Required: o In groups of 3 research the CSR initiatives of a company and present your findings to the class Friday February 11, Monday February 14 and Tuesday February 15. o No two groups may choose the same company. Selections are made on a first come, first served basis. o Be sure to select a company that has sufficient information available. o You will be given 2 lab periods in which to complete your research and PowerPoint Presentation, you will also have Thursday Feb 10th to continue your work outside of class (on your own).

Marking Scheme:  You will be evaluated according to the attached Rubric  **Be sure to indicate on each slide which students contributed the information**  You will also be required to complete a peer evaluation sheet – you will provide feedback to presenting groups and will be marked

Presentation Contents:

*Information about CSR initiatives can be found in the “Corporate Citizen”, “Corporate Governance”, “Social Responsibility”, “About Us”, “Mission Statements & Corporate Values”, sections of the company website

SLIDE 1: History of the company: -how and when did it start, (max 2 slides) -who was involved, -what goods or services did they start out providing -major events/changes leading to current day *indicate who contributed this research/information SLIDE 2: Mission Statement & Corporate Values: - Mission Statement: a short description of a company’s fundamental Ms Cameron BOH4M Unit 1 purpose -List the mission statement and describe how this statement is linked to the goods or services provided by the company -List the corporate values and reflect on the extent to which CSR is addressed in these stated values *indicate who contributed this research/information SLIDES 3 & 4: Social Responsibility Initiatives: -describe any programs/initiatives that benefit the local community or greater society -must describe 2+ programs *indicate who contributed this research/information FORMAT FOR ALL CSR INITIATIVES:

Name of Program: E.g. Tim Horton’s Timbits Minor Sports Program Details of Program: what it is, who it Scope: local community, benefits national, international SLIDES 5 & 6: Environmental Initiatives: -describe any programs/initiatives of the company to reduce waste, use renewable resources, preserve the environment, reduce emissions, etc. -must describe 2+ programs *indicate who contributed this research/information FORMAT FOR ALL CSR INITIATIVES:

Name of Program: E.g. Tim Horton’s Waste Diversion Details of Program: what it is, who it Scope: local community, benefits national, international

SLIDE 7: Transparency: you must examine and reflect on the transparency of your chosen business- i.e. do they make a lot of information about business operations available on the website? -indicate all reports/documents available (financial & business operations) e.g. Annual Reports from 2000-2009 -Look for social audits, shareholder reports, environmental audits, etc. (remember: audits are an examination of the operations by an impartial/unbiased third party) - This information is most often found in “Investor Relations” or “Shareholder Information” (max 2 slides) - be sure to reflect on the overall transparency of the company *indicate who contributed this research/information SLIDE 8: Employee Benefits, Wellness and Support Programs: part of practicing CSR is ensuring that you are meeting the needs of all stakeholders, including employees. -List any benefit programs provided by the company Ms Cameron BOH4M Unit 1 -Describe any wellness (e.g. gym/pool onsite, health club memberships, ergonomic work spaces, etc) programs -Describe any other employee support programs (e.g. paid volunteer days) -This information is usually found in the “Careers” section *indicate who contributed this research/information SLIDE 9: Articles: -find 1-2 articles about your company and its CSR practices -these articles should not be written by the company itself (i.e. no company-issued press releases -summarize the contents of the articles *indicate who contributed this research/information SLIDE 10: Conclusion: -based on all your research and the information presented in your slides, -reflect on your company’s CSR practices *indicate who contributed this research/information

**Be prepared to answer questions! Ms Cameron BOH4M Unit 1

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 The information The information The information The information presented represents presented represents presented represents presented is Content in-depth research and in-depth research and sufficient research, but insufficient numerous A fully and accurately the majority of not all questions are questions are not answers all questions. questions are answered answered. addressed. /20 fully.

Content Careful analysis has Appropriate links have Presentation makes few Presentation does not been made and been made (to course links to course material analyze the TI appropriate material). and draws few information- only /5 conclusions and links conclusions. presents it. are drawn. Presentation is Presentation is Presentation fails to Presentation is not Delivery of engaging and interesting but does not captivate Presentation captivating. Presentation interesting. always engage the is not professional, Information is Presentation is audience. Presentation group seems presented in either a C professional. There is is professional. unprepared. monotone or /10 evidence of unprofessional way. preparation.

Slides Appropriate amount of Occasionally too much Too much text per slide Too much text per text per slide; Visually text per slide; and/or difficult to slide and/or very C interesting; easy to somewhat difficult to follow; little visual difficult to follow; /10 follow; graphics, colour follow; Visually interest; graphics, little/NO visual and animation are interesting; graphics, colour and animation interest; graphics, used in a way that colour and animation are not present or colour and animation compliments the oral are used in a way that detract from are not present or presentation. compliments the oral presentation. detract from presentation. presentation. Peer Completes with Completes with Completes with little Completes less than thoughtful detail all sufficient detail all peer detail all peer review or 4 peer reviews. Evals peer review forms. review forms. completes only 4-7 TI peer reviews. /10 Professionalism Group members are Group is prepared to Group is not prepared Group is not prepared prepared to present on present on their to present on their to present on their /5C their assigned day, assigned day, not assigned day, not assigned day, not rehearsed, assignment entirely rehearsed, entirely rehearsed, rehearsed, use has been completed assignment is complete. assignment is mostly unprofessional within the required complete. language, etc. time frame.