The Greek Creation Myth

In the beginning, there was only CHAOS From chaos emerged

The enigma where death is: Erebus Night

Day LOV E Light 3 Cyclopes, 3 Gaea hundred handed (Earth) Uranus monsters, and 12 (The Titans (where we get Heavens) the name Titanic from) Uranus (The Heavens) = Bad Father – imprisoned all his children in mom’s womb (deep inside Earth). Only youngest Titan – Cronus - conquers Uranus, kept Cyclopes and monster brothers imprisoned, set free other Titans and married sister Rhea. Cronus + Rhea

The famous Greek Gods

Cronus = bad father too (The cycle we often still see today!) Ate his children in fear they might overcome him. Rhea, upset, hid her youngest, feeding Cronus a rock wrapped up like a baby.

Surviving baby = Zeus After being cared for on Earth by a nymph, her goat, and its milk, Zeus overcame Cronus, freed Cyclopes and monster uncles for war against Titans and won. Zeus got his famous symbol from the monsters during this battle. Keeps goat on Mt. Olymbus as special pet, accidentally snapping one horn off. Presents horn to the nymph as a gift with unending food in it called cornucopia (think Thanksgiving) and sent goat into the heavens as a constellation (Capricorn)

Zeus punished each Titan Ex. Prometheus, responsible for making mankind out of clay (sound familiar) gives godly power of fire to humans in the battle. Punishment = eternally have liver eaten out by an eagle each day. Generations later, Heracles (Hercules) rescues him.

Ex. Atlas was appointed guardian of Earth and sky and taught humans astronomy. Punishment = made to carry the world on his shoulders (ever hear the seeing? Ever hear of an Atlas (world map)