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Butterfly Slide Show Grade 2

Student Learner Expectations:

W.4.2.16 - Use available technology for publishing.

TECH.2.1 - Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to support learning.

TECH.4.2.2 - Use technology resources (Kidpix, Kid Works, Children’s Writing and Publishing, Story Book Maker, etc.) to create developmentally appropriate presentations.


 Computers  Kid Pix software  http://www.bcps.org\offices\oit\PDF%20Files\Using%20Kid%20Pix %20Deluxe%203.pd


1. The above website will give you step by step directions on making a slide show of the life cycle of the butterfly.

2. Use Kid Pix to create a slide show of the life cycle of a butterfly.


 Student presentations of their completed slide show on the life cycle of the butterfly