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Specific Areas Covered

SCOPE  Novel semiconductors and electrochromic materials NATIONAL CONFERENCE The Science and Technology of Materials  Transport Mechanisms and theoretical ON continue to play a crucial role in the economic modeling ADVANCED MATERIALS FOR EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES development and sustenance of mankind in the  Synthesis, Fabrication and (NCAMET-2007) present millennium. A variety of advanced Characterization Techniques (21– 22 July, 2007 - PERADENIYA) materials and processes are being developed  Applications of advanced materials in solar (Photocopies of this form are also accepted. This form can be sent by worldwide for applications in areas like panels, solar thermal devices, rechargeable mail or fax or submitted electronically as an e-mail attachment) electronics, communication, transportation, batteries, fuel cells, sensors, supercapacitors, healthcare, energy sector and environment. electrochromic devices, liquid crystal displays, NAME:Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms. …………………………………………… Recognizing the importance of the above, the polymer electronic devices, artificial muscles, ...... Postgraduate Institute of Science and the Faculty etc. of Science of the University of Peradeniya along The NCAMET-2007 will be a multidisciplinary ADDRESS: ...... with the National Science Foundation have conference at which the research papers will be decided to organize a two day National arranged for presentation thematically. The ...... Conference on Advanced Materials for Emerging conference will provide a valuable forum for ………………………………………………………………………… Technologies (NCAMET-2007) to create research scientists, engineers and research students ……. awareness of the new developments and to to present their research findings and to gain first- encourage research activities in advanced hand knowledge of some of the frontier areas and Tel.:...... Fax : ...... materials among the Sri Lankan researchers. new directions in materials research and technology E-mail : ...... The conference will mainly focus on as well as to share and exchange ideas. synthesis, characterization, fabrication, and I wish to receive the second announcement application of advanced materials including the VENUE newly emerging class of materials such as Postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University I wish to attend the conference nanomaterials and nanocomposites. Improvement of Peradeniya, Peradeniya and advanced application of the conventional I intend to submit a paper for presentation materials will also be addressed. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS Tentative title of my presentation will be Abstracts ...... Those who wish to participate should submit a one-page Specific areas covered: ...... abstract not exceeding 300 words in MS Word format as an e- …………………………………………………………………………  Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells mail attachment to: Dr. P. Ekanayake at [email protected] …  Ionically conducting materials before 30th April 2007. At least one author of each abstract  Advanced polymers and Electroactive should register for the conference. Papers polymers DATE SIGNATURE Manuscripts should also be submitted electronically in MS  Ceramic and Electroceramic materials word format as an e-mail attachment to [email protected] Please send the completed form to:  Nanomaterials, nanocomposites, before 15th July 2007. Guidelines for preparing full papers can Dr. P. Ekanayake be found at the conference website: nanostructures and devices Secretary, NCAMET-2007 http://www.ncamet2007.pgis.lk  Electromagnetic and superconducting materials Department of Physics, University of Peradeniya,  Engineering Materials All accepted papers will be published in a special volume Peradeniya.  Biomaterials and materials for medical of Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences) after e-mail: [email protected] peer review. applications Fax: 081 2389026 PRE-REGISTRATION FORM ORGANIZATION Registration Fee: ADVISORY COMMITTEE NATIONAL CONFERENCE Director, Postgraduate Institute of Science Regular Participants – Rs. 2000 Chairman, National Science Foundation Student participants – Rs. 1000 ON Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Peradeniya A surcharge of Rs. 500 will be levied for late registration, after 30th ADVANCED MATERIALS FOR EMERGING Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Moratuwa May 2007 Dharmadasa IM, Sheffield Hallam University, UK TECHNOLOGIES (NCAMET-2007) Kumara A, Shizuoka University, Japan The registration fee will cover Conference Materials, Lunch and Tennakone K. Institute of Fundamental Studies Tea/Coffee during the conference period, Conference Dinner and PERADENIYA, SRI LANKA Kumar V, Industrial Technology Institute local transport between hotels and the conference venue. Kumaravadivel R, University of Jaffna Pathmanathan S, Eastern University The second announcement giving details of accommodation and the Mahinda Wickramaratne, Sabaragamuwa University tentative programme will be available by mid May 2007 and will be Karunaratne NLVV, University of Peradeniya sent to those who return the attached pre-registration form via mail Fernando CAN, University of Wayamba or e-mail Jayanetti JKDS, University of Colombo Jayawardana M, University of Sri Jayawardenapura Siripala WP, University of Kelaniya

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE IMPORTANT DATES/DEADLINES Abstracts due : 30th April 2007 MA Careem (Co-Chairman) th MAKL Dissanayake (Co-Chairman) Notice of Paper Acceptance : 15 May 2007 Registration deadline : 30th May 2007 ADLC Perera (Coordinator) th P Ekanayake (Secretary) Manuscripts due : 15 July 2007

Karunaratne BSB, University of Peradeniya Premaratne K, University of Peradeniya Rajapakse RMG, University of Peradeniya 21 – 22 July, 2007 Bandara HMN, University of Peradeniya Bandaranayake PWSK, University of Peradeniya CORRESPONDENCE Chandrakanthi, RLN, University of Peradeniya Organized by Seneviratne VA, University of Peradeniya Prof. A. D. L. C. Perera Coordinator, NCAMET2007 Sivakumar V, University of Peradeniya POSTGRADUATE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & Department of Chemistry, Seneviratne VN, University of Peradeniya FACULTY OF SCIENCE University of Peradeniya Kottegoda N, University of Peradeniya UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA Alahakoon AMUSK, University of Peradeniya Peradeniya. Tel. : 081 2394462 Dharmaratne G, University of Ruhuna and Karunaratne BA, University of Rajarata Fax : 081 2389026 e-mail : [email protected] Vidanapathirana K, University of Wayamba NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, Perera K, University of Wayamba SRI LANKA Adikary SU, University of Moratuwa Senadeera GKR, Institute of Fundamental Studies Conference website: Balasooriya N, Southeastern University http://www.ncamet2007.pgis.lk Ravirajan P, University of Jaffna Bandara NC, Postgraduate Institute of Science FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT Jagath Gunathilake, University of Peradeniya AND REGISTRATION CALL FOR PAPERS

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