What the Snowden Documents Revealed
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What the Snowden Documents Revealed
…about U.S. intelligence gathering: NSA collects bulk phone data of millions of Verizon customers on a daily basis (link) NSA taps directly into servers of internet giants including Google, Yahoo and Facebook (link) NSA analysts map cellphone owners’ locations and relationships with others by correlating their patterns of movement (link) NSA collected vast records of Americans’ email correspondence and internet usage (link) NSA unlocks encryption used to protect emails, banking and hospital records (link) Microsoft allows the FBI to intercept and decrypt communications including email and Skype chats (link) NSA installs “back doors” into computer programs and hardware to allow remote access even when computers are disconnected from the internet (link) NSA can access smartphone data including mapping, voicemail and photos (link) NSA targets “leaky” apps like Google Maps and Angry Birds to access to user data (link) Judicial oversight over NSA activities is limited at best (link) NSA collected 97 billion pieces of data worldwide per month (link) NSA views Apple as today’s “Big Brother” and users of Apple smartphones as “zombies” (link) NSA allows GCHQ to spy on American targets since foreign spies do not need a warrant (link) NSA shares bulk information collected on American citizens with Israel (link) The IP addresses of visitors to the WikiLeaks website were catalogued by NSA (link) NSA infiltrates online video game communities including “World of Warcraft” (link) Intercepted phone data is used to target drone attacks overseas (link), with incorrect data sometimes leading to the death of innocents NSA, often with the cooperation of the other “Five Eyes” powers (Canada, UK, Australia & New Zealand), spies on o European Union offices (link) o United Nations headquarters (link) o communications and/or movements of millions of citizens in Germany (link), Canada (link), Brazil (link), Spain (link), France (link), China (link), o the personal communications of thirty five world leaders (link), including leaders of Mexico (link), Germany (link), Spain (link), Indonesia (link), o international conferences including G20 Toronto (link) and the Copenhagen climate summit (link), with the goal of furthering the economic interests and diplomatic bargaining power of the “Five Eyes” o hotel reservations of foreign diplomats (link) …about the NSA’s British counterpart, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) GCHQ intercepted and collected in bulk the images of Yahoo webcam users, 3% to 11% of which traffic contained “undesirable nudity” (link) GCHQ intercepts internet traffic in bulk, sharing the information with the NSA (link) NSA pays GCHQ to conduct further spying because of weaker privacy laws in Britain (link) GCHQ spies on economic conferences between world leaders (link)