St Mary Coptic Orthodox Church

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St Mary Coptic Orthodox Church

St Mary Coptic Orthodox Church Ottawa St Johns’ service Competition ANSWERS

Mahragan fall 2010 : “Walking with GOD”

G4 and G5

Assessment rules: 1) 30% lessons; 1% per question. 2) 20% memorization; 2% per one dotted line word/phrase/sentence completion. 3) 20% SNB; each signature is worth 4% assuming they confessed 5 times during the past 4 months. 4) 20% weighted attendance ( ratio to the highest attendance) 5) 10% craft on the theme of “Walking with GOD”: Idea = 5%, execution = 5% 6) Hymns winning team each person will be given an extra prize (or a $5 gift card). Marking’s responsibilities: 1), 2) & 5): - Lina and Andrew Michael marks G4-5 based on the above rules. 3) Paul will count the SNB signature for all grades on that day. 4) Mira will calculate the attendance => 20% x each child’s attendance / the highest attendance. 6) Rami , Andrew Babawy to judge the hymns teams

A) Lessons Questions:

1) Which two saints appeared to Sophia, mother of St. Peter seal of Martyr? a) St. Peter and St. Luke b) St. Paul and St. Peter c) St. Tekla and St. Demiana d) St. Mary and St. Joseph e) St. Paul and St. Anthony

2) One day after the prayer, there was a man possessed by a demon throwing stones at the congregations. St. Peter, seal of Martyr, brought a vessel filled with water to the Pope, and asked the Pope to: a) Sprinkled the water on the possessed man b) Made a sign of the cross on the water c) Breathe on the water d) Drink the water e) Pour a drop of oil in the water

3) year 1AM (the first year of the Coptic Calendar) is: a) year 33 AD b) year 133 AD c) year 284 AD d) year 1634 AD f) year 2001 AD

4) This Saint heard the verse below and sold all he had: “ if you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven and come and follow Me” (Mathew 19:21) a) Saint Matthew b) Saint Luke c) Saint Anthony d) Saint Mark 5) St. Anthony the great met with this Saint in the desert: a) St. Matthew b) St. John c) St. Abraam d) St. Moses the black e) St. Paula

6) One day St. Anthony was talking with the Greek philosophers, who thought they were very intelligent. The disciples of St. Anthony brought in a sick man, and asked the Greek philosophers to do something. They could not do anything, so St. Anthony the great did something to heal the sick man: a) Breathed into the sick man b) Made sign of the cross c) Slapped the sick man d) Asked for money from the Greek philosophers, so that sick man can see a doctor e) Sprinkled the water on the sick man

7) Complete the following sentence by inserting a word in the blank (same words): We are saved through _____. _____ gives us the power of God a) the Cross b) laying of the hand of the priest c) Eating the manna d) Sunday School e) Obeying parents

8) Complete the following verse: For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being _____ it is the power of God. (1 Cor 1:18) a) healed b) taken c) forgiven d) saved

9) How many kings were attacking the people of Gideon when Joshua went to rescue them? a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7

10) When Joshua went up to the armies surrounding Gideon, the Lord cast down large ______from heaven. a) lightening b) stones c) fireballs d) hailstones

11) Pray with faith, and ask according to God’s will, and He will give us what we ask, if it is ______. a) precious for you b) according to His will c) prayed with faith d) valuable to you

12) Complete the following verse: Jesus said, “… for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for ____". (Matthew 17:20) a) You b) Him c) God d) His people e) the angel of the Lord

13) Joshua and his men walked _____ per day around Jericho for six days. a) Once b) twice c) seven times d) 12 times

14) ______is the saint who planted a dry branch and it bore fruits of obedience: a) St. Peter seal of Martyr b) St. John the short c) St. Moses the black d) St. Anthony the great e) St. Thekla

15) The tree grew fruits, the abbot picked some of the fruit and took it to other monks saying “My sons, ______a) take, eat from the fruit of obedience b) take, go and plant it c) take eat of it, all of you, for this is my body d) go become his diciples

16) Complete the following verse: Children, obey your parents in the _____ for this is right. (Ephesians 6:1) a) light b) faith c) heaven d) Lord e) house

17) The LORD told Gideon, “By the ______men who lapped I will save you, and deliver the Midianites into your hand a) 32000 b) 10000 c) 300 d) 70

18) Gideon asked the Angel of the LORD to wait for him until he bring out the offerings, and Gideon brought: a) leavened bread and wine b) three kind of meat, lamb, beef, and chicken c) wheat, meat, and water d) oil, bread, meat e) unleavened bread, meat, and broth

19) God instructed Gideon to use three items to defeat his enemies: a) sword, shield, and armour b) sword, horn, and spear c) torch, clay pot, and horn d) unleavened bread, meat, and broth e) the Bible, torch, and sword

20) Complete the following verse: The Angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear him, and delivers them. (Psalm 34:7)

21) Complete the following verse: “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us ______from God”. (1 Corinthian 1:30) a) power b) prayers c) wisdom d) Holy e) dream

22) Complete the following verse: “speaking the truth in love, we will grow in all things into Him who is the head, that is CHRIST (Eph. 4:15)

23) Complete the following: The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The _____ is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

24) St. Thekla was a disciple of ______and lived in ______a) St. Peter. b) St. Paul c) St. John d) Egypt e) Turkey f) Syria

25) Joshua spoke to the Lord (prayed), asking for: a) Send his angels to fight for him b) the sun and moon to stand still while he defeats his enemy c) send fire from heaven to burn his enemies

26) For assuredly, I say to you, if you have …………… a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 27:20) a) will b) power c) money d) faith

27) Whom do we obey? a) God (His commandments & teachings in the Bible) b) Our spiritual fathers (as the Abounas are God’s messengers) c) Our parents (as God commanded us to obey them in the Lord) d) All of the above.

28) Why do we obey? a) Simply because God says to! b) We are not wise enough. c) Helps me to fight against pride. d) Because we are young and helpless

29) In the parable of the Ten Virgins, what does the oil in the lamps refer to? a) good works b) Money c) Health 30) Who is the bridegroom in the parable of the Ten Virgins? a) The Holy Spirit b) Our Lord Jesus Christ. c) One of the angels

B) Memorization:

1) Psalm 133: Behold, bless the Lord, O you the ------, who stand in the ------, in the courts of the house of our God. In the nights ------, and bless the Lord. The Lord shall bless you out of Zion, He who made heaven and earth. ALLELUIA.

2) Come let us ------, let us ask Christ our God. Come let us kneel down, let us ------.

Come let us kneel down, let us ------. O Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, our God, through the ------, preserve us, and bring us to a good start. Have mercy on us according to Your will forever. The night has passed; we thank You, O Lord, and we ask You to keep us this day away from sin and deliver us.

3) I, therefore, the ------, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, bearing with ------, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; ------.

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