Government of West Bengal Department of Health & Family Welfare M. A Branch

No. H/MA/698/HAV/7m-38-2001 Dated: 6 th May, 2002

From: The Deputy Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

To: The Director of Health Services, West Bengal.

Sir, I am directed to say that proposed for engagement of experienced and professional contractors, for performing the cleaning, scavenging and Group – D level works in Words, Offices etc. and also for security works in five Hospitals of the City namely (i) SSKM College & Hospital; (ii) Kolkata Medical College & Hospital (iii) N. R. S. Medical College & Hospital (iv) R. G. Kar Medical College & Hospital and (v) National Medical College & Hospital, had been under active consideration of the Government for some time past, for the sake of better patient care and more vigilant security arrangement in the aforesaid five Hospitals.

I am accordingly directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to agree to the engagement of private agencies in the above-mentioned five Hospitals for cleaning and scavenging works and also for security works, subject to the condition that tender rules shall be strictly followed and no vacant GDA / Group – D posts of these Hospitals shall be fill up without prior permission the Government.

The no. of security guards to be engaged Hospital-wise are as follows :-

1. S. S. K. M. Hospital :: 28 Security guards; 2. M. C. H, Kolkata :: 10 Security guards; 3. R. G. Kar MCH :: 24 Security guards; 4. N. R. S. MCH :: 32Security guards; 5. National Medical College Hospital :: 18 Security guards;

The floor spaces to be covered for scavenging and cleaning works hospital-wise, are as follows :-

1. S. S. K. M. Hospital :: 28,630 SQ. metre; 2. M. C. H, Kolkata :: 19,350.340 SQ. metre; 3. N. R. S. MCH, Kolkata :: 20,910 SQ. metre; 4. R. G. Kar MCH :: 5. National Medical College Hospital :: Entire floor area of RRMR and Chest Block.

Tenders shall be called for both the cleaning works and security works in every financial year by each Hospital. Other necessary terms and conditions for engagement of private agencies for both the jobs will be spelt out by the Superintendents of respective Hospitals.

The expenditure will be debitable from the detailed head ‘50-Other charges’ under the respective head of account of each Hospital.

This order issued with the occurrence of the Financial Department vide their U. O. No. Group ‘O’ No. 1125 dated 29-04-02.

All concerned are being informed.

Yours faithfully,

s/d Deputy Secretary.

No. H/MA/698/HAV/7m-38-2001 Dated: 6th May, 2002

Copy forwarded for information & necessary action to the :-

1. Principal A. G. (A&E), W. B 2. Finance Department of this Government. 3. D. M. E, West Bengal. 4. Joint D. H. S (Admin) W. B. 5. Principal, MCH, Kolkata. 6. Superintendent MCH, Kolkata. 7. Surgeon Superintendent, SSKM Hospital, Kolkata. 8. Principal, R. G. Kar, MCH. 9. Superintendent N. R. S. MCH, Kolkata. 10. Principal, R. G. Kar, MCH. 11. Superintendent R. G. Kar, MCH, Kolkata 12. Principal, CNMCH, Kolkata. 13. Superintendent, CNMCH, Kolkata. 14. Director, IPGME&R, Kolkata. 15. a) P. S. to MIC, H & FW Department 16. b) P. S. to MOS, H & FW Department 17. Joint Secretary, (MES & MERT) 18. Deputy. Secretary (GA) of this Department. 19. Deputy. Secretary (MES & MERT) of this Department. 20. Guard file of M. A. Branch.

Kolkata The 6th May, 2002. Deputy Secretary.