International Study Timeline

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International Study Timeline

Milestones for WTEC International Studies

 Preliminary Phase  Study Tour Planning Phase  Study Tour Phase  Working Reports Phase  Final Report Phase

Context of Milestones

 These are WTEC’s milestones for general international assessments, but …

… for Nano2, baseline workshop and most of international visits will be replaced by scientific Progress and Opportunity (P&O) meetings

Milestones for WTEC International Studies Preliminary Phase

 Fund raising – solicit resources necessary for the study, WTEC contacts program officers in the field of study to invite them to project meetings  Sponsors’ meeting – potential sponsors discuss scope and Statement of Work (SOW) for project, determine if there is enough funding available to begin a study, and nominate panelists and panel chair  Chair’s meeting – study chair presents benefits of study to potential sponsors, including draft scope of project, names of panelists and of other potential sponsors (sometimes addressed at Sponsors’ meeting)  Kickoff meeting - introduce study panelists, update draft scope, assign technical topics to panelists, provide preliminary bibliometric study, decide if U.S. baseline workshop is necessary (if so, schedule workshop and speakers), choose U.S. research to be presented to foreign hosts, schedule foreign study tour and workshop dates, and define process for preparing a list of questions for foreign hosts; WTEC engages advance contractor(s), creates public and private websites for information exchange, and schedules monthly conference calls with panelists; study chair defines structure of final report; WTEC project manager assumes responsibilities, including serving as a general point of contact (POC) Milestones for WTEC International Studies Study Tour Planning Phase

 Baseline workshop – study panelists (and approximately ten selected U.S. researchers) present the state of the art in the U.S. or North America; draft report of proceedings is delivered at the workshop and is updated to serve as a quid pro quo for foreign hosts; WTEC reimburses speakers for travel and lodging  Advance work - bibliometric study identifies sites with significant number of publications to supplement expert panel knowledge; panelists and sponsors introduce advance contractor to as many hosts as possible; advance contractor sends panelist bios and lists of questions to foreign hosts, schedules itinerary, and arranges travel and lodging (one or more conference calls provide coordination); advance contractor provides detailed itinerary one-week before departure; panelists make their own travel reservations from their home across the Atlantic or Pacific, but advance contractor makes arrangements in foreign locations  Literature survey - in parallel with advance work, panelists survey recent literature, especially papers and websites of the sites to be visited; WTEC and advance contractor help provide information; to attract audience for final workshop, WTEC publicizes workshop via online calendars and sends postcards to members of targeted professional society lists Milestones for WTEC International Studies Study Tour Phase

 Study tour week – panelists fly to a common arrival location (e.g., Frankfurt or Tokyo) on Friday/Saturday; on Sunday, panelists meet with advance contractor to receive final itineraries; panelists usually divide into two groups; each group selects a head of delegation and a scribe for each site to be visited; head of delegation presents to foreign hosts the purpose of study, U.S. baseline information, and brief bios of panelists; each site’s scribe records minutes of meeting, collects handout materials provided by hosts, and copies host’s electronic presentations on a memory stick; each group will be issued an international cell phone and a digital recorder; most delegations meet for breakfast daily to compare notes; the schedule is intense (panelists will be stressed but they will learn a lot)  Closing meeting – after a week on tour, the panel reassembles on Friday evening at the departure airport hotel; a closing meeting is scheduled on Saturday morning: 1. Scribes present a 5-minute review of main points of interest at each site (takes 1-2 hours) 2. Panelists list the most interesting preliminary findings of the week 3. A schedule is determined for delivery of site reports to other panelists via project manager 4. Any changes to the workshop or report assignments are considered Panelists may depart for home on Saturday afternoon or Sunday Milestones for WTEC International Studies Working Reports Phase

 Site reports drafted and distributed – two weeks after the end of the study tour; these reports serve as data for panelists to write about sites that they did not visit; a bonus is paid to scribes for timely delivery; WTEC final reports have standard site report formats that include: site visited, date of visit, names of U.S. visitors, names of host participants, background, funding sources and commercialization, R&D activities, and summary and conclusions; WTEC edits and sends site reports to individual hosts for review; as an interim product, WTEC usually prints a bound booklet of draft site reports for sponsors  Final workshop - approximately two months after the last site visits, a two-day meeting is held at NSF; panelists meet at 10AM on the first day to prepare presentations and brief sponsors; WTEC prints workshop proceedings overnight for delivery at workshop and posts proceedings on public Web site; one-day public workshop takes place the next day from 8AM – 4PM at NSF; WTEC Director of Publications assumes project responsibilities as POC for editing of final report

Milestones for WTEC International Studies Final Report Phase

 Each panelist drafts a chapter- technical chapters are due one month after the final workshop; study chair writes an executive summary and introductory chapter on the study process; each panelist writes an analytical chapter on a subtopic of the field (the page quota is 10 pages, including figures and references); previous WTEC reports serve as style guides; figures should have source citations, usually from host presentations captured on memory sticks; panelists receive a bonus for timely delivery of chapters  Draft analytical report completed – site reports are included in an appendix; WTEC edits and sends draft reports to sponsors and hosts, sometimes to peer reviewers; study chair receives a bonus if the overall manuscript is compiled in a timely manner; WTEC posts the draft report on the private website for review and prints a paper draft for sponsors  Final report – WTEC edits to academic specifications, prints 100 paper copies, and posts report in PDF format on public Web site; if resources are available, WTEC will seek publication of final report by a commercial publisher WTEC Project Management

Ben Benokraitis, Project Manager, [email protected], 410-467-9832, fax 410-467-9848. Ben should be copied on all emails and should be able to give a status check on the project at any time.

Patricia Foland, Assistant Project Manager, [email protected], 410-467- 9832, fax 410-467-9848.

Faith Wang, Panelist Contracts, [email protected], 717-299-7130, fax 717- 299-7131.

Travel Arrangements

From/To US

Kristin Friant, Frosch Travel: [email protected], 410-433-9300 Panelists may make their own domestic travel arrangements with (or the like) and WTEC will reimburse them. If they use Frosch, airline tickets are charged directly to WTEC. Travel in Europe

Dr. Grant Lewison, Advance Contractor: [email protected], 44-20-8878- 5646. Grant usually performs bibliometric studies to provide metrics on which countries are ahead in the field; Grant helps identify the best people and places to visit abroad. Travel in Asia

Ms. Remi Kumagai, Advance Contractor: [email protected], +81-42-446- 5080. Travel Reimbursement Reimbursement Form

For timely reimbursement, please download form and submit the completed form via mail, fax, or email to:

 WTEC Attn: Christopher McGee, [email protected] 1653 Lititz Pike #417 Lancaster, PA 17601 717-299-7131 (fax) Travel Reimbursement Policies


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