The Blue Practice
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OPENING HOURS Monday – Friday: 8.00am to 6.00pm Closed Saturday/Sunday & Public Holidays Out of Hours contact number: 111
THE GPGP PPARTNERS [not a limited partnership]
DR LYNN M WILSON, BSc 1974 (Edin), MB, ChB 1977 (Edin) DR RODERICK J SHAW, BSc (Hons) 1982 (St And), MB, ChB 1985 (Man), MRCGP 1989 DR PETER J TWIDDY, MB, ChB 1985 (Edin), DCCH 1991, MRCGP 1993 DR DOUGLAS H S THYNE, MB, ChB [Edin], MRCGP DR SUSAN DRUMMOND, MB, ChB [Abn], MRCGP
MRS SUSAN DUNCAN, BA Business Management [Distinction] 2004, DIPLOMA IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 1999
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 PRACTICE AREA
Boundary: Princes Street, Shandwick Place, Haymarket Terrace, West Coates, Roseburn Terrace, Murrayfield Road, Ravelston Dykes Road, Craigcrook Road, Quality Street, Mains Street, Ferry Road, Inverleith Row, Rodney Street, Broughton Street, Leith Street.
If you change address please inform reception. If you are still within the practice area you will need to fill in a change of address form, if you are outwith you will need to register with a new GP.
Patients wishing to register permanently with the Practice should do so in person and will be asked to make an appointment for a new patient check as part of the registration procedure. Patients may register permanently with the Practice provided that they are living in the Practice area for more than three months Patients staying in the area for less than three months may be seen as Temporary Residents. Documentation will be required at registration – depending on the type of registration. You will be allocated a GP in the practice for administrative purposes but you are welcome to make an appointment to see any of the GPs working in this practice.
The Health Centre operates an automated telephone system.
The appointments line is open from 8am until 6pm, Monday to Friday The enquiries line is open from 8.30-11.30am & 2-4.30pm, Monday to Friday
APPOINTMENTS Tel: 260 9230
Appointments can be made between 8.00am and 5.55pm [Monday to Friday]. You will be offered the first available appointment with the doctor you ask for. If your problem is urgent please advise the receptionist who will endeavour to fit you in urgently. Some appointments are available online and you can register for this service by completing an application form and producing photographic ID. You will then be given an activation code. PLEASE NOTE THAT ON TWO MORNINGS PER WEEK [ALTERNATING] THE PRACTICE HAS EXTENDED OPENING HOURS AND BOOKABLE APPOINTMENTS ARE AVAILABLE BETWEEN 7 AND 8.30 AM.
If you are unable to keep your appointment please inform reception as soon as possible so that we can offer it to someone else.
HOME VISITS Tel: 260 9233 [or 260 9230 if the line is closed]
If possible requests for home visits should be made before 10am. These visits are for patients who are unable to come into the surgery because of their medical condition. You own doctor, if available, will
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 make the visit after morning surgery, however, if the visit is urgent or the request is made after 11.30am then another doctor may visit instead.
If you wish to speak to a doctor or nurse for advice then select the enquiry line on the automated telephone system in the first instance. If this line is closed then please use 0131 260 9230. If the person you wish to speak to is free then your call will be put through. If the doctor/nurse you wish to speak to is engaged then the receptionist will take a message and the doctor/nurse will ring you back. Please let the receptionist know if your call is urgent.
RESULTS Tel: 260 9233
Routine blood, urine, swab tests etc taken in the Practice will normally take up to one week to come back. If the doctor considers your test urgent he/she may ask the laboratory to telephone the result in. Cervical smear tests are currently taking around 4-6 weeks. Please do not telephone for your result too early. The results/enquiry line is open from 8.30-11.30am and 2-4.30pm [Monday to Friday only].
The surgery is closed weekdays 6pm until 8am and at weekends from 6pm on Friday until 8am on the Monday. The surgery will also be closed for eight Public Holidays during the year. The Lothian Unscheduled Care Service [LUCS] covers the time when the surgery is closed. In a life threatening emergency telephone 999. For urgent medical advice telephone NHS 24 on 111. Callers should be aware that telephone calls to NHS 24 may be monitored and recorded for legal reasons. Patient confidentiality will be maintained.
More information about NHS 24 can be found on their website
The Practice has a Contract with NHS Lothian, Primary Care Contractor Organisation, Pentland House, 47 Robb's Loan, Edinburgh EH14 1TY, 0131 537 8423. If you require a new doctor or dentist they will be able to help you. You can also visit their website:
If the doctor has put you on regular medication you may request a repeat prescription ––
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 1. VIA THE INTERNET – Patients can register for online services and order their repeat medication. To register you will need to complete an registration form and show photographic ID. You will then be given an activation code. 2. BY HAND – repeat prescription forms are available at the front desk and there is also a Repeat prescription box located on the front desk. 3. BY POST – Send in your prescription counterfoil together with a S.A.E. and we will post your prescription out to you. 4. PICK UP FROM LLOCAL CCHEMIST – it is possible for you to arrange for the following Chemists to pick up your prescription – Lindsay & Gilmour and Lloyds at Stockbridge, Alliance, Waitrose [Lloyds] at Comely Bank, Boots the Chemist [101-103 Princes Street & Craigleith Retail Park only], Apple Pharmacy and Tesco at Broughton Road. You need to make this arrangement with the Chemist yourself as the practice cannot do this for you and you also need to indicate to the practice that one of the above chemists will pick up your prescription.
Repeat Medication will be ready in 2 working days, requests for medication which is not on your repeat list may take 3 working days.
You can be assured that all clinical staff adhere to strict codes of confidentiality and will not divulge anything you might tell them to a third party without first consulting with yourself ie a referral to a hospital department. Clerical staff also adhere to strict rules on confidentiality.
We occasionally take part in practice-based assessments to ensure that our high standards are maintained in the quality of care we provide. These assessments may involve inspection of individual patient records by external assessors who are not part of our team, but who have expertise in the area of General Practice and are subject to the same duties of confidentiality as our own team members. In addition patient records may be examined by NHS Lothian inspectors to ensure that our claims for fees of specific NHS services are accurate.
Please note that you have a right to object to such a process, and any objection will be respected and will in no way affect the care you are given. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to approach our Practice Manager or the reception staff
Due to holidays etc, availability may vary but in general we aim to provide urgent appointments on the day, semi-urgent the next morning, routine appointments with a named doctor within 7 working days and routine appointments with an unnamed doctor within 3 working days.
Occasionally the Practice employs Locum GPs to cover holiday periods. These doctors are thoroughly checked in advance of their surgery to ensure that they are fully qualified and in possession of all the necessary professional registration documentation.
CHAPERONES Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 Patients may ask for a chaperone to be provided during a consultation with either a doctor or a nurse. They are also welcome to attend an appointment with a friend or relative if they so wish. A doctor or nurse may ask a member of reception to act as a chaperone if they deem it appropriate.
The Practice offers the following clinics –
Asthma Practice Nurse Thursday afternoons Diabetic Practice Nurse & Pharmacist Tuesday morning CHD Clinic Practice Nurse Wednesday morning Wart & Verruca Practice Nurse By Appointment Hypertension Practice Nurses & Pharmacist Tuesday morning
Dr Wilson provides HRT and Menopause support and advice to patients. All the doctors carry out minor surgery and shared maternity care
MANAGEMENT – Susan Duncan is our General Manager and has overall responsibility for the running of the practice.
ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM – the admin team is made up of part time staff who work either in reception or behind the scenes. They will be happy to assist you.
PRACTICE NURSES – appointments can be made with our Practice Nurses – Lesley Jolliffe, RGN, RSCN, HV and Suzanne Thomson, RGN - for cervical smears, asthma, diabetic and blood pressure checks, immunisations, travel advice and vaccinations, contraceptive advice, ear syringing etc. To make an appointment with the Practice Nurses please telephone the appointments line on 260 9230 or to ask for advice please telephone the enquiry line on 260 9233.
HEALTH CARE ASSISTANTS – Lorna Hand and Collette Clark are available to take your blood pressure, carry out new patient checks and do any blood tests requested by your GP. Please telephone to make an appointment on 260 9230.
DISTRICT NURSES – The District Nurse Team provide nursing care at home. They can be contacted directly on 260 9202.
HEALTH VISITORS – Mary Andrews, Health Visitor, and the Health Visiting Team are located on the 2 nd floor and give advice on health care, particularly for expectant mothers, babies and small children, the elderly and the disabled. They run regular baby clinics [by appointment through the Health Visitor]. They see patients both at home and in the surgery and can be contacted on 260 9204 or 260 9205.
COMMNUITY MIDWIVES – patients can self-refer to the midwives [tel: 536 2009] or if they prefer make a double appointment with their GP who will refer them. The midwives are not based at Stockbridge
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 Health Centre but can be contacted on 459 7257 and the clinics take place at the Health Centre. Antenatal classes are organised by the midwives.
GP REGISTRAR SCHEME – as a Training Practice we have a GP Registrar who joins the practice for a one year placement. They are fully qualified doctors who will have previously worked solely in a hospital. They are available for routine and urgent appointments. Occasionally patients may be asked if they will take part in a video recording of a doctor’s surgery for use in teaching and assessment within the practice. The video will only be of the patient and doctor talking and there will be no intimate examination in front of the camera. You will, of course, be asked for your consent.
FY2 DOCTORS – the practice has a second year hospital doctor attached continuously for a 4 months at a time. They qualified doctors who will have also previously worked solely in a hospital. They are available for routine and urgent appointments. Occasionally patients may be asked if they will take part in a video recording of a doctor’s surgery for use in teaching and assessment within the practice. The video will only be of the patient and doctor talking and there will be no intimate examination in front of the camera. You will, of course, be asked for your consent.
MEDICAL STUDENTS – from time to time senior medical students may accompany one of the doctors. They may also take a small surgery under the supervision of one of the GP Principals. Your help in allowing them to listen and learn would be much appreciated. You will always be asked if this is acceptable to you.
There are disabled toilet facilities and a lift to all floors. The Health Centre has an automatic door fitted at the entrance to the first floor waiting area. The Practice has a deaf loop system installed and some of the reception staff have been trained in deaf awareness. This leaflet is also available in large print.
Unfortunately the Health Centre does not have a designated patient car park. There is however metered parking in the area.
Certain services such as private sick notes, insurance claim forms, passport applications and some medical examinations are not covered by the NHS. Charges are made in line with BMA recommendations. Some of the vaccinations given by the Practice Nurses are not covered by the NHS and you may be charged for the private prescription and administration of the vaccine. Please be aware that the Chemist will also charge you for the vaccine itself.
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 Whether a charge is made for medical treatment in the UK is dictated by the Government document NHSiS Manual of Guidance: Overseas Visitors. The term overseas visitor is defined as a person not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom. The charge for services will be £110 to receive a home visit or £80 to receive treatment in the Practice. Certain countries have a reciprocal agreement with the UK, please ask at reception for more details. Please note that the reciprocal arrangement only applies to treatment which arises while in the UK .
The Practice operates an in-house complaints procedure. If you have a complaint or concern about the service you have received from the doctors or any of the staff working in the Practice, please contact Mrs Susan Duncan, General Manager. Alternatively ask reception staff to provide you with a complaint form which you can complete and leave at reception for Mrs Duncan. All complaints are acknowledged within three working days. In this acknowledgement we will detail when any investigation will be made, how the complaint will be managed and when a response will be forthcoming. We will keep you fully informed of the progress of any investigation being carried out. Our response will detail how the complaint was considered, what the conclusions were and what actions are going to be taken. The response will also detail your right to take your complaint to the health service Ombudsman – contact details below:
The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Freepost EH641 Edinburgh EH3 OBR
Tel: 0800 377 7330 Email: [email protected] Website:
The Health Centre is an NHS Lothian owned building and you may wish to complain about some part of the building for which the practice is not directly responsible. If this is the case you should write to the Buildings Manager, Mrs Linda Skeldon, who is based at the Green Practice, Stockbridge Health Centre, 1 India Place, Edinburgh EH3 6EH
If you have any useful suggestions which you think might help to improve the service we offer please write them down and post them in the suggestions box which is located to the right of the main reception desk.
If you change your name, address or telephone number please let reception know so that your records can be amended.
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 If you move outside of our practice area you will be asked to register with a new doctor. Information with regard to the nearest GP practices in your area can be found on NHS Lothian’s website -
If you behave in a violent, abusive or unacceptable way you may also be asked to find another GP Practice. Any reason for removing you from our practice list would be explained to you in writing.
Children under 16 can give their own consent if the medical practitioner attending the child considers the child capable of understanding the nature and possible consequences of the procedure or treatment. If the child is judged capable, the practitioner must seek the consent of the child rather than of the parent.
The practice has a policy for consent to the treatment of children and this is available on request.
The practice complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 (which applies to both electronic and manual records). Requests to provide information under DPA must be made by application using the appropriate form; requests typically affect information about living identifiable persons. Information requested will be provided within 40 days.
You are welcome to view your medical requests by putting this request in writing either your GP. A suitable time will then be arranged for you to view the records. Please note that there is a £10.00 charge to view your electronic records as for reasons of confidentiality a member of reception staff needs to sit in with you. Any copies of medical records will incur a charge.
In compliance with Section 23 of the Freedom of Information [Scotland] Act 2002 this practice has produced a partnership Publication Scheme which is available by applying in writing to –
Mrs Susan Duncan, General Manager, Dr Wilson & Partners, Stockbridge Health Centre, 1 India Place, Edinburgh EH3 6EH
We are committed to equal opportunities regardless of gender, creed, sexual orientation, age, colour or race.
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 GENERAL PRACTITIONER CONSULTATION TIMETABLE
Dr Lynn Wilson – GP Partner Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 9-10.30am
PM 2.30-5pm
Dr Roderick Shaw – GP Partner Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM 9.00- 9.30- 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 2.30- 4.30- 2.30-5pm 5.30pm 5.30pm
Dr Peter Twiddy – GP Partner Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 9.30- 10.30am PM 2.30- 2.30-5pm 2.30- 2.30- 5.30pm 5.20pm 5.30pm
Dr Douglas Thyne – GP Partner Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM 9-10.30am 9.30- 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 10.30am PM 2.30-5pm 2.30- 2.30- 2.30- 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm
Dr Susan Drummond– GP Partner Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM 9-10.30am 9.30- 9-10.30am 10.30am PM 2.30- 2.30- 2.30-5pm 5.30pm 5.30pm
Dr Heather Molyneux – Salaried GP Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM 9.30- 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 10.30am PM 2.30- 2.30- 2.30- 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 Registrars [surgeries may vary] Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM 9.10.30am 9.10.30am 9-10.30am
PM 2.30- 2.30- 2.30- 2.30- 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm
FY2 Doctors Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 9-10.30am 9-10.30am
PM 2.30- 2.30- 2.30- 2.30- 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016 THE BBLUE PPRACTICE PATIENTS Patients will be treated with courtesy, Patients have a responsibility to treat our respect and confidentiality at all times. Practice staff with equal courtesy and respect. Urgent problems will be seen the same day Only request an urgent appointment when by whichever doctor is available. you feel it medically necessary and not safe to wait. The Practice will try to reduce the wait for If you cannot keep your appointment please routine appointments. let us know as far in advance as possible so another patient may take that appointment. Whenever possible you will be seen by the Please try to be flexible in setting doctor of your choice for routine appointment times to allow yourself to appointments. see the doctor of your choice. You will be seen as near to your Please understand that some patients’ appointment time as possible. medical problems take longer to deal with. Clinical staff will visit you at home if you Please do not ask for a home visit unless it is are too ill to come to the surgery. medically necessary. The surgery has the best facilities for treating patients and home visits should only be for the very ill or housebound. The Practice will inform you of the services Please read the Practice leaflet and it provides, how you can access them, information in the waiting area. and information to help you be healthy. Advice will be given and/or medication Please remember a prescription may prescribed to patients as required; not always be necessary; We will process repeat prescriptions Order repeat prescriptions before your within 24 working hours. medication runs out. The Practice will provide ways in which Please use the suggestion box or take part in patients can be involved in decisions any surveys when you can. about the services offered. The relationship between patient and If you are unhappy with us please tell a practice is a very important one and member of staff and we will try to only in exceptional circumstances, if resolve the problem. this relationship has broken down, will patients be considered for removal. For emergencies outside normal surgery Please do not call for a doctor out of surgery hours there is an out of hours service hours expect in emergencies ie a located at the Western General problem you feel cannot wait till the Hospital. normal surgery hours.
Practice Leaflet/reviewed January 2016