Avery County Board of Education
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Avery County Board of Education Monthly Meeting July 1, 2010
The Avery County Board of Education meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chair, John Greene. The meeting was held at the County Commissioners' board room. Mr. Greene began the meeting with the Ethic Statement: “Board members are reminded that it is our duty to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest as we handle the work of this Board. Does any member of the Board know of any conflict of interest or any appearance of conflict with respect to any matters coming before us at this meeting? If so, please state them for the record. If during the course of the meeting you become aware of an actual or apparent conflict of interest, please bring the matter to the attention of the chair. It will then be your duty to abstain from participating in discussion on the matter and from voting on the matter.”
Present were Chair John Greene, Kathey Aldridge, Dr. Bob Clark and Steve Smith. Also present were Superintendent Keith Eades and Executive Administrative Assistant Leslie Laws. Dr. Jamie Johnson was absent from the meeting.
Others Present: Ellis Ayers Diane Jaynes Ruth Shirley Matthew Bentley Tracy Grit Jeff Jaynes Jeff Hurd Kim Davis Danny Clark Wayne Talley Martha Davis John Grice Jim Ciociola Ricky Ward Mitch Banner Lisa Daniels Ken Townsend Brenda Reese Mark Garrett Boe Barinowski Candace Englert Students Parents
The invocation was given by Mrs. Aldridge. The pledge of allegiance was given.
John Greene welcomed Steve Smith to the board and Dr. Clark congratulated him on his election.
Clerk of Court, Lisa Daniels, swore in new board member, Steve Smith and re-elected board member, Dr. Bob Clark.
The Chair was turned over to Mr. Eades to accept Board Chair nominations for the 2010-11 school year. Dr. Clark nominated John Greene with Mr. Smith seconding the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. Mr. Eades turned the Chair back to Chair John Greene to accept nominations for Board Vice-Chair for the 2010-11 school year. Dr. Jamie Johnson was nominated by Dr. Clark. Mrs. Aldridge made a second. The nomination passed unanimously.
Mr. Greene asked for approval of the minutes. Approval of June 14, 2010 Board Minutes was unanimous. (motion: Mrs. Aldridge, second: Dr. Clark). New board member Steve Smith abstained as he was not on the board during this time. Approval of June 14, 2010 Closed Session Minutes was unanimous (motion: Dr. Clark, second: Mrs Aldridge). New board member Steve Smith abstained as he was not on the board during this time. Approval of June 21, 2010 Board Minutes was unanimous. (motion: Mrs Aldridge, second: Dr. Clark). New board member Steve Smith abstained as he was not on the board during this time. Approval of June 21, 2010 Closed Session Minutes was unanimous (motion: Dr. Clark, second: Mrs. Aldridge). New board member Steve Smith abstained as he was not on the board during this time.
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Mr. Eades reported to the audience that at the Summer Leadership Conference twelve administrators from Avery County attended. The participants gained State Board of Education and legislative information. Last month Mr. Ellis Ayers gave preliminary test data and the final results have not yet been released. Mr. Eades reported the Innovative High School planning continues. He apprised the board of an article in Avery Journal by Martha Davis, Public Information Officer, which discusses key points about Viking Freshman Academy. Other articles will follow throughout the summer to inform the public of the new academies at Avery High. Mr. Eades quoted educator Bill Daggett when asked why we don't teach high school like we have in the past 40 years, “We are preparing our students for their future and not our past.” Mr. Eades reported that the State budget was voted into law yesterday by the state government. Next year will be a year of drastic funding cuts since federal stimulus monies will be gone. Mr. Eades summarized a letter received from AT & T in response to a letter he wrote concerning AT&T's responsibility to provide Broadband internet access throughout our county.
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School bus driver and fuel truck operator, Mitch Banner was recognized for placing 6th in the State School Bus Roadeo Competition. The following students were recognized as Duke University TIP participants: Madeline Leaman, Davy Fields, Chloe Smith, Margaret Acheson-Adams, Charles Burleson, MiKinely Calloway, Marley Turbyfill, Lindsey Reed, Alexis Hayes, Tristin Mason, and Makenna Buchanan. Board members congratulated the recipients.
CURRICULUM SPOTLIGHT Boe Barinowski presented the JROTC program at Avery County High School. He handed each board member a packet of information. He gave a brief history of JROTC and shared the mission: to “motivate young people to be better citizens.” North Carolina has the third largest number of programs in the nation. The goals of the program are to teach Citizenship, Leadership, and Responsibility. He stressed the fact that the JROTC program purpose is not to recruit students into the Armed Forces. The program at Avery High started in 1982.
DISCUSSION AGENDA 21st Century Systems Banner Elk School Construction Update was given by Jeff Hurd. He informed the board that the gymnasium walls topped out today, 137 blocks of masonry are being laid a day. A Walk-Through day for board members and staff will be upcoming as the project site becomes a little more stable. The construction on the Food Service area is beginning. Mr. Greene asked if there was a smooth transition form one grading company to another. Mr. Hurd stated the new company, Hoffman Excavating from Hickory, NC, was on site today.
Director, Tammie Woodie was not able to attend the meeting so Jeff Jaynes presented the Procurement plan required by DPI for Child Nutrition. Mr. Jaynes asked for approval of the Child Nutrition Procurement Program. The vote passed unanimously (motion: Mrs. Aldridge, second: Dr. Clark).
Director of Business and Financial Services, Jeff Jaynes presented changes to the Errors and Omissions insurance plan for information only. This was approved at the June 14 meeting.
Budget Amendment #5 was presented the changes approved for action at the June 21, 2010 meeting.
CLOSED SESSION The Board went into closed session at 6:20 p.m. for the purpose of discussing information that is privileged, confidential or not a public record as Per N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(1) students and personnel; and (a)(6) initial employment by unanimous vote (motion: Mrs. Aldridge; seconded: Dr. Clark). The board returned to open session at 7:50 p.m. by motion from Mrs. Aldridge, second by Mr. Smith and unanimous vote. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda passed unanimously (motion: Mrs. Aldridge, second: Dr. Clark ). The following items were approved on the consent agenda.
Human Resources Employment 1. Jennifer Townsend, Summer School Teacher 2. Justin Carver, Summer School Teacher 3. Hannah Trivette, Summer School Teacher 4. Megan Gouge, Summer School Teacher 5. Jennifer Townsend, Summer School Bus Driver 6. Justin Carver, Summer School Bus Driver 7. Hannah Trivette, Summer School Bus Driver 8. Robert Garland, Substitute Bus Driver and Activity Bus Driver 9. Mark Beach, Football Coach - Avery Middle Avery County Board of Education Monthly Meeting July 1, 2010
10. Chase Arrowood, Football Coach - Avery Middle 11. Elizabeth Brown, School Psychologist - Interviews June 29, 2010 12. College Ready Facilitator - Interviews July 1, 2010 interviews rescheduled Administrator Contracts 1. Ken Townsend, Principal 2. Matthew Bentley, Principal 3. Tracy Grit, Principal 4. Monet Samuelson, Principal 5. John Grice, Director of Career Technical Education (CTE) Tabled until July 19 meeting
Leave of Absences 1. Amy Oaks, Teacher - Newland (Family Medical Leave) 2. Monet Samuelson, Principal - Avery High Viking Academy (Family Medical Leave) 3. Ken Samuelson, EC Teacher - Avery Middle (Family Medical Leave) 4. Kim Hayes, Teacher - Avery High (Family Medical Leave) 5. Rhiannon Manis, Teacher - Freedom Trail ( Family Medical Leave) 6. Kelly Byrd, Teacher - Riverside (Family Medical Leave) 7. Kim Hayes, Teacher - Avery High (20 Day Extended Sick Leave) 8. Amy Oaks, Teacher - Newland (Parental Leave without Pay) 9. Kim Hayes, Teacher - Avery High (Parental Leave without Pay) Volunteers 1. Samson Jennings, Football Coach - Avery Middle (pending background checks) 2. Dudley Johnson, Football Coach - Avery Middle (pending background checks) 3. Bryan Adams, Football Coach - Avery Middle (pending background checks) 4. Adam Kassouf, Football Coach - Avery Middle (pending background checks) 5. Bryan Adams, Girls' Basketball Coach - Avery Middle (pending background checks) 6. Tonia Anderson, Chaperone for GEAR UP and JROTC trips Resignations 1. Megan Carr, Science Teacher - Avery High Student Transfers 1. Stephanie Phillips from Cranberry to Avery Middle BOARD COMMENTS Dr. Clark stated the new website looked good. Mrs. Aldridge welcomed new board Steve Smith and returning member Dr. Clark. She stated she feels this board will work well together. INFORMATION ITEMS Mr. Eades stated that Mr. Greene will speaking with board members about a tentative board meeting July 19 for personnel purposes. ADJOURNMENT The board meeting adjourned with a unanimous vote at 7:55 p.m.(motion: Mrs. Aldridge; seconded: Mr. Smith).
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______Chair, John Greene
______Secretary, Keith Eades
Respectfully submitted,
______Leslie G. Laws
Motion to Approve: ______
Member Seconded: ______
Date Approved: ______