O Include a Drawing Or Computer Rendering of Your Superhero Or Villain in Color;
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Mi propio superhéroe o malvado… Español 2
Working individually you will create a drawing of your own invented superhero or villain. You will also include a written description of your superhero or villain.
You must:
o include a drawing or computer rendering of your superhero or villain in color;
o give your superhero or villain a name in Spanish;
o your superhero’s / villain’s alias;
o include 10 sentences using SER to describe the physical appearance and personality of your superhero or villain or any other uses of SER that we discussed in class;
o include 10 sentences using ESTAR to talk about how your superhero or villain feels in certain situations, where (s)he is located, to talk about their health or what your superhero or villain is doing at that moment;
o include 5 sentences using the TENER EXPRESSIONS to discuss your superhero or villain.
You will be graded using a rubric. The rubric will measure:
o the correct use of ser and estar o the creativity of the project;
o the appropriate use of vocabulary;
o the neatness of the final product;
o the inclusion of all the required pieces listed on the previous page.
Helpful Resources:
You should use the following resources to help you with your project:
o Grammar Packet – Ser and Estar notes
o Vocabulary Packet
o Online Dictionary www.spanishdict.com
You should use the online dictionary above to help you with unknown vocabulary. I have also attached a list of some words that may be helpful for this project.
Online Translators:
You are not allowed to use online translators on this project, they simply don’t work! Use a dictionary or the online dictionary Vocabulario para ayudarte: el superhéroe superhero la superhéroe femenina female superhero la visión láser laser vision la fuerza sobrehumana superhuman strength indestructible indestructible volar (o – ue) to fly el poder power viajar to travel el tiempo time una pistola gun la espada sword la visión x-ray x-ray vision la máscara mask la capa cape el escudo shield la disfraz disguise vehículo vehicle el/la compañero (a) partner el señal signal luchar to fight el oído hearing la habilidad ability la motocicleta motorcycle el barco boat el avión plane saltar to jump desaparecer disappear aparecer to appear la justicia justice el/la enemigo (a) enemy malvado (a) evil el monstruo monster el viento wind el agua water el espacio space el planeta planet la velocidad speed el/la extraterrestre alien la agilidad agility respirar to breath bajo el agua underwater el sentido sexto sixth sense la invisibilidad invisibility la Tierra Earth el hielo ice el veneno poison el trueno thunder el relámpago lightening el reportero reporter el bombero fireman el filántropo philanthropist el fotógrafo photographer el profesor teacher la debilidad weakness el alias alias el/la malvado(a) villain