Closure Or Restriction of the Motorway Policy Statement
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Policy Statement
Policy Statement: Closure or Restriction of the Motorway Approved by which Operations Board, 9th January 2015 board (or Chief Officer) and date: Owner Chief Inspector of Operations For release under Freedom of Information? Yes
Supporting procedures Authorised Professional Practice (APP) 2/management-of-incidents/
Highways Agency Traffic Officers Contact for advice Inspector of Road Traffic Policing Review date January 2018
If changes have been made to an existing policy statement, you must complete the boxes below
Amendments made Removal of Cumbria Constabulary’s original policy following the introduction of the College of Policing APP, which the Constabulary has adopted. Date and Version Version 1 Number January 2015
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1. Equality Analysis 1a. what is the potential impact in relation to the General Duty of this proposal on each of the protected groups below? Protected Positive Impact Negative Impact (provide No characteristics details and mitigating actions Impact Does the proposal: taken or proposed) (√) eliminate advance equality of Foster good Other positive unlawful opportunity relations impact (provide discrimination (provide details) (provide details) details) (provide details)
Age Motorway Any closure or Actions such as closure will restriction of a alerting the media affect elderly motorway will not and updating generation foster good community and especially with relations as this has staff who can toilet an impact on travel operate early restrictions and journeys. motorway signs to any person that alert travelling may be on motorists would be medication, it helpful. Press will also impact release and early on small traffic officers on children if the scene to direct time of closure traffic would be is lengthy. appreciated. Disability This will heavily Any closure or impact on the restriction of a disabled as motorway will not medication and foster good mobility will be relations as this has 3 Not Protectively Marked restricted. an impact on travel Officers may journeys. have to transport persons to a safer place. Any persons that have a medical problem such as diabetes may also be affected dependent upon the travel delay. Sex N/A Sexual orientation N/A Gender N/A reassignment Marriage and civil partnership N/A Pregnancy and This will have Any closure or maternity an impact on restriction of a any person that motorway will not is using the foster good Motorway to relations as this has travel to an impact on travel hospital whilst journeys. in labour, or about to go into labour. 4 Not Protectively Marked Officers, medical teams would have to be of assistance. The stress of the closure may also have an impact on early labour. Race N/A Religion and belief This could Any closure or including non- impact on restriction of a belief persons being motorway will not late for foster good religious relations as this has practices. an impact on travel journeys.
If there is no potential impact (positive or negative) please provide a brief explanation why this is the case, e.g. The data utilised in arriving at the decision, summary of responses to consultation etc.
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2. Aim The aim of this policy is to provide guidance for the Force Incident Managers and staff to deal with various scenarios that might invoke a full or partial motorway closure or restriction.
There are three main types of closure:-
1. Where an incident has occurred and the carriageway is blocked, or
2. Where it is necessary for the police to close the motorway: this may be to prevent injury or loss of life, or to preserve evidence.
3. Where it is necessary to close one or more lanes to recover vehicles or repair the infrastructure.
The policy is aimed at all police officer’s and staff who may become directly involved with a traffic collision which then affects the Motorway becoming restricted. The guidance will allow the correct procedures to be taken by the Constabulary.
3. The Policy Statement The Constabulary will adhere to APP (Authorised Professional Practice). Click on link below to view the policy/ procedures:
If the link does not work then go to the Constabulary’s intranet page, click on ‘Links to Other Systems’, then ‘Authorised Professional Practice’, followed by Roads Policing.
The Motorway Traffic Regulations (England and Wales) 1982 control the use of motorways. Regulation 16 (as amended) provides exceptions and relaxations to the regulations. Patrolling officers also need to be aware of these exceptions and mindful of what partner organisations are permitted to do under these regulations. The exemptions include persons under the direction of a constable in uniform or a Highways Agency Traffic Officer (HATO) in uniform. A partial or full closure of a motorway causes delays, economic loss, displaced traffic congestion and increases the risk of collisions on diversion routes.
Key partners and the media must be notified of any closure to allow the travelling public to be informed and advised of any diversionary routes. All forces should have a policy for the removal of broken-down vehicles. The Constabulary will follow the guidance specified in Authorised Professional Practice. When carrying out any procedures on the hard shoulder, a lane one closure should be considered to ensure an adequate safety zone. The occupant(s) of a broken-down vehicle should be given advice that maximises their personal safety, dependent on the prevailing circumstances.
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Police should inform the regional control centre of any broken-down vehicles so that action can be taken. signs-manual-chapter-08-part-02.pdf
4. Supporting Information signs-manual-chapter-08-part-02.pdf
5. Monitoring and Reviewing This policy statement will be reviewed every 3 years, unless there are any changes to legislation.