Team Manager Roles and Responsibilities
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Carleton Minor Hockey Association Team Manager Duties and Responsibilities Table of Contents
CMHA Team Manager Page 2 Thank You
Thank you for taking on a leadership role within your team as without volunteers such as yourself your team within Carleton Minor Hockey Association could not operate. Your time and efforts required for the upcoming season are very much appreciated!
Team managers are responsible for most of the office organizational and administrative tasks to allow the coach and assistant coaches to concentrate on instruction and player development. It is recommended that you do not try to manage the entire team on your own and that you arrange for other parents to assist you. Many hands make light work!
The manager is the first line of communication with and for the parents with the team coach and others in the association. You are responsible for calling team meetings and the organization of team activities.
Team Manager Duties include: Organization of parent meetings as required
Supervise and monitor collection of money and fundraising
Present financial statement to CMHA and the Parents if requested
Arrange for additional ice and officials for exhibition games and re-scheduled games
Notify ice scheduler immediately of any ice changes
Book and confirm officials for home games if not on league schedules
Confirm scheduled away games
Ensure team has a first aid kit and it is available at are team functions including games
Be aware of the emergency procedures at the home and away rinks and aware of addresses incase 911 service is required.
Make arrangements for all association fund raising in accordance with the guidelines provided by the association. Found in the policy manual
Overseeing the Call Parent, Jersey Parent, 50 / 50 parent, Time box and penalty box parent for scheduling, if you had divided up some of the responsibilities.
Assist in collection of registration fees where required ______
CMHA Team Manager Page 3 Communications It is extremely important to keep lines of communication open between players and parents throughout the season. It is recommended that every coach has a minimum of 2 formal communication meetings during the season. One at the beginning of the season and one mid season.
You should get all the teams contacts numbers and agree on a method of communication (Email, Websites etc). If using electronic communication methodology (email, web, etc.) you should ask in the initial meeting that if any parent does not have access to these forums to let you know and determine how you will communicate individually with that parent. Also, if parents share custody but do not live together it is important that both parents are on the communication list.
Hockey Canada offers “Team Hub” to manage this communication where you can put your team’s schedule, sent messages, add pictures etc. Or some teams have set up a Shutterfly account, both great tools to use to get information out to your teams.
Jerseys Keep a record on the total number of jerseys that your team has along with numbers, sizes and the child that has it. You are expected to communicate to the team to take care of the uniforms and to please wash in cold water, turned inside out and either hang to dry or dry on a cool cycle to prolong their life. Atom and above teams are expected to keep jerseys separated from the rest of the hockey equipment to prevent it from being ripped or torn. Use a jersey bag.
You must ensure that all jerseys are returned to the CMHA association at the end of the season and are washed and documented (team, sizes and number). Any jersey not returned will result in a $50 charge per jersey.
Team Forms The following forms must be completed/available at all practices and games.
Player Medical Form This must be completed for all players and available at all team functions. The form should be kept private and is intended to accompany the player if they are required to seek medical attention away from the arena. If the player is being transported to the hospital and his/her parent is not present, please ensure that a responsible adult accompanies the player. ______
CMHA Team Manager Page 4 Managers must keep all forms on hand at any home and away games including tournaments.
Hockey Canada Injury Report In the event of an injury to a team member this form found here: must be completed in its entirety and then mailed to Hockey New Brunswick. Address is bottom of the second page.
Please keep a couple of blank forms with you at all team functions just in case.
Fair Play Pledge must be signed by Player, Parent/Guardian and Coach and then a copy kept with the team manager and a copy of the signed ones given back to the parents for reference.
Each of these forms are found on the under Documents, Policies & Procedures
Contact the registrar for approved Roster as this will be required for tournaments and you must have a copy with you when heading to games.
Team Pictures Arrangements should be made for team pictures. This should be done early in the season incase people would like them for Christmas gifts. You could have a parent do them or make other arrangements.
Twyla Rogers from Woodstock is responsibly priced and can be contacted at 506-325- 9033 or by emailing [email protected]
Ice Weekly practices will be posted on the under Schedules. It is your responsibility that your parents are informed of when practices and games are.
When the league schedule is completed you will receive a list of all games for both home and away. For home games, the ice would be already be booked as well as the refs so you do not need to follow up on these.
Ice Scheduler for Florenceville Arena:
Chris Stacey (Director of Recreation) Contact Email: [email protected] Phone: (506) 392-6763, Ext: 210
CMHA Team Manager Page 5 The Florenceville weekly schedule that is managed by the town can be found by visiting: ****please note this is the towns schedule but not the CMHA schedule. Please Check the website for the CMHA Schedule
Ice Scheduler for Hartland Arena:
Tanya Hawkes Contact Email: [email protected] Phone: (506) 375-4222
Ice Returns/Cancellations It goes without saying that ice time is of a premium.
If it is not needed please try and give the ice scheduler as much notice as possible. CHMA is requesting a minimum of 5 days notice be provided to the ice schedulers at the respective rinks so that they can rebook it. Weather is the exception. Keep in mind with any ice scheduling changes for your team’s games you must also notify to advise the official’s coordinator as well.
It should be noted that the manager needs to notify all parents as soon as they have confirmed with the coach that the weather will cause a cancellation of practice. In addition, they should notify the other team with whom they are sharing the ice so that ice can be cancelled and rink crews may be able to leave work in inclement weather.
Game Sheets (Only Atom and above Not required for Novice).
Managers are to fill out the game sheet prior to each game make sure all information is filled out, including the game number, cross out any players that will not be on the ice that day. A Coach must verify each game sheet by signing below the names. Please put the following letters beside the appropriate player if it applies - Affiliated player - AP. You should check with the coach as they may look after the game sheet themselves.
Please ensure that games sheets are signed by the Refs after the game and that the pink copy is given to the visitor team.
Some teams complete labels to speed up the preparation of completing the game sheet.
CMHA Team Manager Page 6 The home team is responsible for reporting the results of the game. Please contact your division director to determine who you email the results to. Games within our District 2 or with District 1 must submit game sheet to: Luc Martin @ [email protected]
****All teams are requested to keep game sheets from tournaments and regular league play until the end of the season*****
Game Change If a league game needs to be changed, you must coordinate this with the other team and provide them ample time for rescheduling. Be sure to cancel ice and refs where required to avoid charges.
Please reschedule your league games as soon as possible and do not leave these to the end of the season to avoid problems getting these played.
No-Shows Teams not showing up for games must be reported to the CMHA President as CMHA will still be billed for the ice and the referees. More than one occurrence of this will be billed to the no show team to cover the cost of the ice and refs.
Time Box / Penalty Box - Arrangements must be made for either parents, older sibling or others to run the time clock and score sheet for all home games.
-If anyone requires training on how to run the clock or keep the game sheets please contact someone on the board and we will get that set up for you ASAP.
Team Finances
Team Financial Responsibilities - Each Teams Manager is accountable for the management of team funds. The responsibility for the bookkeeping can be delegated to a person designated as the team treasurer is recommended.
Where team banks are setup each team must have two signing authorities, who cannot be spouses of each other.
CMHA Team Manager Page 7 Each team must maintain a set a set of financial records which may be requested by the Association to be turned in at the end of the season.
Teams must establish a team budget in order that the appropriate amount of fund raising can be achieved. For reference prior teams income/expense statements should be made available.
A small contingency should be added in when calculating what will be needed (i.e. cost of tournaments + cost of year end party + contingency ) / number of parents.
League teams in Atom and above will be restricted to four (4) tournaments during the season, including your home tournament but not including League, Zones or Provincial Tournaments.
Away Tournaments
It is your responsibility to ensure that the team setup for tournaments. You need to contact people as early as possible as they fill up fast. The Tournament guide with dates and contacts information is found on the Hockey NB website under Minor Hockey/Publications or click on this link. minor/tournament-guide. Consult with the coaching staff as to where they would like to go and once identified email the contact for availability. If available, you will be sent registration information and must follow the instructions to secure your spot.
For away tournaments you or a delegate will need to arrangements for a block of rooms at a hotel for the team and insure that all parents are notified of the hotel and booking information.
In order to be accepted into tournaments you will have to send a cheque with your roster so it’s important to ask parents for additional tournament fee money as early as possible. Decide how much it will cost your team and divide that amount by the number of players on the team. You may want to include extra money for year end party, coaches gifts etc.
Home Tournament All Team Managers at your level will need to decide a tournament director and work together to organize the tournament for your division.
CMHA Team Manager Page 8 Travel Permits
Travel permits are required for any non sanctioned tournament (in the tournament booklet from HNB) or an exhibition game that your team travels to for play. Travel Permits are not required for league games or Provincial games.
Permit applications must be received at least 2 week prior to the game or event to ensure that they can be processed in time. The Request for Travel Permit must include the date and location of the game, and the number of games and tournament sanction number if applying for a tournament.
A copy of the travel permit can be found on the website under Documents, Policies & Procedures
Completed travel permits must be sent to the Carleton Minor Hockey President at [email protected] for review and co-ordination of approval from the District Director (Craig Young)
A copy of the approved Travel Permit must accompany the team when traveling to the other location to play. This is required as the Referees may ask for it and if you are unable to produce it they may not allow you to play the game.
Officials Coordinator
Alex Monro is responsible to arranging to have officials at the games. Contact details are phone: 391-8763 or email: [email protected]
Alex will receive a copy of the league schedule and schedule referees for league games. You can contact him to confirm league games. Please contact him by Thursday for any exhibition games, league time changes or cancellations.
You will need to send him your home tournament schedule as far in advance as possible to enable him to book referees.
Be sure to notify him if you have cancelled or rescheduled any games.
Dryland Training
CMHA Team Manager Page 9 Using the rink facilities for dryland training is a privilege and not a right. Please use caution and discretion at all times on the walking track, stairs and hallways when doing dryland training with your teams.
Dryland training is not permitted in the common area downstairs during public skating times. This is a high traffic area during public skating and it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that public can safely pass.
End of Year
Most teams have an end of year function, the manager or their delegate, is responsible after consultation with coaches and other parents for organizing this function, ordering and obtaining any mementos for the players (common items are one of hats, t-shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, etc.), and/or coaching staff. In addition if trophies or mementos are given by the association they will be provided to the manager for the coaching staff to present to the players at the year-end event.
Some additional regulations issued by the town for NCCC:
1. Players should not be left for extended periods of time in the dressing rooms.
2. Cancellations - all ice cancellations are subject to the following: $15 + hst will be billed to CMHA if given 8 days’ notice or more, full rate of $65 + hst will be billed to CMHA if given 7 days’ notice or less. Storm cancellations are not subject to a cancellation fee.
3. Tournaments – ice time will be billed an additional $10 + hst per hour.
4. Food & Beverage – the lessee of the canteen has the first right of refusal for ALL food & beverages that are provided inside the NCCC.
5. Smoking – is not permitted within 9m of each point of entry to the NCCC.
6. Meeting Room – this room MUST be booked in advance. Failure to do so may result in a team not being able to use the room.
7. Please use the Player’s Entrance Door whenever possible.
8. Do not leave equipment bags unattended in the main lobby.
9. If an additional dressing room is needed for girls, please contact me in advance. We will accommodate teams when necessary. If teams are aware of visiting teams that require a girls dressing room, please contact me in advance as well.
10. Players should exit dressing rooms within thirty minutes after their scheduled ice time.
IP will be restricted to a total of 20 modified games. All individual scheduled events will count toward the 20 game total.
Novice will be restricted to a total of 35 modified games and regular games. All jamboree games, modified games and individual scheduled events will count toward the 35 game total.
CMHA Team Manager Page 10