Chemistry Course Outline
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Honors Chemistry Course Outline Teacher: Jon Leach Contact: [email protected] Prerequisite: “B” in Algebra Course Length: One year Course Textbook & Other Materials: Textbook- “Modern Chemistry” – Take Home Notebook- A three ringed notebook is strongly recommended. The notebook should be neat and organized. Calculator- Scientific & put your name on it. No graphing calculators will be allowed Pencil or Pen
Course Objective: Give a firm background in the basic concepts of Chemistry. This is designed for the student who plans to continue with science in college.
Course Description: Major units of study- Matter & Energy- Measurement & Solving Problems-Atoms- Periodic Table- Chemical Bonding- Chemical Formulas & Compounds-Equations & Reactions- Stoichiometry- Gases- Solids- Liquids-Solutions-Colligative Properties-Nuclear Chemistry-Acids & Bases
Course Procedures: Homework- Homework is an integral part in your success of the course. Homework will be given almost daily and may be checked in class for completion. (See web page for assignments). Answers to most assignments will be posted on the calendar. If an assignment is stamped while you were absent it is your responsibility to get it stamped the day you return. Homework will be neat & organized & will not be accepted late.
Grade Level Guidelines High School 1. TOTAL homework assignments shall be no more than 2 hours per course per week and no more than 30 minutes per night per course. All work including weekend assignments, long-term assignments and projects that require work outside of the classroom shall be included in this time frame. Weekend homework, if assigned, shall not exceed 30 minutes per course. 2. In order to coordinate due dates and balance the workload, departments will collaborate with each other and be aware of long-term projects/assignments and major tests in all curricular areas. 3. Project-based assignments are designed to reinforce Common Core State Standards, promote collaboration and independent thinking. Long-term assignments and projects that require work outside of the classroom shall be limited in number and duration. Some portions of projects may be assigned as homework; however, these tasks shall not require significant assistance from parents or the purchase of materials. Long-term assignments and projects shall include clear checkpoints to monitor progress toward completion. Instruction HOMEWORK/MAKEUP WORK AR 6154(c) 4. Some elective classes such as, but not limited to, drama, speech and debate, and music, will require additional time. 5. Advanced Placement, Honors, and Advanced courses may require more extensive homework. These courses are exempt from other time and break restrictions as prescribed in this policy.
Experiments- All experiments will be pre-read & outlined before coming to class, if not, you will not receive full credit. All experiments will be neat & organized as follows for credit: Experiment # Name Period Date Title I. Purpose (Pre-lab) II. Procedure (Pre-lab) III. Observations & Data (Day of experiment) IV. Calculations (Day of experiment- Show work on all calculations V. Questions (Post-lab- Answered on lined paper & in complete sentences VI. Conclusion- what did you learn and what mistakes were made. Summary overview.
No fooling around in the lab. Students who do not follow lab & safety rules will lose their privilege & receive no credit for that experiment. Experiment make up 10% of your course grade. If you are absent the day of an experiment, you must get the data from your lab partner and write up the experiment and turn it in within three days.
Exams & Quizzes-No graphing calculators will be used on tests or quizzes. All phones will be turned off and if a phone is out during testing, the student will receive no credit on that exam (NO EXCEPTIONS). To receive full credit, show all work. Students violating exam rules will receive no credit for that exam. Any exam or quiz missed due to a legal absence will be made up on the day you return.
Attendance- The school attendance policy will be strictly enforced. It shall be the responsibility of the student & parent to establish the legal nature of the absence to the satisfaction of the school administration. All absences which are not cleared within 48 hours after a student’s return to school shall be recorded as illegal.
Dropping the Course-Students must request permission to drop the course before the completion of the 6th week in order to receive a “NM” grade. Beyond that point the student may receive an “F” if they decide to drop the course. Request for pass/fail must be made by the 11th week of the semester and it will only be granted to students who are making an effort.
Make-Up Work- Make up work is only accepted for excused absences and be made up within three (3) days from when you return. You are responsible to obtain missed information and assignments. Grading Policy- Final grades will be based on percentages. The approximate percentages will be as follows 90-100% A Test 35% 80-89% B Quizzes 25% 70-79% C Homework 10% 60-69% D Experiments 20% Below 50% F Final 10%
Expected Behaviors (Rules): 1. You are expected to be in class every day, on time, and ready to work. Being on time means you are in your assigned seat by the time the bell has finished ringing. Being ready to work means: Having all electronic devises turned off and stashed in your backpack (i.e cell phones) Having a pen/pencil, binder, and homework out on your desk. 2. You are expected to use appropriate language during the class period. Vulgar or offensive language cannot be used. 3. You are expected to respect, through actions and words, your fellow classmates, teacher, environment, and self. Please leave all prejudices, stereotypes, and judgments at the door before entering the classroom.
There will be no eating or drinking in the room by students and the school dress code will be enforced. If you need to leave the classroom for any reason, a hall pass must be obtained.
" District policy states that harassment in or out of the classroom is not to be tolerated. Harassment based on race, ethnicity, able-bodiedness, sexuality, perceived sexuality, gender, gender expression, monetary standing, religion or faith-base, or any other factor will be reported to the administration and dealt with accordingly. This includes slang such as “that’s so gay” or “that’s retarded.” Both are considered hate speech. Please sign and return this portion. Honors Chemistry Course Outline Mr. Leach
______student signature date
______parent signature date