Cavendish Primary School
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Cavendish Primary School 1 Welcome to Cavendish Primary School We welcome your child and look forward to a happy and successful association with you over the coming years. This booklet is intended to help you and your child know more about the life and work of our school. I am very glad that you have chosen to send your child to Cavendish Primary and I would like to assure you that we will do our best for your child. We aim to provide a caring environment for your child. We will provide a wide range of balanced learning opportunities for all children, to help them grow into independent and responsible people. We also believe that we can only achieve the best for your child by close co-operation between home and school based on mutual understanding, respect and trust. We offer every opportunity for you to share in your child's academic and social life in school. We are always available to talk about your child's development. If you have a problem or a worry, something you are really pleased about or even an idea you wish to share, please feel free to come in and discuss it with us. Your views are very important to us.
Mrs. M. Heavens Headteacher Core Values The ethos of the school revolves around these core values: Integrity Endeavour Kindness Understanding Respect
Our school aims are in line with the outcomes of the “Every Child Matters” agenda for every child. The outcomes are: be safe be healthy achieve enjoy make a positive contribution to society achieve economic well being Whilst the Every Child Matters Agenda is under review and the website closed, we continue to embrace these outcomes.
Cavendish Primary School 2 We aim to: provide a safe, secure and inclusive environment in which every child can achieve their full potential academically, culturally, physically and socially provide a challenging and enjoyable curriculum presented in a culture of high expectation, so that every child is motivated to succeed Promote a community spirit within and beyond the school Value every member of the community as an individual and respect their opinions Establish the school as a valuable centre of our local community Understand and celebrate wider communities and cultures Inspire everyone to feel that they can achieve and to recognise and celebrate what they have achieved. Promote life-long learning and reflecting on everyone’s learning journeys together Embrace technology as a tool to support learning. Take pride in self and school Offer a broad, balanced and exciting provision within and beyond the school day Promote self esteem and self discipline to empower children and enable them to value and respect others
At Cavendish, we will secure our position as a centre of excellence and outstanding educational provision through a focus on high standards of achievement and progress for all. Enterprise, leadership, technology, creativity, endeavour and resilience will be the foundations underpinning success for our children.
Pupils, parents and Governors will take pride in our school and as adults our children will look back on their time here as happy and rich.
Cavendish Primary School will be at the heart of the community and be the school of choice for all our families.
HISTORY OF THE SCHOOL The first Cavendish Road Junior and Infants School was opened in 1937, in the building now occupied by Gillshill Primary School. This building soon became overcrowded as a result of the post-war baby boom and so, in 1951, a large new junior department was built for children aged from 7 to 11. This is the building we now occupy. In 1969 all schools within the City of Kingston-upon-Hull were reorganised to create a system which included Junior High Schools for pupils aged 9 to 13 years. Cavendish Road Junior and Infants School was split into two primary schools, each with pupils aged 5 to 9 years. These were Cavendish Primary School in the large junior building and Gillshill Primary School in the old infant building. In September 1988, after a drop in the birthrate, a further reorganisation in the city closed the Junior High Schools. The two schools were reorganised again and now each has pupils from 4 to 11 years.
Cavendish Primary School 3 The 'twin' schools share a catchment area but are otherwise quite independent. Each has its own individual characteristics. We aim to continue the co-operative and friendly relationship which we enjoy with our neighbours at Gillshill Primary School.
Cavendish Primary School 4 THE STAFF IN OUR SCHOOL These are the adults that your child is likely to meet in and around school: TEACHING STAFF Mrs. Machaela Heavens Headteacher Mrs. Nicola Witham Deputy Headteacher Mr. Peter Burletson Inclusion Leader (Senior Leadership Team) Mrs. Joanne Davis Phase Leader (Senior Leadership Team)
Mrs. Gill Smith Mrs. Claire Drinnan Mrs. Rosie Enwright Miss. Helen McCoid Mr. Christian Smith Mrs. Sadie Julian Mr. Stephen Fry Miss. Shelley Thompson Mrs. Sarah Proctor Mrs. Sarah Wealsby Mrs. Jo Davis Miss. Alexandra Dixey Miss. Lucy Burnham Mrs. Karen Hudson Mrs. Susan Hardwick HLTA OFFICE STAFF Mrs. Joanne Mulligan Admin Officer Miss. Melanie Wilkin Admin Assistant Mrs. Joanne Wannan Admin Assistant Miss. Havanna-Skye Hollingsworth Admin Assistant Miss. Demi-Leigh Roundhill Admin Apprentice TEACHING SUPPORT STAFF Mrs. Jill Beasty Mrs. Yvonne Headley Mrs. Julie Hemsworth Mrs. Carol Holmes Vacancy Mrs. Carole Langstaff Mrs. Anita Murray Mrs. Angela Owst Mrs. Helen Siddle Mrs. Jennifer Warvill Mrs. Michelle Newton Mrs. Karen Lazenby Miss Gemma Finnis Mrs. Vanessa Barnett Mrs. Sharon Foston
Cavendish Primary School 5 Mrs. Helen Sage Mrs. Patricia Cummings
LUNCHTIME STAFF Mrs. Karen Lazenby Senior Supervisor Mrs. Tina Tute Mrs. Elaine Marshall Mrs. Jean Sinclair Miss. Claire Mason Miss. Gemma Finnis Miss. Lynn Wilson Mrs. Claire Staves Miss. Karen Reynolds Mrs. Patricia Cummings
EXTENDED SCHOOL CLUB STAFF Mrs. Karen Lazenby Mrs. Patricia Cummings Mrs. Elaine Marshall Mrs. Tina Tute SITE FACILITIES STAFF Mr. Chris Hazel Senior Site Facilities Officer Mrs. Margaret Cavanaugh Senior Staff Mrs. Tina Tute Mrs. Sue Garner Mrs. Sharon Boulton KITCHEN STAFF Mrs. Carole Webster Head Cook Mrs. Sharron Waller Assistant Cook Mrs. Debbie Woodgate Mrs. Angie Slide Mrs. Linda Owst Mrs. Debbie Ryan Mrs. Kath McGowan Mr. Joe Ash
Cavendish Primary School 6 THE GOVERNING BODY Mrs. Leanne Killelay Chair Mr. Ray Todd Vice Chair Mrs. Machaela Heavens Voting Head Vacancy Staff Miss. Shelley Thompson Staff Vacancy LA Mrs. Sally Laycock Parent Mr. Lee Hardcastle Community Mr. Craig Sharkett LA Mr. Chris Lefevre Community Mrs. Judith Smith Parent Mrs. Germaine Urry Parent Mr. Christopher Sumpton Parent Mrs. Sarah Morton Community Mr. John Applegate Parent Miss. Alex Dixey Staff
SCHOOL TIMES AND DATES BREAKFAST CLUB 07.45am to 08.50am MORNING SESSION 08.50 am to 12.00 am A whistle will be blown at 8.45am at which point the children will stand still. A second whistle will then be blown and upon this whistle the children in Years 2 to 6 will walk to their line. Children in EYFS and Year 1 will go straight to their classrooms through the EYFS playground without lining up. The Administration Assistants and the Headteacher monitor lateness and reminder letters will be sent where lateness becomes frequent. Persistent lateness will result in a request to come in and discuss concerns with the school.
There is a fifteen-minute break in the morning session LUNCH Lunches are prepared on the premises and currently cost £1.00. Pupils with packed lunches are also accommodated. We ask that lunch boxes are clearly marked and that children do not have glass bottles in their box. No sweets or chocolate bars in line the ‘Healthy Schools” Policy. Those staying on the site at mid-day are under the direct care of the senior lunchtime supervisor and her team. Children may also be taken home at lunchtime; they should be collected from the main playground. Access to school is via Cavendish Road or Gillshill Road however the Gillshill Road entrance is locked between 9.05am and 3.10pm. Any child going home for lunch must therefore be
Cavendish Primary School 7 collected via the Cavendish Road entrance.
AFTERNOON SESSION 13.15pm to 3.30pm (Bell rings at 1.10pm) There is a 15 minute break during the afternoon session. Unless attending a club, we require children to go straight home after school finishes. We believe that there is greater safety in children leaving school together, rather than walking home alone.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUB 3.30pm to 5.45pm
Term and Holiday Dates 2013-14
Term Open Close Autumn 2nd September 2014 24th October 2014 3rd November 2014 19th December 2014 Spring 7th January 2015 13th February 2015 23rd February 2015 27th March 2015 Summer 14th April 2015 22nd May 2015 1st June 2015 17th July 2015 Closed Monday 4th May 2015 (Mayday); You will be reminded of these dates and notified of other diary dates during the course of a year by specific letter or in a School Newsletter. Other staff training days will be advised in school publications. Attendance and punctuality All of our children are expected to be in school for each session time, unless there is a good reason for absence. Government legislation means that schools have to identify absences into authorised and unauthorised. The school will only authorise absence for: a. medical reasons, (illness or treatment) b. up to 10 days annual holiday only where approved in line with school policy (See Appendix 3) c. School imposed absence Parents are requested to contact the school prior to 9.30am to inform us of the reasons for a child’s unexpected absence. We should be informed of any planned absence (e.g. for medical appointments) in advance. If we have not received a call or note prior to 09:30am on the day of absence, we will contact the parents by telephone. Should we be unable to contact parents, further efforts will be made during the school day. Letters will be sent home the following day should we still have been unable to make contact. If we have not received notification of reasons for absence within 48 hours of the child’s return to school, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Letters will be sent home to parents of pupils whose attendance falls below 85% in the autumn term, 90% in the spring and in the summer terms to inform them of their child’s current
Cavendish Primary School 8 attendance. Where improvements are not seen, further contact will be made by letter. On-going problems with attendance will be referred to the Education Welfare Service Please note that any requests for term-time holidays must be submitted at least 14 days prior to intended departure.
Registration Registers of attendance are taken at the beginning of each morning and each afternoon. If a child is late for school or returns mid-morning or mid-afternoon, following a medical appointment, it is important that you inform the school office immediately on return to school. They will then be on the register and will be accounted for in the case of emergency evacuation of the school. If a child has an appointment in school time the school should be informed in writing and the child collected from the school office. Wherever possible we request that parents attempt to make routine medical appointments outside of school hours. N. B. Children are not allowed to leave the school unsupervised during school hours. They must be collected from the school office. The school’s complete Policy for Attendance and punctuality is available to all parents to read in school or on the website. Should you wish to have a copy of your own, please ask at the office and one will be supplied for the cost of the photocopying. Security All visitors to the school are requested to report to the office first. If a visitor/parent is working in school they are required to register at the school office and wear a visitor's badge so that staff and children can identify them as bona fide adults on site. Please note: Due to limitations of space in the car park we share with Gillshill Primary, and for the safety of the children from both schools, no parent vehicles are allowed into the car park at any time. Special arrangements are made for those parents whose children attend our extended schools facilities. Special permission to use the car park for dropping off and collecting children may be given to Blue Badge holders. School Organisation Our school is organised into three Key Stages:-
Early Years Foundation Stage – part of our Infant section of the school with two classes of up to 30 children each. Both classes are taught within our spacious Foundation Stage Unit. Children in the Foundation Stage are aged 4 to 5 years. Key Stage 1 – Part of our Infant Section of the school, comprising of Years 1 and 2, each with two classes of up to 30 children each. The children are aged 5 to 7. Children are placed and taught in mixed ability classes. Key Stage 2 – Our Junior Section of the school, divided into two phases, upper and lower Juniors, comprising Years 3 to 6. Each Year group has two classes of around 30 children in each class (there is no legal cap on class sizes at KS2 but we try to maintain numbers as close to 30 pupils per class as possible). Children are placed and taught in mixed ability classes. However, we do set by ability in each Year group for the teaching of mathematics.
Cavendish Primary School 9 Special Educational Needs (SEN) (Policy Overview) All our work complies with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Mr. Burletson, one of our Year 1 teachers, also acts as our Inclusion Leader. He takes the role of Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator in the school as well as being coordinator for our looked after, bilingual and Gifted & Talented children. Any parent who has a concern regarding their child’s pupil premium progress in school is encouraged to speak with their child’s teacher who can arrange to make an appointment with Mr. Burletson to discuss any provision the school can offer to help.
Children identified as having a Special Educational Need (SEN) are provided with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which identifies targets and strategies to support the child’s learning within the classroom. This level of SEN is identified as ‘School Action’ Any extra provision required may also be identified in the IEP, at which point the SEN is classified as ‘School Action Plus’. Where moderate or severe learning difficulties or disabilities are identified, support may be sought from the Educational Psychologist and consideration may be given to obtaining a Statement of SEN.
If you have any concerns or questions about these special provisions being offered by the school, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance, or our Inclusion Leader, Mr. Peter Burletson.
Inclusion and Equal Opportunities (Policy Overview) Ensuring Equal Opportunities for all pupils including those with specific disabilities The school has a very good reputation for supporting all pupils with Special Educational Needs including those with specific disabilities: We are an inclusive school that welcomes children from all backgrounds and all capabilities and abilities - both educational and physical. We do not discriminate against any child. We make provision for all our pupils according to their needs. We promote the principles of fairness and justice for all through the education that we provide in our school. We constantly strive to remove any form of indirect discrimination that may form barriers to learning. We have provision for pupils who use wheelchairs to move around the school easily, using entrance slopes and wide doorways. We also have disabled toileting facilities. We work closely with the parents of disabled children to ensure that their induction into the school and their subsequent care and support is of the highest quality. We constantly endeavour to improve our premises so as to provide a physical environment that is attractive and well maintained and suitable and safe for all our pupils. This is driven by an ‘Accessibility Plan’. Our ‘Disability Equality Scheme’ (incorporating the Accessibility Plan) provides further details of our commitment to inclusion for disabled pupils. It provides information on how we work hard to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils. The scheme is available from the school office. A ‘Public Sector Equality Duty Policy’ is also available from
Cavendish Primary School 10 the school office. This document outlines the ways in which we ensure that the school provides equal opportunities for all and is available on the school website. NB In line with current National requirements, we have published our Accessibility plan at Appendix A in this document. Curriculum Policy (overview) Foundation Stage This is a well planned learning environment, which affords children the opportunity not only to acquire social skills but also to develop their language and pre-reading skills, as well as helping them with the concrete aspects of early Mathematics, and Science. A variety of forms of creative work that help to stimulate and develop the imagination also take place. We are committed to embracing best practice in teaching and learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage and encourage learning through play as well as more formal instruction. Key Stage 1 and 2 The school curriculum is based on The National Curriculum for Primary Schools, therefore the subjects covered are Mathematics, English, Science, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art, RE and Physical Education. We adopt a themed approach to teaching and learning throughout the school with a significant emphasis on the development of Key Skills, including ICT. The Hull Syllabus for Religious Education is followed for RE lessons and a Modern Foreign Language is taught throughout Key Stage 2 with Years 3 to 6 learning French. To keep you informed of the specific areas being taught, a curriculum leaflet for your child’s year group will be sent home at the beginning of each term. Reading, Spellings and times tables We try to ensure that children gain pleasure and enjoyment from their reading by being successful. A parent's help is much appreciated and beneficial to each child’s progress. Supplementary reading books and reading record booklets will be sent home regularly. Home reading should encourage fluency and expression. It should be an enjoyable experience not a chore. We award house points to children to encourage them to read at home at least three times a week – every day for our EYFS and KS1 children. Please give them your support and encouragement, and for the younger children especially, a little of your time to hear them read or to share a book with them. As the children become more competent readers they will prefer to read on their own. We would be grateful if you could still monitor this so that they maintain their regular reading habits. Opportunities are made for children to purchase books through Scholastic Book Fairs throughout the year. We place a great emphasis on encouraging your child to love books and support World Book Day annually. Children have weekly spelling lessons and lists of words to learn are sent home each week. They are encouraged to learn these words by the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ approach. We all remember the chanting of times tables in school when we were young. The learning of multiplication facts is as relevant today as ever, and vital to children’s progress in maths. Please encourage your child to practice them at least 3 times a week!
Cavendish Primary School 11 Physical Education All children are obliged by law to participate in Physical Education lessons unless a doctor's exemption letter is received by the school. Your child should have their PE kit available all week, as changes to the timetables do sometimes have to be made. Children throughout the age range participate in games, gymnastics and dance. During Key Stage 2 pupils are taught athletic activities, swimming and outdoor and adventurous activities such as orienteering. The school has a large playing field and the basic skills of sport are taught as part of the PE programme. In the Junior section of the school children play cricket, football, rounders, basketball and netball. Teams from the school have won several competitions and our sports teams all enjoy increasing success. At various times of the year sports coaches work with children either during or after the school day. Some coaching sessions will incur a cost to parents. In addition to the lessons taught in school all Year 4 children have eight hours of swimming tuition during the year, all of which are provided by the Local Authority. Children in Year 6 are given the opportunity to participate in a weeks visit to an outdoor pursuit activity centre. In the summer term the school holds sports days for all children. The EYFS and KS1 children share their sports day. All children take part in a variety of activities to score points for their team. The emphasis is on enjoying sport and working as part of a team. The lower and upper junior phases have a sports day each. They take part in a variety of competitive events each child representing their ‘House’ and earning points towards an overall total. The House with the greatest number of points at the end of the two events wins the trophy! NB Please note, for health and safety reasons, stud earrings must either be removed or covered during PE lessons. Watches must be removed. No other Jewellery is permitted to be worn in school. All children with long hair must tie it back during PE lessons, regardless of gender. Religious Education Policy and Policy on Collective Worship (Overview) The school is not affiliated to a particular religious denomination. Religious Education teaching follows the guidelines of the Education Authority’s Agreed Syllabus. In line with Government legislation, the daily collective act of worship is ‘broadly Christian in character’, and may be organised for separate groups of pupils at any time during the school day. Where appropriate the school will make arrangements for parents to exercise their statutory right of withdrawal of their children from religious education or collective worship. Business Education Partnerships We are committed to developing links between local industry and the school. These partnerships offer opportunities for pupils' learning experiences to be set in a context where a need has been identified and where the outcome of their work is seen to have real purpose. In addition the children begin to understand more about how business works and to learn about life outside the classroom. We are currently involved in a number of Enterprise partnerships facilitated by the Education Business Partnerships organisation.
Cavendish Primary School 12 Music Tuition In addition to the music children experience in class, peripatetic music teachers of woodwind, brass and stringed instruments visit the school weekly. If your child has a particular interest in learning an instrument please let us know. The places for lessons are limited but we do operate a waiting list if your child passes an audition given by our music specialist. There is a charge per term for these lessons however, it is payable in advance. Instruments can be loaned from the school or we can arrange for you to purchase one through school, which means that you will not have to pay VAT. The school also has a choir which performs at school concerts and at certain events in the community. Auditions for the choir will be held at the beginning of the year. Assessment All children are assessed on entry to the Foundation Stage. Whilst at Cavendish primary, children are being continually assessed formatively by each class teacher and progress is tracked by the Headteacher each term. In the summer term Year 6 sit the national standardised assessment tests (SATs). These are usually in May. One week after the Key Stage Two tests, children in Key Stage One have a formal Assessment week. Also in the Summer Term the assessment National Phonics is carried out for children in Year 1. Meetings are held for parents to give more information about these assessments in the weeks beforehand. At the beginning of June, children in Years 3, 4 and 5 are also assessed using national materials for mathematics, reading and writing. These are used to track their progress through their time with us to ensure their needs are met. Educational Visits and Visitors Educational visits are important in providing first hand experiences for children in their learning. Such visits may vary from a short walk into the local area to a full day visit to some place(s) of interest connected with their studies. We may also organise for individuals or groups from outside school to come in to provide activities to support the children’s learning. These activities provide the children with experiences that we are unable to offer in school because they require skills and / or resources that are unavailable to us. Charging Policy (Overview) Both of the above experiences are valuable to the children’s education but do often carry a charge. All visits and visitors are subsidized by the school. Where there is a cost related we seek your support and ask for a voluntary contribution. Unfortunately, if sufficient contributions are not forthcoming then we may have to cancel the event. However, no child will be excluded because of financial difficulties. If you do experience difficulty in meeting the cost please do not hesitate to contact the school. It is possible to have a payment card and pay in installments. All such requests will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence. Extra-curricular activities The school has many after school activities. These operate at different times of the year and for different year groups. Details of the activities on offer will be sent home with your child as they become available. There may be a charge for some activities, particularly where they are led by an outside provider.
Homework (Policy Overview)
Cavendish Primary School 13 Foundation Stage Children in the Foundation Stage will be expected to complete reading activities each week, including sharing their reading book with parents and developing their understanding of phonics and text. They will also be given tasks relating to their themed work in a variety of subjects. We are very happy for parents and children to share these tasks as it helps to create and foster links between home and school. Key Stages 1 and 2 All children are expected to complete homework. This includes reading, spelling and learning times tables. In addition, children will be set extra Maths and English each week. The amount of time children are expected to spend on homework varies by age, for example Years 1 and 2 would be expected to spend 1 hour per week, Years 3 and 4, one and a half hours and Years 5 and 6, two and a half hours. As Year 6 approach their end of Key Stage 2 Exams, extra homework may be set. All homework will relate to things your child has been learning in school, but we are happy for parents to help with homework should you wish. Behaviour (Policy Overview) Our school behaviour policy is available for parents to read or download from the website. Should you wish to have a copy of your own please ask at the office and a copy will be supplied for the cost of the photocopying. The Behaviour Code adopted here is based on “The Golden Rules”, which were agreed by our School Council. These rules are, as you will see, the basic rules necessary for people to co-exist in a civilised manner anywhere at any time. Children will be expected to follow the Golden Rules at all times. This will apply in all lessons, at all playtimes and during the lunchtime meal. Be gentle Do not hurt anybody Be kind and helpful Do not hurt other people’s feelings Work hard Do not waste your time or other people’s time Look after property Do not waste or damage things Listen to people Do not interrupt Be honest Do not cover up the truth Pupils will be rewarded for positive behaviours and work with the award of house points, which accumulate over time and are recognised in weekly assemblies and the half-termly presentation of a ‘House Cup’ to the House Captains. Children are selected weekly to be awarded certificates in a Celebration Assembly. Parents are invited to attend these presentations. Children are also sent to see the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher for recognition and praise of their good behaviour. Unacceptable behaviours, if they do not stop after appropriate warnings, will result in removal from the classroom to another class or the Deputy Head or Head teacher. Persistent poor behaviour will lead to loss of playtimes and lunchtimes. Unacceptable behaviour will be reported to parents via a telephone call or a letter home. We do value the support of parents in dealing with issues of poor behaviour as there is often an underlying issue which we can identify and work to resolve together. Mutual trust and understanding are crucial.
Cavendish Primary School 14 Persistent unacceptable behaviour at lunchtimes may result in parents being asked to remove their child from school premises during these times. In the most extreme cases of persistent unacceptable behaviour or any extreme incident of violent behaviour pupils may be issued with a fixed term exclusion. Information about your child’s progress and development Contacting Staff Here at Cavendish Primary School, we are committed to working in partnership with parents and we do have an ‘open door’ policy at the school. However, I am sure that you understand that it is difficult for teachers to meet with parents before school begins in the mornings as they need to prepare for the day’s lessons and begin the registers on time. Please understand therefore, that if you request to discuss any issues with a teacher on the playground in the morning, they will ask you to return after school when they are able to offer you their full attention. If you feel that you need to discuss something that cannot wait, please come to the office and ask to speak to Mrs. Heavens or the Deputy Head. If it is difficult to get in to school to see a teacher at 3.15p.m, please call in, or telephone the office and we will ask your child’s teacher to ring you back within 24 hours. It is important that we are informed immediately of any circumstances which may affect your child's performance or behaviour in school. Equally we will inform you of anything which causes your child to underperform or misbehave at school. Reporting to Parents End of year reports are sent to parents in July. Parents’ Consultation Evenings as well as open afternoon are held during the Autumn and Spring terms and each class holds an ‘Open Afternoon’ once the End of Year Reports have been sent out. Children’s targets for English and Maths are agreed at the Consultation Evenings so that you are aware of the next steps in their learning and can support them with these. Parents and pupils are asked to sign a ‘Home-School Agreement’ during the Autumn Term meeting and this includes an undertaking to support the school behaviour policy. What do I do if I am not happy with something in school? We want your child to be happy in school and for you to be confident that our policies and procedures work well in maintaining a safe, secure and effective learning environment for him or her. We are committed to providing the very best standard of Education, Care, Guidance and Support to all our children. However, if you are worried or unhappy about something, please discuss this with your child’s teacher in the first instance. He or she is the person in school who knows your child best and is most likely to be aware of anything in school affecting him or her. It is important that we work together to resolve any issues. Having spoken to the class teacher, should you continue to have concerns, please contact the school office to arrange to speak with Mrs. Heavens or the Deputy Head. We do have a complaints procedure available on our website or to read in school should you wish to view it.
Health and Safety
Cavendish Primary School 15 School Nurse The City Health Care Partnership provides Community Health Nurse services for the school. Should you need to see a nurse with any concerns, you can ask the office to make an appointment to meet with her in school.
Child Protection (Policy Overview) Cavendish Primary school is committed to the safeguarding of all its pupils at all times. The school Child Protection Coordinators are Mrs Nicola Witham and Mrs M. Heavens. We work closely with a number of different agencies including Health Services, Family Support Services, the Emergency Services and Social Services to provide support to children and families where needed. Parents may contact the school for help in accessing services, or there may be times when we have concerns about a child which we need to refer to other agencies. The school has a Child Protection Policy which is available to read in school, on the website, or if you would like a copy of your own please ask at the office and a copy will be supplied for the cost of the photocopying. Medicines Staff are not able to store medicines or creams. The only exceptions are inhalers and medication for children with severe allergies or ongoing medical conditions. If a child needs to bring medicines or creams into school parents should contact the school office for information on our procedures. The majority of staff have undertaken basic first aid training, and some members of staff hold Paediatric First Aid at Work certificates. Before and After School Dogs are not allowed on the school premises at anytime as they present a potential health and safety risk to children and adults. The riding of bicycles, scooters and electric cycles is not allowed in the school grounds. Children and adults should dismount at the school gates. Children should not climb on walls or any other object in the playground, swing on railings or use the play equipment before or after school. In very adverse weather we reserve the right to close the Gillshill Road entrance to the school and allow access through the Cavendish Road entrance only. Corridors As the corridors are very congested, running and 'horse-play' are not allowed. Prams and push- chairs can also be a hazard so parents are requested not to bring them past the main administration corridor into the classroom areas or into the hall.
Cavendish Primary School 16 Parking/Vehicle Access The school gates onto the Cavendish Car Park are usually locked. Individual parents have access during the school day to collect children going home due to illness. There is no access at the beginning and end of school session or for collecting children from after school activities or for medical appointments. Please do not obstruct the school gates or create a hazard for our pupils by stopping in the entrance to the schools to drop off or pick up your child. Smoking Our school is a non-smoking site so please respect this and do not smoke in the school grounds. Outdoor play equipment Outdoor play facilities include a wall for target practice and various items of fixed wooden equipment. These range from slides, bridges and low climbing structures for the youngest children to tumble bars and hanging ladders and leap-frog posts for older pupils. These are set into the ground and have a wood fibre safety base to cushion any falls. Children are not allowed to use the equipment unless a member of staff is on supervision duty to restrict the number of pupils on any piece of equipment and ensure sensible behaviour. Children are not allowed to use the equipment before or after the school day for safety reasons. We do ask parents to respect and trust us with regard to our safety rules. They are set with regard to issues of scale. What may be considered to be safe at home or on a day trip with family and friends is not necessarily safe in a school environment catering for in excess of 400 children. We want our children to have fun and value childhood and play, but must consider the safety of all. Thank you. GENERAL INFORMATION Uniform (Policy Overview) Pupils are expected to be dressed smartly and sensibly. The school uniform is grey trousers, skirt or pinafore with a red sweatshirt or cardigan. Sweatshirts, tee-shirts, polo shirts, fleeces and reversible waterproof jackets are available from The School Uniform shop, West St, Hull. Please ensure all clothing is named. To protect the school floors, children are required to change from outdoor shoes to plimsoles when they come into school. Please ensure that your child has an appropriate pair of shoes to change into each day. Your child’s name should be clearly written on or in each shoe. They should take home these shoes each term so that you can check for sizing and wear. Jewellery should not be worn in school, with the exception of small stud earrings where ears are pierced and a watch. Children will be asked to remove any other items of jewellery. The School accepts no responsibility for damage to, or loss of, items of jewellery brought to school by the children.
Cavendish Primary School 17 Lost Property The School accepts no responsibility for any item belonging to the staff or pupils which is lost, stolen or swapped. Children should not bring toys or valuables to school. It is most important that clothing is labelled clearly with the child's name, especially items removed for physical activities. A large quantity of lost clothing is collected in the school office and, if correctly labelled, can quickly be returned. Volunteer helpers and visitors Parents are very welcome to volunteer as helpers in school. This can be on a regular basis supporting children in the classroom, hearing readers or helping to prepare resources. It could also be in supporting us from time to time with school visit supervision, or supporting with school events. Please contact the Deputy Head if you would like to volunteer. We are grateful for any help offered but will need to ask you to fill out an application form and provide a reference. You may also be asked to complete a Criminal Records Bureau form. Parent’s Notice Board There is a notice board in the main entrance. Any notices, events etc are posted on here. Parent Forum We hold a parent forum meeting each term to discuss school improvement issues and share ideas with parents. All are welcome to attend. School Policies A selection of these are displayed near the front office by the main entrance. School Fund In the past money raised for the School Fund has been a most helpful supplement to the school's budget. Recently this money has enabled the school to purchase ICT equipment for the hall and reception area. School Fund also finances photographic records of school events and activities, and subsidises educational visits and visiting theatre groups. Money is usually raised by raffles and occasional sponsored or social events. This extra funding enables us to provide better facilities and opportunities for your children. We are currently raising funds to improve our playground area.. Mobile Phones Children are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school. We have a very effective communication system if you need us to pass a message to your child, or if we need to contact you. If there are exceptional circumstances which mean that your child needs to have a mobile phone before or after school, please contact the school to discuss this and we may be able to make arrangements for your child to leave a telephone, switched off, in the school office during the school day. Children found with mobile telephones in school will have them confiscated and parents will be notified.
Cavendish Primary School 18 Drinking water Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school so they have access to a drink during the school day. No child may bring squash or flavoured water, only plain water as we are a health promoting school. Disclaimer The information given in this brochure was valid at the time of printing. It is possible that there could be changes affecting either the arrangements generally described in this brochure or any particular part of them before the start of the school year 2013/2014 or in the subsequent years. Parents wishing to contact the individual members of staff or governors named in this leaflet are advised to check the details with the school for any changes beforehand.
Cavendish Primary School 19 APPENDIX 1
ASPECT OF ISSUE BEING ACTION TO BE IMPACT TARGET THE DUTY ADDRESSED TAKEN MONITORING DATE AND EVALUATION Involving a Consultation for Undertake an Admin. Manager Spring 2014, variety of parents. annual provision to analyse then annually. stakeholders in review:- questionnaire the scheme. Questionnaire outcomes and take to parents action where (admin. appropriate Manager) IEP review Mr. P. Burletson meetings with to report outcomes parents from meetings (Inclusion with parents to the Leader) Headteacher for Questionnaire inclusion in to new parents Report to during Spring Governing Body term 2014 (Admin. Manager) Involving a Consultation for Annual provision Admin. Manager Spring 2014, variety of the wider review: – include in then annually. stakeholders in community. questionnaire to Report to the scheme. facilities users – Governing Body. e.g. Sports Coaches, support services, Teacher supply agencies.
Cavendish Primary School 20 Involving Consultation for Annual provision Admin. Manager Spring 2014 disabled people* children, staff review: to analyse then annually. in the review. and parents with Speak to questionnaire disabilities. children in IEP outcomes report * see policy for reviews – (TAs to SLT to take definition of to speak o actions where disability. children where required. appropriate) Annual Mr. P. Burletson Questionnaire to report to parents – outcomes from Admin. meetings with Manager children to the Annual Headteacher for Questionnaire inclusion in to staff – Report to Admin Governing Body Manager Curriculum Ensuring equal Full training to be Mr. P. Burletson Ongoing. Access access to the given to staff to arrange curriculum for all regarding a range training with children with a of conditions relevant agencies disability. including: and evaluate Epilepsy feedback from Diabetes staff. Report to Severe allergy Governing Body (requiring epi- to be prepared. Ongoing as pen need arises administration) Inclusion / CPD Autism leader to arrange training with Training to be relevant agencies given to staff and evaluate regarding teaching feedback from and learning for staff. Report to children with other Governing Body Ongoing. disabilities to be to be prepared. arranged expeditiously Deputy whenever the need Headteacher to arises. monitor and As curriculum evaluate before policies are policies are updated, reference presented to must be made to Governing Body Disability for approval. Equality.
Cavendish Primary School 21 Access to the Ensuring that Update the Continual Ongoing curriculum children who medication policy. reviews. reviews. take medication Include a at home or at requirement to school continue know: to have full The purpose of access to the the medication. curriculum. Any potential side-effects of the medication. Access to car Ensuring that the Car park area and Governing Body Meetings to be park car park area is accessibility is F&GP held end of safe and assessed externally Committee, LA Autumn term accessible, for safety and H&S Officer and 2013. suitability. Disability Access Officer
Cavendish Primary School 22 APPENDIX 2
These tables show the percentage of Year 6 pupils achieving each level in 2014, compared to national end of Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment Levels and Test Results for 2013.
The number of eligible children is: 51
Figures may not total 100 per cent because of rounding.
TEACHER ASSESSMENTS Percentage at each level W 1 2 3 4 5 6 D A School 0 2 0 6 35 57 0 0 0 English National 1 1 2 10 48 37 1 0 0 School 0 0 2 14 45 27 12 0 0 Mathematics National 1 0 2 10 45 36 6 0 0 School 0 0 2 8 37 53 0 0 0 Science National 1 0 2 10 50 38 0 0 0
TEST RESULTS Percentage at each level B 3 4 5 6 N A Grammar School 2 20 27 45 6 0 0 Punctuation & Spelling* National 3 20 26 46 2 3 0 School 4 6 33 57 0 0 0 Reading National 3 8 41 44 0 2 0 School 2 16 47 24 12 0 0 Mathematics National 3 11 44 35 7 1 0
Cavendish Primary School 23 COMPARATIVE REPORT
This table shows a summary of the National Curriculum assessment results of pupils in the school (2014) and nationally (2013) at the end of Key Stage 1, as a percentage of those eligible for assessment.
The number of eligible children is: 60 Figures may not total 100 per cent because of rounding.
Percentage at each level
Disapplied Absent W 1 2C 2B 2A 3 4 Children Children Boys School 0 0 - 86 - 14 0 0 0
National 2 12 . 67 . 19 0 0 0
Girls School 0 0 - 75 - 25 0 0 0 Speaking & Listening National 1 7 . 65 . 27 0 0 0
All School 0 0 - 80 - 20 0 0 0
National 2 9 . 66 . 23 0 0 0
Boys School 0 7 11 25 29 29 0 0 0
National 3 11 11 25 25 25 0 0 0
Girls School 0 3 6 19 34 38 0 0 0 Reading National 1 7 8 22 28 33 0 0 0
All School 0 5 8 22 32 33 0 0 0
National 2 9 10 23 26 29 0 0 0
Boys School 0 4 18 29 43 7 0 0 0
National 4 16 21 30 19 10 0 0 0
Girls School 0 9 3 25 34 28 0 0 0 Writing National 2 8 15 30 26 20 0 0 0
All School 0 7 10 27 38 18 0 0 0
National 3 12 18 30 22 15 0 0 0
Boys School 0 7 14 18 50 11 0 0 0
National 2 8 13 26 26 25 0 0 0
Girls School 0 3 9 16 56 16 0 0 0 Mathematics National 1 6 13 28 31 21 0 0 0
All School 0 5 12 17 53 13 0 0 0
National 2 7 13 27 28 23 0 0 0
Boys School 0 0 - 100 - 0 0 0 -
National 2 9 . 66 . 23 0 0 .
Girls School 0 0 - 100 - 0 0 0 - Science National 1 7 . 71 . 21 0 0 .
All School 0 0 - 100 - 0 0 0 -
National 2 8 . 68 . 22 0 0 .
Cavendish Primary School 24 1. Includes all schools with pupils eligible for assessment at Key Stage 1. Participation by independent schools is voluntary, therefore only includes results from those independent schools which chose to make a return and which met the statutory standards for assessment and moderation. 2. Speaking and Listening and Science subjects do not report level 2A, 2B and 2C, only level 2. These are shown in the 2B column for the purposes of this table. 4. Absent and Disapplied are not reported in science main level but are reported as U (unable). These are shown in the disapplied column for the purposes of this table. 5. ‘-‘ represents ‘Not Applicable’. 6. ‘x’ indicates a figure not shown in order to protect confidentiality.
Cavendish Primary School 25 APPENDIX 3
At Cavendish Primary school we encourage good attendance for all of our pupils, therefore our Holidays in Term Time Policy is based on the statutory guidance of the DCSF:- 56. All requests should be treated on a case by case basis within the school’s published attendance policies which should give it the flexibility to respond to difficult circumstances whilst discouraging unnecessary absence. We recommend policies that, for example, neither ban all term-time holidays nor bestow a right to all families to time off for family holidays. 57. The issues that schools should take into account when considering a request for leave of absence include: a. the amount of time requested;
b. age of the pupil;
c. the pupil’s general absence/attendance record;
d. proximity of SATs and public examinations;
e. length of the proposed leave;
f. pupil’s ability to catch up the work;
g. pupil’s educational needs;
h. general welfare of the pupil;
Family Holidays
62. Time off school for family holidays is not a right. Schools have discretion to allow up to 10 days absence in a school year for a family holiday if they believe that the circumstances warrant it.
63. Schools may agree up to 10 days “holiday leave” in special circumstances such as:
a. for service personnel and other employees who are prevented from taking holidays outside term-time if the holiday will have minimal disruption to the pupil’s education; and
b. when a family needs to spend time together to support each other during or after a crisis.
Cavendish Primary School 26 Holidays which are taken for the following reasons should not be authorised:
• Availability of cheap holidays;
• Availability of the desired accommodation;
• Poor weather experienced in school holiday periods; and
• Overlap with beginning or end of term.
64. Whilst the application must be made by the parent(s) that the child normally resides with, there is no restriction on who the holiday is taken with. This is a matter for the parent(s) not the school.
65. If the local code of practice allows, parents can be given a penalty notice or prosecuted for periods of unauthorised holidays. 66. In exceptional circumstances, schools can approve more than 10 days holiday leave - called extended leave of absence or extended holidays. However, it is worth discussing with parents whether their plans could be changed to overlap with school holidays and thereby reduce the effect on their child’s education. 67. Leave of absence cannot be aggregated with days that the school is closed.
June 2008 12 Guidance on The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (DCSF)
The full guidance is available to parents on the DCSF Website and on our school website
Parents who wish to request the school to authorise a term-time holiday must apply in writing, providing details of the special circumstances entitling the child to be taken out of school during term time. Examples of these circumstances are listed in the DCSF Guidance above (Section 63), though other special circumstances may also be considered. Where parents, as employees, are prevented from taking holidays outside term time, a letter of confirmation from the employer, on headed paper, should be attached to the application. Decisions will be based upon the information provided and a consideration of the issues listed in the DCSF Guidance above (Section 57). Only one request for holiday absence can be granted during any academic year.
Parents are requested to make their application as early as possible and a written response to the request will be made within 10 working days following receipt, giving reasons for the decision.
NB - any penalty notice or prosecution is a matter for the LEA and the school would not benefit from any penalties paid.
Cavendish Primary School 27