Exhibitor Services Manual(영)
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Form 1 Photonicskorea 2015 Application & Contract for Space Form 2 Guest Tickets Order Form Form 3 Advertisement Application & Contract Form 4 Refund Request for the Over-payments Form 5 Firm Name Sign Order Form Form 6 Application for the Official Directory Form 7 Bonded Exhibit Goods Form 8 Exhibitors' Badges Order Form Form 9 Subcontractors' Badges Order Form Form 10 The Drawing of Raw Stand Booth & Installation Application Form 11 The Drawing of Self-construction & Installation Application Form 12 Application for Handling Hazardous Materials Form 13 Application for Exhibits Move-out Form 14 Furniture order sheet
페이지 1 / 23 Form: 1 ■Compulsory □Selective
Photonicskorea 201 5 Application & Contract for Space
Korea Association for Photononics Industry Development Exhibition Convention team Business Support Dept. / Manger Hyun-Sang JO 9, Chumdan venture-ro 108 beon-gil, Buk-gu, Gwangju 500-779, Republic of Korea Phone +82-62-605-9631 Fax +82-62-605-9650 e-mail: [email protected] http://www.photonicskorea.org
Applicant Korean: Name of Company English: Legal Representative Title Postal Address Person in Charge Position of Co. Tel. No. Fax e-mail Website Main Items of Display
Application for space Unit Price Classification Application Domestic Foreign Total Fees note company company Raw space booth ( ) Booth (s) ₩500,000 $500 US$ Basic Unit : 1 Booth, 9㎡ Shell stand booth ( ) Booth (s) ₩700,000 $700 US$ (3m×3m)
Electricity Classification Unit Price Total Fees Single - Phase 220V ( ) Kw ₩50,000 / KW $45 / KW US$ Including the construction Three - Phase 220V ( ) Kw ₩50,000 / KW $45 / KW US$ of a main line and electrical Three - Phase 380V ( ) Kw ₩50,000 / KW $45 / KW US$ bills
Telephone, LAN Classification Unit Price Total Fees Telephone(Local calls only) ( ) Connection (s) ₩50,000 $45 US$ Including a telephone and Telephone(Long-distance call) ( ) Connection(s) ₩100,000 $90 US$ telephone bills Telephone(Overseas calls) ( ) Connection (s) ₩200,000 $181 US$ L A N ( ) ports ₩120,000 $109 US$ RF Card Reader System ₩200,000 $181 US$ Water supply and drainage ₩200,000 $181 US$ Compressed Air ₩200,000 $181 US$ Total US$ · 50% payment of the total participation fee should be made with the submission of application form. · The contract will not be confirmed and the exhibit space not reserved until this payment is made. · Please send us a copy of the bank transfer by fax at +82-62-605-9650 · A confirmed banker's check in US dollars should be sent to us by mail, together with the original application form.
페이지 2 / 23 We accept the TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION and hereby enclose US $ , 50% of the participation fee.
Date : Country : Signature of Contact Person : Legal Representative : (The rights and responsibility of this contract would be upon the person signed on this contract as a representative of the company for this exhibition)
1. TERMS OF REFERENCE In these terms and conditions for exhibiting, the term "Exhibitor" shall include all employees, partnership, firm or individual to whom space has been allocated for the purpose of exhibiting. The term "Organizer" shall mean "Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development". The term "Exhibition" shall mean "International Photonicskorea 2015" including "Photonicskorea 2015".
2. ALLOCATION OF EXHIBIT SPACE The Organizer shall allocate the space in accordance with the nature of the exhibit or in the manner the Organizer deems fit. The Organizer shall reserve the right to change the space allocated to the Exhibitor at any time prior to the commencement of the build-up of the exhibition should the circumstances require changes. Such changes shall be at the discretion of the Organizer. The Exhibitor shall not claim for compensation as a result of the changes.
3. APPLICATION AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES Applications should be sent to Photonicskorea 2015 Secretariat along with a transfer slip (check or copy of a bank) paying for the initial 50% of the participation fee and/or shell cost. The contract shall be established and be put into effect upon the Exhibitor's payment of 50% of the participation fee and/or shell cost. Exhibitors will be informed of the space assignments shortly after application deadline. The balance should be paid by not later than August 15, 2015.
4. CANCELLATION In the case of cancellation after submitting an application, the following cancellation fee must be paid within 15 days of notification of cancellation. However, paid participation fee will be deducted as cancellation fee. If not sufficient, the amount should be additionally paid and any surplus amount will be refunded. - Cancellation within one month from exhibition opening date (From September 1, 2015): 100% of participation fee as cancellation fee - Cancellation more than one month from exhibition opening date (Before September 2. 2015): 50% of participation fee as cancellation fee
5. INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL The installation and removal of the exhibits and booths must be completed by the date and time stipulated by the Organizer. Exhibitors shall indemnify the Organizer against any loss which may be caused by delay or damage to the Exhibition Hall.
6. COORDINATION OF EXHIBIT WITH ORGANIZER Exhibitors shall provide descriptions of their exhibits before the construction of the exhibits and ensure compliance with regulations and restrictions on booth design and activity. Exhibitors shall also agree to provide the Organizer with the necessary information facilitating the overall promotion of the Photonicskorea 2015 Secretariat.
7. INSURANCE, SECURITY AND SAFETY Exhibitors are required to subscribe to all risks an insurance policy on all equipment and products during the Exhibition as well as during set- up and take-down. The Organizer shall not be held responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to any articles belonging to the Exhibitor. Materials used in stand and display construction must be properly fireproof in accordance with the local fire and safety regulations. The Organizer shall reserve the right to limit any constructions or demonstrations that pose as potential safety hazards.
페이지 3 / 23 Exhibitors are bound to exhibit the announced products and to man the stands with competent personnel during the operating the hours of the Exhibition. Activities of the Exhibitor shall be confined within limits of the Exhibition and Exhibitor’s booth. The exhibit will be consistent with the theme of the Exhibition and the Organizer reserves the right to restrict exhibits which may detract from the general character of the Exhibition.
9. RESTRICTION ON SELLING Exhibitor agrees that the sole purpose for contracting exhibit space is to display and/or demonstrate equipment, supplies and/or services. Cash sales within the confines of the exhibit space are prohibited.
10. LIABILITY It is mutually agreed that the Organizer shall not be liable to the Exhibitors for any damage to and/or loss of the Exhibitor's property, or for injuries to persons resulting from any cause. All claims for any such loss, damage, or injury, are expressly waived by the Exhibitors.
11. BREACH OF CONTRACT AND WITHDRAWAL BY EXHIBITOR In the event that the Exhibitor refuses to use all or part of the spare allocated or the Exhibitor defaults on the payment, the Organizer shall have the right to terminate the contract forthwith. In addition, the stand charges shall not be refunded. If the Exhibitor withdraws from participation without the Organizer's approval, the already paid money by the Exhibitor shall not be refunded.
12. CHANGES The Organizer reserves the right to change the venue and duration of the Exhibition if exceptional circumstances demand such changes. In the event of a change of venue and/or date, or cancellation of the Exhibition, the Exhibitor shall not be entitled to any claim for compensation in connection with the booking for participation.
13. SUPPLEMENTARY When necessary, the Organizer shall have the right to issue supplementary regulations in addition to those in the TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR EXHIBITING. Those regulations and instructions shall be binding on the Exhibitors. The Exhibitor shall observe the Exhibitor Rules and Regulations.
14. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES Any dispute, difference or question arising hereafter between the Organizer and the Exhibitor concerning the true construction of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR EXHIBITING or the rights and liabilities of the parties thereto shall be settled in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board. The verdict of the above arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties.
■Compulsory □Selective Form 2 Deadline : Sept. 18, 2015
페이지 4 / 23 Guest Tickets Order Form
Only visitors who pre-registered or on-site-registered are allowed to enter Photonicskorea 2015. Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat will provide exhibitors with guest tickets as their requests on specific policy.
Amount of guest tickets you need :
Exhibitor : Booth No. : Contact person : Position : Phone : Fax : e-mail : Cell-phone :
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
■Compulsory □Selective Form 3 Deadline : Sept. 18, 2015
Advertisement Application & Contract
페이지 5 / 23 1. Applicant & Contractor Name of Company Legal Representative Title Address Person in Charge Position of Co. Telephone Fax e-mail Website
2. Application & Contract Detail Item Unit Price Amount Remark
As above, I hereby apply for the Official Directory of Photonicskorea 2015 and exchange of the Contract. (refer to section 3)
Date : Country : Signature of Contact Person : Legal Representative : (The rights and responsibility of this contract would be upon the person signed on this contract as a representative of the company for this exhibition)
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
■Compulsory □Selective Form 4 Deadline : Sept. 18, 2015
Refund Request for the Over-payments
Refund shall be given for any excess-payment of the participation fee. Please fill out the form below to for the prompt payment process.
페이지 6 / 23 Refund will be deposited into the account approximately 3 weeks from the closing day of Exhibition(Oct. 25, 2015).
Name of Bank
Account No.
- B E L O W -
Name of Event : Photonicskorea 2015 Applicant :
Address : Name of Company : Director : (Signature)
201 4 . Month Day
Any change of information above, please notify in writing. The applicant's signature must be equal to the Contract. The Beneficiary of the Account must be of the company name.
Exhibitor : No. of Booth : Person in Charge : Position : Tel. No. : Fax : e-mail : Cell-phone :
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
※Visitor Data Management System(Electronic Business Card System)
This system is used to assist in data management using RF Card Reader and Computer System which processes the visitor data of the exhibitors during the exhibition. All visitors for the exhibition is required to register at the entrance, and all the visitor information is computerized. Using this service will bring you database of visitors who visited your booth. This system replaces paper-based data processing be using RF Card System.
페이지 7 / 23 ☞ VDMS (Visitor Data Management System, aka Electronic Business Card System) Information This system is structured to assist you in the marketing using RF Card to provide exhibition marketing assistance, convenience of the visitors, CRM, domestic and international visitor data base work, saving costs. In addition, comprehensive and extent data analysis and utilization will give organizer and exhibitors opportunities to increase sales. In other advanced countries, exhibitors actively utilize visitor and exhibition data to overcome the limitation of data collection and to explore possible business partners to furthermore increase the sales and revenue. Thus adopting the VDMS is a necessity for marketing of the exhibitors.
Data Provided Item Describtion Readers installed before the exhibition. RF System Reader Readers record the visitor data of the corresponding booth. Visitor Data Visitor data analysis (Company, name, telephone, position, email, (Web Service) purpose of visit, field of interest, etc)
▶ What is Web Service? Exhibitors and Organizer can view and download visitor and exhibition data anywhere, anytime. Web Service provided visitor list, survey statistics and analysis. In addition, exhibitors can get free Thank You Letter and Marketing emailing service for a year.
■Compulsory □Selective Form 5 Deadline : Sept. 18 2015
Firm Name Sign Order form
The Exhibitors‘ company name stated on all the printing materials will be based on the name stated on “the application & contract for space”. This form is to clarify the company name that would be on the sign and board. Korean & English will be done separately in gothic font. English will be in capitals only.
페이지 8 / 23 English
LOGO is not possible here. Please clarify all commas, full-stops, statement marks, CO.,LTD
The name of the firm on the Contract will be confirmed after the deadline
Exhibitor : No. of Booth : Person in Charge : Position : Tel. No. : Fax : e-mail : Cell-phone :
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
Application for the official directory
The Official directory book of Photonicskorea 2015 is the best way to introduce your company and products, and maximize publicity, which is supported by Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat office.
All information about this exhibition and the participating companies is in the book. The effect for publicity of your company will remain active not only during the exhibition period but also after the exhibition. This application form can also be accessed at Exhibitors On-line manual at www.photonicskorea.org
페이지 9 / 23 ※ Deadline : September 18, 2015
Photonicskorea 2015 will not take any responsibility for typing error because the Directory Book will be compiled with the collected forms from the company. Please be careful to fill out the form below.
▲ Product Image Please send your three main product images. ― The images should be proper for printing, which each image must be over 300dpi, width10㎝× length10㎝. (Images on the Internet are not appropriate for printing.) ― Make sure to save the image named by its product name.
▲ How to submit
※ Web-hard 1) Log-in www.webhard. net (ID: ipano, PW: 0414) 2) Click the directory folder 3) Create a new folder with your company name. 4) Upload the application form and product images in the new folder you made : When you done, Let us know by phone or email. It will be appreciated.
※ e-mail : [email protected]
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
■Compulsory □Selective Form 6 Deadline : Sept. 18, 2015 Application for the Official Directory
Company Name
페이지 10 / 23 Address
Telephone Fax:
Website ·
Suppliers Company name: Nationality:
Suppliers Phone: FAX: e-mail:
About Company
Product Description (300 words)
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
■Compulsory □Selective Form 7 Deadline : Sept. 18 , 2015
Bonded Exhibit Goods
Refer to the exhibiting items being forwarded to the Exhibition Center by the indirect custom clearance. They may be re-exported to overseas or make a sale should there be a demand by a separate custom clearance process. For those obtaining the bonded exhibit goods. Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat will hold a Meeting to explain the process from the Opening to the Closing Day. Thus all the relevant companies must notify the details of the goods to the secretariat.
A) Participant
Company : Booth No : Address : e-mail : 페이지 11 / 23 Telephone : Fax : Person in charge : Cell-phone :
B) Bonded Exhibit Goods Forwarding Company
Name of Co. : Director :
No. Exhibiting Items Quantity Manufacturing Co. Mfg Country
Tel : Fax : Person in Charge :
C) List of bonded exhibits
※Should you require extra space, please attach a paper.
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
■Compulsory □Selective Form 8 Deadline : Sept. 18, 2014
Exhibitors' Badges Order Form
This is a form of an I.D. for the exhibitors' staff to move in & out of the exhibition hall. All I.D.s must be returned to Photonicskorea 2015 Secretariat once the show is completed.
Name Department Position 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 .
페이지 12 / 23 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 1 . 1 2 . 1 3 . 1 4 . 1 5 . 1 6 . 1 7 . 1 8 . 1 9 . 20 .
Please be sure to submit all applications by Sept. 18, 2015. You would like to register booth personnel online in exhibitor at www.photoniceskorea.org All Badges will be handed out from October 4 - 8, 2015 **Forms may be copied should you require extra.
Exhibitor : Booth No. : Contact person : Position : Phone : Fax : e-mail : Cell-phone :
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
■Compulsory □Selective Form 9 Deadline : Sept. 18, 2015
Subcontractors' Badges Order Form
This is a form of an I.D. for the staff of the subcontractors to move in & out of the exhibition hall. The subcontractors must submit the name list of staffs to Photonicskorea 2015 Secretariat by Sept. 18, 2015. They must obtain a temporary badge for the entrance of the exhibition hall.
Name Department Position 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 페이지 13 / 23 8 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 1 . 1 2 . 1 3 . 1 4 . 1 5 . 1 6 . 1 7 . 1 8 . 1 9 . 20.
Please be sure to submit all applications by September 18, 2015 All Badges will be handed out from October 3 to October 8, 2014 **Forms may be copied should you require extra.
Exhibitor : No. of Booth : Person in Charge : Position : Tel. No. : Fax : e-mail : Cell-phone :
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
■Compulsory □Selective Form 10 Deadline : Sept. 18, 2015
The Drawing of Raw Stand Booth & Installation Application
Those companies installing raw booth fill out this form, detailing the subcontractors designated by Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat, including the booth drawing, list of all the workers. Relevant companies must submit the drawing of the raw stand booth and the installation process to the Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat by Sept. 18, 2015. Separate application forms must be submitted if more than 2 subcontractors are required.
A) Exhibitor Name of Company : Booth No. : Address : e-mail : Telephone number : Fax : Person in charge : Cell-phone :
페이지 14 / 23 B) Sub-contractors Name of Company : Director : Address : e-mail : Telephone number : Fax : Person in charge : Cell-phone :
Name Position of Company 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 . *Should you require extra space, please attach a paper Enclose: A detail drawing of the booth construction
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
■Compulsory □Selective Form 11 Deadline : Sept. 18, 2015
The Drawing of Self-construction & Installation Application
For the purpose of safety, companies must apply for the booth installation to those that are designated by Photonicskorea 201 5 secretariat. However, if the work has already been assigned to the companies own workers and equipments, an approval must be obtained by the Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat. The below application must firstly be filled out and once the detailed drawing of the construction is sent, Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat shall follow up with the approval. The Exhibiting companies must submit the form by Sept. 18, 2015
A) Exhibitor Name of Company : Booth No. : Address : e-mail : Telephone number : Fax : Person in charge : Cell-phone :
B) Sub-contractors 페이지 15 / 23 Name of Company : Director : Address : e-mail : Telephone number : Fax : Person in charge : Cell-phone :
Name Position of Company 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 . *Should you require extra space, please attach a paper
Enclose : A detail drawing of the booth construction
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
■Compulsory □Selective Form 12 Deadline : Sept. 18, 2015 Application for Handling of Heavyweight product & Hazardous materials
Exhibitors, who handle heavyweight product (over 100㎏/㎡)&hazardous materials (such as explosive gas, inflammable substance, high-voltage equipment, radioactive material) are required to fill out the following form and send to the Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat by Sept. 18, 2015. Under the regulation of Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat, unregistered materials cannot be taken into the hall.
Exhibitor : Booth No : Contact person : Position : P hone : Fax : e-mail : Cell-phone :
Hazardous materials Quantity Purpose 1. 2 . 페이지 16 / 23 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 . ※ heavyweight product : You must tell Photonicskorea 2015 secretariat how to get to a product.
Date : Signature
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
Form 13 ■Compulsory □Selective Deadline : Oct. 9, 2015
Application for Exhibits Move-out
(This application will be received by Final day of exhibition at secretariat office)
1. Applicant & Contractor Name of Company Director Booth No. Address Person in Charge Position of Co. Telephone Fax
2. Detail of Exhibits No. Name of Item Tool/Package form Unit Quantity Remarks
페이지 17 / 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ** Should you require extra space, please attach a paper
As above, I hereby apply for the Return of Exhibiting Items of Photonicskorea 2015.
Date : Country :
Signature Contact Person :
Legal Representative :
(The rights and responsibility of this contract would be upon the person signed on this contract as a representative of the company for this exhibition)
Form 14 ■Compulsory □Selective Deadline : Sept. 18, 2015
Furniture order sheet
Date : Booth No . : Company : Tel : Fax : Orders name : Total Amount : US $ unit : us $ No Items spec Q'ty fee Amount
페이지 18 / 23 Total (us $)
For Further Information, Contact Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development Business Support Dept. Manger Hyun-Sang JO Phone +82-62-605-9631 e-mail : [email protected] Web-hard(www.webhard.net) ID : ipano Passworld : 0414
페이지 19 / 23 FC0001 FC0002
DS0001Name : Table Chair Set DS0002Name : Alumin Table Set NameSpec : 425*410*455,1M Info table NameSpec : 510*405*450,2M Display base Spec φ: 750*7501000*500*750 Spec φ: 800*7502000*500*750 A-Table 1, Chair 2 Table 1, Chair 4 Price :B-Table $30 1, Chair 4 PricePrice :: $60$70 \Price30,000 : $40(A), 50(B) \ 60,000 \70,000 \40,000(A), 50,000(B)
DS0003 DS0004 Name : 1M Info table set Name: 2M Display base set SpecFC0003 :1000*500*750 SpecFC0004 :2000*500*750 1000*300*250Name : Easy Chair Set 2000*300*250Name : Office Chair Set PriceSpec : :$40 400*450*470, PriceSpec : : $80580*510*470, \ 40,000 φ750*750 \ 80,000 φ900*750 Table 1, Chair 4 Table 1, Chair 4 Price : $60 Price : $60 DS0005 \60,000 \60,000 Name : Square table1 DS0006 SpecFC0005 : A-1800*900*750 FC0006 Name : Acryl dome B-1800*600*750Name : High Table Set Name : Round chair Spec : φ 600*750 C-1200*900*750Spec : φ600*1000(A) Spec : 425*410*455 φ 600*1000 D-1200*450*750 φ380*700(B) Price : $40 Price: Table$40(A,B),$30(C,D) 1, Chair 2 Price : $10 \40,000 \Price40,000(A,B) : $60(A,B) \8,000 \ 30,000(C,D) \60,000
FC0007 DS0008FC0008 DS0007 Name : Folding chair NameName :: CubeArm office chair Name : TV Base Spec : 450*480*450 SpecSpec :: A-500*500*300530*460*470 Spec : A-500*500*1000 B-500*500*500 B-750*500*1000 Price : $10 C-500*500*750Price : $15 Price : $30 \8,000 Price :\15,000 $20 \30,000 \20,000
DS0009 DS0010 NameFC0009 : Showcase1 NameFC0010 : Showcase3 SpecName : :900*450*900 High pack chair SpecName : :900*450*900 Benz chair Spec : 580*580*850 Spec : 530*460*470 Price : $50 Price : $50 \Price50,000 : $15 \Price50,000 : $20 \15,000 \20,000
DS00011 NameFC0011 : Showcase2M DS0012FC0012 SpecName : :900*450*2000 High stool1 NameName :: SquareHigh stool1 table2 Spec : φ380*700 SpecSpec :: 1500*900*750φ380*700 Price : $120 Price: $35 \Price120,000 : $15 \Price35,000 : $20 \15,000 \20,000
DS00013 Name : Shelf Spec : 1000*300
Price : $20 \20,000
페이지 20 / 23 FC0013 FC0014 Name : Alumin chair Name : Easy chair Spec : 510*405*450 Spec : 400*450*470
Price : $15 Price : $15 \15,000 \15,000
FC0015 FC0016 Name : Office chair Name : Long chair Spec : 580*510*470 Spec : 1600*470*440
Price : $15 Price : $40 \15,000 \40,000
FC0017 FC0018 Name : Sofa 1 person Name : Sofa 2 person Spec : 760*780*750 Spec : 1900*780*750
Price : $50 Price : $100 \50.000 \100,000
FC0019 FC0020 Name : Sofa table Name : Round table A Spec : 1200*700*650 Spec : A-φ750*750 B-φ700*1000 Price: $40 Price : $25(A,B) \40,000 \25,000(A,B)
FC0022 FC0021 Name : Parasol set Name : Glass table set Spec : P-2200*1800 Spec : ф800*750 T-700*φ700 Table 1, Chair 4 C-4EA Price : $80 Price : $50 \80,000 \50,000
FC0023 FC0024 Name : Catalogue stand1 Name : Catalogue stand2 Spec : 300*1560 Spec : 300*1500
Price : $40 Price : $15 \40,000 \15,000
FC0025 FC0026 Name : Mash Name : Partition Spec : 1200*900 Spec : 1200*1500
Price : $10 Price : $25 \10,000 \25,000
페이지 21 / 23 FC0027 FC0028 Name : Spec stand Name : Easel Spec : 300*1000 Spec :
Price : $20 Price : $15 \20,000 \15,000
FC0029 FC0030 Name : Guard rail Name : Hanger Spec : 1000*950 Spec : A-1200 B-1000*750~1200 Price : $10(A),$20(B) Price : $10(A,B) A-\10,000(1Set:\20,000) \10,000(A,B) B-\20,000(1Set:\40,000)
FC0031 FC0032 Name : Trash can Name:List of names note Spec : Spec :
Price : $5 Price : $10 \5,000 \10,000
FC0033 Name : For sales A FC0034 For sales B Name : X-Banner For sales C Spec : 600*1800 Price : $5(A), 1(B), 12(C) A-\5,000 Price : $10 B-\1,000(4 pcs) \10,000 C-\12,000
E0001 E0002 Name : Hot/cold Name : Desktop water Dispenser Spec : A-without monitor Spec : 300*350*1000 B-with monitor Price : $70(A), 120(B) Price : $40 \70,000(A) \40,000 \120,000(B)
E0003 E0004 Name : Notebook computer Name : LCD Monitor Spec : Pentium Ⅳ Spec : A-17" B-19" Price : $120 Price : $ \120,000 \Special Order E0005 Name : Laser Printer(A4) Spec : E0006 Name : Copier(A4,A3) Price : $70 Spec :
\70,000(black&white) Price : $120 \Special Order(color) \120,000
페이지 22 / 23
E0007 E0008 Name : Fax Name : TV 29" Spec : Spec :
Price : $70 Price : $80 \70,000 \80,000
E0009 E0010 Name : PDP Name :Fax+Copier+Printer Spec : A-42" Spec : Fax,Copy,Print(A4) B-50" C-60" Price : $100 Price : $ \100,000 \Special Order
E00011 E0012 Name: DVD Combo Player Name : LCD Projector Spec : DVD+VTR Spec : Screen-2100*1800 Price : $50 Price : $ \50,000 \Special Order
E0013 E0014 Name : Refrigerator100L Name : Amp/speaker Spec : 100L, 480*480*830 Spec :
Price : $50 Price : $ \50,000 \Special Order
E0015 E0016 Name : Portable amp Name : Walki-Talkie Spec : Spec :
Price : $80 Price : $ \80,000 \Special Order
페이지 23 / 23