Aim High Work Hard Be Kind
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Marriotts Sixth Form
“Why go anywhere else?”
Aim High… Work hard… Be Kind… Page
Introduction 3 How to get to Marriotts 4 General Information 5 Marriotts Stands for and Believes in 5 Respect for all Policy 5 The School Network 6 Network Rules 6 In Case of a Fire 6 Code of Conduct 7 Dress Code 7 Attendance 8 Punctuality 8 Absence 8 Homework Deadlines 9 Cars 9 Alcohol and Tobacco 9 Drugs 9 Vandalism 10 Mobile Phones 10 Private Study Rules 10 Paid Employment Advice 10 Target Grades 11 Success in the Sixth Form 11 Tips for Improving Time Management 11 Student Concerns 12 Student Course Review 12 Student Progression 12 Social Events 12 Contact Us 13 Key Stage 5 Study Timetable 14
1. ICT Acceptable Use Agreement & ICT Letter 17/18 2.
[21] Dear Student
Welcome to the Sixth Form
The information contained in this booklet will help you settle into Marriotts community.
For Health and Safety reasons, it is important that we know when you are on site. Although registers will be taken during lessons, you must sign in when you enter the site and sign out when you leave. You will register every day at 8:30am unless you are guesting out. Only then will you need to sign in on your return.
Please take time to read this booklet and make yourself aware of school policies. If you are a ‘guest student’ they may differ from those of your “home” school.
You will need to complete an ICT agreement which will enable you to access computers within the school. We also ask that you complete a contact sheet. Every student is issued with a school email; you must log in and check this on a regular basis.
If you have any questions or need to discuss issues relating to your studies at Marriotts, please speak to me or Mr Winter Assistant Headteacher Key Stage 5.
Mr A Illingworth
Pastoral Head of Sixth Form
[21] How to get to Marriotts School
Directions from A1M Junction 7
Head southwest on Broadhall Way/A6020.1 mi - < 1 min
At the roundabout, take the 4th exit and stay on Broadhall Way/A602
Go through 1st roundabout 0.8 mi - 2 mins
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Valley Way 0.6 mi - 2 mins
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Brittain Way 0.1 mi - < 1 min
[21] General Information
There are notice boards in the sixth form area which will display useful information, such as:
School calendar dates – e.g. Academic Review Days, Inset Days, and Occasional Days Exam timetables University open days, careers information and study tips.
The new Sixth Form area is on the ground floor and includes ICT facilities, silent study area, 6 th form Library and group study areas.
Soft seating areas are available only during break and lunchtime for students to socialise and relax.
Marriotts Stands For and Believes in
Marriotts exists for its students, i.e. each one of you. In partnership with you, your parents, governors and the wider community, our task is to enable all of you to reach your highest level of personal achievement and give you every opportunity to either obtain a university place, apprenticeship or entrance to skilled work.
We want to help and encourage you to:
Develop lively, imaginative, creative, enquiring and independent minds Read, write, speak and listen effectively Be enthusiastic and confident Work well both on your own and with others Gain the knowledge, understanding and further key skills you will need for adult life and future learning Develop pride in yourself and a sense of right and wrong Experience opportunities for spiritual growth Understand and respect the differences between people
Respect for All Policy
Marriotts School believes that all people should be treated equally irrespective of ability, age, appearance, colour, ethnicity, language or sex.
Marriotts students should never be involved in bullying, cheating, disruptive behaviour, racism, rudeness, sexism, swearing or vandalism.
Marriotts students should always be honest, polite, kind, self-disciplined be able to speak and be listened to and help others in need.
[21] The School Network
The school has a large network. All computers can access the internet. We want you to enjoy using these facilities but there are dangers in allowing you this access. The dangers are both to you and to our systems.
Network Rules
Never give any information out over the internet which could allow someone to identify you or any other person People on the internet may not be who they appear to be Do not play games at school. Some games hide computer viruses which can cause serious damage to our network Never attempt to access unsuitable material (adult websites etc). Our systems monitor every web page you visit including your outgoing email. Do not reveal your network password to anyone else. You are personally responsible for anything done in your network area.
An ICT contract is at the end of this handbook (Appendix 1). Once complete please hand it to the Post 16 Administrator. This form will need to be completed to obtain your Login details.
In Case of Fire
The fire alarm signal is a very LONG, CONTINUOUS ringing of the school tone.
Leave your classroom quickly and quietly WITHOUT YOUR BAGS and use the NEAREST STAIRCASE to reach the ground floor.
All classroom windows and doors should be shut behind you if at all possible.
Fire exits are found at the front and back of the school and at the end of each wing on all floors. Fire Marshalls are placed around the building aiding your evacuation.
Use the nearest outside door to evacuate and make your way to the playing fields at the front of the school, by the main car park. Gather on the school field.
Wait for the registers to be checked. Guest student registers will be checked by the Head of Sixth Form and/or the Post 16 Administrator. If all are present and there is no danger, you will be dismissed and may re-enter the school.
If you have any queries regarding the fire procedures, please speak to any member of staff.
[21] Code of Conduct
All students are required to agree and sign the Post 16 Learning Contract (Appendix 2). Outline below is simple code of conduct to refer to:
Arrive at school every day for registration at 8:30am. Only on their allocated ‘enrichment day’, or when guesting at other consortium schools may they not be in the school building Remain in school for all directed study periods Register with Mr Illingworth during every study period Be an active member of their form and take up opportunities and guidance offered through our tutor time programme Arrive on time to all their lessons and study periods Wear the correct dress code (Business Dress) Conduct themselves in a positive manner and be a role model for all students at Marriotts School Actively participate in timetabled enrichment activities and become a role model within the school
Dress Code
Rather than wear the uniform worn by the rest of the student body, sixth form students are expected to adopt “smart business” dress.
Male students would be expected to wear Smart trousers Collared shirts (including polo shirt), Jumpers, cardigans (must be worn with a collared shirt underneath) Leather shoes Female students Smart trousers, skirts, dresses Blouses, jumpers, cardigans Leather shoes
The following items of clothing are considered inappropriate:
Clothing of a revealing nature e.g. low cut sun tops, very short skirts, tops that show midriff, ripped clothing Track suit bottoms, joggers, ‘hoodies’ Jeans Hot pants, excessively short shorts, shorts and leggings Replica sports shirts Baseball caps/other hats Sweatshirts Collarless t-shirts Trainers, pumps, plimsolls, converse or other similar shoes
[21] If any student is in any doubt about the suitability of their clothing, they should check with the Head of Sixth Form. Students will be asked to leave the school site and return suitably dressed if the dress code is flouted.
Jewellery and make up are acceptable providing they fall within the limits of conventional business dress codes. Pierced nose, eyebrows, tongue, cheeks etc. are not considered appropriate. Hair colour should be “natural” i.e. not pink, green, blue etc. Students found wearing inappropriate clothing around the building will be asked to remove it. Failure to do so will result in confiscating the item(s) in question. Refusal to do so will result in students being sent home or kept in a private study room.
Students who follow the 6th form dress code will be invited to participate in ‘Dress Down Friday’ meaning students can wear more casual clothing (bare mid-riffs, visible underwear, hats worn inside and offensive logos/slogans will not be permitted).
Regular attendance in Sixth Form is an important part of achieving academic success. You are expected to be in school all day, every day.
Your attendance will be registered every morning If you will be absent you must contact the school. You must arrive on time for every lesson. Holidays should not be taken in term time. The School has activities during the academic year that may mean you require permission to b e absent from a lesson. In such an event, you should inform your subject teachers at the earli est opportunity and request permission to be absent. After any absence, you should check with subject staff and catch up on any missed work.
All students are expected to attend lessons punctually. Timekeeping for both guest and home students will be monitored by the Head of Sixth. Guest student’s lateness will be reported to their home centre.
Students arriving late for school will be required to see the attendance officer at break time that day to complete an ‘Explanation for Lateness’ form. Persistent lateness will be reported to the head of sixth form for further actions.
Protocol for Lateness to lesson: 2 lates will receive a verbal warning, 5 lates will receive a written warning via Head of Sixth Form and 8 lates will generate a meeting with the head of sixth form where parents may be involved. This is to be monitored on a modular basis. Persistent lateness will require students to make up the lost time after school with the head of sixth form – 3 lates: 30 minutes, 6 lates: 1 hour, 9 lates: 1 hour and meeting with parents
Students will be placed on an attendance/punctually contract.
[21] Absences
All medical absences must be authorised by parents. Students can complete a self certification sickness or absence form (Appendix 3) and return it with a parent signature or ask a member of staff from their home school to authorise the absence.
Parents can request a leave of absence if you wish to take your son/daughter out of school the school day for an urgent appointment by completing an’ Application for leave of absence during the school day for Post 16 students’ form.(Appendix 4)
The Headteacher will not authorise any holidays booked during term time.
Staff Absence
If for any reason a teacher is unable to teach a class, work will be set. If a teacher has not arrived after 15 minutes and no work has been set, please check with the Head o f Department or Head of Sixth for further information.
Homework and Deadlines
Every piece of homework should be handed in by the deadline.
If students miss deadlines, subject tutors are to deal with at first instance accordingly. If problems persist subject tutors will notify the Head of Sixth where further actions will be taken and parents/home will be contacted with interventions to be put in to place. Continuous failure to meet a deadline will put your sixth form place at risk. Dates for exam entry forms to be completed and with the Exams officer are shown on the attached calendar. Entry forms must be signed and agreed by teachers for each of your subjects. Students are responsible for ensuring that their exam entry and coursework deadlines are met. Students have to pay for late entries and resits. Further information will be circulated by the exams officer.
There are limited facilities for sixth form students to park on the Marriotts site. A request form for a parking permit can be obtained from the Head of Sixth.
Alcohol and Tobacco
All students are reminded that smoking is prohibited anywhere on the school site.
All students whether they are 18 or not, are forbidden from bringing alcoholic beverages into school or consuming them during school hours.
Parents will be informed of any student under the influence of alcohol or suspected of being so and disciplinary action will be taken as appropriate.
[21] Drugs
Any student found in possession of, or selling, ANY illegal substance will be asked to leave. Parents and the police will be informed. Any student under the influence of drugs will be excluded until they return to school “drug free” following a meeting with parents or carers. Vandalism Any student found to be deliberately damaging school property will be asked to leave.
Mobile Phones
The use of mobile phones is only permitted at break and lunch. They must not be used, or turned on, during lessons.
Private Study Rules
Private study is an integral part of sixth form life. For every hour spent in lessons, at least one hour should be spent in independent study.
The following guidelines should ensure a positive learning atmosphere for all students:
Students are required to return to the Sixth Form Study Area for private study but, where appropriate, arrangements can be negotiated with your Head of Sixth Form for you to work elsewhere. E.g. Art rooms or Tech workshops. Students should work quietly. Discretion can be used but there should be a good working atmosphere without talking and discussion that disturbs others. Sixth formers should always have work to do! If work set by a teacher is up to date, students should engage in background reading/research or alternatively be working towards achieving COPE (Certificate of Personal Effectiveness). The study areas must be left clean and tidy. Sixth formers should show respect for all property at all times. Students should use ICT facilities responsibly and only for the purposes of work during lesson time. Eating and drinking is not permitted during study periods but students are encouraged to consume plenty of water.
Paid Employment
This can be problematic if a balance is not struck between the time devoted to study, recreation and to a job. We advise spending no more than 12 hours per week in employment.
Repeated failure to abide by these guidelines will be dealt with by the Head of Sixth Form.
A member of staff will take a register at every study period. You must attend your study period.
[21] Target Grades - A Level Performance Systems (ALPS)
Stevenage consortium schools use the A Level Performance Systems (ALPS) to set student targets for achievement.
End of Course Prediction (ECOP) is the minimum grade you should be expected to achieve; the End of Course Target (EOCT) grade may be higher, if your teacher feels that you could achieve more than your minimum grade suggests.
Predicted grades are the grades that your teachers feel you will actually achieve and are used mainly in Year 13 when you begin to make university, apprenticeship and employment applications.
Success in the Sixth Form
Every year we ask Year 13 leavers to pass on some advice to incoming sixth formers about how to get the most out of sixth form study.
This is what our Year 13 students have said…
Be prepared to work hard Work hard all the way through the course – find out early what is expected of you Work in your free periods – don’t let other people distract you Start revising early Work at a steady pace Never leave anything to the last moment – it will backfire! Listen to the teachers – what they say about doing work on time is true Don’t take the years for granted; always keep on top of work and don’t forget to have a social life Have fun, work hard and keep the Common Room tidy!
Tips for Improving Time Management
Concentrate on one thing at a time Plan your day each morning or the night before and set priorities for yourself Keep your diary or a notebook with you to jot down the things you have to do or notes to yourself Try to avoid wasting time – all time can be useful Try rewarding yourself when you get things done as you had planned, especially the important ones Be sure and set deadlines for yourself whenever possible Stop regretting failures and start learning from your mistakes Remind yourself, “there is always enough time for the important things”. If it is important, you should be able to make time to do it.
[21] Examine and revise your targets on a regular basis. Acknowledge achievement of your targets and celebrate success Put up reminders in your room about your goals
Student Concerns If you have any concerns in connection with your subject, you should initially discuss this with your subject teacher. If this concern is not resolved, you should refer to your Head of Sixth who may ask you to complete a Concern form.
Student Course Review If you wish to make a subject course amendment, a form must be filled in and approved by Mr Winter If you are considering any change of course, this must be done in consultation with subject staff a nd the Mr Illingworth. You will not be allowed to join any teaching group unless this has first been agreed by Mr Winter A similar procedure must be followed if you propose to discontinue your studies in any subject. Y ou must first speak to your Head of Sixth.
Student Progression Your academic progress will be monitored by your head of sixth team. There is a programme of monitoring and review for all Post 16 students, which includes Progress Checks; Review Days; Parents’ Consultation Evenings and Reports. The overall responsibility for monitoring your progress rests with your tutor and your Head of Sixth Form. If one of your teachers has concerns about your attitude, work or progress, they can complete a C oncern form or log it on Sims, which will go to your Head of Sixth. Progression to Year 13 is not automatic, but dependent on your level of achievement as well as c onforming to high standards of work, attendance and behaviour. (See the attached criteria, Appe ndix 5) Please read the progression requirements at the end of these notes.
Student Committee
Here at Marriotts we also believe in the importance of the student voice. As part of a fresh start and ever improving opportunities for students, we propose the organisation of a sixth form committee. This is a perfect opportunity for pupils to have their say, give honest opinions and bridge the gap between staff and students.
Committee members will be invited to give their suggestions, have their say and be representatives for the student body.
The idea for this is so that we can make the sixth form a more enjoyable place for you to study and give greater incentives for your hard work and cooperation.
[21] You will be asked to give suggestions for topics such as:
Form time Sixth form social events and activities Rewards and incentives Dress down days Private study time Celebrations Guest speakers and career opportunities Ways to improve the sixth form Whole school opportunities
If you would like to be a part of this please inform your form tutor or Mr Illingworth as we aim to organise this as soon as possible.
Contact Us
Assistant Headteacher Mr M Winter [email protected] Key Stage 5
Mr A Illingworth Pastoral Head of Sixth [email protected]
Mr P George Form Tutor [email protected]
Mrs K McClean Form Tutor [email protected]
Mr J Waddell Form Tutor [email protected]
Mrs L Freeston Form Tutor [email protected]
Miss F Malone Form Tutor [email protected]
Mr S Nokas Form Tutor [email protected]
[21] Key Stage 5 Study Timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun
Period1 08:50 – 09:50
Period 2 09:55 – 10:55
Period 3 11:15 – 12.15
Period 4 12:20-13:20
Period 5 14:00 – 15:00
Tips for successful study/revision Study in small “chunks” up to 40 minutes at a time Do not study more than 3 or 4 hours a night Be disciplined, stick to your weekly plan Balance the time equally for each subject Plan for leisure/relaxation time Study/revision is more than reading. Be active Reward yourself when you have worked well Eat well and get plenty of sleep. Remain positive DON’T PANIC!
[21] Notes:
[21] ICT Acceptable Use Agreement – Student Copy (Appendix 1) I will only use ICT systems in school, including the internet, e-mail, digital video and mobile technologies for school purposes.
I will not download or install software on school technologies.
I will only log on to the school network, other systems and resources with my own user name and password.
I will follow the schools ICT security system and not reveal my passwords to anyone and change them regularly.
I will only use my school e-mail address.
I will make sure that all ICT communications with pupils, teachers or others is responsible and sensible.
I will be responsible for my behavior when using the Internet. This includes resources I access and the language I use.
I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to my teacher.
I will not give out any personal information such as name, phone number or address. I will not arrange to meet someone unless this is part of a school project approved by my teacher.
Images of pupils and/ or staff will only be taken, stored and used for school purposes in line with school policy and not be distributed outside the school network without the permission of the Head of ICT or the Headteacher.
I will ensure that my online activity, both in school and outside school, will not cause my school, the staff, pupils or others distress or bring into disrepute.
I will support the school approach to online safety and not deliberately upload or add any images, video, sounds or text that could upset or offend any member of the school community
I will respect the privacy and ownership of others’ work on-line at all times.
I will not attempt to bypass the internet filtering system.
I understand that all my use of the Internet and other related technologies can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers.
I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed, school sanctions will be applied and my parent/ carer may be contacted.
Dear Parent / Carer [21] ICT including the internet, e-mail, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning in our school. We expect all students to be safe and responsible when using any ICT. It is essential that students are aware of eSafety and know how to stay safe when using any ICT.
Students are expected to read and discuss this agreement with their parent or carer and then to sign and follow the terms of the agreement. Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with their class teacher, Head of Year or Head of ICT.
Please return the bottom section of this form to school for filing.
Yours faithfully
Mr A Illingworth
Head of Sixth Form
ICT Acceptable Use Agreement
Student and Parent / carer signature
We have discussed this document and …………………………………………… (Student full name) agrees to follow the eSafety rules and to support the safe and responsible use of ICT at Marriotts School.
Parent/ Carer Signature : …….………………….……………………
Student Signature: ………………………………………………
Year Group: ……………………… Date: ………..…………
[21] Marriotts School post 16 Learning contract 2013/14 (Appendix 2)
Acceptance into Marriotts School Sixth Form is conditional upon the compliance and adherence to the following regulations:
Students must attend all timetabled lessons. Students must behave appropriately in lessons ensuring the most conducive environment for learning. Punctual attendance at daily morning registration (8.30am) is compulsory. Students must strive to do their best work in all aspects of school. This includes class work, homework, private study, external study and wider research. All students must adhere to the Sixth Form Dress Code. Failure to do this will result in the student being sent home to change into appropriate clothing before returning for the remainder of the school day. Any student guesting at our consortium schools must sign out and sign in when returning to the site. Students guesting for an 8.30am start go directly to the guest school and sign-in on return. This is a legal obligation. Any student leaving the school site must sign out and sign in again upon return Students undertaking study at other schools are to make their way directly to and from one site to another. Students must acknowledge that even when not on Marriotts site, they will be representing the school to the wider community at all times and their attitude, behaviour and work ethic must reflect this. When involved in an external trip of any description, students must remember they are representing the school at all times. All students must adhere to the ICT Usage Agreement. Failure to do so may result in usage of computers being revoked for an allocated period of time. When returning for any period of absence, students must complete a ‘Post 16 student – Self certification sickness or other absence form’ which is signed by parents. Parents should also phone the school to inform them of any absence of more than one day. Students are encouraged to participate in the wider aspects of Sixth Form life. They will be expected to undertake external activities /courses/experiences that will enhance their learning, provide CV’s with beneficial additional material and also increase job opportunities outside of school life. The use of phones and other electronic devises may only be used during study periods in designated study areas. If misused, phones will be looked after by the Head of Sixth Form until the end of the day. Authorised absences may be granted for students to go to interviews, open days etc. By completing the ‘Application for leave of absence during the school day for Post 16 students’ form. Students must also inform their teachers of whose lesson they will miss and ensure they catch up on any work missed.
I hereby understand that I have read and understood the Sixth Form Agreement, and that I accept its conditions. If I do not fulfil the expectations indicated, I may expect one or more of the following sanctions to be applied: a verbal warning, a letter to my parents or carers, which may include a request to attend a formal meeting; being placed ‘on report’; withdrawal of privileges; withdrawal from a course; withdrawal of entry for examinations; exclusions from the Sixth Form for a specified period; permanent exclusion from the Sixth Form.
Signed (student): ...... Date: ......
PRINT NAME: ......
Signed (parent/carer): ...... Date: ......
PRINT NAME: ......
Signed (Head of Sixth Form): ...... Date: ......
It is a requirement by this school that any absence from Post 16 lessons is recorded in the appropriate way. If the absence is less than 7 days, this form can be completed upon the return to school.
Part 1: To be completed by the student.
Name: ______
I certify that I was absent from school due to sickness or other absence during the period stated below:
Start date Date returned Total number of Sickness to school of days My reason(s) for absence are as follows:
Signature of student Date
Signature of Parent Date
Part 2: To be completed by your Post 16 tutor - Return to school meeting
I certify that I have discussed this absence with the student. Date of meeting:______
Details of items discussed
Details of support offered to student
Signature of tutor Date
[21] [21] Progression to Year 13 (Appendix 5)
As you approach the end of your first year, hopefully you can look forward positively to next year. However, progression to Year 13 is not automatic and students will need to have demonstrated their commitment to a further year of study through a variety of criteria. The main criterion for progression within a subject area will be achievement. However other factors will be taken into account to determine whether a student continues in a particular subject or if there are any concerns over a student’s ability to cope with continued advanced level study. This is particularly important for AS Level students who will be progressing to a higher level of study. If there is cause for concern regarding progression, each case will be treated individually by the School.
Criteria Measures Achieve Achievement To progress onto an A2 programme of study students will have to Minimum of 2 Grade achieve a D in the subjects they wish to progress in and a Ds minimum of two subjects. In very special circumstances, schools may recommend a student to progress who has not met the criteria. Students will not progress in any subject where they achieve a U grade at AS. BTEC Level 3 Diploma – Students on Advanced Vocational Ave. pass grade of E programmes should average a pass grade (E) across all their across all modules modules. Three modules for single awards and six for double awards. BTEC Level 2 Diploma – students on Intermediate programmes Merit (A/B)plus C wishing to progress on to an advanced course will need to have grade Maths or achieved at least a Merit and have a GCSE A-C grade in either English Maths or English. They should also achieve the minimum Average Points Score of 38.5 and meet subject criteria. APS 38.5 Attendance A student’s attendance is a strong indicator of their commitment Minimum 95% to a subject and their overall programme. attendance An attendance of 95% in their first year would be expected of any student wishing to progress to Year 13. Punctuality will also be taken into account. Coursework/ The ability to meet deadlines for the completion of work is a vital homework attribute for students on advanced programmes. Any student progressing to year 13 will need to have a record of meeting required deadlines. Attitude All students should expect to be able to benefit from a learning environment and all individuals should contribute to this. All students in the consortium are expected to show commitment towards their studies and this is particularly true of students during their second year of study. Staff Subject staff can raise concerns they may have about any student’s progression to Year 13. Heads of Sixth will consult with subject staff about students for whom they have concerns.