Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

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Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning



GENERAL BACKGROUND Energy and Climate have become the rallying concepts within the larger sustainability umbrella developing around the world. While sustainability becomes the orientation (ensuring that our decisions consider environment and social impact of our actions), a strong energy and climate strategy (and through this, waste) become the mechanisms to drive down costs and emissions, reduce our use of fossil fuels and re-invent how we power a new University in the future. Academic institutions developing their own strategy on Energy establish a stronger understanding of the benchmarks & returns they can expect and can establish leadership through curriculum and research. Since Energy crosses all operational areas, it allows Sheridan to view itself as a complete 'system' and capturing this knowledge and transferring it through new student opportunities, curriculum in all faculties and research, becomes a great motivator. This change facilitates recruitment of the best in Canada and drives the kind of 'regenerative, creative & sustainable university' that Sheridan would like to become.

Sheridan College aims to develop a Decision Grade Integrated Campus Energy Master Plan (IEMP) for its four campuses. The IEMP will evaluate the options for an efficient integrated approach to energy use, distribution, and supply at its Davis, Trafalgar (2), and Hazel McCallion Campuses. Goals:  To support Sheridan’s Vision of becoming ‘top ranked undergraduate institution’ in Canada.

 To substantially reduce Sheridan College’s Economic & Environmental Impact: The IEMP will evaluate the options to substantially increase the energy efficiency of current and future buildings, combined with exploring the potential for substantially more efficient energy supply, including evaluating possibilities for on-campus clean and renewable power and thermal generation. The IEMP will take a 30-year view of the overall opportunity and implementation. Yearly investment needs will be broken down into recommended funding approaches.

 To recommend operational management, procurement practices and campus engagement programs that will ensure the continuous improvement of overall use and fuel efficiency.

 To outline the technical feasibility and economic attractiveness of integrating energy efficient building upgrades with efficient energy supply and distribution. This could include existing electrical and gas supply, renewable energy sources, locally-sited cogeneration, district heating and cooling, and intelligent information and control architecture.  To support Sheridan College becoming a center for academic programs related to the economic, technical, social, and environmental aspects of high-performance energy and climate solutions. Successful completion and implementation of the IEMP, combined with Sheridan’s existing sustainability initiatives, would make Sheridan College a role model for energy and climate efficiency management in Ontario, and Canada. The IEMP will build on pre-existing curricula and will recommend frameworks for new or adjusted curricula and innovative approaches to staff- student-faculty teaming to achieve continuous improvements in energy and greenhouse gas performance.

 To develop an IEMP which is at a level of detail sufficient to make detailed directional investment and organizational decisions.

 To support Sheridan College’s Sustainability Policy:

o Principle #1: the first principle is supported by reducing the Institute’s use of fossil fuels and unnecessary building materials. o Principle #2: sustainable construction, reduced energy related emissions and less potable water use support the second. o Principle #3: taking a long-term systematic view to reducing energy use and choices of fuels, along with campus design is consistent with the third. o Principle #4: significant reductions in economic costs and risks associated with energy, allows the Sheridan to focus its resources on teaching and research, clearly enhancing the students’ capacity to meet their lifetime needs.

ENERGY AND CLIMATE BACKGROUND The global energy market is at a crossroads. Energy prices have experienced a period of unprecedented volatility in the last decade. They currently (mid-2011) are relatively stable, but are forecast to rise substantially over the coming decades. This will be driven, in part, by increasing Canadian demand, increased exports of gas and oil, a rapidly growing demand from China, India, and other OECD countries, and increasing costs of extraction. An additional factor will be the uncertain direct and indirect costs of future legislation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The impact of energy on the global climate is a rapidly growing concern, already reflected in legislation in many parts of the world. Canada is falling far short of its emissions reduction targets under the Kyoto Treaty, raising the likelihood of stronger Federal legislation or regulation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The mechanisms could be in the form of a Cap-and-Trade approach similar to that used in the EU, direct regulation of emissions, or a system of carbon taxes, such as enacted by British Columbia. In any of these scenarios, the net impact will be an increase in energy unit costs, increasing the potential benefits of improved efficiency and reduced use of fossil fuels. Ontario, among other Canadian Provinces (and some U.S. States), is taking a leading role in enacting a range of legislation aimed at both increasing efficiency and reducing fossil fuel dependence. This legislation will attract both energy cost penalties and incentives. The IEMP will include at least two investment sensitivity analyses for future scenarios around energy and greenhouse gas pricing. One will be relatively conservative, the other highly carbon- constrained. There are also growing concerns over the resilience of parts of the U.S. and Canadian electrical grid due to underinvestment in modernization, changing usage patterns and more extreme weather events. This is changing the risks around reliability of supply. The IEMP will explore the possibility to upgrade the physical and management of Sheridan’s energy infrastructure so that it can continue to deliver high quality, cost competitive and reliable energy services for all users, while creating the least environmental impact. It will include recommendations that will improve the energy performance of the campuses on a continuous basis. It is not unusual for well implemented campus energy master plans in Canada to create solutions that use up to half of the average primary fuel, and produce even less than half of the emissions of greenhouse gases for the campuses as a whole.

IEMP BACKGROUND This IEMP was developed with the intent to provide a “structured mentoring service” to a newly appointed Sheridan Energy Task Force (Task Force), which would reside along with other Task Forces within Sheridan’s emerging Sustainability Leadership Council (Council). The firs Task Force in this Council is Sheridan’s Zero-Waste Taskforce. The goal is to enable the Task Force to develop a Decision Grade Integrated Campus Energy Master Plan for all four Campuses. The IEMP will outline the technical feasibility and economic attractiveness of integrating energy efficient building upgrades with efficient energy supply and distribution. This could include the existing electrical and gas supply, renewable energy sources, locally-sited cogeneration, district heating and cooling, and intelligent information and control architecture. It may incorporate elements of energy supply or use beyond the boundaries of the campuses if these are shown to bring extended benefits, either to the Sheridan or its surrounding communities. The IEMP will include recommendations for the operational management, ongoing management practices and staff-faculty-student (and possibly community) engagement programs that will ensure continuous breakthrough energy performance. It will also include an assessment of the impacts of the current and possible future legal, regulatory and institutional aspects where relevant. A narrative of the educational and community benefits that could be forthcoming from the systematic implementation of an integrated approach to energy, including its potential value as a platform to develop multiple new academic curricula, will be part of the IEMP. The IEMP will be at a level of detail sufficient to make detailed directional investment and organizational decisions and requests. These would be subject to final validation as part of the normal financial and management due diligence process prior to final approval. Scope of Work and Deliverables Deliverable 1: Mentoring Team Consultant will form a Mentoring Team (Mentors) that will have skills in the following areas:  Integrated energy master planning  Efficient campus and building construction, renovation, and operation  Municipal and campus energy systems including electricity and gas supply, and district energy (heating and cooling) using a wide range of fossil or renewable sources  Multi-utility information management, metering, and control  Integration of the legislative, regulatory, technical, economic, and business aspects of various energy efficiency and supply scenarios  Active creation and management of low-cost/no-cost staff-student-faculty energy teams Deliverable 2: Energy Task Force Sheridan College will form an Energy Task Force (Task Force) charged with developing an IEMP covering the four campuses, considering the guidance of the Mentors. The Task Force would have representatives from the following areas:  Faculties  Research Department  Facilities Management  Finance and Administration  Purchasing  Representative of Hydro One, Oakville Hydro, Union Gas

The Office for Sustainability will be accountable to Sheridan College for the completion of the IEMP.

The solutions recommended in the IEMP will:  Meet or exceed the return targets of the College on all energy-related investments.  Minimize the primary fossil fuel needed to deliver competitive energy services to the existing and future buildings on the campuses, irrespective of whether the primary fuel was used directly on the site, or was used in remote facilities connected to public grids.  Be sufficiently flexible to grow with the anticipated build-out of the campuses (new campus in Mississauga).  Minimize the Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gases caused, such that Sheridan exceeds the goals established by the Copenhagen Accord, and current and future Canadian Federal and Provincial legislation.  Minimize the risk of energy service interruption or quality issues to all users.  Be sufficiently flexible to incorporate new operating strategies and technologies as they become viable.  Be structured to support the educational and community mission of Sheridan College. The IEMP will include the following:  Energy use and greenhouse gas baseline for all four campuses for 2010 for all energy services, broken down by space heating, space cooling, lighting, domestic hot and cold water, waste-water, catering and other energy needs for each of the educational, administrative, residential and sports facilities.  Energy service requirements for the four campuses in the same categories, based on the anticipated build-out and building efficiencies for the period 2010 to 2050.  Recommendation for an optimal multi-utility energy supply concept for each campus. The concept of “energy supply” will extend all the way to the final application to avoid sub-optimization of energy efficiency between the traditional definitions of “supply” and “demand”. All reasonable energy supply and distribution options will be considered, including: o Economically viable energy efficiency measures as the preferred energy source (See – Efficiencies detail below). o Multi-utility networks delivering heating, cooling, gas, electric and natural gas energy services. o Campus-level and building-level operating and technology options, to ensure cost and environmental energy and water optimization, including the upgrading, extension and integration of the building management systems, smart metering networks, and supply distribution management systems. o Heat recovery and high-efficiency heat-only generating options from existing on-campus or near-campus sources, using both fossil and renewable fuels. o Distributed co-generation options (e.g. engine, turbine, fuel cell, etc.) including use of natural gas and possibly biofuels. o Renewable energy sources including solar PV, solar thermal, and possibly wind, geo-thermal (low-temperature), bio-mass and bio-gas.  In the event a restructured energy supply ownership and operating structure forms part of the recommendations, the regulatory, code, and institutional guidelines will be addressed and recommendations made.  Recommendations for monitoring, auditing, and the potential monetization of greenhouse gas emissions reductions and energy efficiency gains.  Recommendations for financing and investments from both public and private sources, including available incentives.  Recommendations for energy-related academic programs or research projects. Note: The energy use and supply recommendations will be the result of an assessment using integrated energy master planning techniques designed to optimize the three basic goals of greenhouse gas reduction, economic viability and supply security. Background on Evaluating Building Energy Use Scenarios New Construction As a default, the 2012 Ontario Code will be used to define levels of energy and water demand as the baseline for new construction in the IEMP. This is one the most stringent codes in North America, but still less efficient than found elsewhere in the world including California or the European Union. Sheridan College is specifying LEED requirements. If this includes a binding energy performance requirement for all new construction, this could be used as an alternative baseline. Existing Buildings The baseline for the energy and water demand and associated emissions for existing buildings will be their actual 2010 performance, as far as can be determined from available metered data, supported by computer modeling of selected buildings. Utility Use Categories The energy and water demand will cover the end service requirements for heating, cooling, lighting, other electricity, domestic hot and cold water and waste-water. These will be modeled and adjusted to available metered values using an iterative process. Estimation Approach The four Campuses have over 30 buildings. A rigorous computer energy model of the entire building inventory would be beyond reasonable budget and time constraints. The Task Force, guided by the Mentors, will agree on the key buildings that can be considered representative of the predominant building types. These representative buildings will be assessed in detail. These findings will then be statistically spread across the balance of the campus buildings by building age, type and function, possibly with some adjustment based on specific knowledge of a building’s characteristics or function. Since this is a Mentored process, Sheridan College may choose to model a higher percentage of the buildings than would normally be viable on a purely commercial consulting contract. Any recognized energy modeling program can be used as the basis for demand estimation. The preference would be to use EnergyPlus Version 6.0.0. Efficiency Standards In any IEMP, the recommendation would be that buildings be constructed or refurbished at “above-code” efficiency levels, resulting in some combination of the following outcomes:  Reduce the operating cost.  Improve future operating cost competitiveness.  Mitigate cost disadvantages from potential greenhouse gas regulation.  Reduce capital needed for investment in energy supply systems.  Make the buildings more amenable to renewable energy solutions.  Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The IEMP will include recommendations for time-related energy efficiency and GHG emissions benchmarks for renovation and new construction. The immediate benchmarks will be based on the current state of the art, but will be sufficiently flexible to incorporate future, as yet unknown, new technologies or understanding. The Mentors will draw on their worldwide experience and on global standards in the creation of the recommended energy benchmarks and practices, including:  Canadian & US Green Buildings Council Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design  Above average Canadian or U.S. Building Codes such as Ontario or California  EU Energy Efficiency in Buildings Directive (2008) and various national implementations  Energy Performance Labeling from EU, Japan and other jurisdictions Energy efficiency and emissions benchmarks suitable for future procurement and management purposes will be established for major existing and new buildings. At this stage, it is not possible to predict the specific efficiency gains for Sheridan College. It is not unusual for energy reductions in the 25 to 40% range to be achievable in existing buildings in North American. Through good procurement, quality control, commissioning and operating practices, new buildings can reasonably expect to perform 10 to 20% more efficiently than would normally be the case in Ontario, even with the recent more stringent building codes. Deliverable 4 – Mentoring Services A prerequisite for a successful Mentor-driven approach will be the engagement of the Task Force members. This will be through both their participation in on-site and remote milestone meetings and in completion of assignments in a timely manner.

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