Name: Date: STUDY GUIDE Chapter 18: Hematology Mrs. Dasalla

1. The following tests are included in a CBC? Hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red/white blood cell counts. 2. The plasma functions in transporting electrolytes to the cells, nutrients to tissues, antibodies, enzymes, hormones and picking up wastes from tissues. 3. How many pints of blood does the average adult contain? 10-12 pints 4. In an adult, red blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow of the ribs, sternum, skull and ends of long bones of the limbs. 5. A mature erythrocyte has a biconcave shape and does not have a nucleus. 6. What is the normal range for a red blood cell count for a woman (in cells per cubic millimeter of blood)? 4 to 5.5 million. 7. The function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen in the body. 8. Mr. Peterson has a hemoglobin reading of 16. This is considered to be within the reference range. 9. What is the average life span of a red blood cell? 120 days 10. Mrs. Nelson has a white blood cell count of 14,500. This is considered to be above the reference range. 11. An abnormal increase in the number of leukocytes is known as leukocytes. 12. Leukocytes do their work in the tissues. 13. The movement of leukocytes through the pores of the capillaries is known as Diapedesis. 14. Pus consists of all of the following: dead leukocytes, dead bacteria and dead tissue cells. 15. What is the normal range for a platelet count for an adult (in platelets per cubic millimeter of blood)? 150,000 to 400,000. 16. A low hemoglobin reading may occur with all of the following: anemia, leukemia and severe hemorrhaging. 17. Mr. Johnson has a hematocrit reading of 60. This is considered to be: increased. 18. When using a micro hematocrit centrifuge, the hematocrit test results should be read at the Top of the red cell column. 19. The following results in leukopenia? Chemotherapy. 20. The following red blood cell indices measures the average size of a single red blood cell? MCV. 21. The following red blood cell indices measures the average concentration of hemoglobin within a single red blood cell? MCHC. 22. What is the most common cause of microcytic anemia? A lack of iron in the diet. 23. The following are granular leukocytes? Neutrophil, eosinophil, and basophil. 24. The nucleus of a neutrophil generally contains three to five lobes. 25. An immature form of a neutrophil is known as a band.