District 4-C5 Convention
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District 4-C5 Convention Marriott, San Ramon, CA – May 8-10, 2015 EE M M B B R R A A C C E E T T H H E E T T R R E E A A S S U U R R E E S S OO F F T T H H E E P P A A C C I I F F I I C C R R I I M M 1. All persons MUST pay registration fee and wear the official ID badge for all convention functions. a. Early Bird Registration before December 31, 2014 - Free with minimum deposit of $200.00 b. Regular Registration from January 1 – February 28, 2015 - $35 per person c. Late Registration from March 1 – May 5, 2015 - $50 per person d. LEOs are not required to pay registration fee.
2. Meals purchased after April 1, 2015 are subject to availability. If you purchase meals after April 1, 2015, you will not be guaranteed the same meal served to those purchasing tickets prior to April 1, 2015.
3. Applications will be processed in the order received.
4. Housing assignments will be made as close as possible to your requests.
5. Applications will not be processed unless accompanied by: a. Complete registration forms and payment in full or payment plan in progress. b. All incomplete registration forms will be returned.
6. For applications received after April 1, 2015 placement will not be guaranteed in the Marriott Hotel. While this is unlikely, alternative accommodations in close proximity will be used if the Marriott Hotel is full.
7. Refunds will not be processed until AFTER May 31, 2015. Cancellations received by April 1, 2015 will receive a full refund. Cancellations received after April 1, 2015 will forfeit the registration fee and any costs incurred by the district.
8. Guaranteed check-in time is 3:00 PM. Earlier check in will be based on room availability. Check out time is 12:00 PM. At check in, Marriott Hotel will request a credit card for imprinting to cover services that may be charged to your room, i.e.: telephone calls, room service, movies, etc. This is not to cover the prepaid costs of the rooms or meals. Room coupons will not be honored.
9. Convention Activities will include, but are not limited to the following. This schedule is subject to change without notice. a. Thursday, May 7 th i. A Golf Tournament will be held on Thursday, May 7, 2015. For information on the Golf Tournament contact PDG Andy Anderson @ (916) 687-8133. ii. Early Bird activities are being planned for Thursday evening, May 7, 2015. Look for more information on what is being planned in your registration confirmation packet b. Friday, May 8 th i. The Food Faire is scheduled from 12:00 PM (noon) to 2:00 PM. ii. Club Officer Training – Training for incoming club officers (President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc.) This was previously held on Saturday afternoon. iii. Opening Session and Costume Party: 1. Group entries may use their own music for their presentation. Group entries are limited to 3 minutes or less. 2. Couples and Singles will be judged parade fashion with music provided by the Convention DJ. 3. Entrants will be allowed to compete in only one of the Couples/Singles categories. 4. Recognition will be given for the most authentic and unique NON COMMERCIAL costumes. c. Saturday, May 9 th i. Parade of Presidents – This kicks off Breakfast Saturday Morning. ii. Area 1 Student Speaker Contest. – This is a new addition to our convention activities. iii. District Cabinet Meeting d. Sunday, May 10 th i. Delegate Voting 2015 Convention Registration – Final District 4-C5 Convention Marriott, San Ramon, CA – May 8-10, 2015 ii. Convention Wrap-up.
EE M M B B R R A A C C E E T T H H E E T T R R E E A A S S U U R R E E S S OO F F T T H H E E P P A A C C I I F F I I C C R R I I M M CONVENTION PACKAGES Convention Packages include room night(s) & meals. Meal Package for Package Lodging Single Double Meals Included Additional Persons Number Nights Occupancy Occupancy in Room Fri. D #1 Fri & Sat Sat. B, L, D $375.00 $540.00 $165 each Sun. B Thursday, Fri. D #2 Friday & Sat. B, L, D $480.00 $645.00 $165 each Saturday Sun. B Fri. D Wed, Thurs, #3 Sat. B, L, D $585.00 $750.00 $165 each Fri & Sat Sun. B Wed, Thurs, Fri. D #4 Fri, Sat, & Sat. B, L, D $690.00 $855.00 $165 each Sunday Sun B
Sat. L & D #5 Saturday $205.00 $305.00 $100 each Sun. B
#6 Meals Only Without room at Marriott $200 each
Children’s Meals With room at Without room #7 $85 #8 $100 each (under 12) Marriott at Marriott
B = Breakfast L= Lunch D=Dinner REMINDERS Guaranteed Check-in time is 3:00 PM Hotel will only allow up to four people per room. Additional charges for roll away beds will apply. All must register & pay registration fee. Late fees apply after March 1, 2015. LEOs (no charge) All must wear official ID to attend ALL convention functions. Cancellations received by April 1, 2015 will receive a full refund. Cancellations received after April 1, 2015 will forfeit the registration fee & any costs incurred by District. If you have food allergies or other special dietary needs, please indicate necessary alternatives. Accommodations will be made to the best of our ability. If you have question regarding your convention registration, please, contact: Lion Jeri Retzlaff – Convention Housing Chairman (916) 206-3678 Email: [email protected]
2015 Convention Registration – Final District 4-C5 Convention Marriott, San Ramon, CA – May 8-10, 2015 Dates to Remember Early Bird Registration – August 1 – December 31, 2014 – Free with deposit of $200 Registration – January 1 – February 28 , 2015 - $35 Late Registration – March 1 – May 5, 2015 - $50
E M B R A C E T H E T R E A S U R E S O F T H E P A C I F I C R I M Official Convention Registration & Hotel Reservation Form PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION REGISTRATION: Print NAME preferred on the Convention Badge (Title below will be printed under the name on each badge) . d
Check : ___ Lion ___Lioness __LEO First Timer? Y or N Club: e d e
Last Name: Phone: h: ( ) w: ( ) e n
First Name: Cell: ( ) Fax: ( ) i
Address: Email: m r o f
City: State Zip: f o
Print TITLE preferred on the Convention Badge: k c Special Dietary Needs Circle One Please Diabetic Vegetarian Vegan No Beef Other ______a b
n o
Also, please register - Print NAME preferred on the Convention Badge (Title below will be printed under the name on each badge) d e
Check : ___ Lion ___Lioness __LEO First Timer? Y or N Club: t s i l Last Name: Phone: h: ( ) w: ( ) e b First Name: Cell: ( ) Fax: ( ) y a
Address: Email: m
City: State Ziip: o s r
Print TITLE preferred on the Convention Badge: e P
h Special Dietary Needs Circle One Please Diabetic Vegetarian Vegan No Beef Other ______t 4 Also, please register - Print NAME preferred on the Convention Badge (Title below will be printed under the name on each badge) Check : ___ Lion ___Lioness __LEO First Timer? Y or N Club: Last Name: Phone: h: ( ) w: ( ) First Name: Cell: ( ) Fax: ( ) Address: Email: City: State Ziip: Print TITLE preferred on the Convention Badge: Special Dietary Needs Circle One Please Diabetic Vegetarian Vegan No Beef Other ______Also, please register - Print NAME preferred on the Convention Badge (Title below will be printed under the name on each badge) Check : ___ Lion ___Lioness __LEO First Timer? Y or N Club: Last Name: Phone: h: ( ) w: ( ) First Name: Cell: ( ) Fax: ( ) Address: Email: City: State Ziip: Print TITLE preferred on the Convention Badge: Special Dietary Needs Circle One Please Diabetic Vegetarian Vegan No Beef Other ______HOTEL ROOM REQUEST: Based on Hotel Availability For District 4C5 Use Only Number of People in Hotel Room: (check one) 1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ Date Received: Bed Preference: ___ 1 King ___ 2 Double ___ No Preference ___ Rollaway (extra charge) Check: # 2015 Convention Registration – Final District 4-C5 Convention Marriott, San Ramon, CA – May 8-10, 2015 Disability Room Needs: Amount Received:$ Special Requests______Other:
E M B R A C E T H E T R E A S U R E S O F T H E P A C I F I C R I M Official Convention Registration & Hotel Reservation Form (continued)
Last Name: First Name:
REGISTRATION Cost: Quantity: Total: EARLY BIRD Reg. Fee * Before December 31, 2014 Free $ January 1 – February 28, Regular Registration Fee $35 per person $ 2015 Late Registration March 1 – May 5, 2015 $50 per person $ $20 per person Food Fair, Officer Training Friday Only ** Registration 9/1/14-2/28/15 $ & Costume Parade ONLY $50 after 2/28/15 Leo Registration NO Charge $ 0 $ CONVENTION PACKAGE Cost: Quantity: Total: Single Occupancy PKG # $ $ (includes 1 meal pkg) Double Occupancy PKG # $ $ (includes 2 meal pkgs) Extra Meals Pkg w/room ADULT $ 165.00 $ Extra Meals Pkg w/room CHILD (UNDER AGE 12) $ 85.00 $ MEALS ONLY Cost: Quantity: Total: Individual Meals Friday Dinner ADULT $50.00 $ Friday Dinner CHILD – UNDER AGE 12 $25.00 $ Saturday Breakfast ADULT $30.00 $ Saturday Breakfast CHILD – UNDER AGE 12 $15.00 $ Saturday Lunch ADULT $35.00 $ Saturday Lunch CHILD – UNDER AGE 12 $18.00 $ Saturday Dinner ADULT $55.00 $ Saturday Dinner CHILD – UNDER AGE 12 $28.00 $ Sunday Breakfast Buffet ADULT $30.00 $ Sunday Breakfast Buffet CHILD – UNDER AGE 12 $15.00 $ Check here if using payment plan TOTAL COST: $
* To be eligible for the EARLY BIRD Registration Discount you must pay the amount due in full, or participate in the payment plan with a payment of at least $200.00 by December 31, 2014.
Make all checks payable to District 4-C5. If you have any questions please contact Jeri @ (916) 206-3678 or email at [email protected]
2015 Convention Registration – Final District 4-C5 Convention Marriott, San Ramon, CA – May 8-10, 2015 Mail Completed Forms to: Lion Jeri Retzlaff – Convention Housing Chairman 6921 Mitchlen Ct Sloughhouse, CA 95683
2015 Convention Registration – Final