Wei-Chien Lee, Ph.D
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W.- C. Lee 1
Wei-Chien Lee, Ph.D.
San José State University Counseling Services One Washington Square San José, CA 95192-0035 408-924-5910; [email protected]
EDUCATION . Doctor of Philosophy, Counseling Psychology (APA Accredited), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. August, 2004. . Master of Science in Education, Mental Health Counseling (CACREP Accredited), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. May, 1999. . Master of Science, Forestry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. July 1994. o Honor: The Chinese Agricultural Association Scholarship (A scholarship honors one graduate student in agricultural-related fields in the nation every year), 1993. . Bachelor of Science, Forestry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. July 1991. o Honors: Dr. Sun Hai Scholarship, 1990; the Book Coupon Award (for top 1% students), 1989 & 1990.
LANGUAGE . Fluent in English, Mandarin, and conversational Taiwanese.
CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE . Licensed Psychologist (CA PSY # 21222) since November 28, 2006. . National Certified Counselor (NCC # 64973) since October 21, 2000. . Eating Disorders Certificate (JFK University, December 2008).
PUBLIC SERVICE & COMMITTEE . Subject Expert, California Board of Psychology, April 4-5, 2008, & January 8-9, 2009. o Provided input and helped the construction of the CPSE (the licensing exam all psychologists in California are required to pass) as a subject expert. . Public Grant Reviewer, National Institute of Mental Health. July 2006 – July 2008. o National Institute of Mental Health (NINH) selected and trained a limited number (about 30) of individuals to review grant proposals and provide feedback on human subject related-issues. I received the public grant reviewer training on July 22, 2006 in Washington, D.C. . Committee member, Diversity Committee, National Academic Advising Association (NACADA). October 2008 – October 2010. o NACADA is the most prestigious professional organization for academic advisors. It has over 10,000 members in the U.S. The NACADA Diversity Committee is a part of the Administrative Division of NACADA and only consists of 13 members. . Committee Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee, San José State University Academic Senate. 2008-2011. W.- C. Lee 2 PUBLICATION 1. Lee, W.-C. (2010). The Story of a Name. Book chapter to be published in 2010. 2. Lee, W.- C. (March, 2009). Promoting and Practicing Diversity in Advising: Rationales and Approaches. Academic Advising Today, 32(1). http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/AAT/NW32_1.htm 3. Lee, W.- C., & Lin, E. J. (2005). Promoting Asian Americans’ mental health through preventive and culturally sensitive and appropriate services. New Waves – Educational Research & Development, 10(2), 40-47. 4. Lin, E. J., & Lee, W.- C. (2005, May/June). Supporting Asian American university students: A need for nontraditional services. NABE News, 28(5), 18-20 & 23. 5. Kelly, K. R., & Lee, W.- C. (2005). Relation of psychological type to career indecision among university students. Journal of Psychological Types, 64(2), 11-20. 6. Kelly, K. R., & Lee, W.- C. (2002). Mapping the domain of career decision problems. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 61, 302-326.
CONFERENCE PRESENTATION 1. Lee, W.-C. (October, 2009). How to advise student who are "torn between cultures?" -- Helping multicultural students to disentangle their cultural double binds. Paper presented at the National Academic Advising Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. This presentation is selected and honored by the Theory and Philosophy of Advising Committee as the "Commission Sponsored Session." 2. Lee, W.-C. (October, 2009). Why saying "you are doing very well for an immigrant/Latina/XYZ" may hurt -- Reducing Micro-inequalities in advising. Paper presented at the National Academic Advising Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. 3. Lee, W.-C. (March, 2009). Small college issues. Roundtable discussion presented at the Annual ACPA Conference, D.C., Washington. 4. Lee, W.-C. (March, 2009). Innovative Program – Mental Health Ambassador at San Jose State University. Panel presentation at the Annual ACPA Conference, D.C., Washington. 5. Carrasco, M., & Lee, W.-C. (April, 2009). A Student’s Insight for Success in College. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the California Psychological Association, Oakland, CA. (Ms. Carrasco is my undergraduate mentenee and research assistant). 6. Chen, W.-J., & Lee, W.-C. (April, 2009). What do college students think about depression, eating disorders, and mental health professionals? Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the California Psychological Association, Oakland, CA. (Ms. Chen is my undergraduate mentenee and research assistant). 7. Alston, W. & Lee, W.- C. (2008, October). Ethnic minority groups: The experience of psychological trauma as a result of covert and institutional racism. Structured discussion presented in the annual Diversity Challenge Conference, Boston, MA. 8. Lee, W.- C. (2008, May). Developing win-win outreach programs: The Mental Health Ambassador program at San José State University. Paper presented at National Counseling Centers Outreach Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. 9. Lee, W.- C., Lin, E. J., Fujimoto, K., Sivertsen, W. D., & Felberg, M. (2008, April). Immigration experiences and college students’ mental health issues. Symposium presented in the Immigration Conference, San José, CA. 10. Lee, W.- C. & Peck, D. (2008, March). Connecting to multicultural students: Multicultural competence in academic advising. Paper presented at the annual NACADA Region 9 conference, San José, CA. 11. Lee, W.- C. & Lin, E. J. (2008, March). Humbling the “powerful” psychologists and empowering clients using Power Mapping and Motivation Analysis. Roundtable presentation at the annual Conference of Association of Women in Psychology, San Diego, CA. W.- C. Lee 3 12. Peck, D, & Lee, W.- C. (2008, March). Bridging the psychological and academic worlds to meet students’ needs. Paper presented at the annual NACADA Region 9 conference, San José, CA. 13. Lee, W.- C. (2007, October). Disentangling the cultural double binds within Asian Americans’ intrapersonal and intergenerational family conflict. Paper presented at the annul Diversity Challenge Conference, Boston, MA. 14. Lee, W.- C. (2005, August). Validating a map of the career indecision domain. In K. R. Kelly (Chair), Advances in the assessment of career indecision. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. 15. Lee, W.- C., & Kelly, K. R. (2005, June). The six facets of career indecision. Paper presented at the annual Careers Across America Conference, Orlando, Fl. 16. Lee, W.- C. , & Kelly, K. R. (2004, June). The relationship between MBTI types and career decision making style. Roundtable discussion conducted at the annual NCDA Conference: Career Development Across the Lifespan Conference, San Francisco, CA. 17. Kelly, K. R., Pulver, C. A., & Lee, W.- C. (2003, June). Integrating Personality variables into assessment and counseling for career indecision. Roundtable discussion conducted at the annual NCDA conference: Career Development Across the Lifespan, Denver, CO. 18. Lee, W.- C. , & Kelly, K. R. (2003, June). Career development characteristics of undecided ethnic minority students. Roundtable discussion conducted at the annual NCDA Conference: Career Development Across the Lifespan, Denver, CO. 19. Lee, W.- C. , & Kelly, K. R. (2002, August). Validating a map of the zone of acceptable alternatives. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. 20. Kelly, K. R., & Lee, W.- C. (2002, July). Using the MBTI to facilitate career decision making for undecided students. Roundtable discussion conducted at the annual Careers Across America Conference, Chicago, IL. 21. Kelly, K. R., Lee, W.- C. , & Pulver, C. A. (2002, July). Improving diagnosis and developing differential counseling approaches for career indecision. Paper presented at the annual Careers Across America Conference, Chicago, IL. 22. Lee, W.- C. , & Kelly, K. R. (2001, August). Factor analysis of the career indecision construct. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. 23. Lee, W.- C. , & Kelly, K. R. (2001, April). Applying an occupational map to career counseling: An introduction. Paper presented to the annual Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology conference, Akron, OH.
FORMAL AWARD/RECOGNITION RECEIVED . Innovation Program by the by the Commission for Counseling and Psychological Services of ACPA, March, 2009. . Thomas Magoon Excellence in Counseling Award by the Commission for Counseling and Psychological Services of ACPA, March, 2009. . Division of Student Affair “Spotlight Award,” Fall, 2008. . Division of Student Affair “Dare to be Different Award” -- “in appreciation for your outstanding work in engaging diversity and inclusive excellence at San José State University. Spring, 2008. . California Faculty Association Certification of Appreciation -- “in honor of your outstanding performance and dedication.” Spring, 2008.
GRANT AWARDED . University Planning Council Student Success Grant, San José State University, Fall, 2009. W.- C. Lee 4 o This .2 Release Time grant awarded to develop a peer education program to promote at risk students' success. . CSU Research fund, Spring 2009. o A $ 6132 grant for conducting research on student retention factors. . Professional Development Grant, San José State University Division of Student Affairs. Spring, 2008. o A $1,500 grant for attending, presenting, and receiving honors at the Annual ACPA convention at Washington, DC. . University Planning Council Student Success Grant, San José State University, Fall, 2008. o This .2 Release Time grant awarded to further develop the Mental Health Ambassador Program, especially to promote Latina/o and Black/Africa American undergraduate students’ success. . Junior Faculty Development Grant, San José State University. Spring 2008. o This $1,440 grant supported my efforts in increasing the national reputation of San José State University and developing systematic programs to improv college students’ mental health. I presented and actively participated in the first national Outreach Conference at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I was invited to join the listserv of university counseling center outreach coordinators. . Professional Development Grant, San José State University Division of Student Affairs. Fall, 2007. o This $1,400r grant enabled me to hone my expertise in eating disorders by completing 70 hours of training on eating disorders and obtaining the Eating Disorders Certificate from JFK University, an APA-accredited program in providing training to psychologists. . University Planning Council Student Success Grant, San José State University. Fall, 2007. o This .2 Release Time grant helped me realize the Mental Health Ambassador program. I created the Mental Health Ambassador program to create a caring community at SJSU, improve students’ mental health, provided students leadership experiences, and mentor students. . Purdue Research Foundation Summer Research Grant., Purdue University, Lafayette, IN. June 2003 – August 2003. o This $1,500 research grant supported my research on career indecision. A competitive grant awarded to limited number of graduate student each summer.
. Counselor Faculty, Counseling Services, San José State University, San José, CA. January 2007 – present. o Provide short-term and long-term counseling to individual, couple, and group therapy to SJSU students. o Provide assessment, intake, crisis intervention, and 24-hour on-call to students. o Provide psycho-education, outreach, workshops, and presentations to SJSU students. o Has co-created and co-facilitated groups such as Emotion Management, Body Image, ADHD, and Arts for Survivors/Victims of Trauma or Abuse. o Provide consultation to students, faculty, staff, and community. I have provided crisis/emergency and/or after-hour consultation to Student Affairs, Housing, CME, Ombudsman, and several department heads and faculty. o Develop programs and materials to meet students’ needs, promote student health and student development, and improve student success. For example: Mental Health Ambassador program, Pro- Active Stress Management, advanced time management, interpersonal relationships. o Attend university and student organization meetings to provide support, consultation, referral, and increase visibility of Counseling Services. o Mentor students to promote student success. Each semester I provide information and guidance to several non-client students interested in psychology. I also provide long-term mentorship to undergraduate students. In 2007, two undergraduate students I have been mentoring were accepted by graduate school – I encouraged and guided them through the application process, reviewed and provided feedbacks to their application materials, and helped them to prepare for graduate school. W.- C. Lee 5 o Conduct research and need assessments to improve student health and success. For example, I am the principal investigator of “Counseling Services' Survey of Student's Opinions of Personal Counseling and Education” (collecting data), “Mental Health Ambassador Program Outcome Assessment” (Human subject application submitted, waiting for IRB approval ), and “Latina/o student Retention: Protection Factors.” o Collaborate with Educational Counselors, psychiatrist, and Student Health staff to serve students. o Complete Continuing Education to maintain my Psychologist License (“1.5 hours of approved continuing education per month) and National Certified Counselor Certificate. o Provide training and supervision to psychology interns and postdoctoral residents: o Serve on Counseling Services committees: o Serve on San José State University Academic Senate Undergraduate Student Committee (2008-2011). o Provide training and consultation to peers: o Created and helped build new agency traditions that facilitate teamwork and multicultural competence:
. Psychologist, Counseling Services, San José State University, San José, CA. August 2006 – December 2006. o Provide short-term and long-term counseling to individual, couple, and group therapy to SJSU students. o Provide assessment, intake, crisis intervention, and 24-hour on-call to students. o Provide psycho-education, outreach, workshops, and presentations to SJSU students. o Has co-created and co-facilitated groups such as Emotion Management, Body Image, ADHD, and Arts for Survivors/Victims of Trauma or Abuse. o Provide consultation to students, faculty, staff, and community. I have provided crisis/emergency and/or after-hour consultation to Student Affairs, Housing, CME, Ombudsman, and several department heads and faculty.
. Postdoctoral Fellow, Counseling and Psychological Services, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. September 2005 – August 2006. o Provided short-term and long-term counseling to individual and couples. Provided crisis intervention, 24-hour on-call, and referral. o Provided outreach to Asian American students and students in general. o Contributed to Eating Disorder Treatment Team. o Provided consultation to CAPS website design and website content. o Designed and revised documents and forms for training programs. o Was selected to provide consultation to an external consulting company to help Stanford Counseling and Psychological Services to apply for APA accreditation. o Provided consultation and helped Asian American Activities Center to develop and implement a Need Assessment for Asian American students. Before I volunteered to help, this assessment had been stagnated for years due to various reasons. I was able to overcome those obstacles and build a collaborating team to move this project forward. Results from this needs assessment provided Stanford University the data to better serve Asian American students. After I ended my tenure at Stanford, I continued providing consultations to the director for a period of time. o My services to Stanford community and students were appreciated by the Assistant Dean of Frosh, who sent me an unsolicited letter noted, “I’ve heard from several students about your departure after this year, and I want to say thanks for all your great work. You’ve been a necessary and steady support for so many students, any as a result, made my work so much smoother.”
. Postdoctoral Resident, Counseling Services, San José State University, San José, CA. August 2004 – May 2005.
. Predoctoral Intern (APA Accredited Internship), Counseling and Testing Services, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. July 2003 – June 2004.
. Predoctoral Intern, Eastern State Hospital, Spokane, WA. January 2004.
. Pre-doctoral Student Intern (practicum), Counseling and Psychological Services, Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), Indianapolis, IN. August 2001 – May 2002. W.- C. Lee 6 . Graduate Intern, the Family of Children under Supervision (FOCUS) program, Lafayette, IN. August 1998 – May1999 & August 2000 – May 2001.
. Supervising Doctor-Level Psychology Interns: o Individual Supervision: . Counseling Services, San José State University. Spring 2007-present. Provide formal weekly supervision to full-time predoctoral interns. . Counseling and Testing Services, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. July 1, 2003- June 25, 2004. Provided regular individual supervision to a total of six doctoral-level interns. . Purdue Counseling and Guidance Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. January 2001–May 2001. Supervised one master’s-level practicum student’s clinical work. o Group Supervision: . Counseling Services, San José State University: Provided Training Seminar (Fall 2007 & Spring 2008) and Group Supervision (Fall 2007 & Spring 2007). Provide Supervision of Supervision (Fall 2007- ) and Assessment Seminar (Fall 2008- ).
. Supervising Undergraduate Students: o Provide individual and group supervision to Mental Health Ambassadors (4 students in Spring 2008 and 8 students in Fall 2008) in their assigned duties as Ambassadors to promote their personal and personal growth.
. Lecturer, Department of Psychology, San José State University, San José, CA. o Fall 2006: Psych 160 Clinical Psychology. o Spring 2005. Psych 160 Clinical Psychology.
. Graduate Instructor, Department of Educational Studies, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. o Spring 2003. EDPS 200 Career and Life Planning. . Student Evaluation: Mean score for the summary question “Overall, I would rate this instructor as” was 4.4 (5 = Excellent, 4 = Good). o Fall, 2002. EDPS 105 Career and Major Planning: A career exploration course for first-year undecided college students to facilitate their academic, personal, and career development. . Student Evaluation: Mean score for the summary question “Overall, I would rate this instructor as” was 4.9 (5 = Excellent, 4 = Good). . Students wrote long and positive narrative feedbacks about how much I help them. . At the last meeting, students spontaneously hugs each other and lined up to hug or shake hands with me. o Spring , 2002. EDPS 200 Career and Life Planning: A course for junior and senior college students designed to help them develop and hone interpersonal, life, and career skills. I revised, updated, and integrated new elements and research findings into curriculum. o Fall, 2001. EPPS 100 Career and Major Planning: A career exploration course for first-year undecided college students to facilitate their career decision-making process. . Student Evaluation: Mean score for the summary question “Overall, I would rate this instructor as” was 4.8 (5 = Excellent, 4 = Good). . I continued mentored several students from this class utile I left Prudue University.
. Multicultural counseling, education, and training. . Serving diverse populations in a wide range of settings and modalities. . Student retentions. . Outreach, program development, and program evaluations. Outcome assessments for outreach. W.- C. Lee 7 . Suicide prevention. . Training and supervision. . Reducing stigma related to mental health problems and mental illness. . Cultural factors related to eating disorders. OUTREACH & PRESENTATIONS TOPICS PROVIDED
. Personal Success Skill Training. o Stress management, time management, anger management, conflict management/ resolution, goal setting, decision making, public speaking, interpersonal and communication skills, relationship/interpersonal skills, and job search. o Educational success skills, test-taking, and testing anxiety. o Diversity, multiculturalism, cultural sensitivity, and cross-cultural communications.
. Psychoeducation. o What counseling is, depression, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, sexual assault, self-care, choosing a career or major, understand your personality, understand your MBTI or SII results, and understand your developmental tasks.
SELECTED INVITED PRESENTATIONS The following presentations are some of the presentations I was invited to provide since 2005. Only presentations that I was specifically invited by the organizations to present in are listed here. This is not a complete list, however.
. Case Consultation and presentation. Stanford University CAPS, May, 23, 2009.
. "Improve Your EQ -- Improve Your Productivity and Business Relations. A two-hour workshop presented as a part of the Chinese Information and Network Association Leadership Training Program on May 6, 2009.
. "The Power of Culture: Working with Asian American and Asian Pacific Island Students." A 2-hour traiing session presented to the trainees at Counseling and Psychological Services at San Francisco State University. April, 23, 2009.
. "Cultural Double Binds in Clinical Practice." A two-hour presentation presented to the staff psychologists at the Counseling and Psychological Services at CSU East Bay. April, 8, 2009.
. "Suicide Prevention." A 1.5 hour presentation presented to the members of SJSU Division of Student Affairs, co-presented with Dr. David Emmert. March 19, 2009.
. "The F Word: How the language of fat influences body image.” A 1.5-hour presentation I co-presented with Dr. Ellen Lin during the Respect Your Body Week. February 25, 2009.
. “Transforming intention to action – How to motivate our students.” A one-hour presentation presented to SJSU faculty as a part of the Center for Faculty Development’s “Educated Persons Dialogue.” February 23, 2009.
. “May the Force Be with You: Empowering Social Justice.” A one-hour presentation presented to the members of Division of Student Affairs on the Division’s Professional Development Day. Co-presented with Dr. Ellen Lin. February 20, 2009.
. “Working with AAPI College Students: Providing Culturally-Responsive Treatment.” A 1.5-hour training session provided to interns at Stanford University Counseling and Psychological Services. February 13, 2009.
. “Cultural Double Bind in Clinical Practice.” A 1.5 hour CEU training provided to: o Bay Area Counseling centers psychologists and interns at the 1st Annual Multicultural Training Conference. October 10, 2008. o SJSU Counseling Services faculty and interns as a Grand Round training. May, 2008.
. “Working With AAPI College Students: Providing Culturally-Responsive Treatment.” A 1.5-hour training session provided to interns and psychologists at Santa Clara University Counseling and Psychological Services. May 2, 2008. W.- C. Lee 8 . “When Chickens and Ducks Go Swimming Together: Understanding Cultural Double Binds to Improve Relationships.” A one-hour presentation provided to San José State University staff during the Division of Student Affairs Professional Development Day. February 22, 2008.
. “Being ‘Sexy’ in Every Culture: How to Build Your Body Self-Esteem.” A 1.5-hour presentation I co- presented with Dr. Ellen Lin during the Respect Your Body Week. February 20, 2008.
. “Working With Asian American College Students.” An 1.5-hour training session presented to doctoral and post-doctoral fellows at Stanford University Counseling and Psychological Services. February 8, 2008.
. “Be A Poise Leader: Stress Management For Student Leaders.” A one-hour workshop provided to San José State University students in the Student Leadership Conference. September 29. 2007.
. “Improving Relationships and People Skills Through Self-Understanding.” A 2-hour presentation aimed to increase participants’ self-knowledge and interpersonal skills. Presented to members of the North Californian Taiwanese Engineers’ Association (NATEA) -Silicon Valley. September 25, 2007. o Significance: More than 50 individuals attended this presentation, reportedly a new attendance record for similar events the organization had held.
. “Career Change and Competitive Advantage: What Graduated School or Credential Programs Could Do For You?” A panel discussion hosted by South Bay First Thursdays. September 13, 2007.
. “Licensing Process and Taking EPPP” A 1.5-hour presentation on the process of and preparation for taking licensing exams for psychologist in California. I co-presented to doctoral and post-doctoral fellows at Stanford University Counseling and Psychological Services. February 23, 2007.
. “Working With Asian American College Students.” A 1.5-hour training session presented to doctoral and post-doctoral fellows at Stanford University Counseling and Psychological Services. April 13, 2007.
. “Multicultural Issues in Psychotherapy.” Guest lecture provided to doctoral-level students at Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. July 6, 2005.
. “Intergenerational Issues: Filial Piety Today.” A panel discussion hosted by South Bay First Thursdays. September 1, 2005.
. “Homemakers & Breadwinners: Changing Expectations of Asian American Women and Men.” A panel discussion hosted by South Bay First Thursdays. April 7, 2005.
. Asian American Psychological Association.
. California Faculty Association
. California Psychological Association.
. Division II: Education and Training, California Psychological Association.
. Division of Women, Asian American Psychological Association.
. National Academic Advising Association. Serve as a committee member in the Diversity Committee (2008- 2010).
. Taiwanese Psychological Network.
. The Asian Pacific Islander Caucus (APIC) of San José State University.