As You Design Your Reports, Make Sure You Save Your Changes Often!
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layout/format adjustments. See below for page 4 of the report. the of 4 page for below See adjustments. layout/format
View the report in Print Preview. Return to Design view to make any necessary necessary any make to view Design to Return Preview. Print in report the View m.
2 point line. point 2
straight and stretches across the page. Change the border width line property so that it is a is it that so property line width border the Change page. the across stretches and straight
Add a line underneath the Page Header label headings. Make sure the line is is line the sure Make headings. label Header Page the underneath line a Add l.
Piano in red, bold font. bold red, in Piano
Add a conditional formatting rule for the LessonType field to display all values of values all display to field LessonType the for rule formatting conditional a Add k.
Place the lines on the first control, then copy and paste to the second.) the to paste and copy then control, first the on lines the Place
Place a single line above each calculated control and double lines below. below. lines double and control calculated each above line single a Place j. (HINT: (HINT:
display Currency with no decimal places. decimal no with Currency display
Remove the rectangle around the calculated controls and format the totals to to totals the format and controls calculated the around rectangle the Remove i.
read “Totals”. Bold the label. the Bold “Totals”. read
Leave only one label associated with the two calculated controls which should should which controls calculated two the with associated label one only Leave h.
the Detail section. Detail the
calculated controls align with the MonthlyLessonCost and MonthlyRentalCost fields in in fields MonthlyRentalCost and MonthlyLessonCost the with align controls calculated
monthly lesson cost and monthly rental cost for all values in the report. Make sure the the sure Make report. the in values all for cost rental monthly and cost lesson monthly
In the Report Footer, add calculated controls that compute grand totals for the the for totals grand compute that controls calculated add Footer, Report the In g.
Eliminate the Report Header. Report the Eliminate f.
page number controls above the field labels. field the above controls number page
the date, report title, and page number controls on the same line. Place the date, title, and title, date, the Place line. same the on controls number page and title, report date, the
Move the date, report title, and page number to the Page Header section. Place Place section. Header Page the to number page and title, report date, the Move e.
Change the page number format from “Page n of m” to “Page n”. “Page to m” of n “Page from format number page the Change d.
across the report header. header. report the across Contracts Student heading the Center c.
Remove the alternate row color from the group header and detail lines in the the in lines detail and header group the from color row alternate the Remove b.
Remove the Piano graphic from the report header. report the from graphic Piano the Remove a.
Modify the existing report rptStudentContracts in Design view in the following ways: following the in view Design in rptStudentContracts report existing the Modify 2.
and save it to your working disk. working your to it save and 7 Contract named database the Download 1.
Pine Hill Music School Music Hill Pine
As you design your reports, make sure you save your changes often! changes your save you sure make reports, your design you As
Exercises are based on cases from the Adamski text. Some have been modified by the instructor. the by modified been have Some text. Adamski the from cases on based are Exercises
Lesson 7 Exercises 7 Lesson ACCT 2840 ACCT
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dots between the text boxes and the Detail bar. See example above. example See bar. Detail the and boxes text the between dots
Reduce the size of the Group Header section so that there is only one row of grid grid of row one only is there that so section Header Group the of size the Reduce j.
between the text boxes and the Page Footer bar. See example above. example See bar. Footer Page the and boxes text the between
i. Reduce the size of the Detail section so that there is only one row of grid dots dots grid of row one only is there that so section Detail the of size the Reduce
Space and align the controls as shown below. shown as controls the align and Space h.
space. (If you need to review how to do this, see the Lesson 3 PowerPoint.) 3 Lesson the see this, do to how review to need you (If space.
Format each label so that it appears on two lines and takes up less horizontal horizontal less up takes and lines two on appears it that so label each Format g.
label to move it between sections. See the example below. example the See sections. between it move to label
field to the Page Header section of the report. Recall that you must cut and paste each each paste and cut must you that Recall report. the of section Header Page the to field
MonthlyRentalCost fields to the Detail section of the report. Move the labels for each each for labels the Move report. the of section Detail the to fields MonthlyRentalCost
Add the Student FirstName, Student LastName, MonthlyLessonCost and and MonthlyLessonCost LastName, Student FirstName, Student the Add f.
Remove the field labels. See example below. example See labels. field the Remove
Place the Teacher FirstName and Teacher LastName fields in the Group Header. Header. Group the in fields LastName Teacher and FirstName Teacher the Place e.
Add a Teacher LastName group. Sort on Lesson Type, then Student Last Name. Last Student then Type, Lesson on Sort group. LastName Teacher a Add d.
See example below. example See
Detail section border. Remove the field label and move the text box to the left margin. margin. left the to box text the move and label field the Remove border. section Detail
Place the Lesson Type field in the detail section of the report flush against the the against flush report the of section detail the in field Type Lesson the Place c.
Make the report page width 6.5 inches. 6.5 width page report the Make b.
Using a blank report in Design view, set the Record Source to to Source Record the set view, Design in report blank a Using a.
Create a custom report based on qryTeacherLessons. Save the report as as report the Save qryTeacherLessons. on based report custom a Create 4.
three fields. Save as qryTeacherLessons. as Save fields. three
MonthlyRentalCost fields from the tblContract table. Sort in ascending order by the first first the by order ascending in Sort table. tblContract the from fields MonthlyRentalCost
LastName fields from the tblStudent table, and the MonthlyLessonCost and and MonthlyLessonCost the and table, tblStudent the from fields LastName
tblTeacher table, the LessonType field from the tblContract table, the FirstName and and FirstName the table, tblContract the from field LessonType the table, tblTeacher
Create a query that displays, in order, the LastName and FirstName fields from the the from fields FirstName and LastName the order, in displays, that query a Create 3.
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report footer total amounts for the entire report.) entire the for amounts total footer report
expressions placed in group footers total amounts in each group; expressions placed in in placed expressions group; each in amounts total footers group in placed expressions
Footer. Recall that totals are generated based on placement of the expression (i.e. (i.e. expression the of placement on based generated are totals that Recall Footer.
unbound text box from the Teacher LastName group footer and place it in the Report Report the in it place and footer group LastName Teacher the from box text unbound
will be used to calculate the total monthly lesson cost, you can copy and paste the the paste and copy can you cost, lesson monthly total the calculate to used be will
cost for all teachers. Delete the field label. ALTERNATIVE: Since the same formula formula same the Since ALTERNATIVE: label. field the Delete teachers. all for cost
MonthlyRentalCost field. Enter an expression in the text box to total the monthly rental rental monthly the total to box text the in expression an Enter field. MonthlyRentalCost
Place an unbound text box in the Report footer aligned under the the under aligned footer Report the in box text unbound an Place g.
report footer total amounts for the entire report.) entire the for amounts total footer report
expressions placed in group footers total amounts in each group; expressions placed in in placed expressions group; each in amounts total footers group in placed expressions
Footer. Recall that totals are generated based on placement of the expression (i.e. (i.e. expression the of placement on based generated are totals that Recall Footer.
unbound text box from the Teacher LastName group footer and place it in the Report Report the in it place and footer group LastName Teacher the from box text unbound
will be used to calculate the total monthly lesson cost, you can copy and paste the the paste and copy can you cost, lesson monthly total the calculate to used be will
cost for all teachers. Delete the field label. ALTERNATIVE: Since the same formula formula same the Since ALTERNATIVE: label. field the Delete teachers. all for cost
MonthlyLessonCost field. Enter an expression in the text box to total the monthly lesson lesson monthly the total to box text the in expression an Enter field. MonthlyLessonCost
Place an unbound text box in the Report footer aligned under the the under aligned footer Report the in box text unbound an Place f.
Place a label to the left of the controls containing “Teacher Totals”. “Teacher containing controls the of left the to label a Place e.
Place a 1-point line above the calculated controls. calculated the above line 1-point a Place d.
cost for each teacher. Delete the field label. field the Delete teacher. each for cost
MonthlyRentalCost field. Enter an expression in the text box to total the monthly rental rental monthly the total to box text the in expression an Enter field. MonthlyRentalCost
Place an unbound text box in the LastName footer aligned under the the under aligned footer LastName the in box text unbound an Place c.
cost for each teacher. Delete the field label. field the Delete teacher. each for cost
MonthlyLessonCost field. Enter an expression in the text box to total the monthly lesson lesson monthly the total to box text the in expression an Enter field. MonthlyLessonCost
Place an unbound text box in the LastName footer aligned under the the under aligned footer LastName the in box text unbound an Place b.
group together on one page. one on together group
Add the LastName group footer to the report. Choose the option to keep whole whole keep to option the Choose report. the to footer group LastName the Add a.
Add calculated controls. calculated Add 7.
Place a title the Report Header that reads “Pine Hill Music School”. Music Hill “Pine reads that Header Report the title a Place 6.
sure that the page number will not display on the first page. first the on display not will number page the that sure
Add the page number (Page n of m) to the right side of the Page Header. Make Make Header. Page the of side right the to m) of n (Page number page the Add d.
in the unbound text box. Ensure that the format of the date is as follows: X/XX/XXXX. follows: as is date the of format the that Ensure box. text unbound the in
associated label and make sure the text box is aligned flush left. Enter the Date function function Date the Enter left. flush aligned is box text the sure make and label associated
Place an unbound text box at the top left side of the Page Header. Delete the the Delete Header. Page the of side left top the at box text unbound an Place c.
Center this label across the page. the across label this Center
In the space above the field labels, add a label that reads “Teacher Lessons”. Lessons”. “Teacher reads that label a add labels, field the above space the In b.
down. down.
Expand the Page Header section to approximately one inch and move the labels labels the move and inch one approximately to section Header Page the Expand a.
Add controls to the Page Header. Page the to controls Add 5.
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Close the Pinehill database. Pinehill the Close 9.
Save your changes and close the report. See an example of the completed report report completed the of example an See report. the close and changes your Save o.
Ensure that no blank pages display. pages blank no that Ensure
contained in them. in contained
Ensure that all text boxes are large enough to fully display the data data the display fully to enough large are boxes text all that Ensure
Make sure all fields and labels are aligned. are labels and fields all sure Make
View the report in Print Preview. Preview. Print in report the View n.
Place a 2-point line above and below the report totals. report the below and above line 2-point a Place m.
Center the report title across the page. the across title report the Center l.
background color tool on the ribbon and set the background color to Automatic. to color background the set and ribbon the on tool color background
Remove the default background color from the Report Header. Header. Report the from color background default the Remove k. HINT: Use the the Use HINT:
black. black.
Change the font size for the Report Header title to 14 points and display it in bold bold in it display and points 14 to title Header Report the for size font the Change j.
Center the Page Header “Teacher Lessons” title across the page header. page the across title Lessons” “Teacher Header Page the Center i.
Bold the Page Header title. Header Page the Bold h.
HINT: You can select all calculated controls and set this property one time. one property this set and controls calculated all select can You HINT:
Format the calculated controls to display in Currency with no decimal places. places. decimal no with Currency in display to controls calculated the Format g.
Make sure that duplicate values of LessonType do not display. not do LessonType of values duplicate that sure Make f.
2 1/4 inches. Make sure the line is straight. Set the line’s border width property to 1 pt. 1 to property width border line’s the Set straight. is line the sure Make inches. 1/4 2
Place a line under the teacher name starting at the left page margin and ending at at ending and margin page left the at starting name teacher the under line a Place e.
line is straight. Set the line’s border width property to 2 pt. 2 to property width border line’s the Set straight. is line
Place a line across the Page Header underneath the column labels. Make sure the the sure Make labels. column the underneath Header Page the across line a Place d.
one time. one
should be set to Transparent. All text boxes can be selected and this property applied applied property this and selected be can boxes text All Transparent. to set be should
HINTS: The border style property property style border The HINTS: fields. any around rectangles all Remove c.
Remove all alternate background colors from any section of the report displaying displaying report the of section any from colors background alternate all Remove b.
this parameter to ensure all report controls are within the 6.5 inch border. inch 6.5 the within are controls report all ensure to parameter this
Make sure the page width is 6.5 inches. Move and/or size any controls outside of outside controls any size and/or Move inches. 6.5 is width page the sure Make a.
Clean and format the report. Switch between Report View and Design View to to View Design and View Report between Switch report. the format and Clean 8.
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Edit the label to read “Total Program Fees” and adjust the placement of the label if if label the of placement the adjust and Fees” Program “Total read to label the Edit d.
in example). in
Enter an expression in the unbound text box to total the fees for each program (not shown (not program each for fees the total to box text unbound the in expression an Enter c.
with the Monthly Fee text box. text Fee Monthly the with
Place an unbound text box in the Group Footer. Make sure the unbound text box aligns aligns box text unbound the sure Make Footer. Group the in box text unbound an Place b.
Add a group footer for ProgramID. for footer group a Add a.
Add a group footer. group a Add 5.
the text boxes and the Page Footer bar. Footer Page the and boxes text the
Reduce the size of the Detail section so that there is only one row of grid dots between between dots grid of row one only is there that so section Detail the of size the Reduce m.
Hide duplicate values for the Membership Status field. Status Membership the for values duplicate Hide l.
between the text boxes and the Detail bar. Detail the and boxes text the between
Reduce the size of the Group Header section so that there is only one row of grid dots dots grid of row one only is there that so section Header Group the of size the Reduce k.
from the left margin of the report to just beyond the Monthly Fee label. Fee Monthly the beyond just to report the of margin left the from
Place a three-point line in the Page Header below the field labels. The line should extend should line The labels. field the below Header Page the in line three-point a Place j.
Change the color of the labels to black. to labels the of color the Change i.
fields to the Page Header. Make sure the labels and text boxes are aligned. are boxes text and labels the sure Make Header. Page the to fields
Move the labels for the Membership Status, First Name, Last Name, and Monthly Fee Fee Monthly and Name, Last Name, First Status, Membership the for labels the Move h.
Detail Section. Section. Detail
Add the Membership Status, First Name, Last Name, and Monthly Fee fields to the the to fields Fee Monthly and Name, Last Name, First Status, Membership the Add g.
Keep the whole group together on one page. one on together group whole the Keep f.
the left margin of the report to just beyond the Program Type field. Type Program the beyond just to report the of margin left the
Place a three-point line below the Program Type and Program ID fields that extends from extends that fields ID Program and Type Program the below line three-point a Place e.
are large enough to display the longest record in each field. each in record longest the display to enough large are
Ensure that the Program ID and Program Type fields are aligned and that the text boxes boxes text the that and aligned are fields Type Program and ID Program the that Ensure d.
the Program Type field and adjust the spacing of the controls appropriately. controls the of spacing the adjust and field Type Program the
Place the Program Type field to the right of the Program ID field. Remove the label from label the Remove field. ID Program the of right the to field Type Program the Place c.
Place the Program ID field in the Group header flush against the left border of the report. the of border left the against flush header Group the in field ID Program the Place b.
sort field and the LastName field as a secondary sort field. sort secondary a as field LastName the and field sort
Add a grouping level for Program ID. Select the MembershipStatus field as the primary primary the as field MembershipStatus the Select ID. Program for level grouping a Add a.
Add fields and formatting to the report. See page 411 for an example. an for 411 page See report. the to formatting and fields Add 4.
Make the report page width 6.5 inches. 6.5 width page report the Make b.
Using a blank report in Design view, set the Record Source to qryProgramMembership. to Source Record the set view, Design in report blank a Using a.
. rptProgramMembership
Create a custom report from scratch based on qryProgramMembership. Save the report as as report the Save qryProgramMembership. on based scratch from report custom a Create 3.
Save the query as qryProgramMembership. as query the Save c.
Sort in ascending order by the ProgramID, MembershipStatus, and LastName fields. LastName and MembershipStatus, ProgramID, the by order ascending in Sort b.
MembershipStatus, FirstName, and LastName fields from tblMember. tblMember. from fields LastName and FirstName, MembershipStatus,
Display the ProgramID, ProgramType, and MonthlyFee fields from tblProgram, and the the and tblProgram, from fields MonthlyFee and ProgramType, ProgramID, the Display a.
Create a query on which to base a new report. new a base to which on query a Create 2.
database and save it to your working disk. working your to it save and database 7 Training the Download 1. Parkhurst Health & Fitness Center Fitness & Health Parkhurst
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Training 7 Training
Contract 7 Contract
Upload the following files to Lesson 7 Exercises in NS Online Assignments. Online NS in Exercises 7 Lesson to files following the Upload
Close the Training database. Training the Close 9.
Save your changes and close the report. See an example of the completed report below. report completed the of example an See report. the close and changes your Save k.
Ensure that no blank pages display. pages blank no that Ensure j.
Make sure the report width is still 6.5 inches. 6.5 still is width report the sure Make
contained in them. in contained
Ensure that all text boxes are large enough to fully display the data data the display fully to enough large are boxes text all that Ensure
Make sure all fields and labels are aligned. are labels and fields all sure Make
View the report in Print Preview. Preview. Print in report the View i.
Bold the group totals and the report total. report the and totals group the Bold h.
Format the group totals and the report total to display as Currency with two decimal decimal two with Currency as display to total report the and totals group the Format g.
Darker 15%. Darker
Place the following background color in the Group Header section: White, Background 1, Background White, section: Header Group the in color background following the Place f.
1, Darker 35%. Darker 1,
Place the following background color in the Report Header section: White, Background Background White, section: Header Report the in color background following the Place e.
Bold the field labels. field the Bold d.
Bold the report titles. report the Bold c.
Remove the alternate background color from each section of the report. the of section each from color background alternate the Remove b.
and setting the Border style property to Transparent. to property style Border the setting and
Remove the “boxes” from around each control by selecting all the controls on the report report the on controls the all selecting by control each around from “boxes” the Remove a.
Format the report so that it is pleasing to look at and easy to read. to easy and at look to pleasing is it that so report the Format 7.
Place a 2-point line above the report total. report the above line 2-point a Place j.
in example). in
Place a label to the left of the fee total that reads “Total Fitness Center Fees”. (not shown shown (not Fees”. Center Fitness “Total reads that total fee the of left the to label a Place i.
Enter an expression in the unbound text box to total all fees. (shown in example). in (shown fees. all total to box text unbound the in expression an Enter h.
with the Monthly Fee text box. text Fee Monthly the with
Place an unbound text box in the Report Footer. Make sure the unbound text box aligns aligns box text unbound the sure Make Footer. Report the in box text unbound an Place g.
Reduce the size of the date and page number controls to an appropriate size. appropriate an to controls number page and date the of size the Reduce f.
Place the page number (Page N) in the upper right corner of the report header. report the of corner right upper the in N) (Page number page the Place e.
Place the date (formatted as X/XX/XXXX) in the upper left corner of the report header. report the of corner left upper the in X/XX/XXXX) as (formatted date the Place d.
Place a secondary heading underneath the main heading that reads “Program “Program reads that heading main the underneath heading secondary a Place c.
Fitness Center” (not shown in example). in shown (not Center” Fitness
Add a label control to the Report Header. Center the heading “Parkhurst Health & & Health “Parkhurst heading the Center Header. Report the to control label a Add b.
gray bar for the Page Header and choose Report Header/Footer.) Report choose and Header Page the for bar gray
(HINT: to add a blank Header/Footer, right-click the the right-click Header/Footer, blank a add to (HINT: footer and header report a Add a.
Add a report header and footer. and header report a Add 6.