Excerpts from Remarks by Reacta President Jeanne Akins at the Cambria General Membership
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Page 1 R E A C T O R Retired EmployeesDecember Association 2009 REACTOR of RR E E A A C C T T O O R R the California Teachers Association December 2009
commentary on the efforts of CTA staff unions and PRESIDENTS MESSAGE management to address the issues of those retired staff who have contributed so very much to the EXCERPTS FROM REMARKS BY REACTA PRESIDENT JEANNE success and prominence that CTA has enjoyed AKINS AT THE CAMBRIA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING throughout the years.
For those who may not know me, I am Jeanne Akins, Believing that it was time for concerted action to your new President. I spent 36 years at CTA. The first address this malignant attitude of management and the fifteen were at the GR Office in Sacramento and I unions, when the office of REACTA President became completed the balance of my tenure at the Region 2 vacant, I decided that it was time for me to engage the Headquarters in Sacramento. Welcome to the battle more rigorously, and I threw my hat into the ring. beautiful central coast of California. I trust that you Now it was others who were thinking I was the mentally have all dried out from the storm and are settled in; deficient one! and, are renewing old friendships and making new ones. The rest is history. My extraordinary qualifications obviously dissuaded anyone else from challenging my Nine months ago if anyone had even suggested that I candidacy and so here I am -- the first female would be standing before you today, I would have president. deemed them mentally deficient. I was comfortably participating in the Organizing Committee and believed I believe in REACTA. I believe in those that comprise that REACTA was on a path of advocacy for our the membership of REACTA. I believe that together membership. We were finally beginning to evolve from we can accomplish whatever it is that we set out to do. a somewhat ‘social group’ to an ‘action group’, as our We have all the talent that is necessary to affect organizational purposes dictated. change. After all, that is what we were trained to do as CTA staff. We are the ones who made CTA, and we From time to time it may be worthwhile to review why can become the ones that make CTA again believe in REACTA came into being and what purposes were the value of addressing the financial concerns of enunciated at that time. If we examine our governance retirees. documents, it is clear that the social aspect is important but is subordinate to other matters. The I am encouraging each and every one of you to reach original and continuing purposes of REACTA are: out to at least 2 or 3 members who you know and who were unable to be here with us today, and urge their 1. To support, protect, and enhance the participation in our quest to attain a purchasing power California Teachers Association Employees’ adjustment initially and then when that becomes Retirement Benefits plan and the CTA satisfactory, an annual cost of living adjustment. As Employees’ Health and Welfare Benefits plan. staff we were trained to mobilize teachers to act in their 2. To communicate with members on matters of own interests -- and now let us put that training to work interest. and enlist fellow retirees to act in their own interest. 3. To perform tasks, functions, and activities as determined by the membership. We will be visiting service center council meetings this 4. To provide social contact between members. fall and intend to make the attendees aware of the shabby treatment that staff retirees have been These are the four purposes set forth in our receiving. Later in the year we will be doing similar governance documents and I would like to think of things at state council meetings. We will need the help them as hierarchal. of numerous volunteers to carry out this activity. And you are the vanguard in making this happen. We have been doing a pretty good job at accomplishing these purposes with the exception of Needless to say, our organizing activities will cost quote, “enhancing”, the Retirement Benefits plan. As money. The fiscal health of REACTA is very solid, but you all are well aware, there has been no cost of living an increase in the organizing budget seems inevitable. adjustment for some ten years. There has been only a I will be calling for such an increase as we ramp up our recent adjustment to the purchasing power factor and plans to educate the rank and file CTA membership that was only to bring it up to 60%. This is a sad and lead them to demand action on the part of their Page 2 December 2009 REACTOR PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (continued) one, please email Kathie Casas at [email protected] or utilize the “Contact Us” page on the elected leadership, CTA management, and unions to WWW.REACTA.ORG web page. fairly deal with REACTA’s concerns.
I view this newly initiated role of advocacy as a logical REACTA Web Site step in the maturation of REACTA. I like to call it the “maturity factor” and through our actions I truly believe Feel free to submit anything you feel is web-worthy to that REACTA will become a better association; an our members. You can contact us via the Contact Us association that will attract greater membership and page or by leaving a message on the Guest Book greater loyalty. One that will be perceived as an agent page. Updates to the different pages on the web site that will be continually cognizant of member needs and can be found on the Home page with links to the willing to respond as necessary to effectuate change. articles. Most recently we’ve added articles on: I know I can count on your support in these matters. Together we can achieve economic justice and make Cambria Annual Membership meeting – pictures of REACTA a greater association. attendees (Photo Album page); Flu Shot Dates and Locations (News, Reports Thank you. Jeanne Akins and Links page); The loss of REACTA members and CTA Staff, as well as REACTA members recovering from surgery or other hospital stays (Home page Recognition Committee and Member-to-Member page); Guest Book comments – members reaching out and sharing. It is with sadness that we reported the passing of Tom Brown on September 17, 2009. Tom was one of the If you have stories or photos from a REACTA great warriors. In addition, we shared that Wayne gathering, an exotic vacation, or of yourself that you’d Thomas Carothers passed away October 4, 2009 at like to share, please send them to Kathie Casas for the age of 77. Cards were sent to both families. We posting. All articles/information may be submitted to also learned of the passing of Ricardo Ornelas, Kathie at [email protected]. professional staff in Fresno on October 4, 2009. Remember to check the web site regularly for updates on our members. CTA RESPONSES REVIEWED * * * * * * By Dick Sawtelle Ed Hogenson Update (as of 10/1/2009) From Jeanie Hogenson As reported in the September issue of the REACTOR (REACTA/CTA MEET), a meeting took place on Ed came home from the hospital yesterday (10/1/09). August 5, between representatives of REACTA and For this we are very grateful. He spent 10 days at the CTA management. At that time, a new approach was rehab hospital and has improved greatly. He will be set forth in hopes of stimulating some progress having in home rehab five days a week for at least two towards long overdue and much needed adjustments weeks depending on how well he does. Now is a to retiree benefits. Briefly, it was proposed that difficult time for him because he "thinks" he is just fine emphasis be placed on the restoration of purchasing and able to conquer the world (i.e., return to work and power for those who have been most severely normal schedule), but with a severe brain injury such impacted by years of neglect. Bring purchasing power as his, healing is a slow process. With time, we are back to a floor of 70% this year and 80% next year. confident he will be his old self again. Also, consistent with the contractual salary adjustment to be received by CTA staff in 2011, provide retirees Thanks for all your thoughts, well wishes and good with a 1.6% Cost of Living Adjustment at that time. vibes, they were much needed and continue sending More importantly, it was proposed that CTA establish a them our way as he completely mends. separate fund out of which these adjustments would be financed as opposed to doing it through the existing * * * * * * CTA Employees Retirement Benefits Trust. The R&R Committee learns of these events via several sources. If you hear of any of our colleagues who Subsequent to the August meeting, CTA, as could use a little cheering up or who have lost a loved requested, provided an estimated cost for the REACTA Page 3 December 2009 REACTOR
CTA Responses Reviewed (continued) TREASURER’S REPORT proposal. Without going into detail as to how it was developed, the total estimated price tag to “Pre-Fund” As of November 12, 2009, REACTA account the proposed adjustments “amortized over 10 years” balances totaled $18,451.00: amounted to approximately $26.7 million. FFCU General Fund Checking Acct: $13,940.82 “ On the face of it, this seems to be a monumental Economic Justice Fund Checking: $ number,” says REACTA spokesperson Larry Harlan. 4,480.18 “However, we have a lot of questions about FFCU Savings $ terminology, basis of derivation and other matters. We 30.00 are therefore, not inclined to be prematurely overwhelmed by this estimate.” The 2010 Budget was adopted at the Annual Membership Meeting in Cambria and is enclosed. Indeed, some clarification was sought through follow- up questions emailed to CTA. Responses were Also adopted was the 2010 Budget for the Economic received, but, according to Harlan, those responses Justice Fund: simply led to still more questions. To illustrate, Harlan pointed to the following example: Transportation $4,000 Lodging $1,000 Question: Is it fair to say that the neglect of providing Meals $1,000 annual COLA’s for the past decade has created the Other $ 500 large amounts necessary to bring the Purchasing Power Floor to 80%? TOTAL 2010 EJF Budget ……… $6,500 Answer: No. Membership Update “ That response seems pretty disingenuous to me,” (Reported at Cambria Meeting) says Harlan. “We really need to hear the rationale that might be offered in its support.” Last year we had 349 members; currently we have 318 Both the cost estimate document and the complete set members. We have 141 members who pay cash and of questions and answers were reviewed with those 177 have dues automatically deducted from their attending the General Membership meeting in October. pension checks. Of our 318 members, 173 paid $60; Any others wishing to view these materials can secure 109 paid $30; and 36 paid $15. copies by emailing Harlan. ([email protected]) Approximately 120 retirees have never joined. About Harlan also added, “The CTA folks indicated to us in 60 retirees joined who in later years opted not to renew August that they should be able to offer a more membership. There are also a number of retirees for definitive response to our proposal after the first of the whom we don’t have addresses. We now have a year when membership numbers are solidified. By membership committee and the plan is to enlist their then any adverse impact from layoffs and hiring help in conducting a survey of non-members and to freezes resulting from the State’s budget crunch will be encourage retirees to join. known and thus what potential exists for a positive outcome. We have requested another meeting to If you haven’t yet paid your 2009 dues, it’s not too late! occur as soon after January 1, 2010 as possible. We Please mail your check to me OR sign up for automatic will be prepared to pose some serious questions and, pension deduction. 2010 Dues will become due hopefully, receive some serious answers when that January 1, 2010. session occurs.” REACTA Dues Amounts Are:
Former Management, Professional, Supervisory Staff and former CTA Leadership: $60 Former Associate and Confidential Staff: $30 Page 4 December 2009 REACTOR Spouse/Domestic Partner of Former Staff: mailed to you, contact Dixie Ditsler at $15 [email protected] or (909) 599-5361.
John Smith, Treasurer The REACTA Newsletter: If you’ve received this 11 Tirremia Drive REACTOR by US Mail and would prefer to receive it by Dana Point, CA 92629-4146 email, please let us know by sending an email to Dixie (949) 370-6805; [email protected] or give her a call.
CURRENT REACTA COMMITTEES DESPITE WEATHER: ANNUAL MEETING PRODUCTIVE, The REACTA Executive Board revised and approved ENJOYABLE members to REACTA’s Committees for 2009-2010 as follows: For the first time ever, those attending REACTA’s annual meeting at Cambria had to deal with less than Organizing – Larry Harlan - Chair; Linda & Lou the usual picture perfect, California costal weather that Boitano, Marilyn Russell Bittle, Bob Persky, Gary normally prevails in mid-October. Those driving in on Harrison, Ed Foglia, Jeanne Akins Tuesday, October 13 found themselves struggling through seriously wet and windy conditions. Later, Membership – Kathie Casas - Chair; Marsha Wray, socializing at the hospitality room took place in the dark Dixie Ditsler and it was dinner by candle light (if at all) due to a power outage that apparently hit almost the entire Health & Welfare Trust – Sharon Carroll, Gerri central coast area. Gonzales, Tommy Hutto All 42 participants and guests arrived safely, however, Retirement Trust – Marianne McCarthy and the lights came back on by about 10:30 pm. From there on, all went smoothly. The only casualty was the Ad Hoc – John Smith, Marianne McCarthy, Dick scheduled golf outing on Wednesday morning that Sawtelle, Larry Harlan several had signed up for. Even that was not a huge disappointment. The “wanna be” golfers still had other General Membership Meeting – Ellen Greenhut, activities in which to participate such as Art Chris Higgins, Dick Sawtelle McLoughlin’s chocolate making seminar, a discussion group led by Bob Stahl, or browsing/spending in REACTOR Publication – Dick Sawtelle – Editor-in- Cambria’s many appealing shops. Chief, Chris Higgins, Dixie Ditsler The annual General Membership meeting took place Elections – Dixie Ditsler – Chair, Connie DeCoud, on Wednesday afternoon. While there were no heavy Margaret Wallace, Barbara DePrete business items to be acted upon, it was an opportunity for attendees to hear reports on the Association’s Nominations – Jim Essman – Chair, Lucrucia activities over the past year, be apprised of its fiscal Dressel, Leslie Oliver and membership health and forewarned of activities being planned for the near future. A highlight, most Recognition & Remembrance – Kathie Casas, would agree, was the report delivered by newly elected Eleanor Stephens, JacCene Longacre President Jeanne Akins, at the beginning of the session. It gave evidence that she has a clear vision of Web Site – Kathie Casas, Webmaster where the organization is at this time and where she believes it should be headed. Some of these matters 2009-2010 Executive Board: are reported upon more thoroughly elsewhere in this issue of the REACTOR including the budget for the President: Jeanne Akins 2010 membership/fiscal year that was presented, Vice President: Ellen Greenhut discussed and approved. Secretary: Connie DeCoud Treasurer: John Smith Finally, the body passed a motion to set the date for At-Large Board Member: Marianne McCarthy next year’s annual meeting to be held October 12 – 14, 2010, again at the Cambria Pines Lodge assuming that The REACTA Member Directory contains mailing/ satisfactory details can be negotiated with the facility. email addresses and phone numbers for leadership Consideration will be given to providing one or more listed above. If you need a new Directory emailed or informational programs similar to those made available Page 5 December 2009 REACTOR this year in order to attract still more members. Those who attended these sessions gave high praise and urged “more” in years to come. Ellen Greenhut, Jeanne and Al Akins See photo’s next page!
Bob and Joy Abrams
Kay Odgers, Mary Schaefer, Dixie Ditsler, Dennis Bambauer and Carolyn DeBrower
Bob and Lillian Stahl
Pat McCallum, Marilyn Bittle and Tosh Aiboshi Bob & Lillian Abrams
Ellen Greenhut, Jeanne and Al Akins Page 6 December 2009 REACTOR Donna & Dale Maurer and Pat Estrellas CTA HOLIDAY LUNCHEONS
We’re informed that Region II retirees have officially received invitations to their CTA Regional Holiday Luncheon and that many have expressed their intent to be there on December 15th!
Region III will not be having a holiday luncheon this year due to budget constraints. If you are invited to a luncheon in another region, we urge you to attend.
STAYING IN TOUCH… In Memory of Bill Livingston
Rose Sanders, Chuck Hodel, Art McLaughlin
Maureen Keating, Gerri Gonzalez and Mary Schaefer
John Hughes, Gene Morgan and Gary Harrison enjoying dinner in Phoenix, Oregon. Maureen Keating, Gerri Gonzalez and Mary Schaefer GUESTBOOK PAGE – REACTA.ORG
For all those who weren’t able to attend this year’s 8/21/09 Submitted By: Jim Essman annual meeting in Cambria, we hope to see you next “ We just received the information on the Cambria year! meeting in October. Mary and I will miss seeing you all this year. We'll be in Boston visiting daughter #3 for a couple of weeks. We'll be viewing the New England fall October 12 – 14, 2010 foliage and Cape Cod. We'll probably see you all in MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 2010. (2010! can you believe it?) My 6th Annual Retirement Party during UCLA week was another great In thumbing through the list of Cambria attendees to success. We have no idea how many showed up but make name badges, we were not surprised by the we went through 16 bottles of wine, a couple of cases answers to “Years of Service:” of beer, lots of soda and water, 3 big salmon and 3 big tri-tips plus other goodies. I really enjoy this annual mix 36, 23, 30, 32, 18, 18, 17, 21, 25, 32, 32, 34, of retirees, actives, and interns. Thank goodness Mary still enjoys doing this. We've had another good year 7, 30, 29, 23, 29, 24, 32, 21, 28, 16, 34, 31, with a couple of big road trips, a couple of cruises, 28, 25, 27, 30, 29, 23, 26, 26, 17 and 21. several little trips here and there including Las Vegas to see Bette Midler. This next year promises to be great fun also. Have fun in Cambria - - Jim” Page 7 December 2009 REACTOR 6/13/09 Submitted By: Peg Butler Suggested changes to the SPD (Summary Plan Description) are being distributed. When the new SPD “ I quite agree with Karen Neff's thoughtful comments is complete it will be available to everyone. While this (September REACTOR), and after 34 years of (I document contains important information, it does not believe) dedicated service to CTA, CAS and CSO, I contain anything that impacts current retiree pensions. find it difficult to believe that I am now considered to be ‘non-existent’!!” General Meeting
COMMENTARY…Chris Higgins An investment performance report was given by a representative from R.V. Kuhn. The June report Karen Neff initially submitted her comments on the showed investments up by 11% - 12% as of June 30. Guestbook page of REACTA’s website. We then The August figures are even better. The six month published Karen’s article in the September 2009 return on investments is 4.02%. As of the end of June, REACTOR. Peg left her positive response to Karen the 3 year return was -1.62%. Although negative, this and I’m continuing the “theme” so to speak. Why has it figure ranked in the top 1/3 of peers. The 10 year become “them” vs. “us?” We ALL ultimately benefit return is 5.27%. Assets have grown from $205 million from any improvement to OUR retirement program! at the end of December to $219.5 million at the end of August. The plan is over allocated to equities and I was hired in 1972 and like Peg and Karen, during rebalancing will take place over the next several those 30+ years spent many years involved in CEA or months. CAS. Our CTA retirees were considered part of the CTA Family, and as such, for over 40 years, The investment committee moved not to request Retirement Committees, Executive Bodies and money from real estate investments because this Bargaining Teams voted to fund a retiree COLA. market should be allowed to rebound. These investments will not be rebalanced at this time because It seems a majority of the union leadership today have we don’t want to sell at the bottom of the market. Over been led to believe their duty ONLY obligates them to an eighteen-month period, the investment committee represent their “dues paying” members. That may be a will have two managers scheduled to report at each legal argument in union representation, but morally or trust meeting. Under-performing managers will be philosophically, it’s wrong. There is one pot of money called in first. and it can be spread evenly, or selfishly, among all of the Family. The auditor stated that there will be an “unqualified” opinion for the Plan as of 12/31/2008. The Auditor’s This past decade of negotiating salary increases, report was accepted. The Actuary said that there will 401(k) contributions, etc., by CTA and the unions has be a contribution surcharge of 5% for CTA from deliberately and consciously left nothing for retirees. 5/30/09 to 9/1/09. This is the period for which Why weren’t COLAs or PPAs for retirees considered inadequate contributions (less that 33%) were made. when the bargaining parties negotiated salary increases and increases to their 401(k) contributions? The Actuary was asked for an update on the PPA. The longer the problem is left to fester, the more $$ He stated that there is not much effect for 2008 and harder it’s going to be to rectify. because the CPI was zero. The trustees had elected not to grant an increase based on the 2007 CTA EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT TRUST CPI because the Plan cannot increase benefits while in the red zone without additional MEETING SUMMARY contributions to cover the cost. A 3.8% increase Marianne McCarthy would be required to bring everyone up to the 60% level. A lump sum increase would require a The third quarter 2009 meeting of the CTA Employees $94,000 increase, which could not affect the Retirement Trust was held on September 22, 2009. I unfunded liability. A 1% COLA would be much attended the Benefits Committee meeting held prior to more expensive. the general meeting. Much of the discussion concerned a default plan for the Option I and II units There are items before Congress that may give some that are ‘participating employers’ in the trust and who relief to funding rules. One such plan might allow a 30 do not wish to accept the 33% contribution rate that year amortization for funding rather than 10 years. CTA has agreed upon. Neither the default plan nor the Some of the proposed legislation could help alleviate a actions taken by the other employers in the trust are funding deficiency. pertinent to retirees. Page 8 December 2009 REACTOR CTA STAFF RETIREMENT PLAN (Continued) When contacted as to why these materials had been An item of interest to retirees was the mailed despite the return of the requested “consent” announcement that as of the first of the year trust forms, a representative of the Trust Administrator, The administrator HSBA will no longer withhold state William C. Earhart Co., indicated that it had been done income taxes from out of state retirees’ checks. to assure compliance with Federal requirements. They will be notified of this change. However, if a participant still wishes to receive the CD- ROM, it will be sent. Apparently, numerous such The next meeting will be on December 15, 2009. contacts had been received. Dick Sawtelle HEALTH & WELFARE BENEFITS TRUST ORGANIZING COMMITTEE REPORT There was nothing new of substance to report from the liaisons on the CTA H&W Benefits Trust Meeting. When discussing our retirement program, CTA However, be reminded there has been a negotiated Management consistently characterizes it as a blue change to our benefits regarding the prescription drug chip plan that has a 3% computational factor based refills, as reported in our last issue of REACTOR and upon one’s current salary and augmented by a 401(k) received by you in August and again last week: component. What they conveniently avoid discussing is that many REACTA members are receiving benefits The California Teachers Association Employees’ based on a 2% computational factor that was Health and Welfare Benefits Trust aims to maintain the calculated on their average salary over a three quality of your prescription drug benefit while keeping consecutive highest year period, and that did not allow your prescription costs as low as possible. To help this participation in a 401(k) plan. For these retirees, ours continue, an important change to your prescription is far from a “blue chip” plan. And with the failure of drug benefit took effect beginning October 1, 2009. both Management and the Unions to provide for annual You’ll pay more for your long-term drugs (such as cost of living adjustments and maintenance of those used to treat high blood pressure or high purchasing power, the plan (for them) has deteriorated cholesterol) unless you order your prescription to one less than that which is available to those through the mail by using the Medco Pharmacy. educational employees that CTA represents. Ironically, the very retirees that fought so hard over the years for a decent system for teachers are now receiving less than what is afforded educational employees through EXERCISE IN FUTILITY the California State Teachers Retirement System.
As many REACTANs will recall, they received at least In an effort to document this sad state, the Organizing two notifications from the CTA Employee’s Health and Committee recently mailed a survey to all REACTA Welfare Benefits Trust earlier this year regarding a members requesting information about their retirement Federal requirement that the Trust provide plan benefits. To date, some 160 surveys have been members and covered dependents with a Summary returned. If you have not yet returned this survey, Plan Description (SPD) which is a comprehensive please do so at your earliest convenience! As an description of the benefits available under the plan. example of the disparity, a management retiree with some 20 years of service is now receiving It was explained that a paper copy of this document approximately $24,600 annually and was not afforded would be costly to print, bind and mail. Consequently, the opportunity to participate in a 401(k) plan. A current plan members were urged to return a form letter by management employee in the same position and with which they would give their consent to receive this 20 years of service would be eligible to receive SPD in the form of a CD-ROM. Such consent would, approximately $108,000 annually, not including any under federal rules, relieve the Trust of the need to 401(k) drawdown. Other examples that can be cited for send the SPD in printed form and, obviously, save a CSO and CAS retirees are equally egregious. We need great deal of money. to expose these shameful conditions in hopes that CTA Management and the Unions will finally address Notwithstanding the foregoing, retirees in the Health REACTA’s concerns in a responsible and fair manner. Trust received a package by U.S. mail sometime in the last month or so that contained the printed version of Since the recent history of management and the the aforementioned SPD. unions has been one of benign neglect and discreet Page 9 December 2009 REACTOR communications with CTA elected officers have Without going into “why,” suffice it to say that a lot of apparently fallen on deaf ears, REACTA now finds it things did not occur as originally intended: ORGANIZING COMMITTEE REPORT (continued) The memos were never delivered to the union necessary to broaden the organizing program to reach Presidents; out to chapter leadership and rank and file members. The goals set forth therein were not achieved We will be doing so in the near future through Service or (to the knowledge of anyone in REACTA) Center Council and State Council meetings. addressed during bargaining; Additionally, contacts with school-based employees Letters of appreciation to those who signed the are planned. The intent is to generate such a clamor memo were not delivered. that decision makers can no longer disregard their duty to fairly treat retired staff. Upon assuming office, REACTA President Jeanne Akins, understanding that nothing could now be done You may be asked to participate in these activities and about the first two points, decided at the very least, the if at all possible, please do so. We all know from our organization should follow up on the last. Nearly ninety previous work as CTA staff that a concerted organizing active staff had put themselves “on the line” as program can bring about necessary changes, even understanding and supporting this cause, one which amongst the most stubborn opponents. was not enthusiastically appreciated by all union leaders and members. Respectfully submitted, Larry K. Harlan, Organizing Committee Chairperson Not withstanding the failure to make good use of that support, it was deserving of REACTAs recognition and appreciation. With that in mind, Akins recently sent a much belated letter expressing great thanks to each of the memo signatories. She also indicated that unless the recipient objected, REACTA wished to honor each such person by listing their name in the REACTOR and on the REACTA web site. There were a few who declined such recognition by either calling or sending an email. “We surely understand and will honor such a preference,” said Akins. “Nevertheless, we want those folks, along with all the rest whose names are listed, to know how greatly we appreciate their willingness to be counted in support of a stronger, more than just retirement program for both current and future CTA retirees. I strongly urge that REACTA members BETTER LATE THAN NEVER contact the ‘heroes’ that we have listed,” Akins continued. “Let them know, on a personal level, of Last year at this time many REACTA members who your appreciation.” Akins notes that the easiest way to attended Regional CTA holiday luncheons engaged in do this is probably by email. Address your message by a bit of organizing. They distributed a memo to active first initial and last name @ CTA.org. (Example: For staff members entitled “AN EXPRESSION OF Joe Jones…[email protected]) Personal phone calls SUPPORT” with a request that the memo be signed and notes are also encouraged. and returned to REACTA. The intent was that the memo would then be delivered to the respective EXPRESSION OF SUPPORT presidents of the California Staff Organization (CSO) HONOR ROLL and the California Associate Staff (CAS). It expressed the support of the signers for their retired colleagues Diane Bales* Nancy Calleo “…in their efforts to restore cost of living and Gary Campbell Teri Dulak purchasing power adjustments to our pension Diane Gallert Debra Knapp benefits.” The memo further urged: “…that these Anne Laquette Richard Boyd issues be affirmatively addressed in the upcoming Adela Amaya Billie Bickmore negotiations with CTA Management.” At the time, it Kimberlee Breen Jacqueline Clark was hoped that the employee unions would, indeed, Jennifer Dragovich Ester Duran pursue pension benefit adjustments during the Edna Gonzalez Eunice Gonzalez bargaining scheduled to take place in the spring of Betty Greif Tom Hollister* 2009. Terri Howarth John Kohn Ranny Kravetz Nelia Lara Page 10 December 2009 REACTOR Robert Lindquist Dawn Madison Mona Marra Frankie Medina REACTA DIRECTORY ADDITIONS and BETTER LATE THAN NEVER (continued) CORRECTIONS Mark Miller Phyllis Peters September – November 2009 Joshua Ralls Michael Romo Susana Salas Joan Singleton Corrections & Additional Information: Terry Skotnes Comson Suvimonvong Ismael Torres Tamara Yates* Judith Brown Penny Upton Khamsing Vannithine Address: 6529 Stonebridge Road Joella Aragon Karen Boll Santa Rosa CA 95409 Seth Bramble Tammy Brooks Phone: 707/843-7102 Richard Brown Charlene Brown Email: [email protected] Phillip Brown Kim Chenney Tammy Cole Mary Lynn Crowe Judith and Raymond Hansen Laurie Davis Amy DeLaTorre Address: 880 W First St #519 Michael Ford Tina Fox Los Angeles CA 90012 Mary Garcia Caroline Gonzalez Phone: 213/620-1759 Teresa Horton Jeff Hall Judith’s cell: 213/519-8331 Kelly Henderson Mike Higginson Donnell Jordan Bonita Lovell Mary Ann Luckinbill Cork McGowen Catherine McGuigan Janey Merritt Bea Montoya Julie Nissen DECEASED Ricardo Ornellas** David Oshige Carol Richert Marla Reyes Thomas L. Brown Paulette Sanders Bruce Saathoff Wayne Carothers Laura Schultz Mary Scott John Grace Manuel Villarreal Robert Yates *Now Retired **Deceased