Standard Reporting Format for the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health
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Report No. CB0303/0016/1 Agenda Item 14 Attachment 11
Report to the Board of the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health 27th March 2003
Standard Reporting Format for the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health
PURPOSE OF REPORT To recommend a standard reporting format (SRF) as a front sheet for information presented to meetings of the Board of the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health and Sub-Committees of the Board.
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the Board note the content of the attached report. 2. That the Board approve the recommended standard reporting format as a front sheet for the presentation of information to meetings of the Commission Board and Sub-Committees. 3. That, once a standard format has been agreed, all individuals presenting information to Commission Board and Sub-Committees use the attached guidance sheet to assist them in preparing these documents. 4. That any documents that are not in the corporate style are not accepted for presentation to either the Commission Board or Sub- Committees.
IMPLICATIONS FOR STAKEHOLDERS A clear corporate style for reporting will enable stakeholders to clearly identify the key points that are being addressed by the information presented to Commission meetings. This will assist the Commission in conducting business effectively and efficiently. It will also enable information to be presented to the public in a consistent manner, facilitating compliance with the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 that will replace this Code.
IMPLICATIONS FOR SERVICE DELIVERY When presenting information to the Commission Board or Sub-Committees on matters relating to service delivery this information be received using the SRF as the front sheet for all documents.
IMPLICATIONS FOR CORPORATE SERVICES Facilities Management Same as for service delivery.
Human Resources Same as for service delivery. Informatics Same as for service delivery.
IMPLICATIONS FOR FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE Finance Same as for service delivery.
Performance Same as for service delivery.
IMPLICATIONS FOR GOVERNANCE The use of the SRF as a front sheet facilitates good corporate governance as it enables the author of the report to identify the key points they are making in their report. It also identifies the implications, positive or otherwise, of the information they are presenting and the actions that are required of the Commission to respond to this information.
CORPORATE OBJECTIVES MET The proposals in this paper will contribute to: Development of the organisation Achievement of the highest standards of governance
ORIGINATING AUTHOR Simon Banks Seconded to the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health 14th March 2003 1.0 STANDARD REPORTING FORMAT 1.1 The Standard Reporting Format (SRF) that is attached to this paper is intended for use as a front sheet for information presented to the Board of the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health, referred to hereafter as the Commission, and the Sub-Committees of the Board. The headings in the SRF enable the author of paper to reflect upon the implications of their report on stakeholders, on the four key areas of Commission business and on the achievement of corporate objectives that will be defined in the Business Plan.
1.2 The italicised text in the guidance sheet addresses what is required in each section in terms of content and font. Any section that does not require an entry should be completed with the phrase ‘None as a result of this report’. It is recommended that all information on the SRF is presented in Arial font, with a minimum font size 12. The body text of reports written specifically for Board and Sub-Committees must also be in this font style and size.
1.3 The front sheet to this report outlines the benefits of adopting a SRF for the Commission.
2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 It is recommended that the Board note the content of this report.
2.2 It is recommended that the Board approve the standard reporting format as a front sheet for the presentation of information to meetings of the Commission Board and Sub-Committees.
2.3 It is recommended that, once a standard format has been agreed, all individuals presenting information to Commission Board and Sub- Committees use the attached guidance sheet to assist them in preparing these documents. Any documents that are not in the corporate style will not be accepted for presentation to either the Commission Board or Sub-Committees. Report to the
PURPOSE OF REPORT (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) Brief explanation of the purpose of the report. Is the report to update the meeting, for information, for discussion or for a decision?
RECOMMENDATIONS (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) Summarise what you want the meeting to do. Do you want the meeting to note the report or support a particular course of action? If you have more than one recommendation, number them.
IMPLICATIONS FOR STAKEHOLDERS (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) Who does your paper impact upon? Is there an impact on staff, service users, carers or other stakeholders (internal or external)? What is the impact? Can you be specific about who the issues in your paper will effect?
IMPLICATIONS FOR SERVICE DELIVERY (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) Will anything in your report have an impact on service delivery? If so, which aspect of service delivery will be effected – central services, regional offices, local networks, Patients’ Forums or ICAS? If no impact, write ‘None as a result of this report.’
IMPLICATIONS FOR CORPORATE SERVICES (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) Facilities Management (Align Left, Arial 12, Lower Case, Bold) What impact, if any, will the content of your report have on facilities management? Will more accommodation be needed, are modifications required to existing premises or has a procurement issue arisen?
Human Resources (Align Left, Arial 12, Lower Case, Bold) Is there anything in your report that will effect human resource management across the Commission? Briefly explain what this might be.
Informatics (Align Left, Arial 12, Lower Case, Bold) Are there any informatics issues that arise from your report? Summarise what they might be here.
IMPLICATIONS FOR FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) Finance (Align Left, Arial 12, Lower Case, Bold) Is there anything in your report that has a financial impact on the Commission at any level? Can this be quantified? Does the impact require further analysis?
Performance (Align Left, Arial 12, Lower Case, Bold) Is there anything in your report that may influence the performance of the Commission at any level? How will your proposals contribute to the attainment of performance measures? Will activity levels be increased?
IMPLICATIONS FOR GOVERNANCE (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) Will anything in your report influence corporate governance? Will your report impact on policy development, health and safety, risk management, patient and public involvement or complaints, claims and compliments?
CORPORATE OBJECTIVES MET (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) What does your report contribute to the corporate objectives of the Commission? List only the objectives that your report addresses. The corporate objectives of the Commission will be included in the Business Plan.
PRESENTING DIRECTOR TO THE BOARD (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) Insert the name of the Accountable Director.
ORIGINATING AUTHOR (Align Left, Arial 12, Upper Case, Bold) Insert the name of the author(s) of the paper. Insert the Directorate(s) of the author(s). Insert the date the paper was completed.