Functional Description of Interference Management on IEEE 802.16Q Multi-Tier Networks

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Functional Description of Interference Management on IEEE 802.16Q Multi-Tier Networks

IEEE 802.16-16-0032-02-Gdoc

Project IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group

Title IEEE 802.16 Working Group Minutes of Session #103

Date 2016-07-28 Submitted

Source(s) Harry Bims Voice: +1-650-283-4174 Bims Laboratories, Inc. E-mail: [email protected]

Re: IEEE 802.16 Session #103 (Kona, HI)

Abstract IEEE 802.16 Session #103 Minutes

Purpose To record the minutes of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group Opening and Closing Plenary meetings at Session #103. For approval at Session #104

Copyright Policy The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Copyright Policy

The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: Patent and Policy . Further information is located at and . This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It Status represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

1 IEEE 802.16-16-0032-02-Gdoc

IEEE 802.16 Working Group Minutes of Session #103 IEEE 802.16 Working Group Hilton Waikoloa Village Waikoloa, HI May 17 - 19, 2016

IEEE 802.16 Session #103 Opening Plenary Meeting Tuesday May 17, 2016, 8:00 – 10:00 hours.

Opening The Working Group (WG) meeting was called to order by Roger Marks at 08:05 hours local time. He welcome d the Working Group to Session #103 of the IEEE 802.16 WG, whereupon he gave an overview and tutorial des cribing how to use the online webpages that attendees should access during the session. Dr. Roger Marks introduced himself as the Chair of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group (the “WG”) and stated his affiliation with EthAirNet Associates and IEEE-SA. Dr. Harry Bims, affiliated with Bims Laboratories, introdu ced himself as WG Vice Chair and WG Secretary. Tim Godfrey, affiliated with EPRI, introduced himself as W G Treasurer and Chair of the GRIDMAN Task Group. The WG Chair noted the online location of the IEEE 802.16 webpage , where official i nformation about the IEEE 802.16 Working Group can be found, and the online location where the session meet ing schedule and plans for the week are presented. Chair Marks also turned to the Working group agenda (at htt p://

Membership and Voting The Working Group Chair explained that at the beginning of this Session there were 5 Members () of the Working Group. Roger went through the membership list, and attendee introductions. Roger explained membership retention an d loss rules, as well as our working group naming conventions for contribution documents.

Attendance The attendees were informed that acquiring and retaining Membership in the Working Group depends on loggin g attendance correctly in the IEEE Automated Meeting Attendance Tool (“IMAT”). The WG Chair demonstrate d the method of registering in the IMAT system by following the link . The attendance webpage contains an “Affiliation” field where each attendee is expected to designate their Affiliation per IEEE-SA affiliation disclosure requirements (see reference ).

Opening Plenary Agenda

The WG Chair reviewed the IEEE 802.16 Session #103 Opening Plenary Agenda, which was available at 2 IEEE 802.16-16-0032-02-Gdoc

. The Chair requested comments from the Working Group regarding the agenda.

Motion (08:20 h): “To approve the 802.16 Opening Plenary Agenda.” The agenda was approved without objection at 08:20 h.

Minutes of Session #102 The draft minutes of Session #102 (80216-16-0022-00-Gdoc) in Macau, China were presented. The group also reviewed Document 802.16-16-0027-00, which reflects comments from Roger Marks on the Session #102 draft minutes. There was some group discussion, and it was agreed that the WG Secretary would upload Document 802.16-16-0022-01-Gdoc to the document server for review by the Working Group at the Working Group Closing Plenary.

Working Group Chair’s Administrative Report The WG Chair displayed and presented Document IEEE 802.16-12-0573-00-Gdoc, the Chair’s IEEE 802.16 Ad ministrative Report. The WG Chair explained legal and administrative information regarding IEEE 802.16 for Disclosure of Affiliati on, the Ethics policy, Patents, and Copyrights. This information is also found at the link . The Chair mentioned that the 802.16 Working Group does not have any assigned PARs during this session. Bec ause of this, the patent slides for non-PAR meetings are to be read during this session. The WG Chair presented the slides found at the link < pdf >. In addition, the WG Chair showed the patent slides for PAR meetings to inform the group that these PAR meeting patent slides will be shown in the future if the 802.16s PAR is approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boa rd.

Review of Prior Session Report Chair Marks reviewed the session report from Session #102 at ml.

Editor Issues The WG Chair reminded the group that we informally decided to defer a revision extension request at Session # 102. There was group discussion of issues relating to a Revision PAR, the previous amendments to 802.16-201 2, and the proposed 802.16s draft PAR.

Subgroup Status

GRIDMAN Task Group Report: At 9:52AM, Tim Godfrey presented Document IEEE 802.16-16-0031-00, a Report on proposed PAR 802.16s. After discussing a Call for Contributions, Tim deferred the remainder of the GRIDMAN discussion to the next Working Group meeting slot.

3 IEEE 802.16-16-0032-02-Gdoc

ITU-R Liasion Chair Marks mentioned that there may be some benefit to Working Group participation in the IEEE 5G/IMT- 2020 Standing Committee. There was some discussion about communicating with the WiMAX Forum.

Future Sessions There was some discussion about Session #104 and Session #105. Chair Marks mentioned that there is no current plan for a Session #105, and thus the group needs to develop a plan for Session #105 before the Working Group Closing Plenary this week.

AOB Tim Godfrey informed the group that the GRIDMAN Task Group meeting will start at 10:45am.

Adjournment Without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 10:08 hours.

GRIDMAN Task Group Meeting Tuesday, May 17, 2016, 10:45 – 12:00 hours.

The Task Group was called to order at 10:51 hours. The GRIDMAN Chair presented the patent policy for this session, by showing the pre-PAR patent slide to the working group.

Schedule for the Week The WG Chair noted the timeslots for Working Group activities for the week. There was some discussion about possible cancellation of unused timeslots. The agenda was presented and approved by the group by unanimous consent.

Draft P802.16s PAR & CSD Status Chair Marks gave an update regarding the status of the NesCom approval process. The 802.16s PAR is on the agenda for the next NesCom meeting on June 29, 2016. There was some discussion regarding the Purpose statement in the draft 802.16s PAR. There was some discussion about creating a System Requirements Document. Doug Gray volunteered to serve as the editor of the intial draft SRD, based on input documents that have been contributed to the group. There was group discussion about the content of the initial draft SRD.

Draft 802.16s Project Plan The plan schedule for requirements, contributions, draft development, and balloting of an 802.16s amendment was presented.

The group meeting was recessed at 12:30 hours.

4 IEEE 802.16-16-0032-02-Gdoc

GRIDMAN Task Group Meeting Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 10:30 – 12:30 hours.

The meeting resumed at 10:37 hours. The group reviewed and updated draft Document IEEE 802.16-16-0034-00, the “IEEE 802.16s Draft System Requirements Document”.

Without objection, the meeting was recessed at 12:23 hours.

GRIDMAN Task Group Meeting Thursday, May 19, 2016, 08:00 – 10:00 hours.

The meeting was resumed by the GRIDMAN Chair at 08:07 hours. The group continued their review and update of draft Document IEEE 802.16-16-0034-00. The group developed a Call for Contributions for Project 802.16s. The group decided to hold a teleconference on June 30, 2016 at 12 noon PST/3pm EST to discuss the status of the 802.16s PAR and planning for Session #104.

Without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 09:39 hours.

IEEE 802.16 Session #103 Closing Plenary Meeting Thursday, March 19, 2016, 16:00 – 18:00 hours.

Opening The WG Chair of the 802.16 WG called the meeting to order at 16:21 hours local time, and introduced himelf.

Closing Plenary Agenda WG Chair Roger Marks reviewed the 802.16 Session #103 Closing Plenary agenda, posted online at . Roger reviewed the agenda and asked the attendants if they had any questions concerning the agenda, and there was some discussion. The Working Group approved the Closing Plenary agenda without objection at 16:25pm.

Revision PAR The Chair discussed with the group the option of submitting an extension request in lieu of submitting a revision PAR. It was agreed that the Chair will upload Document IEEE 802.16-16-0019-02, a revision of the draft Revision PAR, for consideration by the working group at Session #104. The revision will modify the date under item 4.2 to reflect Aug 2017, and the date under 4.3 to reflect June 2018.

There was a discussion about the need to perform a maintenance revision before a new amendment to the base s 5 IEEE 802.16-16-0032-02-Gdoc tandard can be published. It was decided that the WG would withdraw its Revision PAR, and in its place submit a request for a two-year extension on the maintenance revision work. This will allow the revision project to tak e place after the P802.16s amendment project has completed.

GRIDMAN Closing Report: There was a presentation from Tim Godfrey of Document IEEE 802.16-16-0031-01, the GRIDMAN Task Grou p – Closing Report Session #103.

Future Sessions There was some group discussion about the time and location of Session #105. The group tentatively decided to meet in Warsaw for Session #105, but also authorized a final decision of the working group on the time and location of Session #105 would be made at a future teleconference.

AOB Motion (17:40 h): “To approve the Document IEEE 802.16-16-0022-01 as the minutes of Session #102 in Mac au”. Moved by Harry Bims, and seconded by Tim Godfrey. Discussion: There was none. The motion passed by unanimous consent.

Adjournment The Working Group agreed to adjourn without objection. The meeting was adjourned at 17:42 h.


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