“Like Black Smoke: The Black Death’s Journey” and “A World Turned Upside Down: How the Black

Death Affected Europe” HNR

Before Reading:

Explicit Information

Implicit Information

Subheadings: The following are subheadings in the article “Like Black Smoke: The Black Death’s Journey.” Predict what information you think you will receive from each subheading.

Subheading My prediction before reading Was your prediction correct? Whether correct or incorrect, use evidence from the text to explain the main idea of the information presented under each subheading. “Eastern Beginnings”

“On the Move”

“From Asia to the Mediterranean”

“Following the Trade Routes”

“The Journey Ends”

During Reading

1. Define your vocabulary words as you read: artisan, cope, rampage, bacterium, disarray, recurrence, chronicle, hierarchy

2. In “Like Black Smoke,” on page 931, is the graphic aid a representation of cause and effect or sequencing? Why? 3. In “A World Turned Upside Down: How the Black Death Affected Europe,” what was life like in the following areas before and after the plague: nobles, peasants, economy, population, food, and cities. Be specific in describing the betterment or impediment of each; you may also choose to come up with a chart to display your information.

After Reading

1. Choose 2 graphic aids from either text. Describe what information is presented in the graphic aid and then explain why the author chose to put that graphic aid in the article. Was the purpose of the graphic aid accomplished? (You are answering 3 questions here)

2. Which author does a better job at educating readers about the Black Plague? Your answer must be 5-6 sentences that include the following: 2 complex sentences, 1 compound sentence, 3 loaded language words that strongly express your opinion, and 1 piece of text evidence. Though this paragraph should clearly express your opinion on this question, you are not allowed to use personal pronouns. “Like Black Smoke: The Black Death’s Journey” and “A World Turned Upside Down: How the Black

Death Affected Europe” STND

Before Reading:

Explicit Information

Implicit Information

Subheadings: The following are subheadings in the article “Like Black Smoke: The Black Death’s Journey.” Predict what information you think you will receive from each subheading.

Subheading My prediction before reading Was your prediction correct? Whether correct or incorrect, use evidence from the text to explain the main idea of the information presented under each subheading. “Eastern Beginnings”

“On the Move”

“From Asia to the Mediterranean”

“Following the Trade Routes”

“The Journey Ends” During Reading

1. Define your vocabulary words as you read: artisan, cope, rampage, bacterium, disarray, recurrence, chronicle, hierarchy

2. In “Like Black Smoke,” on page 931, is the graphic aid a representation of cause and effect or sequencing? Why?

3. Using the article, “A World Turned Upside Down: How the Black Death Affected Europe,” compare and contrast life for survivors before and after the plague.

Factor Before Plague After Plague Nobles






After Reading

1. Choose 2 graphic aids from either text. Describe what information is presented in the graphic aid and then explain why the author chose to put that graphic aid in the article. Was the purpose of the graphic aid accomplished? (You are answering 3 questions here) 2. Both articles present information in a cause and effect text structure. Use a text structure from your notes to fill out using the cause and effect information presented in BOTH articles.