children to devise porridge. questions to ask and interview -Describing textures of visitors. materials to make 3 -Role Play area – doctors Little Pigs Houses. surgery, dentist, Post office, -Listening to stories on hospital etc. the Listening Centre. -Non-fiction texts to find out People Who Help Us facts. Physical Possible activities and Possible activities and Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities and Development resources resources -- and resources and resources and resources resources -Safety/rules of the -Gymnastics -Dance in PE -Ball skills - Staying healthy and -Sports day skills: hurdles, hall. -Firework dances -Fine motor activities- -Throwing and strong as a superhero. races, relay etc. -Moving in different -Fine motor- threading daily dough activity in catching Superhero menu -Ways in which to stay ways pasta, tracing wiggly morning and - Superhero germs are healthy – hand washing -Finding a space and zig-zag lines. interventions through attacking Willowbrook etc following visits from -Apparatus-safety, the week. and making people’s School Nurse. moving mats, putting -Penpals daily hands turn blue (paint) -Dance of the animals- mats away safely. -Making a lunchbox how to wash your Hall time. -Different ways of for an arctic explorer- hands like a superhero. -Let’s move- animals and moving on the comparing lunchboxes Setting class goals to fireworks. apparatus. -Large letters achieve together. -Animals bop- P.E dance. -Introduce Dough -Moving around room as Disco animals from ‘Dear Zoo’- -Fun Physical he was too tall (stretch), -Fine Motor and he was too small.... etc. pencil/paintbrush/tool -Cutting shapes for milk grip skills bottle elephant. Personal social Possible activities and Possible activities and Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities and and emotional resources resources and resources and resources and resources resources development Class rules -Feelings and Needs -Talking tables - SEAL theme Good - continuation of -SEAL – Changes We are all different but -Wants and Needs -Eye contact games to be Me. SEAL activities - Continuation of SEAL we are all the same -SEAL theme- Getting -Circle time- Going for -Creating an expert SEAL theme – activities. What does being a On and Falling Out. Goals. board- things that the Relationships. -How to look after animals friend mean?-link to -How we can stay safe -Devise a class goal to children are good at- -Transition/changes from feelings how can on Bonfire Night achieve together. coat display. Reception to Year One. people change how we -Remembrance Day -Stranger Danger – -Going out for Playtimes feel, what makes us -Safety around fire. link to Goldilocks. to prepare. happy/sad/cross. -Importance of saying -Transition sessions with Feelings about starting sorry. new teachers in new school – worried/brave classrooms. etc. -Feelings of Elmer. A star and a wish- -Finger prints- looking at targets differences/patterns. Eid SEAL topic – New Beginnings Introduce the school values and tokens Looking after our toys Literacy Possible activities and Possible activities and Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities and resources resources and resources and resources and resources resources Signing our names on -Firework poetry *Glitter pens, chalk on - Writing sorry Invent new Non-fiction texts our paintings and -Safety posters for black paper, shaving letters from superheroes with about drawings Bonfire Night foam Goldilocks to the 3 the children’s dinosaurs/minibeasts. Names of our family -Facts about Light and *Phonics games Bears. help, make a list of Using the computer to Phase 1 & 2 Phonics Dark *Guided reading - Describing Good well-known find out information. games -Space facts activities and Bad superheroes and Writing Learning Phase 2 -Feelings writing for *Story sacks characters. their attributes, Dinosaur/minibeast sounds and tricky -Owl Babies and *Drawing a picture of - Sequencing stories e.g. Superman – stories. words thought bubbles. what a Yeti is – and creating story can fly, has super Writing fact sheets Introduction of reading -Elf on the Shelf predicting. maps. strength, has x-ray about dinosaurs. books writing. - Writing shopping and laser vision. Writing own Retelling stories using -Writing letters to lists for porridge Invent new minibeast actions – Talk for Santa/lists of Christmas ingredients/maps superheroes. What riddles/poems. Writing gifts. of how we made are their names Writing captions to porridge. and what can they accompany photos in - Writing own do, e.g. Cat girl – class book- trip to the Traditional Tale has night vision, Zoo. stories – can leap vast Dear Zoo- talk for innovating and distances, her purr writing- learn inventing. can destroy story/actions. - Looking at recipes buildings. Bonfire/firework and instructions of Take the new words how to make superheroes and List of things to see at porridge. plan how to defeat the Zoo. - Traditional Tales them. Thank you letter to the little books for Instructions on Zoo. story writing. how to become a Learn ‘Elmer’ story - Story structure – superhero. using actions- talk for story hills etc so Superhero poems. writing. children can plan their story before Children to innovate writing. Elmer story. - Punctuation for Making a non-fiction higher ability book about children – speech animals/Elephants. marks, question Writing corner- Vets and explanation or Pet Shop- marks etc. appointment cards, pet shop receipts. Create own ‘Dear farm/pond’ book. ‘Dear Zoo’- reading game. Labels for animals cages. Mathematics Possible activities and Possible activities and Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities and resources resources and resources and resources and resources resources Months of - One more/one less. -Containers, different - Capacity – - Number sentences -Measuring dinosaur year/birthday board - - Ordering numbers lunchboxes – capacity. porridge in - Number footprints/eggs. seasons - 2D shapes and 3D -Ice capacity. different sized - Estimating -Making a repeating Counting objects shapes. -Frozen food. bowls. - Counting pattern- using cubes, Counting on our - Measuring length -Giving the explorer - Data handling – - Sharing shapes, peg boards, fingers and height of directions- snowman favourite flavours - Counting in 2s, 5s -Sorting animals relating Numbers of children at aliens. beebots. of porridge. and 10s to what they eat, size, each activity (class -Ice sculptures- sugar - Height and length - Problem solving appearance etc… rules) cubes. – Jack and the -Ordering animals in Sorting - discussions Beanstalk. relations to size and with children as to how Measuring weight. they have sorted and different length -Measuring height of why. shoes using children in class. Days of the week. cubes/rulers etc. -Weighing food for the Counting - Weight – 3 Little animals- using balance cones/acorns/woodland Pigs House scales. animals. different materials -More/less animals in the Counting songs and why. enclosures. Begin to recognise - 3D and 2D shape. numbers in the - Continue number environment and skills. distinguish from letters - Problem Solving. Teach a number a day - Time. Understanding Possible activities and Possible activities and Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities and the world resources resources and resources and resources and resources resources How to look after the Finding out all about *Inuit lifestyle- -Video cameras to -Occupations and wys -Habitat outdoor area. animals – nocturnal, houses, food and record own stories of life -Pond Dipping Clearing and planting animals that live in the clothes with small world -Places of work -Butterfly the growing area dark etc. *Different animals in characters during trip -Transport linked to Seasons – Autumn. Celebrating different different places – link to woods. People who help us Do other countries cultures (Diwali) to Betty and the Yeti. -Making porridge. *Father’s Day have seasons? Seasonal changes (light *Ice melting - Using Word to write *Photos using the Welly walks to dark) *Materials- keeping own stories. camera of super hero Introducing the Electricity the explorer warm and -Using PowerPoint to *Powerpoint whiteboard and Space/planets and their dry. describe/teach people laptops/classroom names *Building a shelter for about Good and Bad computers the explorer – role characters? Use Creating an Autumn play area. google to find/insert a picture *Signs of winter welly picture. Introduce investigation walk. -MyWorld3 – area inside middle *Chinese New Year Goldilocks positional room *Easter language game, Story Looking at how toys *Mother’s Day Builder game – work and toys with *Tadpoles children to make up batteries, puppets. *Bird feeders – pine silly stories. Make bread and/or cones -Continue work on soup – Harvest People Who Help Us theme – Post a letter to the three Bears? Journey of a letter. Police helping us to find Goldilocks. -
Expressive arts Possible activities and Possible activities and Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities Possible activities and and design resources resources and resources and resources and resources resources Introduction to creative -Firework pictures- -Colour mixing – - Guided Junk - Super hero masks -papier-mâché bugs area. glitter different brush modelling – making paper mache -Symmetrical paintings Colour mixing -Bonfire Night collage techniques to music. houses for Pigs. - Role Play -minibeast riddle pictures Creating puppets in pictures. -Dance – PE/creating -Science – making superhero city -observational drawings different ways -Diwa lamps – clay. movement to music. strong houses, looking - Painting characters -brusho ink Woodland creature -Christmas cards to -Winter songs – p60- at the best fabrics to - Comic strip -foot prints pictures –furry textures make for family. 61 Music Express. use and why. - Scenery for photos -tracks in mud Autumn pictures – -Acting out the -Role play winter -Clay or salt dough - Role play -eggs leaves etc. Christmas Story. wonderland characters. vet/hospital/vet -marbling Pictures of ourselves. building/changing -Floating and Sinking - Police station Making masks Leaf rubbings following – Little Pigs. What if Making a zoo animal out Archimboldo Music interests/turn into artic there is a lot of rain? of clay fruit/vegetable pictures Firework songs. shelter. Which materials are Junk model a zoo Music Express. -Hot seating/drama. best for wet weather? Making pasta repeating Music-name rhythms -Saltdough snowflakes Purpose of materials. patterns- bracelet, snake… Repeating rhythms -Three Bears Rap and -Animals biscuits back Music Jack in the box songs – -Repeated patterns- Listening skills using -Weather music – Music Express. sponges, printing the instruments snowstorm, snow -Role play areas – -Animal pattern- can the falling. children to choose and children continue and retell the stories. spread the pattern. -Retelling the stories -Elmer milk bottle with small elephant world/puppets. -Tie- dying fabric -Trip to the woods. -Draw a self-portrait and - Houses – what then decorate a frame for homes are like in our it. country and in other countries. Music -Children to -Animals went in 2 by 2, design/plan what they Old MacDonald had a are going to make. Zoo, Christmas Nativity -Clay bears songs. -Making patterns using sounds/instruments.
Letters and Sounds Learnt Sounds Learnt Revisit Revisit Stream Phonics sounds s, a, t, p j, v, w, x j, v, w, x j, v, w, x Introduce phase 5 i, n, m, d y, z/zz, qu, ch, y, z/zz, qu, ch, y, z/zz, qu, ch, g, o, c, k sh, th, ng, ai, sh, th, ng, ai, sh, th, ng, ai, ck, e, u, r ee, igh, oa, oo/oo, ee, igh, oa, oo/oo, ee, igh, oa, oo/oo, h, b, f/ff, l/ll, ss ar, or, ur, ow ar, or, ur, ow ar, or, ur, ow oi, ear, air, ure, er oi, ear, air, ure, er oi, ear, air, ure, er