Customer Impact Assessment Report Template s1

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Customer Impact Assessment Report Template s1



Directorate: Growth, Environment & Transport (GET); Libraries Registration and Archives (LRA)

Name of policy, procedure, project or service Proposed Kent charitable trust model of delivery for LRA services

Background/What is being assessed?

In October 2013, the Library Registration and Archive Service (LRA) was identified as part of a group of services to be reviewed under the council’s Facing the Challenge Programme, a whole council transformation programme designed to meet our financial challenges and set an ambitious vision for transforming the way KCC operates and delivers its services.

The Facing the Challenge Programme has a strong focus on:

- Shaping our services around the needs and values of our residents and service users.

- Successfully managing the demand on our services and where possible reducing dependence on KCC services.

- Supporting KCC becoming a commissioning authority, with a clear understanding of the outcomes we are trying to achieve and using a range of in-house and external providers across all sectors to deliver our services.

The review of the LRA Service has looked at potential alternative service delivery models and it has been agreed that KCC’s preferred proposed model which will go out to public consultation will be a Charitable Trust. No formal decisions have yet been taken.

The consultation will focus on:

Updated 03/05/2018 1 KCC/EqIA2012/ - The proposed mission statement that KCC has for Libraries, Registration and Archive Services now and for the future

- The structural model to deliver the service. The preferred option being put forward alongside the other options considered is that a charitable trust would provide sustainability and be the most flexible for the future of these services.

Options Considered

The options considered included:  to retain services in-house and accelerate the existing transformation programme  to outsource service delivery  to enter into a partnership or joint venture with a private or public sector partner  to establish a stand alone charitable trust and commission that Trust to deliver library, registration and archive services

The evidence collected and analysed suggests that the option to set up a stand alone charitable trust and commission that charitable trust to deliver LRA services on behalf of KCC, is the one that could deliver the greatest range of benefits to our customers, local communities and KCC. In coming to this conclusion KCC considered what model would best deliver a sustainable model for the future, whereby the LRA service can become increasingly able to identify new funding streams to support a transformed and improved service as well as financial considerations.

The key benefits of this model are:

 The Trust model would offer some operational freedoms and flexibilities to the management of the service and allow the service to grow the business  The trust would be able to respond more rapidly to market forces and changes to legislation  The Trust model provides flexibility in terms of grant funding and identifying other sources of income which can be reinvested into the service.  The establishment of a Kent Trust would promote and encourage community involvement in service design and delivery, in part through the Board of Trustees who would be selected from local people.  The charitable nature of the Trust would align with KCC’s commitment to maintain and improve these critical community services.

Updated 03/05/2018 2 KCC/EqIA2012/  The creation of a Charitable Trust as the vehicle to deliver the services would enable business rates relief, which would deliver savings year on year.  The transfer to a Trust model would enable KCC to continue to fund a wide range of LRA services, including non-statutory but popular provision, into the future.  Any parts of the service not eligible for charitable status could sit within a non-charitable trading arm of the Trust.

Information on the proposal

At this stage no formal decision has been taken and we are at the proposal stage. Customers should not see any changes to how they use our Libraries, Registration and Archives services, should these proposals be implemented.

Customers should not see any changes to how they use our Libraries, Registration and Archives services, should these proposals be implemented. Any significant changes/ improvements to the services the Trust might want to propose in future would need to observe due diligence. It is proposed that any significant changes were only made following discussion and agreement with KCC followed by a public consultation. Requirements for future decision making will be written into any contract with KCC

This proposal will ensure that - KCC meets its statutory obligations and beyond in relation to all LRA Services.

- the key role libraries, registration and archives services play in local communities continues to be safeguarded with local communities being meaningfully engaged with any future delivery vehicle leading in turn, to innovation, creative solutions and increased efficiencies - To adopt the most sustainable option for KCC that will deliver a customer focused service provided in an efficient, lean and cost effective manner whilst contributing to the delivery of the required savings as part of the Facing the Challenge Transformation Programme

Through the commissioning arrangements and ongoing contract monitoring KCC would specify the service it wished the Trust to deliver, and continue to set service priorities and desired outcomes. KCC will retain accountability for its statutory obligations. There will be clear performance management targets within a clear performance management framework.

Updated 03/05/2018 3 KCC/EqIA2012/ Delivery of libraries through a Trust model has been tried and tested by other councils and has delivered significant benefits. There are also examples of archives services delivered by Charitable Trusts. Learning from visits to other local authorities (e.g. Suffolk and York) has informed this proposal.

The charitable trust will need to have a whole range of procedures put in place including a recruitment procedure which will ensure that all staff and volunteers will be appointed through a recruitment process which will be subject to references and a Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS). All staff and volunteers will complete a training programme which will include equalities and diversity. All staff and volunteers will be line managed and subject to performance management. The expected governance model for the proposed charitable trust also offers opportunity for representatives of the community to get involved. It is expected that the charitable trust will have a board of trustees who will be volunteers and have a range of skills and expertise. Registration services Under current UK law, registration services must be delivered via a Local Government approved scheme, and because of this, we are working with the statutory regulator to understand how Kent could deliver registration services under this new model and what the timeline for this outcome might be. It is possible that moving registration services into a charitable trust may take longer than moving across library and archive services and we will have to take a phased approach to implementation with a move to a Library and Archive trust happening first. Whatever option moves forward it is our intention that customers will still be able to access the same services in the same place as currently, irrespective of who is delivering them. This would mean for example that birth and death registrations would still be delivered at the 28 library locations where they do currently.

Updated 03/05/2018 4 KCC/EqIA2012/ Consultation process We are working to ensure everyone has the opportunity to have their say: - website and the means to fill out the form online - easy read version of consultation material - hard-copy consultation document available in all LRA service points, mobile libraries and Gateway buildings to ensure as many people as possible can participate. It will be made clear on the documents that they can be supplied in alternative formats if requested including translations. Staff will also be proactively making people aware and encouraging them to tell us their views - roadshow drop-in sessions at multiple locations across the county incorporating main Town centres and other locations. These will be all day or half day sessions in libraries and shopping centres on different days of the week including a Thursday (when libraries are open to 8) other weekdays or on a Saturday to ensure people have a good opportunity to attend. The sessions will be advertised in advance and we will use our network of district contacts to ensure this is as widely promoted as possible for example; older people’s forums, disabled people’s forums, District Partnership Groups, Kent Association for the Blind and Hi Kent. When creating the schedule for the locations for these sessions we have used this impact assessment. We have picked town centre and other locations to ensure we are in places where the majority of people can attend. We are offering these all day on a Saturday and at different time so that we can fit around different peoples access needs - attend meetings to discuss proposals on request so that we are responsive to needs - use partner agencies such as Education, Children’s Centres, Community Learning Skills, Public Health and the Community Engagement Officers to ensure the information of the consultation is spread as widely as possible - we will also investigate how people who have difficulty completing the forms may need some assistance from us

Responsible Owner/ Senior Officer

James Pearson Service Improvement Programme Manager

Date of Initial Screening

December 14- to be updated as result of consultation

Updated 03/05/2018 5 KCC/EqIA2012/ Screening Grid

Provide details: Could this policy, procedure, Could this policy, Assessment of a) Is internal action required? If yes project or service promote equal procedure, project or potential impact what? opportunities for this group? service affect this HIGH/MEDIUM YES/NO - Explain how good Characteristic group less favourably LOW/NONE b) Is further assessment required? If practice can promote equal than others in Kent? UNKNOWN yes, why? opportunities YES/NO If yes how? Positive Negative Proposed new Model of Service Impact Yes Age Low Low Yes- Customers in this characteristic group will We will use this opportunity to Services affected to this continue to have equal access to services promote all our services to characteristic group as now communities across Kent. We will KCC will retain the statutory accountability maintain existing services and investigate how they can be further Older members of the for the service including compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed improved for the future, as well as community may have seeking ways to improve reduced mobility or Charitable Trust will be required and made fully aware of its obligations. community participation within LRA restricted access to services. transport. This could The charitable trust will be setup to comply reduce their ability to with all equality and diversity legislation. participate in, for As detailed in the introductory text at this instance, open stage it is not proposed to make changes to consultation meetings. the service as a result of this proposal. The contract arrangement the charitable Younger members of trust will have with KCC will ensure that the community may not customers of all ages are welcomed and engage with the wording served in the service points and that of the literature and the services continue to reflect the needs of all

Updated 03/05/2018 6 KCC/EqIA2012/ timing of the roadshows. age groups.

Consultation process Care will have to be taken to ensure that the set up of the consultation process takes into account the needs of older people e.g. promotion literature; location of consultation venues; access issues etc. To ensure we reach people who are housebound we could use HLS volunteers to talk it through and encourage them to take part in consultation. Care needs to be taken to ensure that younger members of the community are not disadvantaged by the wording of the literature or the timing of the roadshows. We will be using our existing contacts to ensure the message is communicated as widely as possible. For example engaging with the Youth County Council, Youth Services and Schools. Area teams will be key in getting messages out to local contacts as well as schools.

Yes- Proposed new model of service impact Disability Low Low Yes Customers in this characteristic group will Services for this continue to have equal access to services See above protected characteristic as now group could be at risk. KCC will retain the statutory accountability for the service including compliance with

Updated 03/05/2018 7 KCC/EqIA2012/ There is a risk that this the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed characteristic group will charitable trust will be required and made not become involved in fully aware of its obligations. the consultation process adequately. The charitable trust will be setup to comply with all equality and diversity legislation. Disability includes reduced mobility, As detailed in the introductory text at this reduced access to stage it is not proposed to make changes to online material or the service as a result of this proposal. restricted access to The contract arrangement the charitable transport. This could trust will have with KCC will ensure that reduce ability to customers of all disabilities are welcomed participate in the and served in the service points and that consultation. services continue to reflect the needs of all In addition, the disabilities. requirements of those Through the charitable trust we will ensure with impaired vision and LRA continue to provide existing services hearing need to be targeted to disabled people, such as audio taken into account. We book postal loans/stocking of a wide range also need to consider of audio books for blind and partially- people with other print sighted people. impairments such as dyslexia and those with We will continue to ensure selections of learning disabilities. large print and audio books available in all our libraries for people who are visually or print impaired and selections of accessible stock available for people with learning disabilities in main town centre libraries. Continue developing and supporting specialist book groups including VIP, MIND and Beyond Words groups. Continue acknowledging and celebrating Updated 03/05/2018 8 KCC/EqIA2012/ diversity awareness and history celebrations. Continue providing an exempt card for people with disabilities ensuring that they will face no barriers when accessing our services. The charitable trust will continue to maintain Induction loops available at service points It is proposed that the charitable trust will maintain the ICT contract for the first year ensuring that specialist accessibility software will continue to be available on our computers. The trust will need to ensure this is explicitly part of any specification should it market test these services. Any project to improve services or relocate must ensure all equality issues are taken into account at the planning stage. Consultation process Consultation materials will be available in alternative formats on request and the website designed to ensure it is fully accessible and useable. Consultation material will also be available online and in all service points. We will be using existing contacts and partners to ensure that we consult with all communities across Kent including KCC

Updated 03/05/2018 9 KCC/EqIA2012/ Level Playing Fields staff forum, Kent Association for the Blind, Hi Kent, District Partnership Groups and local disability focus groups.

Proposed new model of service impact Gender Services for this Low Low Yes protected characteristic Customers in this characteristic group will group could be at risk. continue to have equal access to services See above as now There is a risk that this KCC will retain the statutory accountability characteristic group will for the service including compliance with not become involved in the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed the consultation process charitable trust will be required and made adequately. fully aware of its obligations. The charitable trust will be setup to comply Issues of participation in with all equality and diversity legislation. consultation and library As detailed in the introductory text it is not services not being proposed to make changes to the service available at convenient as a result of this proposal. times. The contract arrangement the charitable trust will have with KCC will ensure that customers of both genders are welcomed and served in the service points and that services continue to reflect the needs of both genders. Through the charitable trust we will ensure LRA continue to provide existing services and we will ensure that the stock and

Updated 03/05/2018 10 KCC/EqIA2012/ services reflect the needs of both genders. The proposed charitable trust will provide services for all in the community which will be enforced by the contract with the Trust. Consultation process Women carry a disproportionate share of childcare and access to consultation processes could be an issue. They might also have to bear additional childcare costs to participate in consultation meetings. Lone parents also need to be considered. Both these factors influence our plans to ensure the survey is available online and that Roadshow sessions are offered throughout the day and at the weekend including we will also look to involve other parts of KCC to involve their customers such as Children’s’ Centres.

Proposed new model of service impact Gender identity Services for this Low Low Yes protected characteristic Customers in this characteristic group will group could be at risk. continue to have equal access to services See above as now There is a risk that this KCC will retain the statutory accountability characteristic group will for the service including compliance with not become involved in the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed the consultation process charitable trust will be required and made adequately. fully aware of its obligations. Issues of participation in The charitable trust will be setup to comply consultation and library

Updated 03/05/2018 11 KCC/EqIA2012/ services not being with all equality and diversity legislation. available at convenient times and venues. As detailed in the introductory text it is not proposed to make changes to the service as a result of this proposal. The contract arrangement the charitable trust will have with KCC will ensure that customers of all gender identities are welcomed and served in the service points and that services continue to reflect the needs of transgender people. Through the proposed charitable trust we will ensure LRA continue to provide existing services and we will ensure that the stock and services reflect the needs of this protected characteristic. The proposed charitable trust will provide services for all in the community which will be enforced by the contract with the Trust. Consultation process Consultation will be accessible online as well as all LRA service points. We will look to involve the TGPals support group to ensure that we reach this protected characteristic community. Services for this Proposed new model of service impact Race protected characteristic Low Low Yes group could be at risk. Customers in this characteristic group will continue to have equal access to services See above There is a risk that this as now characteristic group will

Updated 03/05/2018 12 KCC/EqIA2012/ not become involved in KCC will retain the statutory accountability the consultation process for the service including compliance with adequately. the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed charitable trust will be required and made Issues of participation in fully aware of its obligations. consultation and library services not being The charitable trust will be setup to comply available at convenient with all equality and diversity legislation. times and venues. As detailed in the introductory text it is not proposed to make changes to the service Also consultation events as a result of this proposal. need to take account of religious observance. The contract arrangement the charitable trust will have with KCC will ensure that customers of all races are welcomed and served in the service points and that services continue to reflect the needs of the local communities. Through the charitable trust we will ensure LRA continue to provide existing services and we will ensure that the stock and services reflect the needs of this protected characteristic through stock the promotion of diversity history months. Consultation process Kent is a diverse county and we will be looking to ensure we capture all views as part of the consultation. Timing of consultation roadshows is intended to be all day to ensure opportunities for everyone to be able to

Updated 03/05/2018 13 KCC/EqIA2012/ contribute. We will identify where specific ethnic groups use the libraries on a regular basis and ensure that we plan to engage with specific groups at suitable times –eg Nepalese Elders at Cheriton Library We will be asking About You Questions as part of the consultation enabling us to review the breakdown of the returns. On request the documentation can be translated into other languages

Proposed new model of service impact Religion or Services for this Low Low Yes belief protected characteristic Customers in this characteristic group will group could be at risk. continue to have equal access to services See above as now There is a risk that this KCC will retain the statutory accountability characteristic group will for the service including compliance with not become involved in the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed the consultation process charitable trust will be required and made adequately. fully aware of its obligations. Also consultation events The charitable trust will be setup to comply need to take account of with all equality and diversity legislation. religious observance. As detailed in the introductory text it is not proposed to make changes to the service as a result of this proposal. The contract arrangement the charitable trust will have with KCC will ensure that

Updated 03/05/2018 14 KCC/EqIA2012/ customers of all religions and beliefs are welcomed and served in the service points and that services continue to reflect the needs of the local communities. Through the proposed charitable trust we will ensure LRA continue to provide existing services and we will ensure that the stock and services reflect the needs of this protected characteristic. The proposed charitable trust will be setup to ensure that services continue to be as now - faith neutral and the library stock will continue to provide information covering all faiths and belief systems. This will also be covered in the staff training. Consultation process Kent is a diverse county and we will be looking to ensure we capture all views as part of the consultation. Timing of consultation roadshows is intended to be all day to ensure opportunities for everyone to be able to contribute. Districts to identify and involve local faith groups in the consultation where possible. Translations will be available on request.

Proposed new model of service impact Sexual Services for this Low Low Yes

Updated 03/05/2018 15 KCC/EqIA2012/ orientation protected characteristic Customers in this characteristic group will group could be at risk. See above continue to have equal access to services as now There is a risk that this characteristic group will KCC will retain the statutory accountability not become involved in for the service including compliance with the consultation process the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed adequately. charitable trust will be required and made fully aware of its obligations. The charitable trust will be setup to comply with all equality and diversity legislation. As detailed in the introductory text it is not proposed to make changes to the service as a result of this proposal. The contract arrangement the charitable trust will have with KCC will ensure that customers of this protected characteristic are welcomed and served in the service points and that services continue to reflect the needs of the local communities. Through the charitable trust we will ensure LRA continue to provide existing services and we will ensure that the stock and services reflect the needs of this protected characteristic. It is proposed that the charitable trust will continue to provide services for all customers including books for the LGBT community and promotion of LGBT History Month and LGBT Book groups.

Updated 03/05/2018 16 KCC/EqIA2012/ Consultation process Kent is a diverse county and we will be looking to ensure we capture all views as part of the consultation. Timing of consultation roadshows is intended to be all day to ensure opportunities for everyone to be able to contribute. Districts to identify and any relevant groups during consultation including KCC Rainbow group and LGBT Reading groups.

Proposed new model of service impact Pregnancy and Services for this Low Low Yes maternity protected characteristic Customers in this characteristic group will See above group could be at risk. continue to have equal access to services as now There is a risk that this KCC will retain the statutory accountability characteristic group will for the service including compliance with not become involved in the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed the consultation process charitable trust will be required and made adequately. fully aware of its obligations. Issues of participation in The charitable trust will be setup to comply consultation and library with all equality and diversity legislation. services not being As detailed in the introductory text it is not available at convenient proposed to make changes to the service times with welcoming as a result of this proposal. facilities. The contract arrangement the charitable trust will have with KCC will ensure that customers of this protected characteristic

Updated 03/05/2018 17 KCC/EqIA2012/ are welcomed and served in the service points and that services continue to reflect the needs of the local communities. Through the charitable trust we will ensure LRA continue to provide existing services and we will ensure that the stock and services reflect the needs of this protected characteristic. The charitable trust will continue to provide services for all customers ensuring customers will be welcomed in its service points including breastfeeding mothers Consultation process Kent is a diverse county and we will be looking to ensure we capture all views as part of the consultation. Timing of consultation roadshows is intended to be all day to ensure opportunities for everyone to be able to contribute. We will promote the consultation and Roadshow sessions through Childrens’ Centres as this will give an opportunity to drop in throughout the day and on a Saturday. Making consultation material available online may help this group to more easily participate in the consultation. Ensure that all staff who are on maternity

Updated 03/05/2018 18 KCC/EqIA2012/ and paternity leave to be engaged in the consultation process.

Proposed New Model of Service impact Marriage and Low Low Yes Civil Customers in this characteristic group will Partnerships continue to have equal access to services See above as now KCC will retain the statutory accountability for the service including compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed charitable trust will be required and made fully aware of its obligations. The charitable trust will be setup to comply with all equality and diversity legislation. As detailed in the introductory text it is not proposed to make changes to the service as a result of this proposal. The contract arrangement the charitable trust will have with KCC will ensure that customers of this protected characteristic are welcomed and served in the service points and that services continue to reflect the needs of the local communities. Through the charitable trust we will ensure LRA continue to provide existing services. The charitable trust will continue to provide services for all customers ensuring customers will be welcomed in its service

Updated 03/05/2018 19 KCC/EqIA2012/ points. It is proposed that the charitable trust continues to deliver ceremonies. Need to be mindful of its duties and we are working with GRO to ensure that all requirements are covered. Consultation Process Kent is a diverse county and we will be looking to ensure we capture all views as part of the consultation. Timing of consultation roadshows is intended to be all day to ensure opportunities for everyone to be able to contribute. Material will be made available at all our service points including Register offices. Caring Low Low Proposed New Model of Service impact responsibilities Services affected to that Yes characteristic group Customers in this characteristic group will continue to have equal access to services See above as now Risk that characteristic KCC will retain the statutory accountability group not involved in the for the service including compliance with consultation process the Equality Act 2010 and the proposed adequately charitable trust will be required and made fully aware of its obligations. The charitable trust will be setup to comply with all equality and diversity legislation. As detailed in the introductory text it is not

Updated 03/05/2018 20 KCC/EqIA2012/ proposed to make changes to the service as a result of this proposal. The contract arrangement the charitable trust will have with KCC will ensure that carers can access our services either at service points, through our Home Library Service or online though our on line services. The proposed charitable trust will continue to provide services for all customers ensuring customers will be welcomed in its service points. Consultation Process Kent is a diverse county and we will be looking to ensure we capture all views as part of the consultation. Need to ensure carers have the chance to engage in the consultation process. This can be covered by the variety of ways the consultation material is going to be available including access to consultation on-line and ensuring roadshows take place on different times days and if various locations.

Updated 03/05/2018 21 KCC/EqIA2012/ Part 1: INITIAL SCREENING

Proportionality - Based on the answers in the above screening grid what weighting would you ascribe to this function Low Medium High Low relevance or Medium relevance or High relevance to Insufficient Insufficient equality, /likely to have information/evidence to information/evidence to adverse impact on make a judgement. make a Judgement. protected groups

State rating & reasons Medium - The public should experience no change in how the service is delivered as a result of these proposed changes. The consultation will be county wide and it is important that people are kept as informed as possible on the benefits and impact of the proposal. We need to engage will all of the protected characteristics groups throughout the consultation process to ensure that we obtain the views of all the communities in Kent.


Residents of Kent will benefit from the sustained continuation of Library, Registration and Archive services and by the opportunity to shape the development of these services in the future

KCC will benefit by achieving service transformation, innovation and savings.

Consultation and data

Due to the nature of the services provided LRA touch everyone’s lives at some point, in particular through birth and death registration.

LRA services are accessed by a variety of means;

- 99 libraries - Kent’s historic archive collection at Kent History and Library Centre, Maidstone - 11 mobile libraries - six register offices - home library service for housebound users and a postal audio book service to visually impaired customers - information services, including access to resources in libraries and from home, and Ask a Kent Librarian: a business and general enquiry service - online services: book computers and appointments; reserve and renew books; download e-books and audio books on home computers and mobile devices; plus WIFI in 35 libraries

Updated 03/05/2018 22 KCC/EqIA2012/ - 654 computers with free internet access, scanning and printing facilities and accessible software including NVDA

Information about our customers

Kent County council area data- source

The 2013 mid-year population estimates show that Kent is the most populous county council area in the South East region with a population of 1,493,500 people

Age and Gender profile


Updated 03/05/2018 23 KCC/EqIA2012/ Disability

As outlined in the disability in Kent bulletin there is no one single measure of disability but outlines the following key information using the data sets Kent County council has used to estimate the number of people with a disability or disabling condition in the county.

The 2011 Census indicates that 257,038 or 17.6% of Kent’s residents have a health problem or disability that limits their day to day activities

7.5% of the population in Kent are claiming a disability benefit.

Libraries and Archives customers from our library management system


Borrowers who have borrowed between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014 and who consider themselves to be disabled

Disability - General Total Percentage No 194,516 99.80% Yes 398 0.20% Grand Total 194,914

Updated 03/05/2018 24 KCC/EqIA2012/ Active borrowers who consider themselves to have a disability

Yes 0%

No 100%


Borrowers who have borrowed between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014

Ethnicity - General Total Blank 92,906 Declined to say 263 Not answered 31,454 Other ethnic origin 3,847 White British 66,444 Grand Total 194,914

Updated 03/05/2018 25 KCC/EqIA2012/ Active borrowers by ethnicity

White British 34.1%

Blank 47.7%

Other ethnic origin 2.0% Not answered 16.1% Declined to say 0.1%

Breakdown by group

Ethnicity Status on Spydus Total Blank 86,279 E - White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller 56 E - White British (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish) 66,444 E- Declined to say 263 E- Not answered 31,454 E- Other Ethnic Group 3,791 E- Arab 25 E- White – Other 2,437 E- Asian/Asian British – Other 794 E- Asian/Asian British – Bangladeshi 164 E- Black/Black British – Caribbean 134 E- Asian/Asian British – Indian 945 E- Mixed/Multiple – Other 179 E- Mixed/Multiple - White and Asian 118 E- White – Irish 351 E- Mixed/Multiple - White and Black Caribbean

Updated 03/05/2018 26 KCC/EqIA2012/ 74 E- Black/Black British – Other 186 E- Black/Black British – African 751 E- Asian/Asian British – Chinese 263 E- Mixed/Multiple - White and Black African 115 E- Asian/Asian British – Pakistani 91 Grand Total 194,914

Active Borrowers by Ethnicity



80,000 s r e w o

r 70,000 r o B 60,000






- E - E - E- E- Not E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- E- Blank White - White Declin answer Other E- Arab White - Asian/ Asian/ Black/ Asian/ Mixed/ Mixed/ White - Mixed/ Black/ Black/ Asian/ Mixed/ Asian/ Gypsy British ed to ed Ethnic Other Asian Asian Black Asian Multip Multip Irish Multip Black Black Asian Multip Asian Total 86,279 56 66,444 263 31,454 3,791 25 2,437 794 164 134 945 179 118 351 74 186 751 263 115 91


Borrowers who have borrowed between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014

Age Band Total Age 0-10 44,129 Age 11-19 27,620 Age 20-29 11,727 Age 30-39 18,977 Age 40-49 22,774 Age 50-59 16,759 60 plus 48,160 Age unknown 4,768 Grand Total 194,914

Updated 03/05/2018 27 KCC/EqIA2012/ Active borrowers by age-band

Age unknown 2% Age 0-10 60 plus 23% 24%

Age 11-19 Age 50-59 14% 9%

Age 20-29 Age 40-49 6% 12% Age 30-39 10%


Borrowers who have borrowed between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014

Gender Total Female 104,110 Male 60,103 Blank 30,701 Grand Total 194,914

Updated 03/05/2018 28 KCC/EqIA2012/ Active Borrowers - Gender

Blank 16%

Female 53% Male 31%


We do not have About You information on Registration customers as this data is collected by the Government and we do not have access to it.

Consultation summary

To be entered here

Consultation results

To be entered here

Sample comments received

To be entered here


To be entered here.

Potential Impact

Updated 03/05/2018 29 KCC/EqIA2012/ This proposal will enable KCC to continue to fund a wide range of services including non-statutory but popular provision into the future. The effective delivery of these statutory services remains the responsibility for KCC who will continue to set service priorities and outcomes. The proposal envisages no changes to the services customers receive.

Adverse Impact: It is likely that people will be concerned about the future of Library, Registration and Archive services .The consultation will aim to reassure people and provide them with clear information about the proposal.

Positive Impact: This could be an opportunity to promote Library Registration and Archive services to residents who do not currently use the library. It is also a positive message for our existing customers about sustaining LRA services into the future. For both users and non-users there is an opportunity to shape development of services into the future.

KCC sees the Trust model as a platform to develop LRA services and thus there is real potential that the proposed charitable trust could have a real positive impact for all customers including the groups highlighted in this assessment.


Option 1 – Screening Sufficient No

Need to review as consultation takes place


Option 2 – Internal Action Required YES

Option 3 – Full Impact Assessment Yes- this has potential to affect residents across Kent

A full impact assessment will need to be undertaken if:  the policy, strategy or service is judged to be major because of high cost, or potential to affect a large number of residents of Kent


Updated 03/05/2018 30 KCC/EqIA2012/

 Is identified as having a potential impact on any of the listed groups/ individuals with particular characteristics.


 Or the potential impacts of a policy, procedure, project or service on a particular group are unknown.

Equality and Diversity Team Comments

Sign Off

I have noted the content of the equality impact assessment and agree the actions to mitigate the adverse impact(s) that have been identified.

Senior Officer

Signed: James Pearson Name:

Job Title: Service Improvement Programme Manager Date: January 14

DMT Member

Signed: Angela Slaven Name:

Job Title: Head of Libraries Registration and Archives Date: January 14

Updated 03/05/2018 31 KCC/EqIA2012/ Equality Impact Assessment Action Plan (To be completed) Protected Issues identified Action to be Expected Owner Timescale Cost Characteristic taken outcomes implications All To explore how To be explored if Charitable Trust TBC TBC communities can proposal for plays its role in be more involved Charitable Trust eliminating with the progresses discrimination, Charitable Trust advancing e.g. by developing equality of role of library as a opportunity and community hub, develops a safe place where positive all parts of the relationship with community can the people of come together Kent All Proposed This requirement Charitable Trust Project TBC Charitable Trust to be written into able to team needs to report on the contract of the demonstrate how its equality proposed it is making outcomes and Charitable Trust if positive how it is making a progresses outcomes difference to KCC Need to setup Charitable Trust so that it has the means to record

Updated 03/05/2018 32 KCC/EqIA2012/ and extract this information Ensure Ensure all Everyone able to Project TBC Disability accessibility contracts for make use of the Team software on computers computers computers is explicitly states maintained this as a requirement All Ensure Roadshow Everyone who Comms Throughout consultation locations in 12 wants to team consultation reaches wide districts and on contribute has period. Dates range of people different the opportunity TBC days/times and and the means to locations contribute to the consultation About you questions included in the questionnaire so that capture data about those who respond

Target wide variety of stakeholders and groups to ensure people aware and encouraged to

Updated 03/05/2018 33 KCC/EqIA2012/ contribute

Investigate ways in which people who will have difficulty filling in the form can contribute

Consultation online as well as paper copy and easy read version, translations available if requested

Age Engage with HLS volunteers to consult with home library service users

Engage with Youth County Council, Youth Services and Schools.

Updated 03/05/2018 34 KCC/EqIA2012/ Disabilities Use existing contacts and partners to ensure that people with disabilities are engaged with and consulted through partners including KCC Level Playing Field staff forum, Kent Association for the Blind, Hi Kent, District Partnership Groups and local disability groups.

Gender Identity Engage with TGPals support group to ensure we reach the transgender community

Religion or belief District to identify and involve local faith groups in the consulation.

Sexual District to identify

Updated 03/05/2018 35 KCC/EqIA2012/ Orientation any relevant LGBT in their districts

All Governance To be progressed All Equality act Project TBC arrangements pay via Governance duties are Team due regard to arrangements if covered Equality Act proposed Charitable Trust develops All Objects of As above Future Charitable Potential TBC Charitable trust trust is able to Charitable may be able to access funding Trust identify opportunities opportunities to related to advance protected opportunities for characteristics particular identified in order protected to advance characteristics opportunities for groups which may be enjoyed by the wider community

Updated 03/05/2018 36 KCC/EqIA2012/

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