Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities
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Domain 4 –Professional Responsibilities Candidate:______Grade Level:______Lesson Topic:______Date:______Criterion Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 4a: Reflecting on Teaching Accuracy Teacher does not know if a lesson was Teacher has a generally accurate Teacher makes an accurate assessment Teacher makes a thoughtful and effective or achieved its goals, or impression of a lesson’s of a lesson’s effectiveness and the accurate assessment of a lesson’s profoundly misjudges the success of a effectiveness and the extent to extent to which it achieved its goals effectiveness and the extent to which it lesson. which instructional goals were met. and can cite general references to achieved its goals, citing many specific support the judgment. examples from the lesson and weighing the relative strength of each. N/A:____ Use in Future Teaching Teacher has no suggestions for how a Teacher makes general suggestions Teacher makes a few specific Drawing on an extensive repertoire of lesson may be improved another time. about how a lesson may be suggestions of what he may try skills, the teacher offers specific improved. another time. alternative actions, complete with probably successes of different N/A:____ approaches. Observations & Comments:
4b: Maintaining Accurate Records Student Completion of Teacher’s system for maintaining Teacher’s system for maintaining Teacher’s system for maintaining Teacher’s system for maintaining Assignments information on student completion of information on student completion information on student completion of information on student completion of assignments is in disarray. of assignments is rudimentary and assignments is fully effective. assignments is fully effective. Students only partially effective. participate in the maintenance of N/A:____ records. Student Progress in Learning Teacher has no system for maintaining Teacher’s system for maintaining Teacher’s system for maintaining Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student progress in information on student progress in information on student progress in information on student progress is learning or the system is in disarray. learning is rudimentary and only learning is effective. fully effective. Students contribute partially effective. information and interpretation of the N/A:____ records. Noninstructional Records Teacher’s records for nonnstructional Teacher’s records for Teacher’s system for maintaining Teacher’s system for maintaining activities are in disarray, resulting in nonnstructional activities are information on nonnstructional information on nonnstructional N/A:____ errors and confusion. adequate, but they require frequent activities is fully effective. activities is highly effective, and monitoring to avoid error. students contribute to its maintenance. Observations & Comments:
4c: Communicating with Families Information About the Teacher provides little information Teacher participates in the schools Teacher’s efforts to engage families in Teacher’s efforts to engage families in Instructional Program about the instructional program to required procedures for the instructional program are frequent the instructional program are frequent families. communicating to parents. and successful. and successful. Students contribute N/A:____ Responses to parent concerns are ideas for projects that will be minimal. enhanced by family participation. Information About Teacher provides minimal information Teacher adheres to the school’s Teacher communicates with parents Teacher provides information to Individual Students to parents and does not respond or required procedures for about students’ progress on a regular parents frequently on both positive responds insensitively to parent communicating to parents. basis and is available as needed to and negative aspects of student Domain 4 –Professional Responsibilities Candidate:______Grade Level:______Lesson Topic:______Date:______N/A:____ concerns about students. Responses to parent concerns are respond to parent concerns. progress. Response to parent concerns minimal. is handled with great sensitivity. Criterion Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Engagement of Families n the Teacher makes no attempt to engage Teacher makes modest and Teacher’s efforts to engage families in Teacher’s efforts to engage families in Instructional Program families in the instructional program, inconsistently successful attempts to the instructional program are frequent the instructional program are frequent or such attempts are inappropriate. engage families in the instructional and successful. and successful. Students contribute N/A:____ program. ideas for projects that will be enhanced by family participation. Observations & Comments:
4d: Contributing to the School and District Relationships with Colleagues Teacher’s relationships with Teacher maintains cordial Support and cooperation characterize Support and cooperation characterize colleagues are negative or self-serving. relationships with colleagues to relationships with colleagues. relationships with colleagues. Teacher N/A____ fulfill the duties that the school or takes initiative in assuming leadership district requires. among the faculty. Service to the School Teacher avoids becoming involved in Teacher participates in school Teacher volunteers to participate in Teacher volunteers to participate in school events. events when specifically asked. school events, making a substantial school events, making a substantial contribution. contribution, and assumes a leadership N/A____ role in at lest some aspect of school life. Service to the School and Teacher avoids becoming involved in Teacher participates in school and Teacher volunteers to participate in Teacher volunteers to participate in District Projects school and district projects. district projects when specifically school and district projects, making a school and district projects, making a asked. substantial contribution. substantial contribution, and assumes N/A____ a leadership role in a major or district project. Observations & Comments:
4e: Growing and Developing Professionally Enhancement of Content Teacher engages in no professional Teacher participates in professional Teacher seeks out opportunities for Teacher seeks out opportunities for Knowledge and Pedagogical development activities to enhance activities to a limited extent when professional development to enhance professional development and makes a Skill knowledge or skill. they are convenient. content knowledge and pedagogical systematic attempt to conduct action N/A____ skill. research in his classroom. Service to the Profession Teacher makes no effort to share Teacher finds limited ways to Teacher participates actively in Teacher initiates important activities knowledge with others or to assume contribute to the profession. assisting other educators. to contribute to the profession, such as professional responsibilities. mentoring new teachers, writing N/A____ articles for publication, and making presentations. Observations & Comments: Domain 4 –Professional Responsibilities Candidate:______Grade Level:______Lesson Topic:______Date:______
Criterion Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 4f: Showing Professionalism Service to Students Teacher is not alert to students needs. Teacher’s attempts to serve Teacher is moderately active in Teacher is highly proactive in serving students are inconsistent. serving students. students, seeking out resources when N/A:____ necessary. Advocacy Teacher contributes to school Teacher does not knowingly Teacher works within the context of a Teacher makes a particular effort to practices that result in some students contribute to some students being ill particular team or department to challenge negative attitudes and helps being ill served by the school. served by the school. ensure that all students receive a fair ensure that all students, particularly N/A:____ opportunity to succeed. those traditionally underserved, are honored n the school. Decision Making Teacher makes decisions based on self- Teacher’s decisions are based on Teacher maintains an open mind and Teacher takes a leadership role in serving interests. limited though genuinely participates in team or departmental team or departmental decision making professional considerations. decision making. and helps ensure that such decisions N/A:____ are based on the highest professional standards. Observations & Comments: