Adolescent Health Research Group
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Adolescent Health Research Group
16th December 2011 Contents
Published Peer Reviewed Journal Articles...... 3
Published Conference Proceedings/Abstracts...... 4
Published Reports Non-Peer Reviewed...... 5
Unpublished Reports...... 7
Lectures and Presentations...... 9
Media...... 13
Research Collaborations...... 14
Policy Outcomes...... 14
Training Outputs...... 15
2 Published Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
1. Utter J, Denny S, Robinson E, Grant S, Ameratunga S, Fleming T. Family meals among New Zealand young people: relationships with eating behaviours and BMI. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (accepted 31 January 2012) 2. Denny S, Farrant B, Cosgriff J, Harte M, Cameron T, Johnson R, McNair V, Utter J, Crengle S, Fleming T, Ameratunga S, Sheridan J, Robinson E. Access to private and confidential healthcare among secondary school students in New Zealand. Journal of Adolescent Health (accepted 14 December 2011) 3. Utter J, Denny S, Robinson E, Teevale T, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Fleming T. Food security concerns among young people: Impact on eating behaviours and weight status. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition (accepted 13 December 2011) 4. Utter J, Denny S, Percival T, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Dixon R, Teevale T, Hall A. Prevalence of weight-related concerns and behaviours among New Zealand young people. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health (accepted 15th October 2011) 5. Wood A, Utter J, Robinson E, Ameratunga S, Fleming T, Denny S. Body weight satisfaction among New Zealand adolescents: Findings from a national survey. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health (Accepted 29th August 2011) 6. Areai DM, Thomson WM, Foster Page LA, Denny S, Crengle S, Clark TC, Ameratunga SN, Koopu PI. Self-reported oral health, dental self-care and dental service use among New Zealand secondary school students: findings from the Youth07 study. New Zealand Dental Journal 2011 107(4):121-126. 7. Utter J, Denny S, Robinson E, Ameratunga S, Milfont TL. Social and physical contexts of schools and neighborhoods: Associations with physical activity among young people. American Journal of Public Health 2011; 101(9):1690-1695 8. Di Cosmo, C., Milfont, T. L., Robinson, E., Denny, S. J., Ward, C., Crengle, S., & Ameratunga, S. N. Immigrant paradox, acculturation and substance use among New Zealand youth: Results from a nationally representative survey. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 2011; 35(5):434-441 9. Copland RJ, Denny SJ, Robinson EM, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Dixon R. Self-Reported Pregnancy and Access to Primary Health Care Among Sexually Experienced New Zealand High School Students. Journal of Adolescent Health 2011 49(5) 518-524 10. Utter J, Denny S, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Clark T, Maddison R, Percival T. Socio- economic differences in eating-related attitudes, behaviours and environments of adolescents. Public Health Nutrition 2011, 14:629-634. 11. Denny S, Robinson E, Utter J, Fleming T, Grant S, Milfont T, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Clark T. Do schools influence student risk behaviours and emotional health symptoms. Journal of Adolescent Health 2011; 48(3):259-267 12. Denny S, Grant S, Utter J, Robinson E, Fleming T, Milfont T, Crengle S, Clark T, Ameratunga S, Dixon R, Merry S, Watson P. The health and wellbeing of New Zealand youth who attend secondary school: What has changed from 2001 to 2007? Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2011; 47(4):191-197 13. Lucassen M, Merry S, Robinson E, Denny S, Clark T, Ameratunga S, Crengle S, Rossen F. Sexual attraction, depression, self-harm, suicidality and help-seeking behaviour in New Zealand secondary school students. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2011; 45:376-383 14. Clark T, Robinson E, Crengle S, Fleming T, Ameratunga S, Denny S, Bearinger L, Sieving R, Saewyc E. Risk and protective factors for suicide attempt among indigenous Māori youth in New Zealand: The role of family connection as a moderating variable. Journal of Aboriginal Health. March 2011; 17-31 15. Clark, T.C., Smith, J., Raphael, D., Jackson, C., Denny, S.J., Fleming, T., Ameratunga, S. & Crengle, S. Kicked out of school and suffering: The health needs of youth in Alternative Education. Youth Studies Australia 2010; 29(4):10-17 16. Utter J, Denny S, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Robinson E, Clark T, Percival T, Maddison R. Overweight among New Zealand adolescents: Associations with ethnicity and deprivation. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 2010; 5: 461-466.
3 17. Utter J, Denny S, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Clark T, Maddison R, Percival T. Socioeconomic differences in eating related attitudes, behaviours and environments of adolescents. Public Health Nutrition 2011, 14:629-634. 18. Utter J, Denny S, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Robinson E, Clark T, Percival T, Maddison R. Overweight among New Zealand adolescents: Associations with ethnicity and deprivation. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 2010; 5: 461-466. 19. Denny, S., Grant, S., Utter, J., Robinson, E., Fleming, T., Milfont, T., Crengle, S., Clark, T., Ameratunga, S., Dixon, R., Merry, S., & Watson, P. The health and wellbeing of New Zealand youth who attend secondary school: What has changed from 2001 to 2007? Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2011; 47(4):191-197 20. Milfont, T.L., Merry, S., Robinson, E.M., Denny, S., Crengle, S., & Ameratunga, S.N. Evaluating the short form of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression scale in New Zealand adolescents. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 42(11):950-954. 21. Denny. S., Milfont, T.L., Utter, J., Robinson, E.M., Ameratunga, S.N., Merry, S., Fleming, T., & Watson, P.D. Hand-Held Internet Tablets for School-Based Data Collection. BMC Research Notes 2008, 1:52. 22. Milfont, T.L., Denny, S., Ameratunga, S., Robinson, E.M., Merry, S. Burnout and Wellbeing: Testing the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in New Zealand Teachers. Social Indicators Research 2008; 89:169-177.
Published Conference Proceedings/Abstracts
1. Johnson J, Denny S, Ameratunga S, Milfont T, Robinson E, Utter J. The association between school climate and wellbeing among students of New Zealand secondary schools. The 8th Australian & New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference. 3rd IAAH Asia Pacific Congress. Sydney, Australia. November 9 – 11 2011. Poster presentation 2. O’Brien L, Denny S, Clark T, Fleming T, Teevale T, Robinson E. The impact of spirituality and religion on health risking behaviours and emotional health concerns among young people in Aotearoa, New Zealand. The 8th Australian & New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference. 3rd IAAH Asia Pacific Congress. Sydney, Australia. November 9 – 11. 2011. Poster presentation 3. Aminzadeh K, Denny S, Utter J. Milfont T, Clark T, Teevale T, Ameratunga S, Merry S. The association between neighbourhood social capital and adolescent wellbeing: A multilevel analysis. The 8th Australian & New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference. 3rd IAAH Asia Pacific Congress. Sydney, Australia. November 9 – 11 2011. Oral presentation 4. Aminzadeh K, Denny S, Utter J. Milfont T, Clark T, Teevale T, Ameratunga S, Merry S. The association between neighbourhood social capital and adolescent wellbeing: A multilevel analysis. The Paediatric Society of New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting. November 22-25 2011. Auckland, New Zealand. Oral presentation. 5. Denny S. Forgone healthcare among secondary school students in New Zealand. The 8th Australian & New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference. 3rd IAAH Asia Pacific Congress. Sydney, Australia. November 9 – 11 2011. Oral presentation 6. Rosso A, Denny S, Fleming T, Clark T, Fortune S, Ameratunga A, Robinson E, Watson P, Merry S. The differential effect of families in protecting against youth suicide using a latent class approach. The 8th Australian & New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference. 3rd IAAH Asia Pacific Congress. Sydney, Australia. November 9 – 11 2011. Oral presentation 7. Utter J, Denny S, Robinson E, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Fleming T, Teevale T. Food insecurity among New Zealand young people: Relationships with body weights and dietary behaviours. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia. 2011 Oral presentation 8. Wood A. Denny S. Utter J. Ameratunga S. Exeter D. Individual-, school-, and neighbourhood-level characteristics associated with active transport to and from school among secondary school students. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA). 2011. Poster presentation 9. Denny S, Robinson E, Utter J, Grant S, Milfont TL, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Merry S. The association of truanting behaviours and school environments among a nationally representative sample of adolescents. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Seattle, WA, USA. 2011. Poster presentation
4 10. 2011 Clark, T.C., Robinson. E., Fleming, T., Smith,J., Denny, S., Jackson C., Raphael, D., Ameratunga. S. Being in Trouble with the Police and Associations with Mental Health Outcomes amongst Alternative Education Students in New Zealand, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Seattle. Poster presentation. 11. Utter J, Denny S, Robinson E, Ameratunga S, Milfont TL. Neighbourhood-level characteristics and physical activity: a multi-level analysis. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Seattle, WA, USA. 2011 Oral presentation 12. Fleming, T., Denny, S., Merry, S., Fortune, S., Robinson, E. Self-Reported Mental Health and Wellbeing of New Zealand Secondary School Students: findings from New Zealand’s Adolescent Health Surveys. International Youth Mental Health Conference, Melbourne. 2011. Poster Presentation 13. Denny S, Robinson, Robinson E, Utter J, Fleming T, Grant S, Milfont T, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Clark T, Do Schools Influence Student Risk Behaviors and Emotional Health Symptoms? American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, October 1-5, 2010. Oral Presentation 14. Denny S, Milfont T, Grant S, Thomas D. Teachers perceptions of school climate: A multilevel factor analysis of school climate measures and their relationship to student socio-economic status and teacher burnout and wellbeing. Second Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group. Educational Effectiveness: Models, Methods and Applications Leuven, Belgium. August 25 ‐ August 27, 2010 15. Utter J, Denny S, Percival T, Crengle S, Ameratunga S, Dixon R. Unhealthy dieting among New Zealand young people. Australia and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders. Auckland. 2010 Oral presentation 16. Utter J, Denny S, Dixon R. Family support and weight control strategies among adolescents who have achieved long-term weight loss. The XI International Congress on Obesity, Stockholm, Sweden. 2010 Poster presentation 17. Lucassen M, Rossen F, Denny S, Robinson E. Youth’07 The health and wellbeing of New Zealand young people attracted to the same sex or both sexes. 7th National Australian LGBTI Health Conference “Health in Difference 2010 - Doing Diversity”. Mercure Hotel, Sydney. 29 April to 1 May 2010. Oral presentation 18. Crengle, S.M. 'Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki: Results from Youth,07 The health and well being of secondary school students in New Zealand', Te ORA hui-a-tau, Wellington, 11th - 13th September 2009. 19. Utter, J., Denny, S., Crengle, S., Ameratunga, S., & Maddison, R. Socioeconomic differences in eating related attitudes, behaviours and environments of adolescents. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal. 2009 Poster Presentation. 20. Milfont, T. L., Denny, S., Ameratunga, S., Robinson, E., & Merry, S. Does school connection affect the health and wellbeing of teachers? A national study of secondary school teachers in New Zealand. 32th Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Guatemala City, Guatemala. June 2009. Oral presentation. 21. Herd, R.. Te Hikoi Rangahau: A Research Journey with Wharekura. MANUAO (Māori Academic Network Universities of Aotearoa). May 14 2008. 22. Herd, R.,Crengle, S., Clark, T. Research Ethics with Wharekura (Māori Immersion Schools). International Childhood and Youth Research Network. (ICYRNet) Conference, Cyprus. May 27-28 2008. 23. Herd, R. Taiohi’07– Wharekura Survey. Te Tatau Pounamu: Traditional Knowledge Conference, University of Auckland, June 12 2008. 24. Herd, R, Clark, T. & Crengle, S. Te Hikoi Rangahau: Paving the road to research with Wharekura Communities. NZAAHD Involve 08 Relate conference, Wellington, July2-4 2008. 25. Herd, R.Taiohi’07 Tikanga Rangahau Whakatipuranga-New Generations. Poster session. INIKHD Conference, Rotorua.NZ. November 17 2007. 26. Denny, S. & Watson, P. The research-policy interaction: insights from New Zealand’s youth health and wellbeing surveys. 6th Australian and New Zealand Youth Health Conference. Christchurch. 25th September 2007. 27. Denny, S. Youth’07: Trying it out – what is positive youth development? Involve06, the national biennial conference of the New Zealand Association for Adolescent Health and Development. Lincoln November 2006.
5 Published Reports
2011 Utter J, Denny S, Grant S, Robinson E, Ameratunga S, Fleming T. Eating together at mealtimes: the role of family meals in the health and wellbeing of young people in New Zealand. The Families Commission, 2011. 2011 Parackal, S., Ameratunga, S., Tin Tin, S., Wong, S., & Denny, S. Youth’07: The health and wellbeing of secondary school students in New Zealand: Results for Chinese, Indian and other Asian students. Auckland: The University of Auckland. 2011 Ameratunga, S., Waayer, D., Robinson, E., Clark, T.C., Crengle, S., Denny, S., Sheridan, J. & Teevale, T. Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Young People and Alcohol. Auckland, New Zealand: The University of Auckland. 2010 Utter, J., & Denny, S. Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Differences for Young People in Neighbourhoods of High and Low Deprivation. Auckland: The University of Auckland. 2010 Denny, S., Galbreath, R.A., Grant, S. & Milfont, T.L. Youth’07: The health and wellbeing of secondary school students in New Zealand. Students who truant: What makes a difference? Auckland. The University of Auckland 2010 Fortune, S., Watson, P., Robinson, E., Fleming, T., Merry S., & Denny, S. Youth’07: The health and wellbeing of secondary schools students in New Zealand: Suicide behaviours and mental health in 2001 and 2007. Auckland. The University of Auckland. 2010 Clark, T.C., Smith, J.M., Raphael, D., Jackson, C., Fleming, T., Denny, S., Ameratunga, S., & Robinson, E. Youth’09: The health and wellbeing of young people in Alternative Education. A report on the needs of Alternative Education students in Auckland and Northland. Auckland: The University of Auckland. 2009 Langitoto Helu S., Robinson E, Grant S, Herd R, Denny S. Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Results for Pacific Young People. The University of Auckland. 2009 Denny S, Robinson E, Milfont T, Grant S. Youth’07: The School Climate and Environments of Secondary Schools in New Zealand. Auckland. The University of Auckland. 2009 Rossen F., Lucassen M, Denny S, & Robinson E. Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of secondary school students in New Zealand: Results for young people attracted to the same or both sexes. Auckland. The University of Auckland. 2009 Clark, T.C., Robinson, E., Crengle, S., Grant, S., Galbreath, R.A. & Sykora, J. Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Findings on Young People and Violence. Auckland: The University of Auckland. 2009 Helu, S.L., Robinson, E., Grant, S., Herd, R., & Denny, S. Youth’07 The health and wellbeing of secondary school students in New Zealand: Results for Pacific young people. Auckland: The University of Auckland. 2009 Denny, S., Robinson, E., Milfont, T., & Grant, S. (2009). Youth’07: The School Climate of Secondary Schools in New Zealand. Auckland. The University of Auckland. 2009 Rossen F., Lucassen, M., Denny, S., & Robinson E. Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of secondary school students in New Zealand: Results for young people attracted to the same or both sexes. Auckland. The University of Auckland. 2009 Adolescent Health Research Group. Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Initial Findings. Auckland: The University of Auckland. 2008 Adolescent Health Research Group. Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Technical Report. Auckland: The University of Auckland.
6 2008 Clark, T.C., Robinson, E., Crengle, S., Herd, R., Grant, S., & Denny, S. (2008). Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki.Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing Survey of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Results for Māori Young People. Auckland: The University of Auckland. 2007 Johnson, J., Denny, S. (2007).The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students attending Teen Parent Units in New Zealand. Auckland. The University of Auckland. Book Chapters
1. Grant, S., Milfont, T.L., Herd, R., & Denny, S. (2010). Health and wellbeing of a diverse student population: the Youth2000 surveys of New Zealand secondary school students and their implications for educators. In V.Green & S.Cherrington (Eds)., Delving into diversity: An international exploration of issues of diversity in education. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Unpublished Reports
1. Youth’07 The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand: Results for Chinese, Indian and Other Asian Young People. Lectures and Presentations
Plenary (keynote) addresses 2011 “Youth Today – who are we teaching?” Keynote. Health and Physical Education Focus Symposium 2011. 2nd December 2011. Albany, New Zealand. 2011 “Adolescent Development and Risk Taking” Keynote. The New Zealand Sexual Health Society 33rd Annual Conference. 27th October 2011. Auckland, New Zealand. 2011 “Brain development and risk taking” Keynote. Society of Youth Health Professionals Aotearoa New Zealand Annual Conference. 30th July 2011. Auckland, New Zealand. 2010 “Why Youth Health?” Denny, S. Keynote. Youthline Research Symposium. 16th November 2010. Auckland, NZ. 2010 “Young people in New Zealand: What can be done to improve their wellbeing?” Denny, S. Keynote. Whanganui Hospital. 3rd November 2010. Whanganui, NZ. 2010 “Feeling Connected: The Health and Wellbeing of Young People in NZ” Denny S. Keynote. Effective Principals Conference. 27th October 2010. Auckland, NZ. 2010 “The Health and Wellbeing of Pacific Young People in New Zealand” Denny, S., Shades of Pacific Youth (SPY) Fono. Auckland. 30th April 2010 “Who are our Youth and Why Schools?” Denny, S., Auckland District Health Board Youth Health Symposium. Auckland. 14th April. 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Young People in New Zealand”. New Zealand Paediatric Society Association 61st Annual Scientific Meeting. 25th November. Hamilton, NZ. 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Young People in New Zealand”. New Zealand Health Education Association Annual Meeting. 28th September. Tauranga, NZ. 2009 “Young and Unwell”. Denny, S. Symposium on Transition in Adolescent Health Care. 6th March. Auckland. 2009 “Youth07: Initial Findings”. Denny, S. NZ Secondary Principals Council Conference 2009. 30th April. Auckland. 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Young People in New Zealand”. Denny, S.. New Zealand Paediatric Society Association 61st Annual Scientific Meeting. 25th November. Hamilton, NZ. 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Young People in New Zealand”. Denny, S. New Zealand Health Education Association Annual Meeting. 28th September. Tauranga, NZ.
7 2007 Herd, R.Taiohi’07 Tikanga Rangahau Whakatipuranga-New Generations Invited Plenary speaker. INIKHD Conference, Rotorua.NZ. November 17 2007
Invited lectures (international) 2009 “Youth’07: School-based Health Surveys”. Denny, S. Invited Commentary. Beyond mortality: future perspectives in adolescent health. UCL Institute of Child Health & the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. 10th September. London, UK.
Invited lectures (national) 2011 “Brain development and risk taking” Invited presentation. The Paediatric Society of New Zealand 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting. 25th November 2011. Auckland, New Zealand. 2010 “Truanting – Why Youth Health needs to take responsibility” Invited Presentation. Society for Youth Health Professionals Aotearoa Annual Update. 20th November 2010. Auckland, NZ. 2010 “How to improve the Health of Young People, what can be done in General Practice”. Goodfellew Symposium. Pillars of Practice: Strengthening patient care through shared education. 27th March, Auckland, NZ. 2010 “The Effects of Schools on Student Health And Wellbeing”. Denny, S. New Zealand Qualifications Authority.. 6th April. Wellington 2010 “How to improve the health and wellbeing of Young People – what can be done in primary care?” Denny, S., Goodfellow Symposium 2010.. 27th March. Auckland 2009 “Youth07: Initial Findings”. Denny, S. Workshop session. Ministry of Education: Taumata Whanonga 2009: From Evidence to Action.17th March. Wellington.
Poster Presentations 2010 McDowell, H. Psychological Well-Being of Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancer in New Zealand: A Nationwide Study. 42nd Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology 23rd October. Boston, USA. 2007 Milfont, T. L., & Denny, S. Youth'07 school environment survey: Understanding the impact of school climate on the health and wellbeing of secondary school students and teachers*. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Psychological Society, Hamilton, New Zealand. August. 2007 Milfont, T. L., & Denny, S. Testing the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in New Zealand teachers*. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Psychological Society, Hamilton, New Zealand. August.
Local presentations
2011 “The National Youth Health Survey” Denny, S. Canterbury & West Coast Principals Association. 12th August 2011. 2011 “The National Youth Health Survey” Denny, S Wellington Principals Association. 2nd June 2011. 2010 “Schools and Adolescent Health: Findings from Youth07” Seminar Series: Denny, S Epidemiology and Biostatistics – The School of Population Health. 31st August 2010. Auckland 2010 “Policy and Youth Health” Denny, S. Invited presentation to Labour Party Forums on Health. 10th September 2010 Auckland, NZ. 2010 “Why Youth Health” Denny, S Ministry of Health. 23rd July. Wellington, NZ. 2010 “What to do about extremely obese young people?” Denny, S Starship Children’s Hospital Grand Round. 12th March 2010 Auckland, NZ.
8 2010 “Youth’07 Updated findings from the national youth health survey” Denny, S New Zealand Qualifications Authority. 6th April. Wellington 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand”. Denny, S New Zealand Qualifications Authority. 4th September. Wellington 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand”. Denny, S Wellington Secondary School Principal’s Association. 20th August. Lower Hutt 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand”. Denny, S Nelson and Marlborough Secondary School Principal’s Association. 8th June. Motueka 2009 “Youth’07 findings on Obesity”. Denny, S Centre for Youth Health. 14th May. Manukau 2009 “A Population Health Perspective on Youth Health”. Panel Discussion. Population Health Intensive for 5th Year Medical Students. Denny, S 11th May. Tamaki, Auckland. 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand”. Denny, S Ministry of Education: Student Support Services. 28th April. Auckland 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand”. Denny, S East Coast Secondary School Principal’s Association. 27th March Napier. 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand”. Denny, S South Auckland Secondary School Principal’s Association. 25th March Manukau. 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand”. Denny, S Canterbury Secondary School Principals Association. 20th March Christchurch. 2009 “Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand”. Denny, S NZAAHD Symposium Christchurch. 20th March Christchurch. 2009 “Youth’07: What are the implications for school nurses?” Denny, S 9th February. South Auckland School Nurses. Auckland 2008 Youth'07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand Denny, S 8th December, Ministry of Youth Development. 2008 A Population Health approach to Youth Health. Public Health Trainee’s. Denny, S. 21st October, Auckland. 2009 Youth’07: What are the implications for school nurses? Denny, S. South Auckland School Nurses. Auckland. 9th February. 2009 Youth’07: Mental Health Results. New Zealand Interagency Suicide Prevention Committee. (Video conference). Clark, T.C. & Watson P.D. MOH Penrose & Wellington. 12th February. 2009 Youth’07 Mental Health Results. Fleming, T. MYD Seminar in Rotorua for BOP/Waikato Youth sector workers. 25th February. 2009 Results from Youth’07. Symposium on Transition of young people with chronic illness. Denny, S. Workshop. Auckland 6th March,. 2009 Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Denny, S. Canterbury Secondary School Principals Association. 20th March Christchurch. 2009 Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Denny, S. NZAAHD Symposium Christchurch. 20th March Christchurch. 2009 Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Denny, S. South Auckland Secondary School Principal’s Association. 25th March Manukau. 2009 Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Denny, S. East Coast Secondary School Principal’s Association. 27th March Napier. 2009 Youth’07: What are the implications for school nurses? Grant, S. South Auckland School Nurses. Auckland. 20th April. 2009 Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Denny, S. Ministry of Education: Student Support Services. 28th April. Auckland 2009 A Population Health Perspective on Youth Health. Denny, S. Panel Discussion. Population Health Intensive for 5th Year Medical Students. 11th May. Tamaki, Auckland. 2009 Youth’07 findings on Obesity. Denny, S. Centre for Youth Health. 14th May. Manukau 2009 Findings from Youth’07. Youth Worker Trainees MIT. Grant, S. 3rd June.
9 2009 Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand.. Denny, S. Nelson and Marlborough Secondary School Principal’s Association. 8th June. Motueka 2009 Youth’07: What are the implications for school nurses? Grant, S. South Auckland School Nurses. Auckland. 29th June. 2009 Food and nutrition among New Zealand young people. Utter, J. Workshop presentation. Improving Health and Wellbeing for Young People. Youth Health Event, SYHPANZ & The School of Population Health. 6-7 July. 2009 Youth'07 What does the Research Mean? Youth Health Event, SYHPANZ & The School of Population Health. 6-7 July. 2009 Youth’07 – Highlights from the Research. Denny, S. Youth Health Event, SYHPANZ & The School of Population Health. 6-7 July. 2009 How do we improve the climate of secondary schools in New Zealand? Denny, S. Youth Health Event, Workshop. SYHPANZ & The School of Population Health. 6-7 July. 2009 Youth’07 Results. Communuity Group Presentation hosted by Citizens' Advice Bureau. Denny, S. Hamilton, 23 July. 2009 Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand . Denny, S. Wellington Secondary School Principals’ Association. Lower Hutt 20th August 2009 Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Denny, S. New Zealand Qualifications Authority. 4th September. Wellington 2009 Findings from Youth’07. Northland Regional Principals Group. Grant, S. 10th September. 2009 Youth’07 – Findings on young people and violence. Clark, T.C. Manaia Health PHO - Continuing Education (GPs & Practice Nurses and others), 16th September. 2009 Findings from Youth’07: Young people attracted to the same sex or both sexes. Lucassen, M. Youth Health Forum with Rainbow Youth & NZ Aids Foundation. 20th October. 2009 Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki. Youth’07, results for Maori young people.. Te ORA Conference & Hui a Tau. Crengle, S. Sept. 2009 Youth’07 – Survey Results. Watson, P.D. WASPA (West Auckland Secondary Principals). 17th November. 2009. Youth'07 - Results on Young People Attracted to the Same Sex or Both Sexes. Lucassen, M. Q-Topia, Christchurch. 25th November 2009 Youth’07 – Survey Results. Watson, P.D. Bay of Plenty Deputy & Assistant Principals. Tauranga. 27th November. 2009 Socioeconomic Factors and the Health and Wellbeing of young people in New Zealand. T. Clark. 24 Nov. 2009 Mental health issues in schools - an evidence based approach. MOH School Nurses Best Practice WorksTerry (Theresa) Fleming. 8th Dec 2010 Training for School Health Programme. Terry Flemng & Karlynn Earp. School Health Programme, Hawkes Bay DHB. Napier. Jan. . 2010 Youth'07 - Results on Young People Attracted to the Same Sex or Both Sexes. Lucassen, M. Diversity Conference, Sydney. April. 2010 The Health of Young Maori. T. Clark. ADHB Symposium on Young People. 14th April. 2010 Who are our youth and why schools. S. Denny. ADHB Symposium on Young People. 14th April. 2010 Reaching young people who are outside of mainstream schools and don’t want to talk to mental health providers, Terry Fleming, Sally Merry and Robyn Dixon, Psychiatry Conference, May 3 . 2010 What is normal these days? Mental Health among Aotearoa/New Zealand secondary school students Findings from New Zealand's Adolescent Health 2001and 2007 Surveys. Terry Fleming, CAMS Sector Day, ChCh. March. 2010 Information re health care access to Youth Health Planning group of the WDHB Health Gain Team. Terry Fleming June . 2010 Youth’09 Young people in alternative education: Directions for a healthier, happier future. Terryann Clark to AE Conference, Wellington, Sept. 2010
10 2010 Maori health and access to sexual health services; Results from the national secondary school and wharekura health surveys. Terryann Clark, Family Planning Conference Wellington, October 2010. 2010 Asian Youth: New findings from the Youth 07 study. 2010 Asian Forum (Asian physical activity: What we know where we are heading. Jennifer Utter. 27th October, 2010.
Other Meetings
2009 Denny S and Clark T. Meeting with Minister of Social Development. Hon. Paula Bennett. Auckland. 17th April. Media 2011 Utter J. Campbell Live, TV3, “More than nutritional benefits” 1 December 2011 2011 Utter J. The Dominion Post, “Eating as family aids teen health” 10 November 2011 (front page) 2011 Utter J. The New Zealand Herald, “Teens who eat with parents less likely to be depressed” 10 November 2011 2011 The New Zealand Herald, “Eating alone is turning kids fat” 8 May 2011 2010 Denny S. Young people mismatched to their environment: response to Gluckman. Morning Report, National Radio NZ. 18th May. 2010 Grant.S. The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students: Results from the Youth’07 Survey. Children. Winter 2010, 73. 2010 Denny, S. Knives Out. NZ Listener. 20th February. 2010 2009 Denny S. Health Research Council. Health and Wellbeing study of youth has identified positive change. Performance Highlights 2008/2009. Health Research Council of New Zealand. 2009 Denny S. Results from Youth07: Young people attracted to the same or both sexes. Interview with Triple j - Australian Broadcasting Association. 20th October 2009 Denny S. Results from Youth07: Young people attracted to the same or both sexes. Interview on Checkpoint with Mary Wilson. National Radio New Zealand. 20th October 2009 Denny S. Results from Youth07: Young people attracted to the same or both sexes. Interview on TV3 News. 20th October 2009 Denny S. Results from Youth07: Young people attracted to the same or both sexes. Interview on Sunrise TV3. 21th October 2009 Denny S. Results from Youth07: Young people attracted to the same or both sexes. Interview with 88.1 FM Static Radio – AUT University. 21th October 2009 Denny S. Results from Youth07: Young people attracted to the same or both sexes. Interview with Access Radio. 21th October 2009 Denny S. Teens want more time with parents –study. NZ Herald May 23rd 2009 2009 Denny S. Youth Development – Panel Discussion. National Radio - Afternoons with Jim Mora. 14th July. 2009 Denny S. Sexual Health Education – Panel Discussion. Nine to Noon. National Radio.16th June. 2008 Denny S. Teenagers happier and healthier today, survey finds. New Zealand Herald. 9th December 2008. 2008 Clark, TC. Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki, Youth’07: Results for Young Māori. “ Maori youngsters health improves” New Zealand Herald Online. Downloaded on 09 December 2008 from c_id=204&objectid=10547191 2008 Clark T. Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki, Youth’07: Results for Young Māori. “Māori youth health and wellbeing improves’, Scoop Independent News. Monday, 8 December. Retrieved from on 9th Dec 2008. 2008. Clark, TC. Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki, Youth’07 Results for young Māori. Live interview with Pacific Island Radio. 10 December 2008.
11 2008 Herd, RA. Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki, Youth’07 :Results for Young Māori. Radio Waatea Earlybird show Monday 08 December 2008. 2008 Herd, RA. Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki, Youth’07 :Results for Young Māori. Te Karere TV One Maori news, Mana Epiha Monday 08 December 2008. 2008 Herd, RA. Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki, Youth’07:Results for Young Māori. Radio Waatea, The Dale Husband Breakfast Show, Tuesday 09 December 2008. 2008 Clark T. Māori youth health and wellbeing improves, Scoop Independent News. Monday, 8 December. Retrieved from on 9th Dec 2008 2008 Clark T. Maori youngsters' health improves. New Zealand Herald. 9th December 2008. Retrieved from c_id=1&objectid=10547191 on 9th December 2008. 2008 Denny S. Youth’07 release of findings. Radio Live. Monday 8th December. 2008 Denny S. Youth’07 release of findings. News Talk OneZB. Monday 8th December. 2008 Denny S. Youth’07 release of findings. Radio Rhema. Tuesday 9th December. 2008 Denny S. Access to services key for young people, Scoop Independent News. Monday, 8 December. 2008 Denny S. ASH welcome drop in youth smoking. Scoop Independent News. Monday, 8 December. 2008 Denny S. Teenagers' Health and Wellbeing Improving. Voxy News. Monday, 8 December. 2008 Denny S. Teens 'happier and healthier' - survey. Otago Daily Times. Monday, 8 December. 2007 TV3 News Interview. Youth07 National Youth Health Survey. 2007 TV One breakfast Interview. Youth07 National Youth Health Survey. 2007 Dominion Post. Kiwi teens lap up high-tech health study. 2007 Denny S. Youth07 National Youth Health Survey. TV3 news 2007 Denny S. Youth07 National Youth Health Survey. TV One breakfast 2007 Denny S. Kiwi teens lap up high-tech health study. Dominion Post. 2006 MYD. Generation Y profiled in national health survey. Ministry of Youth Development News. 22 May 2006. 2006 Grant S. National Survey on student health starts in 2007.Education Gazette 85(12). July 2006. 2006 Denny S. Study to focus on teen health issues. The Press 22 June 2006. 2006 Denny S. Youth07 – A National Health and Wellbeing Survey of New Zealand Secondary School Students. Governance Matters Broadsheet 12. August 2006
12 Research Projects Underway
1. Associations between socioeconomic indicators and eating and activity behaviours 2. Prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity among New Zealand adolescents 3. The Convergence Generation: Young People's Experience and Management of Challenge in Cyberspace 4. Trusted adults and peers as protective factors against risky sexual behavior among New Zealand secondary students 5. Access to health services by Maori secondary school students 6. Accessing healthcare and self-reported pregnancy among secondary school students in New Zealand 7. Prevalence of ethnicity-related discrimination by health professionals, the police and by peers among secondary school students 8. Sedentary behaviours among New Zealand adolescents: are they an increased risk for poor health 9. Is sexual orientation related to depression, self-harm, suicidality and patterns of help- seeking in New Zealand youth 10. Psychometric properties of the self-reported version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in secondary school students in New Zealand 11. Further validation of the short form of the Reynolds adolescent depression scale in New Zealand adolescents 12. Determine the prevalence of spirituality among Samoan youth attending secondary schools in New Zealand 13. Depression and polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents 14. Department of Labour 15. Resilience and Maori youth: What is protective for negative mental health outcomes? 16. Accessibility of food retailers around schools and associated student eating behaviours 17. Adolescent Cancer Survivor Impact Study (ACSIS) Paediatric Haematology/Oncology Late Effects Assessment Programme (LEAP) study of the quality of life and well- being of survivors of childhood cancer in New Zealand. 18. The effects of Schools on Student Health Outcomes 19. Immigrant paradox among New Zealand youth 20. Adolescent Well Being and extracurricular activities 21. Family connection as a moderating variable for suicide attempts amongst indigenous youth in New Zealand high schools with depressive symptoms 22. NZDep and associations with various health outcomes for youth 23. Family support and weight control strategies among adolescents who have achieved long-term weight loss Research Collaborations
Local collaborations
1. Adolescent Cancer Survivor Impact Study (ACSIS) Paediatric Haematology/Oncology Late Effects Assessment Programme (LEAP) study of the quality of life and well- being of survivors of childhood cancer in New Zealand. Kathy Yallop, Heather McDowell, Simon Denny, Peter Reed
National collaborations
1. Joint conference with the Youth Connectedness Project. Jan Pryor, Jo Kleeb and Carla Crespo. Roy McKenzie Centre for the Study of Families. Victoria University of Wellington.
13 International collaboration
Policy Outcomes
Policies that have been developed, implemented or changed as a result of this research
Local policy
National policy
14 Training Outputs
Doctoral Theses
Masters Theses/Dissertations 2011 Lee-ann O’Brian “The impact of spirituality and religion on the risk behaviours of young people in Aotearoa, New Zealand” Jennifer Johnson, “The Association between School Climate and Student Wellbeing among Secondary School Students in New Zealand” Amy Rosso, “Examining the differential effects of family factors on suicidal behaviour among secondary students in New Zealand with variable behavioural and emotional symptoms” Kaveh Aminzadeh “The Association between Neighbourhood Social Capital and Adolescent Wellbeing: A Multilevel Analysis” 2010 Jenny Mungherera “Alcohol Accessibility and Use among New Zealand Youth” 2009 Lindsay Olson, Rachel Copland